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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@TieSKey, gratz

@Altrius, you should definitelly AW one of the healers. But choice is tough. Gold Iris was my first AW healer and I really appreciate her "heal for everyone upon deploying" but on AW56 her heal is still worse than CC70 Sedis. I am going to AW Liana now but mine is -5/5.

@Petite, yeah, I was just about to say that she is probably premium summon. While I believe you, when you say she should be our new event girl I dont want to get too excited. Bishop was one of the class I missed in my composition. Worse thing - I missed Noel by like... a week. I've been dissapointed a lot lately so I just stay quietly in the corner and wait for new event.
Anyway, I am looking forward for announcement: "Apology crystal for base summon chances too high"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Altrius, you should definitelly AW one of the healers. But choice is tough. Gold Iris was my first AW healer and I really appreciate her "heal for everyone upon deploying" but on AW56 her heal is still worse than CC70 Sedis. I am going to AW Liana now but mine is -5/5.

hahaha if i got liana at least CR-2, i probably already focus her asap, since she totaly a solid healer with all those hp, high base atk, range up skill + status recovery. Not to mention her aw skill is just that great.
But well i started JP aigis at the very begining of Liana event *got seduced by friend to play again whe he said get my ass out there there a black event unit* yes did get liana but without any stat up -.- (i remember i can only do 1st map :p)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At this point I wonder, if I should feed the happy fairy to Anya? She surely seems to come in handy in new daily maps and in skill fairy map. I still worry however, that she is too expensive for general purpose...

Either way - I was unable to clear the fairy map though admittedly I have not tried for very long. At some, rather early point, I just get overrun, so I think not enough magical DPS (My best magic aoe DDs are Noel and Sorano).

Cool that they now give synopsis for next event storyline, slightly increases anticipation.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At this point I wonder, if I should feed the happy fairy to Anya? She surely seems to come in handy in new daily maps and in skill fairy map. I still worry however, that she is too expensive for general purpose...

Either way - I was unable to clear the fairy map though admittedly I have not tried for very long. At some, rather early point, I just get overrun, so I think not enough magical DPS (My best magic aoe DDs are Noel and Sorano).

Cool that they now give synopsis for next event storyline, slightly increases anticipation.

Same here, after failing 2 times, then clicking it again by mistake - I decided 80/6 is good enough. Today I ate some more crystals to farm black fairies and max Liana but my last 4 tries happend to be without any drops :/ but I am lucky with plat fairies, I might be able to raise Bellinda soon
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got a question here: I got Gold Healer Iris (In jap. version) as a Present but dont know where it came from, since I didn't do anything special only did some challenge quest and story mission and don't believe she dropped from one of those.:confused:

P.S. I specified japanese since I play Nutaku version too and it didn't happen there.

Thanks and good to know just a little sad that the only character one receives in the Nutaku version is at LVL 30 and even more is an assassin which is less useful than something like a healer.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That is a level up reward. You'll be getting more level up rewards until level 50.

The next event unit being a bishop saddens me a bit because Marius is about to reach level 70. Being able to get an event bishop might make me replace him. It is going to be difficult to completely replace Marius because his range increase after going AW will make him too useful to replace. At the very least, I can use both of them.

I hope this Maou is the same as the one from the winter subjugation. Time for my revenge against him since I struggled a lot to beat him before.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If my memory havent failed me.
Rank 10 - gold iris
Rank 30 - Platinum Thief Cypria
Rank 50 - Platinum Sailor Viera
*Run from petite if i spell the name wrong.... im sux at remembering name*

I love bishop from event * jump and screaming*
Reason as mention before, cuz i've been having problem with magic atk
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Shinigami, we also received Cypria ( plat rogue ) but someone later game got updated for more " level reaching rewards " when we got Iris. Nutaku is probabbly before this update but they are slowly implementing what we already have.

Excluding some Loli girls which unfortunately are abusive* for Americans.

@exkale, at least Marcus is -1 for you and your sweetheart Olivia :)

* or something like that. English is not my mother tongue and I Cant find good sentence for this
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I recently got Dorothy and Kojuurou from the SP gacha. Looking at the list again made me realize there are only a handful of gold units I would still like to have, but most are premium summon only. Gold rushes have been really helpful in that aspect.

God tier fairy rescue has yielded me exactly 1 fairy per run. These odds seem particularly awful compared to the other dailies, although I suppose fairies were just that hard to get to begin with... I think a large portion of those I've used came from 100% first time drops, subjugation missions and star/item acquisition thresholds.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At this point I wonder, if I should feed the happy fairy to Anya? She surely seems to come in handy in new daily maps and in skill fairy map. I still worry however, that she is too expensive for general purpose...
The main issue with Anya was that she didn't provide that much at 35 cost as a Dragon Princess. Her DPS is way lower than Lilia's (I haven't done the math between her and Themis), so the only reason to use her was because you needed a second princess, her 2nd block (for something like a heavy cavalry or werewolf), or a map had physical damage that requires that you use her over your other units. Here's a old comparison chart for Anya, Jelius, and Berenice:

The most important is the first row with comparisons with a Saviour Prince (the lower rows are for Black Iris, Platinum Lian, or both of them). Basically, Anya's sweet spot—where she takes less damage than Gigant Armour Jelius and Berenice—is when the enemy becomes as strong as the Demon Lord from base defence, making Anya the best character to tank it if you need that done.

This all changes after Anya becomes a True Dragon Warrior. The 2-attack block makes it so I would consider deploying her instead of a mage+heavy. If you Skill AW her, then this decision becomes even simpler. Though, I'm planning to wait until I find out what Lilia's Skill AW is going to be (I want at least one physically tanky princess, so it's going to either be Anya or Lilia). For you, I guess that decision will be between Anya and Themis.

I think you should use Happy on Anya (unless you have some other black unit that's better like Nanaly, Aisha, Sybilla, etc.). I spent this Tuesday to raise Anya to AW99 (I fed her the Black Armour), and farmed up enough black fairies so I can raise Nagi to CC80 if I need to, or use several to rehabilitate Liana as soon as I get more silver mages since I didn't get any from base summoning (I'm almost thinking of trading for Cyrus so I can use him as AW food for Liana, Roberto, and Jessica).

Speaking of the Black Armour, the staff said that they will revive Aamon's map after a month or two has passed after the current Majin event is over, so if anyone doesn't have a team capable of getting the complete reward or 3-star crystal, then you'll have another chance in the future.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That mean need at least 3-4 healer ready in future + 1 templar.
2 healer healing the 1 tanking amon + 2 healer outside the fire aura thingy healing the healer >.<.

Since amon is the poster guy, i guess we will be seeing alot of him in another black armour map
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new map is so much fun! Especially since we can place land unit (like solider for additional cost)

Get Lots of Ruby and Diamond

Anyway the total is 4 ruby and 3 diamond (giving you minimal 24 affection points) if you get 7 drops (So far in 3 run I get all 4 ruby; for diamond, I get 1-3)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new wednesday daily map for girl affection item.
Sandra been making more and more useful debut :p now i really want to lvl 70 her
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new wednesday daily map for girl affection item.
Sandra been making more and more useful debut :p now i really want to lvl 70 her

True, Sandra is useful even without her affection raised
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new god-tier affection daily map is so much fun :D

Alternating between Pupuru + Sandra skill clears the entire screen - feels so good lol
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new god-tier affection daily map is so much fun :D

Alternating between Pupuru + Sandra skill clears the entire screen - feels so good lol

Where did you put Sandra and Pupuru in order to cover entire map ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Here's where I put them (map is from extreme tier - but you get the picture :)):


Mind sharing their lvls and affection plz? Mine are just 50 0%.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pupuru: Level 40 affection 0%
Sandra: Level 50 affection 0%

I deploy an archer (top left) and mage (bottom right) too to help catch any strays that survive Pupuru/Sandra combo (Sandra with no affection can 1-shot anything on the map, but not Pupuru - maybe if I lvl'd her + maxed her affection she could too).

P.S. Just noticed ruby is not 100% drop with 1.5x bonus. Just got 3 ruby drop run and I had Cuterie in party too :3
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pupuru just killed my game during skill activation. (apparently I tried to use it during both black and one red waves)

I switched Pupuru with AW Mehlis. I dont like crashes during game, I lose too much ;<

I used this tactics for the start. Remember you need saint with "heal for everyone upon deployment" or your Claire will die due to poison.
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