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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The best way is to make use of event specialy during 1.5x drop rate daily.
Unfortunatly we just got it about 1.5 weeks ago.
Another is wait until there farm event or item collection even where you spend most of ur SC geting the event unit while farming the platinum armour.

Once you have enuff plat cans collection spend the rest SC on fairy map, when you gonna spend it (waiting 1.5x rate) or just do it is up to you :p

Edit: I never tried it, but amon map do have black fairy / plat cans / diamond as a drop right with 120 Chr
No idea with drop rate, but this could be a farming map just need confirmation to ppl who know the drop rate if its worth it.... after all 120 chr seem cheap enuff (1 SC can get 3-3.5x try)

The drop rate was amazing before they suddenly nerf amon map (which isn't hard to fight to began with)

Now, I not really recommended to hunt there
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I found some success using this strategy for Fairy god-tier map.

It depends on AW99 Anya, but as I've seen some people (myself now included) have her. It also depends on having an AW Karma, but you can deploy Healer before second witch, provided your witch+Karma+second witch are strong enough to burst the gold Wolf.

Other than the Karma part, it was relatively easy. I didn't need to deploy Sorano and could just skip to directly deploying Noel.


This strategy uses two 'unique' chars - Karma and a princess, which is a bit in a way of my goal of having one farm team for dailies / challenge quests.

I need: Kyuteri, Katie, Monica, Maurette and Noel for maximizing drops. (Sadly I don't have Sera). Sadly that is 4 out of 5 units, which are not too useful on most god-tier maps.

I also likely want Aria, Kagura and Ren to buff my team.

That leaves us with 7 slots open. Ren might have to go, though I did use her in all attempts so far.

So far I had success using:
Monday god tier: Bellinda, Maribell, Anya, 2x healer (+ Aria, Katie, Noel)
Tuesday god tier: Bellinda, Maribell, Anya, Karma, Kaguya, 2x healer (+ Kagura, Noel)
Tuesday mid tier: (This I will rework, but shouldn't be hard with all the thrash chars)
Wednesday god tier: Sandra, Spica, Fran, 2x healer (+ Noel)
Thursday god tier: Spica, Jianna, Saki, Sandra, 1x healer
Low cost battle: (Katie, Maurette)
Phalanx 2: Bellinda (Kagura)

I don't think there is a way around having Spica, Anya and two healers. But that leaves me with only 3 flex spots.

Hopefully one day I will be able to use the same unit for Fran and Jianna roles. Ideally that would be one of the pirates, but pirates are such a ridiculously bad class :<. Ideally the second ranged here would be good enough to allow me to drop Saki from red crystal map team. In that case I would likely also be able to drop Sandra, but I don't see a way around using her for Wednesday map currently (I use her to clear initial pegasus knights, after that map is easy).

So likely 1 ranged, Bellinda, Maribelle and Sandra (after I kick Ren from party)? No way I can also fit Karma and a princess in that :<.

Anyway, this was a random rant. Hope you enjoyed reading. After putting that on paper I see that next step is to find out if I can get any value out of the worthless pirates. They will never be able to 1-shot gazers with simple attack, but high enough could do it on skill. I have little hope of creating afk-team anyway. Same can be said for 2-shotting pegasus riders, but still 2-shot from pirate might not be fast enough. Maybe minigun-Monica could earn her penny?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This remind me that i also need to start doing god tier daily
Well atm, i'm still unable to do any daily map on god-tier (except wednesday female affection by abusing sandra skill is fun) so if possble i like recomendation which god-tier daily that worth the most compared with their extreme mode....

The 1 got my attention so far is monday 1, cuz it allowed me to save more Chr to lvl up unit, while still farming platinum armour at same rate as ex (3 stam = 1 armour chance / 6 stam = 2 armour chance) and the gold prize from clear is doubled+ (although less gold armour at the end, but hey xtra chr can easily be turned to money)

Also if possible need vdeo strategy for low lvl unit (if event char included please at least they can be easily replaced)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was bored and decided to spend 10 SC on the gacha because it's been a long time since I did it and got Mia on the second roll. Yes! A very useful unit and a unit type I really wanted other than priest warrior. A geomancer is going to be really useful to me with all these poison maps being thrown at us. Her AW bonus is going to be useful as well since I've been doing Rural Gate as much as I can lately because I need gold. No need to worry about not having Noel as well, and I get to keep Marius. Time to throw all my future platinum armors at her. :D

Now I'm debating if I should relegate Iris to B-tier positioning for healers when I get Mia awakened. The current tiers for pick priority for my healers are as follows:

A (Always in the team)
Iris, Sedis, Liana
B (If I need their utility/function)
Fedora, Echidna
D (Last resort)

With Mia on board, I can place her in A and Iris in B. Currently, I will like to have the ability to heal multiple units simultaneously. I haven't felt the need to use Iris' skill as of late because of the tankiness of some of my units and Liana can take her position since she has higher base healing power. Mia will also lessen the burden for my other healers, which should make Liana focus on healing the tank more often. Mia may have lowered the value of wanting to use Iris, but that doesn't mean I will completely stop using her. I will be using her if I need single target burst healing if Liana and Sedis can't handle it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I did 4 premium summons in a row and got 4 silvers. It was at that day that a single tear went down my cheek and a whisper came out onto the cold air conditioned room... "No more"

The unfortunate ting is that I'll probably do it again once I get another 5 sc
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Tried event, 3 starred the first round but got my ass kicked on the second one. Might be able to 2 star it still if I try a few more times though but I think I should focus on leveling a bit so to not waste my charis/stam that could be used on leveling instead.

What levels should my units be at before I try again?

Seems I can't post links yet but... this is my current team:


If that works...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Take a look at this video for 30/2: . It is using all level 1 units that are readily available to a new player.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh crap, completely forgot about videos even though it was mentioned earlier. In any case a good reference, thanks. I wish I remembered to take divine intervention before I went past lv10.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally 3 star-ed the last map 60/7
I though i got it already, but in the end i don't have enuff heal power for the last 2 lich -.-
Tried using druid token to take some of the hit but failed 2x...
Finaly changed method from video and instead removing the archer out just leting her keep atking and burst the lich down. and with 1 lich down the heal power good enuff to handle the rest (spending 3 SC in the end -.- cuz i know i will regret it if i wait natural regen and lose my touch)
PS: soo many time i wanna scream please healer made it in time + please the other lich don't hit spica (death in 2 hit)

I'm so gonna cry if i can't get paula CR-5 at least (26 star) on the 2nd part event -.-
On another i guess its fun with all these chalenge... the feeling of finaly able to clear it is good
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

While I dont know exact drop rates this question was already answered a few tinew: drop rates for Anon Majiin are not so great.

@Mewwy, for starters you should do story map and use drops from it as exp food (preferably bronze but also iron if you have a lot of gold). While platinum exp cans give you really nice body of experience you HAVE TO use it with right fairies (fairies have too be the same rarity as girl you are feeding, e.g. gold archer Claire eats 3x gold fairies and one exp can = and gains 8000 exp). Exp cans are preferably used when your girl is already high lvl - because every lvl gained, cost for feeding is higher. It is easy to lvl infill 40-50 but then cost of every exp materials is much higher. Exp cans gives much more exp for same amount of money you use for much smaller dinners. Save it until your girls are more experienced.

Exp cans are not so easy to obtain. For Monday daily drop rates are not so great and during events they mostly drips from best maps - which will be hard to clear until you are well lvled (and after CC).

While I was newbie like you, I we using eco cans to immediately raise my girls from 40+ to 50 and CC them immediately.

I don't remember exact lvls for each class but lvl 40 silver ( with no exp) needs just one can and 3 silver fairies to be maxed.

Well, actually...I know this much >_>

I just wanna know if there's any other techniques besides spamming the last story map I can do or hoping to get Exp cans from events/Monday daily.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally... Minerva gets her turn... And i'm not going to AW the other 3 Minervas... -_-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoiler Info for Next Maintenance on the 4th:
-Revival Mission "Tactician's Successor" Begins.
+Sat-Sun Revival for 8 days From June 6th (Sat) to June 28th (Sun).
+Platinum Rear Tactician Lian.
-Team Organisation Reset Function Planned for Implementation.

Tactician's Successor Banner:

Skipping Roana for Sorano, and now skipping her for Lian's awful event maps. For shame!

In any case, Lian's event was from before I started doing rough translations for the event dialogue, so if people like their Lian enough that they want to know what she has to say, let me know (I already did her event, so I would have to find other people's videos for the dialogue, which is a pain that I would rather avoid if no one cares about her).

The only god-tier daily worth considering its extreme-tier version is the Monday one; you should try to do Thursday and Tuesday's god-tier versions (Wednesday's daily is called Rubbish from the Sky in the Japanese community for a reason). I calculated the god-tier Monday daily based on 6.5 trips, and realised it's almost impossible to do 7 crystal-free trips even with 18 stamina, but you're working with 6 trips for 2.4 plats versus 9 trips for 1.8 plats from the extreme-tier. The part worth considering is that you're going to gain over 100,000+ more gold from the extreme-tier map, and have roughly 120 spare charisma and 15 spare stamina that you can use for the Tuesday daily versus 320 charisma and 3 stamina from the god-tier map.

The god-tier map is there if you want platinum armours over gold. For me, I have an overabundance of platinum armours due to the lack of opportunities to obtain plat and black fairy drops, so I'm going to stick with the extreme-tier map for now.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The only god-tier daily worth considering its extreme-tier version is the Monday one; you should try to do Thursday and Tuesday's god-tier versions (Wednesday's daily is called Rubbish from the Sky in the Japanese community for a reason). I calculated the god-tier Monday daily based on 6.5 trips, and realised it's almost impossible to do 7 crystal-free trips even with 18 stamina, but you're working with 6 trips for 2.4 plats versus 9 trips for 1.8 plats from the extreme-tier. The part worth considering is that you're going to gain over 100,000+ more gold from the extreme-tier map, and have roughly 120 spare charisma and 15 spare stamina that you can use for the Tuesday daily versus 320 charisma and 3 stamina from the god-tier map.

The god-tier map is there if you want platinum armours over gold. For me, I have an overabundance of platinum armours due to the lack of opportunities to obtain plat and black fairy drops, so I'm going to stick with the extreme-tier map for now.

Hahaha i can see why its called that *rubbish from the sky*, probably cuz once you max affection unit you don't need them anymore and those item keep geting them from event map as well (like someone here who said they got 200+ of affection item)
Well nothing hurt of having too much, you can save the stamina for thursday daily anyway (or use on chalenge map for fairy)

Yeah noted for monday 1, thats what get me interest on focusing to have the unit to do it.
But the video i saw their unit mostly using event unit like claudia and AW HA + some have plenty of witch and so on, its kinda difficult for me to even plan which strat i should use and what unit should i focus on.
I'm still researching which video strategy with the unit i have and if i'm still at completely lose i might change my focus to thursday daily god tier map 1st since i have plenty high lvl ranged physical (claire / spica / rachel / Nagi)

Lol Is Lian that hated ?
I wonder if i should get her now, since i dont have rear strategist yet.
Her aw ability looks nice for starter, but as unit seem too much def focus o_O ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol Is Lian that hated ?
I wonder if i should get her now, since i dont have rear strategist yet.
Her aw ability looks nice for starter, but as unit seem too much def focus o_O ?
Lian's good after you awaken her. However! Her event is arguably the second worst in the entire game (no event can ever be as bad as the Touhou event).

Lian's Final Map (60/8):
High-quality Sake (100), Silver Archer Loren (12)

Karma's Final Map (60/6):
Silver Healer Christopher (15), Silver Heavy Armour Lean (15)

Karma's event required significantly less crystals to max her out compared to Lian, and her event had good drops. Also, people in this thread keep perpetuating the misconception that the second phase of an item trial event is way better than the first phase when it's only true for Karma's event. Lian's event was so awful that there wasn't much of a difference, though Claudia's event and onward had better second phases, but nowhere to the same extent as Karma's divine event.

Rubbish from the Sky is disliked because you're better off skipping both the Tuesday and Wednesday dailies and just farming challenge quest maps. Though, I don't know if this is still true for the extreme and god-tier maps (the math was completely sound for the high-tier maps even with the 1.5x bonus). The reason you're doing the daily maps is to get stuff you can't easily get elsewhere: plat armours, rainbow fairies, liquid courage, and magic crystals. Affection items aren't unique, and you're depriving yourself of rank xp or fairies just for a slightly better affection per stamina ratio (I think the god-tier is almost 3x better than Phalanx 2 with the 1.5x bonus, but I would have to look since I don't care about the Wednesday dailies at all since I want to reach rank 200 sooner rather than later).

Affection Per Stamina (Without Kyuteri):
Sky Rubbish High: 2.993 (1.5x: 3.81833)
Sky Rubbish Godly: 3.69375 (1.5x: 5.48875)
Phalanx 2: 1.856
Low Cost Battle: 1.846
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Actually i'm kinda glad her last map event drop archer....
I'm still in need of plenty archer unit to awaken claire.
My most no.1 problem is just where the heck i can find myself those silver pirate -.- (yes i use the 1st free maurette to awaken spica)

Awaken Lian will require CC archer / pirate again this might be kinda tough for me.
save revival crystal for next revival unit or just get lian at least CR-2.... decsion decision :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Level 200! I have Won!

Only 100 more to go weeeeeeeee...

That 18 stamina though unf
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm happy, always wanted a tactician
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoiler Info for Next Maintenance on the 4th:
-Revival Mission "Tactician's Successor" Begins.
+Sat-Sun Revival for 8 days From June 6th (Sat) to June 28th (Sun).
+Platinum Rear Tactician Lian.
-Team Organisation Reset Function Planned for Implementation.

Tactician's Successor Banner:

Skipping Roana for Sorano, and now skipping her for Lian's awful event maps. For shame!

In any case, Lian's event was from before I started doing rough translations for the event dialogue, so if people like their Lian enough that they want to know what she has to say, let me know (I already did her event, so I would have to find other people's videos for the dialogue, which is a pain that I would rather avoid if no one cares about her).

The only god-tier daily worth considering its extreme-tier version is the Monday one; you should try to do Thursday and Tuesday's god-tier versions (Wednesday's daily is called Rubbish from the Sky in the Japanese community for a reason). I calculated the god-tier Monday daily based on 6.5 trips, and realised it's almost impossible to do 7 crystal-free trips even with 18 stamina, but you're working with 6 trips for 2.4 plats versus 9 trips for 1.8 plats from the extreme-tier. The part worth considering is that you're going to gain over 100,000+ more gold from the extreme-tier map, and have roughly 120 spare charisma and 15 spare stamina that you can use for the Tuesday daily versus 320 charisma and 3 stamina from the god-tier map.

The god-tier map is there if you want platinum armours over gold. For me, I have an overabundance of platinum armours due to the lack of opportunities to obtain plat and black fairy drops, so I'm going to stick with the extreme-tier map for now.

Is Lian even worth to go? Is she good?
I have black Iris, so Lian AW skill not quite matter to me
I dunno about idea getting her, I'm personally not interested in her.
Maybe just farm revival crystal to be use for other unit.

So in a way, do God-tier giving more chance to get tin can? I need lots of them and lots of fairy too
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So in a way, do God-tier giving more chance to get tin can? I need lots of them and lots of fairy too

From petite past comment mention that god and extreme tier have the same drop rate = 20%
But the chr used to extreme tier is 80/3 (1 chance) while god tier is 80/6 (2 chance)
As you see you can do more try in God-tier map + you can use SC for stm recovery if you wanted too (1hr = 1 stm = 20 chr / so if you only focus on extreme map you will have too much stm in a day)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In any case, Lian's event was from before I started doing rough translations for the event dialogue, so if people like their Lian enough that they want to know what she has to say, let me know (I already did her event, so I would have to find other people's videos for the dialogue, which is a pain that I would rather avoid if no one cares about her).

how about I provide you with screenshots ?