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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Any idea when Moldevort Revival will take place? And do you know if it will be one weekend only of 4 weeks? there is high probability I won't be able to play between 11 and 19 of July and I am stressed out. I really want her :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Moldevort doesn't seem that interesting as a unit when lightly looking over wiki on her. I'm guessing that her revival will happen next maintenance or the one after? Though it was also written that Anya revival was planned (which I'm very looking forward to) I don't think it'll happen immediately.

Also Ricca get, TONIGHT MY CHLOE. I will cry tears of blood if I fail to get the main unit that I desire despite getting everyone else.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

moldevort is the only gold or better mage with a dmg boosting skill except that black one but goodluck making that happen
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The possible timeline for them seems to be late July or early August with it either being a 1-week event or a 1-weekend event. I'm basing this on the fact that they do have Anya's Revival event planned for the future and if they want it to be an annual thing then they need some time between Revival events if they want it to start mid-to-late September. Lian's event is just about to end this week, and I doubt we'll get a past unit revived very early after this one.

A few things I'm concerned about is how they will handle her event. She has no event missions related to her. She is also not a Star-Trial unit, so she can't appear in the Trading Post. It's highly likely she'll get an event dedicated to her although how she is obtained is up in the air. One factor that could affect her type of event is her cost. Her event could be similar to Belinda's event and could have a similar drop rate with one mission having a one-time 100% guaranteed drop. It could also be a one-time thing and everyone gets one copy, while early players who have played since the very beginning will have her at -1 cost.

Moldevort is one of the few mages that has a skill that increases their attack power. This gives her an edge over some mages because of her potential burst damage. She also has Strengthen Attack IV, which is really good because it has a 29s cooldown. With a max level skill and at max level, she can deal over 1.2k damage.

The mage class, and gunners for that matter, is a funny one because of how imbalanced they can be if you give them certain skill attributes. An explosion radius attribute will make their attacks deal widespread damage. A damage buff makes their attack a concentrated nuke. Increasing their range (especially at max level) is also deadly because of how far they can attack. Mel, for example, turns into a satellite cannon with her skill active and she can attack from across the map. If they ever give a mage an attack speed skill or an AW ability similar to Charlotte's, then expect hilarious results.

A great example of how ridiculous some attributes are in combination is by looking at Black Mage Ester. She is very broken with her AW Skill. Her original skill is very good, but they locked away a broken skill behind an Awakening wall. 150 seconds of 1.4x attack + range, 1.2x explosion radius.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chloe's map...

I understand the gimmick... I understand it but... It's worrisome on whether or not I'll really be able to beat this map... Guess it's time for a full party of assassins or something.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's not necessary to deploy a healer early if your units have decent defenses. You'll still need one for the final wave if you can't kill the third Sophie fast enough, but by that time you'll have enough sortie points to bring out a healer. I would recommend bringing out fast damage dealers first because you need to kill the wave of Silver Angel Niels fast.

I used 1 Soldier, 2 Artemis, 3 Ninjas, 1 Dancer, and Olivia to clear the mission. The dancer helped a lot because everyone I deployed attacks fast. I tried to use Corinne, but she lacks the range because I didn't CC her. I only deployed a healer at the end while Nagi was tanking the last Sophie because Waltz's skill is on cooldown and it's difficult to burst her down when the Silver Angel Niels start moving in making Hien switch their targets to them.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How do you guy do on Ricca map. Only manage to get 2 ricca copies which does nothing and 2 Vallerie copies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have been farming and grinding Ricca's map like a MMO player. Ricca's at 16 cost and 7/10 skill. .......I think thats better than my Rita, who's at 15 cost (CC'd) and 6/10 skill ._.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wow this map is gey as hell making me so mad using a crystal to keep trying the sophies just fly around in circles instead of coming closer so you can kill them I dont have enough assassins for this

<<< this bitch after circling around for like 5 mins in what I thought was finally a full proof 3 star had all the niels trapped and that gave time for everyone's assassinate to load up

shes likes" oh hoho your filthy default assassins are not worthy of touching my angelic body" and slides on around them without touching anyone
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wow this map is gey as hell making me so mad using a crystal to keep trying the sophies just fly around in circles instead of coming closer so you can kill them I dont have enough assassins for this

I used Saki three-way shuriken, Claire triple arrow with atk raise III and soldier to clear the map.

There are some video in niconico with strategy that involve only 1 rogue to 3 star the map too.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Currently the 1 i'm looking for is....
Strategy where you dont need to deploy ur own rogue / ninja / or any assassination skill unit>.> cuz i don't have any -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Here are some things I thought could work (that hasn't been mentioned):
Ninja (require multiple?)
Rune Fencer
Vampire Hunter
Pegasus Rider (Maybe?)
AW Front Tactician
AW Sailor
CC+ Angel (Might require support)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Managed to 3 star it once I figured out where those high tier angels fly in from.

It's nice that I can now farm Chloe but... Chloe is god damn tough. It ripped through my units on the first time.

Isn't that pretty impossible? Though I don't know how others have been doing it, deploying assassins to assassinate those high tier angels before the whole crowd arrives seems to be pretty fundamental. It stops their regeneration for the record.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

guess I see if I can fit sandra into the roster if she can do enough dmg to at least 1 shot frag the niels could make leg room for my failing assassinate plan

Edit: no go on the sandra plan they live with about 20 maybe 25% hp not sure if the prince could fix that or raising affection but screw it 3 stared it anyway finally set a silver assassin with a healer in the middle early enough that its skill loads before too many niels rush over with that stupid sophie keeping them immortal
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Actualy for this map you only need 2 assasin i use lvl 25 cecily and lvl 30 cypria with 2 HA for block plus 2 healer


my formation is ;
1) cecily F
2) cc healer S
3) HA A
4) healer R
in the second wave
5)cypria K (for to kill Sophie )
6)HA H
7)prience G for stat up.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Isn't that pretty impossible? Though I don't know how others have been doing it, deploying assassins to assassinate those high tier angels before the whole crowd arrives seems to be pretty fundamental. It stops their regeneration for the record.
Nah not impossible muahahahahah

cleared it 3 star with chloe coming too.
All i did is holds the big angel (forgot name) while dpsing the lower 1 with sandra 1 shot kill....
The next wave not coming efore u killed the angel anyway so i start building some firepower there.
The 2nd wave she circling the bottom right circle and non of the other angel will hit the ranged if u placed anything in middle.
The 3rd wave she circling the top middle circle, same thing placing any ranged in the middle circle is safe
PS: the big angel dmg not that hard.... i though she gonna nuke my char 1k dmg >.<

Edit: now that i 3 star this map and experieced it with chloe, back to farming raichi i still havent got her...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Easy peezy?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's pretty funny seeing how the assassination mechanic is the widely accepted method to clear this mission. Normally, I would think assassination method relies too much on RNG and is inconsistent, but I find it okay for this mission because of the very ridiculous regeneration from Sophie. I guess it was the intended method and to get people's heads out of their asses since they always go with brute force (or very powerful units). It does help that the angel assassination multiplier seems to be quite high.