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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wasting 35 SP Crystal and get 2 Gold here (Gold Healer Iris and Gold Bandit)

Have 400 Red Gem lying around and lots of units ready to be AWed.
I wondered Who the lucky 4 I should AW.

Kinda low in Witches(materials) right now (only 3)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Gimme a list of all your units that's been AW and I can pretty much tell you who you should AW next.
Chloris is situational by the way, her defense is too low to tank 3 boss-type enemies, and she attacks only 2. (So given that the enemy doesn't do a hell-load of damage like the Pure-blood orcs, or golems, she will be totally awesome. But she's not a Sophie I am afraid.)

Sorry just woke up here the unit i've been using...
There low lvl fodder mixed in it, other than that i tried to move most of the unit to 2nd barrack (full)

BBL have to go to work now :p
PS: Sorano really work great on last map (after saw how draa play his last map need that smaller range :p)
+ As for Chloe yup thats the plan... at least she can tank 1x 1k atk boss + 2 unit atk 600 or less.... if there 3 pure blood orc who have dam 1,880 atk not to metion 3 of it.... thats Bernice job.... even better if they died 1st before can touch her :D
(meelee with ~550 def have been in my radar / cuz multi hitter like Nanaly / Leone who did 4x hit, their dmg on 550-600 + alot of none moving (super slow) ranged enemy like black gob / ninja are on ~500 atk)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Here's your break-down:
Rule of thumb of, outside of early deployment based units, you want at least 1 AW in each sub-category.
Once you hit the sub-category limit, you will find it hard to justify the deployment of the unit.
While it's a soft rule of thumb, it's pretty safe to go with it.

Early [1/3]
Reinforcement 2/2 said:
AW Aria
Anti-Rush 1/2 said:

You may either use Isabelle, Emilia, or just stick with Mischa. All of them are viable as your early game cost farming unit. Mischa is the easiest to get. Emilia is the hardest. Isabelle has the most potential due to AW gimmick.
Please note that Carrie is a duelist, and doesn't support the idea of low-cost deployment point farming too well.
Updated to include pre-CC Jerome.

Melee [3/6]
Duelist 4/2 said:
AW Themis
Multi-Engage 2/2 said:
Tank 1/2 said:
AW Berenice
Ranged 1/2 said:
Healer 1/1 said:

AW Chloe for your multi-engage
In the future, AW Raichi and her skill and move her to Tank category. You always need a sub-tank, and Raichi works quite well in that slot due to her class.
You can also slot a magic swordsman and find some use out of it. As melee-ranged is fairly unique in its function. Most of the time AW Saki is enough though.
Note, you are still missing an ace, that's going to hurt you the most.

Ranged [5/6]
Physical 3.5/3 said:
AW Spika
AW Claire
AW Rachel
AW Maurette
Magical 3/3 said:
AW Belinda
AOE 3.5/3 said:
AW Paula
AW Noelle
Healer 5/4 said:
AW Pipin
AW Iris
AW Paula
AW Sera

There's not much to do in the ranged department. If anything, you kinda over-killed it.
Note, you are missing a ranged slot tank like Fran or dragon Shaman

Support [0/2]

I wonder when is a gold front-line strategist going to be implemented. Same with dancer.
Looking forward to it.

Farm [2/3]
Farmer 2/3 said:
AW Marutte
AW Noelle

When you do get her, please AW Betty for melee gold-get.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for the break trough whats needed.
Btw.. Nope Spica only CR-1 hahahha :p don't have enuff magic crystal for it.. she 4/5 skill though.
As for early i should have transfer Jerome from 2nd barrack so thats the 2nd call reinforcement. And noting from previous statement... Don't CC him yet since he still have call reinforce III just keep him safe for cost.

For melee i understand this my lowest area, did mention it before.
That A-C-E duelist might be the most problem atm, so i'm thinking Emilia might actualy good due to the 2x atk def skill (since a duelist is NOT always a ganker she have the time until skill up)

Ranged... Well this is my expertise specialy physical ranged...
If you notice my physical ranged are high atk-er unit which pierce trough most enemy def, this is how i manage to survive for long time even the lack of magic atk.
Also that duelist swordmster like Gloria / Sandra also help 1 shot kill ranged atk with their skill
I do have Echidna (-1/2), but she kind have been left in my 2nd barrack for long time.

Currently praying gold rush gave Betty, as before the previous 2 gold rush i didn't bother get her -.- (that chance i passed it).
When start skill AW thats when Money become extreme important

What i'm worries the most is a god-tier map with gimmick cant deploy physical ranged :pc/ but i doubt theres any...
Although the 2nd last map actually quite troublsome for me as there only 2 rangd spot (1 for healer) the other 1 i keep switching the rangd unit as the healer can't reach it (well my fault since i put feng- shui there healing multi unit (4 meelee))
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As for early i should have transfer Jerome from 2nd barrack so thats the 2nd call reinforcement. And noting from previous statement... Don't CC him yet since he still have call reinforce III just keep him safe for cost.
As I mentioned before, Jerome works great pre-CC as well. Post-CC is bad, but AW is great. Updated the list to reflect Jerome and lack of min-cost Spika.

Ace wise, Emilia cannot do Ace. Since Ace requires the duelist to have as high defense as a heavy armor and higher attack than your other duelist during skill.

Emilia only fulfills the second criteria, not the first. She's an early game cost farmer and late game duelist, but shouldn't be your ace. She's not 'safe' enough to be put in the front-line and handle white baphomet, black orc, red ogre and stuff like that without skill. By the same argument, Sherry is a great duelist, but she cannot be your ace due to Princess's lack of defense. Same with Sybella though her defense comes close. (Who's Melee-ranged)

Thetis otoh can be considered an Ace due to her decent defense and great attack during skill.
AW Thetis - 2427 HP, 688 ATK, 562 DEF
AW Berenice - 3046 HP, 275 ATK, 639 DEF
AW Sybella - 2527 HP, 802 ATK, 462 DEF
AW Emilia - 2330 HP, 504 ATK, 330 DEF

I would rather use Sybella as Ace, even though her defense worries me. The break point is CC Berenice's max defense, which is 512.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't have any plat / gacha gacha unit T_T as i never hit that premium summon :p (last time was 6-7 month ago and out of those roll only rachel)
Well i do agree i don't have a 1 block unit which can tank those high atk enemy, and if there multiple spawn of them... for sure my Bernice can't tank 3 at once (need to break it apart)
A really good example of the bad part multi block unit ----------> look at draa anya died instantly tanking 2 black orc (Note: he use AW Leda so that 1.3x atk hp calculation said 1880 atk x 1.3 =2444 atk -- poor anya :p)

My main choice is still Emilia who have quite high survival with that 2x atk def skill and if lucky enuff the awaken ability is 15% nulfied dmg, but at same time i had to pray 1st with the drop rate and CR rate on this farm time. (2nd - 3rd run no drop *sigh*

The same as usual then... please the next event event unit become a really good 1 for my team :D
As for this ranger i think i will pass lving her... unless her aw ability / aw skill is great.. (while i do like Lita wth 15% double shoot + 1.2x atk conceal aw skill / if this ranger don't have any atk up.... her dmg not gonna able to pierce alot def additionaly spica aw ability can't help her)

Edit: forgot to mention... Draa that Liana i have is (-0/1) i barely bring her out at all...
The reason her lvl quite high is cuz 1. i still have this hope on her revival / 2. some black gota eat my blac fairy it filling my storeage badly (before i buy 2nd barrack)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

CT : "Man, Work sure has been Killer. But hey, at least its a star trial! Wow. Estielle and a Cute Monk. I better try and roll for them! Let's see--I got 500 points already, so 8 rolls off of 30 dollars sounds fine to me. Let's go for it."

Aegis-Sama : "Heeeeeey, CT..."


Aegis-Sama : "HAVE A MAGE!!!"

*A Black haze falls over CT's screen, reflective of Aegis-Sama's dark Nature...*

1st Roll: Black Mage Estelle

Should I stop there? NOPE!

2nd Roll: Platnium Bow Babe Vicky. She was one of my First Plats. Yay for her!

3rd Roll : Silver Red-Eyed Bandit

4th Roll : Gold Soldier Julian

5th Roll : Gold Druid...uh...The Gold one.

6th Roll : Silver Cavalry Not-The-Misha

7th Roll : Platnium Princess Sherry

8th Roll : Late to the Party, Gold SchoolGirl Melis

All in all, That was a good one. A Black and Some plats. Woo!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hit that button once or twice every few (maybe 3?) months. You'll eventually get a nice unit that could prove useful in the future. My first Premium Black unit was a roll I did on a whim with free SC 11 months ago. Just this month, I got my second Premium Black with, yet again, free SC that I rolled on a whim. Most of the Premium Platinums I got were from rolling the gacha every few months. Of course luck is different for every person, but at least getting a useful Platinum unit will help a lot.

I know that people will recommend saving SC for certain events or occasions, but there are times when you can spend a little on the Premium Summons. Always saving SC is good, but you'll have to spend it somewhere eventually, whether it is for magic crystals, gold, events, summons, or whatever.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hit that button once or twice every few (maybe 3?) months.

Well true... I have 78 SC atm (1 more free SC from charlote last map + today stampt card is another free SC).
But i just can't see myself pressing the premium summon...
Actualty remember my alt acc ? the 1 with altair and amanda... just now i log in and got myself free 25 SC from apologise so i hit all on premium summon (cuz of you GUYS keep saying 1-2 roll got black unit)
Well it ended up like the usual 3 silver 2 gold (just notice silver now lvl 30)

Most likely i want to spend my SC during 1.5x event i guess on daily or story map drop as i need alot unit exp as well as rank... (shown in my unit list before i need to make them lvl 50CC 1st or deficit fairy going to kill me more).
But..... yeah everytime i don't felt i want to press that premium summon -.- Got used to play with only event unit (When Jerome drop my SP summon i was totaly confuse what to do with him as totaly didn't expect to get any gacha plat / black unit)

Edit: just checked... 29 black fairy + 6 queen fairy.... please.......... Next......... event.......... Black unit !!!!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Luck doesn't carry over from account to account, but one of the things I would hate to happen is for an alt account to roll a Black. In my own belief, it could've been something I would want to roll for on my main account. It could've been possible for that roll to happen on the main account. I've avoided rolling excess SC on my alt account for this reason.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hello guys, I'm back!

I've been progressing through the game and grinding at a nice pace right now. I have managed to beat castle retake, albeit 1-star'd it, and have been grinding the 37-stamina map for gold and units, and just finished CCing my third unit. So far I think I know what I'm doing and what I should focus on next (CC Cloris), but I've noticed I've been running into a lot of strange classes with interesting abilities and I can't really fit them all in my team... I always find myself bringing one or the other and I notice that in runs I always end up relying on a very few units, having quite a bunch of other units just being marginally effective. That's why I'd like to ask for assistance when it comes to building a team: I've got "some" choice, specially when it comes to melees, but I do not know which to take.

So without further ado, this is what I have in my power!

Looking forward in the future, I've noticed relying on witches for early-game magic damage on tank units is great, that's why Cloris is my main objective next, but after that I want to focus on getting good melee units to rely on, and other than dumping resources on Jerome and Katie, I do not know who else to focus on... Visually Viera is great, but I've found her to be the least useful of the "unorthodox" classes I have, with Dorothy being by far the best at wrecking stuff (1v1 against black armor is a joke with her).

I'm sorry that I'm probably annoying you all with this at this point, but what should I focus on next, and which units should I dump more (scarce) resources on?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm sorry that I'm probably annoying you all with this at this point
Not at all, it's a pleasure to read what the 'youngsters' are doing as a veteran. Gotta put that experience into use somewhere.

That's why I'd like to ask for assistance when it comes to building a team: I've got "some" choice, specially when it comes to melees, but I do not know which to take.
You have Shizuka. Dangit, you have Shizuka xD

Basically, up until golems and stuff with really high attack/defense. Shizuka should trivialize all your maps at CC high levels with max affection. She's basically "A Tank, Damage, Sustain, Multi-Hit" all in one. Potential wise, she's also got great AW stats.

It's not until when golem and black ogres come that Shizuka couldn't tank kill them. Something like pure-blooded orc after berserk will also down her. But outside of that, she's basically your go to tank/multi-hit blocker.

Platinum next unit to level - Shizuka
Gold next unit to level - Chloris
Silver next unit to level - Mischa (Usually Rean comes before that, but Shizuka covers the tank role)

Edit: just checked... 29 black fairy + 6 queen fairy.... please.......... Next......... event.......... Black unit !!!!
I want my Liana revival please.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see, thanks for being so helpful ^^

I actually... uhm, kinda discounted Shizuka as being awful... <-<"

I really couldn't get around the 20 unit cost considering jerome could do her job fairly well, but I guess I could replace katie with her, now that my prince is strong enough to pretty much duel any early level monster that tries to go at him (Just hit lv 64 for the title).

I guess it's time to powerlevel her! Wooo!!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I actually... uhm, kinda discounted Shizuka as being awful... <-<"
Shizuka is like a Valkyrie in stats. Low starting stats, high growth, high benefit from affection.

Let's put it this way:
Below are some of the highest stated Platinum melee in game at 50CC70.

961 - CC Thetis 1832 HP, 583 ATK, 378 DEF
1035 - CC Laira 2717 HP, 822 ATK, 213 DEF
972 - CC Yurina 1966, 620 ATK, 352 DEF
912 - Sherry 1774 HP, 608 ATK, 304 DEF

Then you have
929 - CC Shizuka 1706 HP, 534 ATK, 395 DEF
Better? Nope, stats still a bit worse than the top tiers. Until you realize that Shizuka at CC is block 2 attack 2 anyways. Then you can effectively do (damage - defense) * 2 as potential damage and still have the highest defense.

Things are more ridiculously at AW since Shizuka becomes 3 block 3 hit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Shizuka is like a Valkyrie in stats. Low starting stats, high growth, high benefit from affection.

Let's put it this way:
Below are some of the highest stated Platinum melee in game at 50CC70.

961 - CC Thetis 1832 HP, 583 ATK, 378 DEF
1035 - CC Laira 2717 HP, 822 ATK, 213 DEF
972 - CC Yurina 1966, 620 ATK, 352 DEF
912 - Sherry 1774 HP, 608 ATK, 304 DEF

Then you have
929 - CC Shizuka 1706 HP, 534 ATK, 395 DEF
Better? Nope, stats still a bit worse than the top tiers. Until you realize that Shizuka at CC is block 2 attack 2 anyways. Then you can effectively do (damage - defense) * 2 as potential damage and still have the highest defense.

Things are more ridiculously at AW since Shizuka becomes 3 block 3 hit.

Problem is... where do I get the silver samurais to CC her? I see I am nowhere near one, let alone two...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You'll need to get one from an event or from a random pull off the 2k gacha. This game will require you to hoard a lot of silver units to use as materials, so it's recommended to have large amounts of inventory space available. Silver units will be one of the major bottlenecks you'll encounter in this game, so don't waste them early on because you'll never know if you'll need them for class changing or awakening.

Here is my stockpile:

It's not as massive as other players, but this should give you an idea of what you'll need to do in the future. Also, buy inventory space and and a second barracks early on.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have 180 or so silver rarity unit. Of hopefully balanced # of classes of each. (Except valkyrie, need to farm)

So exkale isn't kidding. I even have like 16 30CC1 silvers for AW, and x number of gold also intended for that purpose. (or just waiting for 3x female or 2x male exp event)

Let's just say Aegis rewards Fire Emblem syndrome and brainless gaming outside of challenge maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Decided to roll with some SC in my place, 5 silvers (TOO MANY BANDITS!!! I have like what 20 of them !? why i can't get that silver princess cutie or some witches), 2 Gold (1 Doroty and 1 Male Armor), 1 plat (Rachel ... but again I have Elizabeth, but Rachel is good unit though i rarely use gunner beside Monica (for red gem boost) and maurette (i still need to AW her first))
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What's Fire emblem Syndrome o_O
Last 1 i played was in the 3ds version *Awakening* on hard then Lunatic :p... (Cleared wohoo 1 of my gamer achievement)
Starting was a pain, need luck, but end game is just 1 warlock with hp drain tome solo them all.
And no don't tell me to play Lunatic+.... my sanity can't take it (if i still remember right all enemy have skill with 100% activaton rate to trigger 1/2 def and always atk 1st)

I'm actually liking Maurete alot now... and her skill AW is really nice both for AoE mass killing and geting gold.... after all she is low cost and have higher atk like gunner :D (cuz 1.4x atk on skill duration)
That 1 week AW + skill AW her as soon she appear in trading post felt worth it :p (she get me +700-1000cgold / 40chr map + more money on event map farming (40/3 map)... only abit gold on Emilia map though T_T)

Sigh... what to use my SC for... I'm thinking maybe just hit 3rd barrack atm :p (2nd barrack full) but my sortie box still 60/23x so nah lets just keep saving it for now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What's Fire emblem Syndrome o_O
Elixir? Keep never use
Earth Seal? Keep never use
Elysian Whip? Outside of my main PRider, I guess I gotta use 1 for her.
All sorts of +2 items? Hell no I won't go, no use, it's for looking at not for usage! (Waits until last mission) MUHAHAHA LOOK AT MY SUPER UNIT TOO OP!

Sigh... what to use my SC for... I'm thinking maybe just hit 3rd barrack atm (2nd barrack full) but my sortie box still 60/23x so nah lets just keep saving it for now.
Save for item farm. Usually requires around 50 SC to perfect a 1.5k limit.