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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

DMM Browser Game Player Demographic Information:
Gender: Male: 82%; Female: 18%
Ownership: Apartment: 39.6%; House: 12.2%; Lease: 3.1%; Unanswered: 45.1%
Average Age: 36
Marriage: Married: 53.2% (With Children: 10.5%; Without Children: 42.7%); Single: 2.1%; Unanswered: 44.7%

Wow, there's a lot of people that won't admit to being single, wizards*, or spinsters. I wonder what percentage of the player-base are homeless, and live like this:

Every time I look at this image, I wonder how many people in this thread who spend a lot of money on this game are like this. ... Ashurmen?
*A wizard is a man who has protected his virginity passed the age of 25. Upon reaching this age, the man is granted magical powers, and an offer to join the Space Wizard Federation, so he can teleport into space stations to murder the imbecilic crew with magic missiles and lightning bolts. Alternatively, some men turn into magical girls...

Image ( ):
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, there are so many people that...

I thought I turned into a wizard when I was 30. Did I get lied too? In any case the average age surprises me a little, it's quite a bit older than I first anticipated, perhaps this is because I'm quite a bit younger than that "average" age. By that I mean a full decade younger and even now I feel "old". I guess that may play into the fact I work in a profession that doesn't really see a lot of fresh blood yearly, working in a research lab coaxing cells to cough up publication worthy results may not be the most enticing profession to the younger gen if you aren't fully invested in the sciences.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Average Age: 36

I'm Almost 1 generation younger
I didn't actualy expect the average age to be this high i was expecting somewhere around 25-30...
Well my own reason for playing Dmm social game cuz with full time work, no more time to hardcore gaming anymore like WoW or FF14...

Also regarding the wizard, same like w00t5 i though its 30 yrs old at least from refference of some anime.
2.1% single ? -.- i think that number should be added with unanswered
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No min-cost? You haven't farmed hard enough D:

Don't you have other things to do like posting the next patch info instead of the secrets of JP demographic? Though I have to say, the 18% female surprises me. I gotta confess that's about six-tuple the ratio in University Electrical Engineering a few years ago.

After a stream of 1~2 fairy drop on god tier, this happened

The secret to changing your bad luck apparently is to eat SC and recharge charisma?
Remember to feed your Goddess more during 1.5x please~

... randomly failed the next run, and then this happened again:

Well, it does balance out somehow?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey guys! I did some draws yesterday (Today is my birthday, yay), and got a couple of cool things, including two characters that I really liked just visually (Kyuteri and Sabine), so what was my team suddenly did a turnaround and I'm trying to adapt, and I'm coming to you again in search of guidance. I think at this point I should start calling you jedi masters or something, it would fit.

Anyway, this is how my team looks right now.

I can't fit all the cards I would like to use in my team right now, so the other ones I think are good enough to be mentioned are Shizuka, Claire (Maybe?), Hina (lolininja), the duo mages (Cyrus and however-you-spell-that-old-man's-name), and Monica.

So yeah! If you guys could give me advice on how to progress and what to go for with my team, it would be greatly appreciated! Today I'll finish farming Imelia and upgrade her as much as I can, too. Also, totally related question: I really like the rune fencer and ninja classes, but when it comes to actual combat I find that they fall a bit behind in performance. I don't think this is because they're bad, but rather because I don't actually know how to use them. So some advice on that would be greatly appreciated as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So yeah! If you guys could give me advice on how to progress and what to go for with my team, it would be greatly appreciated!
Who you raise depends on your goals. Anything anyone says now would just be a guess, since none of us knows what the next event will demand from you. Probably the only suggestion would be regarding whether you power-level Princess Louise to save on resources when she's gold instead of platinum, but I would suggest trying to horde your stuff until Wednesday's spoilers for the upcoming event, so you can more easily decide what kind of units you need to raise to do well for it.

I really like the rune fencer and ninja classes, but when it comes to actual combat I find that they fall a bit behind in performance. I don't think this is because they're bad, but rather because I don't actually know how to use them. So some advice on that would be greatly appreciated as well.
They're melee support units. Aside from getting free hits against enemies that just stand still doing nothing before moving, your team composition is eventually going to reach a point where all of your units have ranged or nearby AoE attacks.

Hina Ranger Strategies:

These should give you an idea of the kinds of positions you can deploy ninjas, and most other melee support units.

In any case, you have one of the strongest units in the game after Skill AW: Sabine. She can deal long range true damage, so she's better than Sybilla and Erenia when it comes to destroying golems, and most bosses with high defence and magic resistance if the game gives you an opportunity to deploy her early.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Though I have to say, the 18% female surprises me. I gotta confess that's about six-tuple the ratio in University Electrical Engineering a few years ago.

Same here.... Systems Engineering in my university was around 3% girls.... idk why ladies hate computers that much..... I think they get jealous of them?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Luck where are you!?

I could use you. Getting no bonbori to skill up the bandit.
And for the life of me I can't 3 star the 5 stam map with the lich pimp and his skeleton whorde while killing the flaming pumkins at the same time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same here.... Systems Engineering in my university was around 3% girls.... idk why ladies hate computers that much..... I think they get jealous of them?

I am a girl and I love computers. When I was 14 father showed me how to make my own computer from parts . I know how DDR memory looks like, how to change fan in my PC, remove my processor etc etc. When I was getting new parts to my comp I was replacing them myself. Computers are awesome.

On the other hand once I tried tto introduce shortcuts to some girls and they were like "wtf so mmuch time waste, I am clicking it faster by mouse". And I started with Ctrl+C Ctrl+V :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Used most of my plat armours from Monday, and a good sum of my plat fairies this Tuesday (also got 8 rainbow fairies to drop, which is the most I ever gained during a 1.5x event) to raise Imelia to AW90 just so I could have her do this:

Note: Imelia requires at least a +10% HP buff (e.g. Adelle) to tank a mithril golem as it's being debuffed by a Curse User...

Imelia: "GAO~!"

Now to work on the story translations for these maps.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am a girl and I love computers. When I was 14 father showed me how to make my own computer from parts . I know how DDR memory looks like, how to change fan in my PC, remove my processor etc etc. When I was getting new parts to my comp I was replacing them myself. Computers are awesome.

On the other hand once I tried tto introduce shortcuts to some girls and they were like "wtf so mmuch time waste, I am clicking it faster by mouse". And I started with Ctrl+C Ctrl+V :(

Girls like u are a very rare mutation... like Sapphire rarity.... are u married? :p

Btw, when was ToS beta starting? I got my key the other day.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@TieSKey It has already started. Just a couple hours ago. =P

Haven't gotten around to trying it myself though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Girls like u are a very rare mutation... like Sapphire rarity.... are u married? :p

Btw, when was ToS beta starting? I got my key the other day.

I am lonely and alone. Not good enough for nerdy guys I like...

As for TOS: it should be already running. Unfortunately I have to much work to do until Sunday so I am not even touching the game before that :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am lonely and alone. Not good enough for nerdy guys I like...

As for TOS: it should be already running. Unfortunately I have to much work to do until Sunday so I am not even touching the game before that :(

what is TOS ?? xD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Having an ideal team setup is just a dream. It's better to have a strong core team as your backbone that you can bring to every mission while also having a strong enough supporting cast that you can bring when necessary. To me, the core of your team will probably be Jerome, Kikyou, Cornelia, Lilia, Sabine, and Bashira. Those are units that you will most likely bring to every event, so having them become strong will make some events easier. This game rewards flexibility, and having a stiff team will make it difficult because not every new event will have similar missions. Unless, of course, you have a near God-like team like Draa's, whose team can challenge every new difficult mission without issues.

I posted this a while back and this is my core setup:
These are the units I'll bring to every new event along with any additional filler units that I believe are necessary. If it doesn't work out, then I'll switch out filler units. If part of my core doesn't have a place in the mission, then I'll remove that unit and add in a unit that will help me clear the mission. You will never know when you need that second or third high level tank and there will be times when having 4 high level healers will make a mission simpler.

You shouldn't follow my core setup exactly since those are the units I'm comfortable with. My team is always changing every week because there are many different ways to approach a mission.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am lonely and alone. Not good enough for nerdy guys I like...

As for TOS: it should be already running. Unfortunately I have to much work to do until Sunday so I am not even touching the game before that :(

Hahahahaha, u made me spill my coffee. Let me know if u ever visit Argentina(?)

ToS gameplay is awesome so far. Only stopped to farm some affection items.
Shame none of my friends got a key.....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Tree of Saviour another MMO

I didn't get the beta key ouw... o well guess no test out for me

They gave to everyone who registered in specyfic time window =o

Hahahahaha, u made me spill my coffee. Let me know if u ever visit Argentina(?)
Argentina so far far away ._.

As for TOS: I have bunch of RO friends and we are going to play together, Crow is among them and he should play during this week so you can contact him if you want.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As for TOS: I have bunch of RO friends and we are going to play together, Crow is among them and he should play during this week so you can contact him if you want.

Which server? I have a char on the first one. Only lvl 15 so not that hard to switch anyway.