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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Should I keep time crystals for White Emperor or it's not a bad idea to use them to get Rosel?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Should I keep time crystals for White Emperor or it's not a bad idea to use them to get Rosel?

If you don't have the White Emperor is a very good investment to have him, for Rosel is my opinion but Star trial units are not worth the crystal investment except for Miruno, White Emperor, Koyomi, Sorano and maybe Aoba( she seems to be the perfect counter for the new wind/thunder guy).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

While you should get White Emperor, it does not necessarily need to be immediately. He is always there as an option, so depend on the amount of crystals, you could choose to delay a little bit on him and get event unit first because those only stay for 1 week.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Should I keep time crystals for White Emperor or it's not a bad idea to use them to get Rosel?

Rosel is not necessarily the best specimen of her class but she is useful and good to have if u lack any other monster hunter. Star trial units cost only 50 crystals after the first copy, I'd get 2 copies and then save for something different.
Emperor is cool and really helps on a lot of maps but if u are going to go for him, make sure u have the resources to raise him properly.

As a long term investment, I would spend some crystals on revival units that fill potential holes in your line up (classes u don't have), saving a little on every event to eventually get Emperor-kun.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

anyone else notice aegis running slowly on chrome i tried everything i could think of to fix it but no luck
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for advices. I have still newbie acc on DMM and I'm trying to fill up my line up as much as I can (daily revivals help a lot in that!). I just thought that Rosel's range is quite nice and she might be useful, especially since I just barely got my spica to pair up with Bashira. Probably gonna try Rosel and Emperor can wait. Still didn't even finished all desert maps so :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for advices. I have still newbie acc on DMM and I'm trying to fill up my line up as much as I can (daily revivals help a lot in that!). I just thought that Rosel's range is quite nice and she might be useful, especially since I just barely got my spica to pair up with Bashira. Probably gonna try Rosel and Emperor can wait. Still didn't even finished all desert maps so :p

I think you should focus on get White Emperor ASAP because with one copy you get access to 30sec of true damage with a good burst and you can negate the debuff on makai maps, and he have a high chance to be more useful on the 12stam revival maps to farm for more crystals.

Also if we continue with the current pattern of event revival for July 10-16 is the turn for Hibari so should try to focus your units on be able to finish her revivals maps, if someone could recommend you what units to focus we'll be great I can't because I didn't do her maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new black is so flat that wooden planks will sue her for defamation :-/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At this point I've just given up ever 3 starring these new damn dungeon maps, I leave that nonsense for the players with full on premium teams. I just want to get the completion bonus and good fucking riddance. If I can even get that far. For example the second map is just... unfair, for the lack of a better word. Sure, let's ban pretty much all ranged damage and then throw in a boatload of unblockable wind elementals. Because that's fun, right? If none of the wind elemental drop anything, than maybe I can get the fairy. But since I got nothing on my first run, I have no idea. if any of the win elementals drop stuff... well, that's that for me then, since I have a snowballs chance in hell of killing those damn things.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Argh, my stupid isp. Internet stopped working on two days ago because of a program error on signal pusher at hq. It took 1 minute to re-program it but work order processing meant it won't be done until tomorrow, luckily I had another technician scheduled for today and he push it through. Could have spent 9 scs on getting more yellow crystals. 420, bleh. Well the 9 scs went to rolling, two dupe golds.

Lost over 48 hours on Nutaku. I advise people to install the dmm app on their smartphone, some apps are over a gigabyte. A few minutes at a coffee shop can salvage something.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At this point I've just given up ever 3 starring these new damn dungeon maps, I leave that nonsense for the players with full on premium teams. I just want to get the completion bonus and good fucking riddance. If I can even get that far. For example the second map is just... unfair, for the lack of a better word. Sure, let's ban pretty much all ranged damage and then throw in a boatload of unblockable wind elementals. Because that's fun, right? If none of the wind elemental drop anything, than maybe I can get the fairy. But since I got nothing on my first run, I have no idea. if any of the win elementals drop stuff... well, that's that for me then, since I have a snowballs chance in hell of killing those damn things.

Another one of your crying posts. That map is pretty easy if you got thenew unit from itemcollection, then you have everything needed and as you have miruno in your team there shouldnt be problem for you.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new black is so flat that wooden planks will sue her for defamation :-/

I got it on Clone Acc , while I only target for Gold Blacksmith
Instead I got Loli Teams :V Meh......
I got the Blacksmith on 25+ pull , almost a desperate pull :V
Kay... I probably won't ever use the BS anyway - lol
Just another collection on Male Unit~



Was only pull for the joke , I want to hiatus the acc since I play GrindBlueFantasy more nowadays
Meh....... Aigis won't let Me....

At this point I've just given up ever 3 starring these new damn dungeon maps, I leave that nonsense for the players with full on premium teams. I just want to get the completion bonus and good fucking riddance. If I can even get that far. For example the second map is just... unfair, for the lack of a better word. Sure, let's ban pretty much all ranged damage and then throw in a boatload of unblockable wind elementals. Because that's fun, right? If none of the wind elemental drop anything, than maybe I can get the fairy. But since I got nothing on my first run, I have no idea. if any of the win elementals drop stuff... well, that's that for me then, since I have a snowballs chance in hell of killing those damn things.




It's actually easy.... but yeah... sorry I use Premium unit :V
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is there a place I can go to see what is restricted for each map? I skipped over this event the last time it came around again so I'm behind by like 5-6 maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is there a place I can go to see what is restricted for each map? I skipped over this event the last time it came around again so I'm behind by like 5-6 maps.

Go over there kid~

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new black is so flat that wooden planks will sue her for defamation :-/


also for current event
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think I mentioned it before, but these maze event maps are the easiest to take a pass on if the current team just isn't capable of doing them. Because, this event always comes back every few months, and it always brings back all previous maps since the drop reward is a one time thing.

Therefore, it's probably best for anyone who's overwhelmed to just move on and try again in a few months after more units are leveled up.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think I mentioned it before, but these maze event maps are the easiest to take a pass on if the current team just isn't capable of doing them. Because, this event always comes back every few months, and it always brings back all previous maps since the drop reward is a one time thing.

Therefore, it's probably best for anyone who's overwhelmed to just move on and try again in a few months after more units are leveled up.

Except some guys can't learn from their mistake.....
Hopefully they learn by next LOES Event
If not..... well whatever~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

man metus almost doomed my 2 big guys run with her range buff after aw luckily i had clarice and moltena to pull off a crazy strat from nico felt good to
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

15/27 water elemental OP
Now all we need is heart
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There is a collaboration event on the all age version. Didn't see it, 201 leveled up with 6 stam left, refilled everything. :mad: