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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

They look a bit disappointed when it seems she isn't going to share the story. "Well, if you don't want to share, I guess that's fine, but you usually don't seem rope demons that large, or dense, he's pretty powerful." the one who asked her mentions.

Ai finds an open spot, pulling out her bedroll from her pack, a bit surprised when the rope seems to form a tent over it for her.

A little while later she feels quite rested, though the sun hasn't quite come up yet, she gets directions to the temple and heads on her way.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"It's just.. too embarassing." Ai gives her final word on the matter

As there's plenty of space to find a resting place, Ai quickly settles on a spot. Setting down her equipment, she rolls out her sleeping matress. As she lays down, the rope demon starts working it's magic again, forming a tent over Ai. Delighted to no end, she gently brushes the tent's wall with her hand.
"Oh, Ropey, your such a gentleman" she says, smiling at the rope demon

After some resting time, Ai feels nice and perky again. Gathering up her belongings, she goes around the camp, asking for directions. After finding out where to go, she leaves the camp, heading towards a new adventure
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As Ai leaves the camp, she sees another small rope demon sort of moving towards her. As it gets close it sort of extends it's body upward, holding out a piece of paper for Ai to take, before moving and joining the main body.

"Hi ....wait you never introduced yourself to us, did you?

Well anyways, thanks for helping us explore the tower, there wasn't much inside. Ashley's still pissed, but it's okay, we left a harness on her and she'll come to love it eventually.

Good luck in your adventures, Mary & Julie."

The main demon gets a little bit bigger as the rest of the rope joins it.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Only a short way gone from the camp, Ai sees a smaller rope demon coming towards them. As it reaches them, it produces a rolled-up piece of paper from it's body. Looking at it with a puzzled look on her face, Ai thanks the critter as she opens the paper.
"Oh those two, will nothing be enough for them? But it's nice of them to send me a good luck message" she thinks as she puts the paper amongs her other possessions.

Seeing Ropey get even bigger with the newcomer joining with it makes Ai happy. "Now he's complete again" she thinks as they move forward
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai continues along the walks of the swamps, not finding much of interest along the way to the ruined temple. Though she does notice the sky getting darker without the sun going down, even in midday, a sure sign that something is going on at the temple she's headed to.

While on one of the longer more boring walkways Ai hears the sounds of the water moving, and is prepared when tentacle launch from the water, pointed towards her as Ropey takes up a defensive stance and produces a sound that seems very much like a low growl.

Swamp Tentacles 4/4 HP
Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Ropey (D. Rope Demon) 7/7 HP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The boardwalk journey is long and uneventful, with the exception of the sudden darkening of the day happening. Sensing this might have something to do with the temple she's heading out to, she gets a bad feeling about it. But that girl needs to get back to her fellows, so she presses on nonetheless

As they move along the path, Ai is alerted by the sound of suddenly shifting water. Quickly on her guard, she sees tentacles rise from the swamp near them. They seem intently focused on her, ignoring Ropey. Having had encouters with them before, Ai can guess what their intentions are. Readying an attack, she gives Ropey a command to fight with her
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

16 vs 10 | 15 vs 4
1 vs 12 | 16 vs 5

Ropey attacks along with Ai, the whip arms it swings becoming serrated as the rope changes itself to attack in a deadly fashion. Both Ai and Ropey manage to land attacks on the tentacles, a development which gives them pause before their attack, giving Ai enough time to get out of the way, however, a few tentacles hit ropey and start to grab on, the slime starting to dissolve the strands.

Ai finds her harness tighten when she dodges, giving her a bit of arousal.
Swamp Tentacles 2/4 HP
Ai 6/6 FP 1/10 AP (Remember that the harness reverses Arousal to give bonuses instead of penalties.)
Ropey 6/7 HP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With a large sweep of her naginata, Ai severs a few tentacles, with the rope demon's whip arms dealing a similar fate to some of them. As she spins away from the tentacles' return strike, Ai gets a nice tug on her harness, making her warm up a little.

Seing Ropey get hit makes Ai fire up a bit. She continues her attack to lay down the tentacles as soon as possible, giving out orders for the rope demon to continue it's attack as well
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

13 vs 17 | 16 vs 9
8 vs 6 | 1 vs 22 counter

Ai finds herself missing and getting a whipping from the tentacles along her ass, but watches as Ropey cuts himself free and ends up countering the next attack of the tentacles, finishing their morale as they retreat back into the water.

After gathering herself, Ai sees the ruined temple in the distance, fog rolling out of it in a spooky manner.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Missing with her second sweep, Ai receives a slap on her cute rear in return for her troubles. But Ropey hurts the tentacles badly enough. The shredded remains retreat back to the water, wanting nothing to do with the rope demon's wicked lashes anymore.

Finished with the battle, the pair find a more hospitable spot to recover. Eyeing the rope demon, Ai walks over to it.
"You need a new name, Ropey seems too obvious (and the game master doesn't aprove, fourth wall har har). From now on, your name will be... Spinalis. It's a name for a ropy muscle on the spine. Since you support me now, much like that muscle supports the spine, it's kind of an appropriate name" she says, smiling at the rope demon

As she notices the temple out in the distance, Ai hurries up her progress towards it, despite the almost cliche horror movie fog rolling out from the vicinity
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The demon returns to it's more passive form as the tentacles retreat. It seems to nod in approval at the new name.

As she arrives in the main room antechamber of the temple, a screen pops up.

"Save Point reached. Save?
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"I'm glad you aprove" Ai says at the demon's nod

As they reach the entrance hall, a pop-up window jumps into existence. "Oh yes, this was a.. game after all" Ai says as she hits the save button
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai gets another pop up saying the game has saved, and as she's about to take a look around, another one appears.

"You've been playing for quite a while, close to our reccomended limit, we'd like to suggest you take a break. Exit?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After succesfully saving, Ai attempts to start looking around. Her eagerness it cut short by another window coming up almost as soon as the other one dissappeared.

As she reads the message, Ai reluctantly hits the Exit button
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The world fades around her, the egg coming back into view after the blackness like when it had started.

She finds herself seated in the EGG much as she had started. Looking into the room, she sees a woman with very long brown hair, almost to the back of her knees, sitting at at a table, an empty chair opposite her. She seems to be preoccupied drawing something, but notices Ai after a few moments.

She gives a smile to the girl before talking. "Ah, I see you're done then." she makes a motion to the chair as it asking her to sit.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As the ruined temple slowly fades out from her sight, Ai returns to the real world

Still sitting in the test chair like she was, Ai finds herself back at the test room. Getting up from her game chair, she sees a woman drawing a sketch near a table. As this beautiful lady notices Ai back at the real world, she gives Ai a smile before offering her a seat. Ai accepts the offered seat, sitting down opposite of the researcher
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The girl introduces herself as Marie. "I'm the Head Designer of the Monster and enemy department." she says.

"Anyways, I've been assigned as your testing partner, so anytime you have a question about the game, you can contact me. And we always give a small set of questions to testers after their first time in the game." She gives a smart nod as she has a thoughtful look for a moment.

"Anyways, the first set of questions is pretty simple. Just mostly if you enjoyed your time inside and if you actually have any questions for us."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai listens carefully at the researcher, who introduces herself as Marie. As Marie asks her the first questions, Ai gives out her answer almost instantly
"Oh yes, I enjoyed the game, almost too much to be honest. I was bit scared about that sometimes.." she says in a small voice
"But, I want to carry on still. There's much emotional depth to this, and that's something good in a game. As far as the questions are concerned, I have one. Could there be more variety in the monsters you have?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Mmm. We're working on that, although monster variety is very tough to implement, only so many different types that make sense, you know?" She says with a smile.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well, I can sort of understand that. I hope you can get your work done soon" Ai replies as Marie gives out her answer