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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

It's odd to describe the feeling of the tentacles leaving her, for she knew it was more than one. They sort of crawled out of her, three in all.

Though shortly after they all left her, it seems that they had in mind the same thing as all tentacles, as she feels two of them that have wrapped together enter her ass, the last one entering her pussy, all of them fucking her for a while. Eventually, the cocoon starts to crack, as the tentacles leave her, already having caused her to climax twice more. Breaking out of the cocoon, Ai is just barely able to watch as they squirm themselves off the docks and into the water.

She's shortly able to break free after that, finding her panties and bra still intact, she decides it'd be best to fix them, better something than nothing, after all.

She gathers her backpack and weapon, noticing there's two changes of clothes in the backpack.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

(You're still writing a bit confused Botty sir. Looks like Ai broke out twice...)

The churning getting a bit worse, Ai suddenly feels like a tentacle pulled itself out. "Aiyeh!.." she let's out a slight yelp at the sudden jerk. The same thing happens twice more, with the sickening feeling she had easing on her after the third one. Happy that the experience was over, Ai let's out a sigh of relief.

Her moment of relief was cut short though, as the newborns had some fun planned for their mommy. Pushing into her, the pleasure cruise starts over again. "Aaaaaa.. make up your minds already... you want to stay in or out...". The intense rush of orgasm soon follows, two times. Seeing her "babies" disengage and head towards the water, she knows that it's over.

Finally able to be her normal calm self again, Ai gathers her belongings. Taking the other set of clothes, she puts them on. With blade in hand, she starts advancing again.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

(I shall try harder, and less drunkenly)
Ai wanders through the swamp for a while, watching as it gets dark, and feeling as the air becomes chill. She stays on guard, though she isn't assaulted again.

She arrives at a sort of crossroads in the swamp, a small piece of land with the wooden planks going off in almost every direction. In the distance she spots a small like, as if from a campfire, she can see outlined against the night sky some sort of tower. Other directions are pretty barren in looks.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

(Now with 100 percent less confusion, it's a bitbot update post. Konata says "Good job!". Also, lunchtime post yay)

Ai carefully advances in the slowly creeping darkness. Coming to an intersection, she takes some time to look around. Not too interested in the barren swamps, she heads towards the tower looming in the distance
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai makes her decision and sets off for the tower in the distance. She keeps her guard up though, as who knows what could be lurking in the swamp. This proves to be a good idea when she approaches the camp, as her keen ears give her the first clue. Getting close without being close enough to be spotted, Ai can only a few people in the camp, possibly three, it currently looks like the camp is under attack by monsters! She can see just in the firelight one woman being ravished by tentacles, and the moans from elsewhere indicate she's not the only one.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Approaching the tower, Ai keeps her her guard up and senses sharp. This pays off, as she can hear the sounds of a fight soon enough. Starting to sneak forward carefully, she soon spots the scene of the fight. "These things are everywhere" she ponders as she observes the rape-in-progress. Hearing more sounds in the distance, Ai dashes forward to attack the tendrils she can see
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

14 vs 19
Ai runs into the fray, attempting the Skewer the nearest tentacles, failing utterly as it writhes in the air, turning to face her, the other end of it still fucking a nearby girl.

There are quite a few tentacles in the camp, though most seem distracted and content to let Ai be for more.
Tentacles 4/7 HP
(More Tentacles 2/2 HP)
(Even More 4/4 HP)

Ai 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Taking a stab at the visible tentacles, Ai begins to regret her decision as soon as her blow sails past them. Taking a quick look around, she feels a slight relief that the others haven't taken notice of her yet. "I just need to get rid of these..." she thinks as she attacks again
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

7 vs 16
10 vs 18

Ai has some terrible luck, not even managing to scratch the beast, though it also is distracted with the girl, making it harder for it to entangle her. The moans from the girls in the camp are kind of arousing, but Ai manages to keep her head clear.

Tentacles 4/7 HP

Ai 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Missing again, Ai takes care to avoid a return attack. All the moaning makes her blush a bit, but it's not enough to make her lose focus. "...focus..calm yourself". With the thoughts in mind, she attempts yet another attack
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

19 vs 2
16 vs 10

Ai lands a good hit, severing several tendrils in a single attack watching as they almost retreat from it, of course, she was fooled, as that was a feint, feeling as tentacles grab her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides, making it harder to fight as one whips her ass.

And she starts to feel aroused, between the tentacles slime and the moaning of the other girls, and just watching the one right in front of her, still struggling but looking like she's enjoying every moment.

Tentacles 2/7 HP

Ai 4/5 FP 1/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Success!", her attack landing home for a change makes Ai happy. But then she gets a reality check as she gets entangled and whipped on her cute rear. "Ah!" she cries out. "You'll not have your way this time!" she thinks as she attempts another attack, despite the impediment
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

0 vs 4
-1 vs 7

The tentacles attempt to whip her again, failing, though she also fails in her own attack, and between watching the girl in front of her being raped senseless, the slime on the tentacles, and moans from all over the camp, she also finds herself aroused, and it looks like some of the other tentacles might be paying attention to her now...though they seem to be content to wait until she finishes with the first set...

Tentacles 2/7 HP

Ai 4/5 FP 2/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Exchanging missing attacks with the tentacle swarm, Ai notices that the others might be paying her some interest. With all the sex and tentacles going on, Ai's face gets redder and warmer as pleasurable thoughts start to get inside her head. Still seeking to end the fight without rape, she fights on with a further attack
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

3 vs 4
8 vs 11

Another round of failed attacks commences, as Ai starts to feel more aroused than ever, her senses being overwhelmed with stimulation, watching it before her, smelling the scent, feeling the tentacles on her, hearing the moans, and now tasting the tentacle that thrust itself into her mouth.

Tentacles 2/7 HP

Ai 4/5 FP 4/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With both of their attacks failing again, Ai begins to lose her focus to all the arousing stuff happening around her. With the tendrils entangling her arms, she's wide open, and the swarm takes the chance. Suddenly having a tentacle in her mouth, Ai lets out a faint moaning sound as she attempts to fight the off invading member
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

6 vs 1
2 vs 16

Ai managed to break herself free finally when she got the tentacle out of her mouth, slicing it and the other nearby, she could see the ones just outside the range of light from the fire watching intently, seemingly waiting their own chance at the girl. Of course, even getting the tentacles off didn't help the new wave of arousal.

Tentacles 1/7 HP

Ai 4/5 FP 5/10 AP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With her slash knocking the tentacles off, Ai feels a bit more confident. But she's still surrounded and quite aroused. Properly setting herself up, she takes the chance to attack with all the power she can manage and maybe end the swarm's life
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

12 vs 11
Ai manages to hit the things again, fully ending the life of this swarm, as the girl who is now free starts to become aware that the tendrils are now lifeless, slowly removing them from her, looking up with pleading eyes that are thanking the new girl.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Finally taking the slimy appendages out, Ai feels relieved. Seeing the rescued girl looking at her, Ai asks "Can you stand? There's still more of them". She keeps her weapon ready and attention fixed on the two outside swarms