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Ai (KakkaHousu)



RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai approaches and opens the chest carefully. It doesn't appear to be a mimic or trapped, so she goes for it. Her efforts are rewarded when she finds the chest isn't locked. apparently this really is the dungeon chest. She finds a fair amount of money inside, a total of 26 Kfs, she also finds an Armor Repair Kit and a Whetstone ready for use. She had to admit that why it seemed pretty mundane, they would prove helpful, especially since they were one less thing she had to buy.

All that was left in this room was the stairwell down. Something about it called to her that the next floor was going to be tougher. Shaking off the feeling, since she had to progress regardless. She finally feels some of the arousal wearing off, perhaps it was the oppressive feeling she got from the stairwell, perhaps not.

Stat Block
Ai 5/6 FP 3/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery)
Spinalis 7/7 HP
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Hoho, does not appear to be a trap, this one." Ai thought as she got the chest open and was actually not pulled in and raped like a bitch. There was some loot inside, all of which would get to leave this dungeon with her. After pocketing the items, she started to head down, a little dissappointed that the key had not been there.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finally starts to make her way down the stairs. It was tough going with the rapist panties, but she managed it. As she went down the stairs had torches along the wall that lit as she went past. It was....well, what she might expect from a game, honestly. It gave her the indication that the second floor might be simple, it was probably a boss fight at the end of the stairs. And the stairs felt like they went on forever. But eventually she reached the bottom. It was a small entrance room, a little bit of decoration here and there before the large door in front of here. She was pretty positive that whatever was behind that door was a boss.

Stat Block
Ai 5/6 FP 3/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery)
Spinalis 7/7 HP
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Again, there was something that Ai could say about the stairs and her current equipment, but she did not resort to curses as they wouldn't really do anything to aid the situation. "Hnnnnggg..." she gasped a bit along the way, the stairs being far longer than necessary for her current condition. At the end though, there was relief and a new door to go into. The entry was a bit more ornate than they were before, so there was probably a big bad or something important in there, maybe even both. Seeing no other way around this, she advanced inside.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai opens the door, pushing her way through. The room on the other side is large and ornate. It's well lit and Ai takes a moment to take in all the sights it has to offer. One of the first things she actually notices is that around the walls of the room appears to be a number of females. They're chained to the walls and appear to be held up by protrusions from the wall which appear to be intruding them in much the way the panties are to Ai. Most of them are making noises, between low moans and high cries as their situation tortures them. Amond the less interesting decorates are a large number of pillars lining the room. One or two girls are chained to these too. But in the center of the room, directly across from Ai, appears to be a man standing in robes, he's reading over a book and grins as Ai enters. She knows that he's an NPC, probably a scripted boss. Which she finds strange considering she could identify all the other girls trapped in the room as other players. Regardless this man looks up at her. "Another challenger...is it? And a pretty one at that, I will enjoy taking you as my prize."

Stat Block
Ai 5/6 FP 2/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery)
Spinalis 7/7 HP
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The scene behind the door was almost expected at this point of her adventure. About a dozen or so other young ladies are there, pretty much used as decorations in that perverted sort of way that most bad guys used. It was a moderately disturbing thing to see, but Ai had seen a lot of strange stuff already. With the man pretty much getting to the point right away, there was a connection quickly formed in the busty girl's mind. A robe-wearing book guy, using girls as pervy decorations. And the thing now on her was made by the pervert's wizard friend. So, this was most likely the wizard friend in question. "We'll just see about that, you fiend. Pervert helper!" she replied, more than eager to get this monster of a man down so she could possibly get the other ladies out and rid herself of the bothersome rapist panties. With thoughts of sweet release in mind, she moved forward to attack.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The mage doesn't respond to Ai at all as the girl moved forward to attack. Although running in the panties was extremely difficult, she managed to corss the rope quickly, Spinalis close behind her as she stabs her naginata at the man. Although her attack is dead on, it seems to graze him as his body almost phases to the side. She felt some resistance, so she didn't totally whiff, she thinks. Spinalis follows up with his own attack, and Ai is sure she heard it connect, though the man had stepped back as he was finishing a spell. Before Ai knew it she saw a large purple slime appear in front of her, leaping forward. She was still recovering from her attack and unable to defender herself as it launches itself at her. It collides into her, engulfing itself around her and knocking her to the ground. The breath is knocked out of her as the invader panties jam themselves against her insides, the one in the front pressing up against her womb. And to make matters worse the slime was still around her, starting to climb up her.

Stat Block
Ai 4/6 FP 2/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery), Engulfed (AP Gain Chance)
Spinalis 7/7 HP

Mage ??/??
Slime 0/??
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

There was some success to be had in Ai's swing, though it was far from the best she could do with the weapon. "Great, a battlemage. Still hit him slightly, better than nothing." she thought as the result of the remarkably reckless attack processed in her mind. Before there could be any proper getting back into defensive form, there already was a slime thing on the girl. "Oh dammit... another summoner..." she thought as yet another struggle against imminent rape began. There was pressing need to escape, so that was what she tried to do. With the slime there to constantly pester her, there was little chance against the wizard himself.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai shifts her priorities quickly from the summoner to the slime that was crawling over her. She brought her weapon around, angling it so she could attempt to hit the thing. She couldn't get the right leverage though, and her attack just slid past the slime as she tried to pry it off of her. She felt it trying to arouse her, but managed to resist, though a few lewd thoughts went through her head. It might not be that bad to lose...it certainly looked like those other girls were having fun...

Spinalis was having a bit more luck fighting against the summoner while Ai struggled with the slime. It let out a crossing lash attack with both it's arms, trapping the mage with nowhere to run. The man tried to slide out of the way, but still got hit with the edge of one of the attacks. He grunted and took to a knee for a moment, sending a blast of energy towards the demon as he stood up. It landed solidly on the demon, hitting it in it on a human what would be the shoulder.

Ai could feel the slime trying to move her around, apparently trying to slam her down against the ground again. Thankfully though she managed to resist the slimes movement. Leaving them nowhere different than they had been earlier, except the slime was now covering more of her body.

Stat Block
Ai 4/6 FP 2/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery), Engulfed (AP Gain Chance, -1 Attack)
Spinalis 6/7 HP

Mage ??/??
Slime 0/??
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

While her companion rope creature was managing a lot better, Ai herself was not having much success, the wrestling between her and the slime accounting to a whole lot of nothing. Sometimes, the martial skill and strenght of Spinalis had her feeling a bit envious. It would surely help against all of these rapists. Not wanting to distract herself from the literally sticky situation she was in, the girl went back to trying for freedom.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai attempted to bring her attack against the slime again. This fails utterly as the slime ends up morphing around the attack, grabbing her arm and holding her in place. The movement causes a hard part of the slime to ram up against her nethers, causing her to lose her breath for a few moments as she recovers from the intruders renewed invasion.

Her rope buddy continues the attack on the summon, as they trade another round of blows. The rope demon looks ragged, but it does not slow on it's attack against the mage.

The slime continues it's attack on Ai, apparently it was unaware of the panties on the girl, as it was pressing hard against her crouch, probably trying to arouse her. However, this still worked in a different way, starting to sap the girl of her strength as the invades inside her constant churned her. She didn't know how much longer she could last like that.

Stat Block
Ai 2/6 FP 4/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-2 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery), Engulfed (AP Gain Chance, -1 Attack, Slime +1 to hit)
Spinalis 5/7 HP

Mage ??/??
Slime 0/??
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

And as was pretty much expected from her usual performance in these kinds of situations, Ai once more had no chance at escaping, the only thing that happened only ending up leaving her in a bigger pickle than she had just been a moment ago as the slime pinned her arm. It was getting harder for her to get free, and the poking at her lower entrance sure made it none the easier. The slime was not having much success by it's own devices, but the panties still made it possible for the thing to molest her. All in all, it appeared that it would be decided between the other opponents, unless Ai herself faded out and desummoned Spinalis as a result. Leaving out the attacking, she decided to purely focus on escaping instead.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Abandoning the attack, Ai simply did her best to struggle. Although at first it felt hopeless, for the briefest moment the slime had loosened its grip. Ai managed to yank herself free in this moment and pulled out of the slime. Her weapon was in hand, and she was breathing heavily.

At this point it was almost expected to see the demon and the mage trade blows, both of them fighting each other, practically no regard for the other pair of combatants now. It seemed as though they were in their own world now.

Of course, the briefest thought distracted Ai as the slime attack her again, it rammed into her legs, sending her sprawling once more. She hit the ground with an oof as the slime started to crawl over her. Her armor had already at points shown signs of the slimes dissolving properties, and if this kept up she'd be naked before long.

Stat Block
Ai 1/6 FP 4/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-2 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery), Engulfed (Ap Gain Chance)
Spinalis 4/7 HP

Mage ??/??
Slime 0/??
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Get off me, you! Find a lady slime or something!" Ai told off the offending slime as she managed to find an opening, pushing the thing away. Even as she said that, there was little doubt in her that slimes were not things with genders and seemed to thrive on using humanoid ladies instead.

A brief glance at the ongoing battle left Ai herself open, and soon enough, the situation was back at where it had been before. "Why meeeee..." she thought, starting up the strugglemill again in an effort to once more escape.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's struggling is an utter failure as she remained well stuck in the slime. She feels the slime warm against her skin, sending goosebumps all up her body. She feels more arousing thoughts flirt through her head, wondering what might happen if she lost.

The battle between Spinalis and the mage continued, though neither landed a hit on each other for a few exchanges. Both were guarding themselves well, not giving a chance for either of the other to get a hit.

Although arousing thoughts filtered through Ai's head, the slime was unable to make any progress on actually draining her of her strength. The struggling the girl put up simply made it too difficult for the slime to get a good grip.

So more struggling ensures, giving Ai another chance at freedom. And this time she manages to get her foot on the edge of the dias, giving a hard push and sending her out of the slime. Spinalis lands a solid attack on the mage, managing to avoid the return blow. Even Ai feels lucky as she managed to avoid the slime's charge once again, keeping herself free and...ready to fight, if just barely.

Stat Block
Ai 1/6 FP 5/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-2 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery)
Spinalis 4/7 HP

Mage ??/??
Slime 0/??
Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After some more struggles and flails, Ai finally managed to get somewhere as she once again punted the slime away and got to her feet. The battle between Spinalis and the magician was a bit slower this time around, only the demon's lash managing to find the target. With her newfound freedom, Ai moved to the defensive style of combat, not willing to get grappled again for the millionth time.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai holds her ground in a defensive stance, intending to attack defensively. She makes her strike, but the slime quickly evades. For a moment it looks as though the slime is going to jump her again, but that's when Spinalis finally comes through for her, landing another attack on the summoner. The slime sort of fades away as the summoner hits the ground, defeated by Ai's own summon.

Ai can't help but slump, relieved at the end of the combat and her chance to rest. Of course, she forgot about her situation, landing perfectly to press the intruders into her again. It sets her sitting straight up for a moment, as he head is filled with more dirty thoughts. She couldn't help it, her body was aroused regardless of how she felt about the situation.

Stat Block
Ai 1/6 FP 6/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (1/2 Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-3 All Rolls), Impaled (AP Fuckery)
Spinalis 4/7 HP

Money: 55 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

On the defensive, Ai was a much more proficient combatant, her weapon of choice being more suited to the style of defense. Her attack missed, but it turned out to not be a problem at all as Spinalis finished the fight for her, showing his worth once again. And just like that, it was over.

The slump that she had done reminded Ai once more of the situation she was in, and the busty girl soon got up from her brief resting spot. "Maybe this torment will finally end, dammit..." she thought, taking a look at the surroundings. There were a lot of other girls still there, so it would be time for them to be released as well. Going into scavenging mode, Ai searched the room for items, most focus being put into looking for keys. When keys were indeed found, she would see if any of them actually fit her perv panties before going into full release mode of the other girls with the help of Spinalis.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai searched around the room, doing her best to try and keep her mind clear as it felt like everything about this game was trying to distract her. Eventually she located a chest, and after giving it a short test, discovered it was unlocked.

Inside the chest Ai found her rewards. Scattered among the other items were coins. She would later count them up to be 18 Kfs. She also found what looked like keys. Perhaps to dungeon doors or chests. A small popup window informed her that most dungeons would have locked chests and keys, and that all keys from dungeons were interchangeable, so she could use the keys she got here in other dungeons. She also found a tiny tentacle, which lept up at her. He landed on her hear, starting to wiggle around. It wasn't exactly threatening her, but it could be a little annoying.

Lastly she found what she had come here for. Another key that looked different to the dungeon ones. It was whispy, as if made of condensed magic. It only really took her fiddling with it before she felt the panties on her waist loosen, giving her the chance to finally pull them out of her. She did so with no hesitance, earning herself an intense feeling as she was suddenly empty. Thankfully she was able to remain standing.

It didn't take long after that to go around and free all of the other girls from their situation, most of them just sitting down to rest, exhausted. The keyring for all their locks had been on the summoner himself, who now seemed to be fading, much like the slime had earlier.

Stat Block
Ai 1/6 FP 6/10 AP
>>Upgrades: Weapon (Not Maintained)
>>Status: AP (-3 All Rolls)

Money: 73 Kfs
(2) Dungeon Keys
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(1) 1/2 Armor Repair Kit
(3) Whetstone
(1) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations[/SIZE]

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"And just what are you? Little boy rapist?" Ai asked aloud as she saw and felt the tiny baby tentacle that had come from the chest. The thing was kinda cute in a slimy wiggly sort of way, and most likely not a threat, so she decided to keep it around but still off from her sensitives. Maybe something would come of it.

Eventually the main thing was there in her hand, a really odd key that granted her freedom eventually, after some moments of tampering around with. It was an immensely satisfying experience to get rid of the things that had been plaguing Ai for a good couple of hours, but she did not throw them away. There was still use for the things, maybe, so those too went into her pack. Maybe she would use them on the dude who put them on her in the first place, make him feel sorry via his ass.

With Spinalis' help, all the other ladies were eventually freed. They were exhausted, which was totally understandable given how they had been treated for God knows how long. Letting them rest, Ai took to fixing up her weapon and armor as they recovered. Maybe there would be some cohesion among them when she was done.