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Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I am wondering about something... when the game comes out is it going to be version 1.01 like Princess Trainer and after a while will it go to 1.02 update or are we just waiting for things on the game so there are no bugs in the game
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I am wondering about something... when the game comes out is it going to be version 1.01 like Princess Trainer and after a while will it go to 1.02 update or are we just waiting for things on the game so there are no bugs in the game

At the moment that is Unknown but Akabur said he did not want to release Princess Trainer in the state he did at the time, something about releasing his games with more content rather than patching them in later.

Maybe somebody here can enlighten everyone on what he said, it was on his livejournal account, but I cannot access that at the moment.

Who knows, maybe Hermione Trainer will be Complete and may not need an Update, but again nothing is concrete at the moment.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Unfortunately I'm not a patron, but I saw that Akabur made a new post today/yesterday, I'm just wondering if a patron could tell us if it's an update on the game or anything?
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Unfortunately I'm not a patron, but I saw that Akabur made a new post today/yesterday, I'm just wondering if a patron could tell us if it's an update on the game or anything?

He said he is alive and working on it. It does sound like it might not come out in October yet since he was talking about daily progress reports and then saying most of the reports would just be that he is working on the same thing for a while.

Also there was a picture of chibi Hermione in a very revealing house elf outfit. ^_^
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Gas explosion in Akabur's apartment building. o_O

He is fine though.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I can see why he's been meaning to move out.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

What, you think gas explosions in his apartment are a regular occurrence?

Actually, in his video, I think he said something about a fire in the building last year. I did not really watch the whole thing, so I could be mistaken.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

The only thing to be excited about is that Akabur said this was the Push to get him to Move somewhere better than his current living.

Plus the Video showed his entire Apartment Complex is Trashed, Burned, and Flooded.

I wouldn't mind if Hermione Trainer was put on hold while he moved. This isn't a good Working Environment he is in currently.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

What, you think gas explosions in his apartment are a regular occurrence?

You don't have to have constant gas explosions to recognize shoddy craftsmanship or deplorable conditions that are begging for something to go wrong.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Solid status update from Akabur:

I am done with items, books and crap like that. Took me a while but it is finally over with. Next step was the cupboard which sort of acts like a roulette-treasure chest. (You find random things of different value in it). And it is also done now. Next step is the \"friendship with Professor Snape\" mini story ark. I am almost done writing it and putting all the events into the game should not take very long...

Here is the things that still need to be done:
-The title screen illustration.
-Two (relatively) small events.
-Gallery and additional materials.

There are also a few side-quests that we have been planning on adding with Dahr for quite some time now. But that is something that is not of absolute importance so I am leaving this for the last since I could always scrap the whole thing if I have to.

Then the endless tweaking and polishing shall follow. Then music and finally the testing.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

More updates:


I spent yesterday's evening and today's entire morning working on some (super secret) feature that I previously gave up on because of the lack of time. But yesterday I for some reason felt a strong urge to work on the thing... and I gave in to the urge. Simply could not resist. And I am glad I decided to work on it, because it didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would and now the game has another little (AWESOME) feature in it's arsenal. I am torn between my desire to brag about that new feature but at the same time I want you guys to discover it on your own... I think I will stick with the later.

Like I said - working on the title illustration.
Done with all the Snape related crap.
Next thing will be two short events.
Then I think gallery and extras.
After that a million of small things that are still missing: (Some item descriptions, proper item prices, ect.)
And after that either a first actual testing of everything (by me) or maybe those short side-quests.

Also the game is shaping out to be really good. I say this because I wasn't always sure about the choices I made with this one. But now I see that there are so many things that even if some ideas won't really work the rest will. And it does :) Alright, all I had to say. Thank you for everything. Can't wait to leave this ghetto behind, can't wait to release "HT" and can't wait to get to working on "Princess Trainer GE"...
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Akabur added to his last Post on Patreon.

His building had another Fire (But was a Small One)

He is done with the Title Screen Art and The Hermione Trainer Logo.

He talked about a small update for Hermione Trainer where you can dress up Lola and soon Iris and make sure they keep their Costumes for all Cutscenes.

Full Post is here:


Logo is right here:

Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Did he just spell trainer as tranier? :O
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I sent him a Message about the Typo but I wasn't the only one who notice haha

Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

We were promised (not by Akabur, by randos on this forum) that this game would be out in October. That means it comes out today right? :D
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

We were promised (not by Akabur, by randos on this forum) that this game would be out in October. That means it comes out today right? :D

Mainly by me haha xD

I think the new stuff he has added was worth the extension. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, like the Snape events are looking to take awhile to complete, as well as a long list of Inventory items you can use (Which we do not know how they are being used), and of course he has eluded to a new Update to Princess Trainer after Hermione Trainer.

While October is out of the question, November might bring 2 fantastic things from Akabur.

Just another prediction for y'all :D
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Game is going to have postgame content and new game + at release. Niiiccceeee...

Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Game is going to have postgame content and new game + at release. Niiiccceeee...

Man, who cares about that, those potatoes made me hungry.
JK, awesome news, thanks for sharing