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Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Read that Waifu book 3 times, got 3 different endings in it, still no skirt voucher came out :(

I think I got the voucher by reading it 4 times and getting 4 endings.....wasn't really paying attention TBH :rolleyes:
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Read that Waifu book 3 times, got 3 different endings in it, still no skirt voucher came out :(

Read the book 3 times, focusing on each selection for the 3 different endings.
Then the 4th time reading it, select everything equally.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

welp, I didn't notice that the cupboard can give you booze, which increases slytherin point gain, so now the grifs have like, a 50 point lead that I cant seem to close.

... fuck.

the first game you could use cheat-engine to fuck with the values, but I can't seem to do it here, shame.

Basically, every night invite snape over. After hanging out several times he'll have another dialogue, and another boost to slytherin points.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Wow... that is definitely some hate. I must say, I have played it for a few hours and I think it is a fun, engaging game. But, I can see where complaints stem. I think we let the hype build a bit too high considering the game is primarily a single developer. The dialogue in particular is quite entertaining in my opinion.

I think it will be interesting to see how Akabur's Patreon account changes. If it stays the same or goes up, then all the people bitching are irrelevant. Akabur's primary concern should be his funders, and that is it. I've been watching his Patreon page and the comments have been positive, so I don't think the funders are unhappy. Me personally, I've funded him since August, and I am enjoying the game. I don't think it met my unrealistic expectations, but I've had more fun playing it so far than 95% of the h-games I play.

+1 to all this. That ask.fm website seems like a clear example of "Haters gonna hate" type deal and I hope Akabur doesn't take it too seriously. Though I can understand if he does take it personally, the game's his new baby and he has spent tons of time and creative energy on it. I've never done games but I did some writing and you develop a strong relationship with your creations. I'm not sure if people who have never done any art themselves really understand how it is ... not that it really matters for those trolls just yelling at him.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

The Hate is stemming from not enough CG Scenes. I can see why people don't like it. Yet all people want is Porn to whack their Cocks too, but Akabur wanted to make a Game that was Funny, Engaging, and had Side Quests. I say he has succeeded and I love the game so far for all these reasons.

Plus if you got the Game for free, don't fucking complain. I Paid for my Game and I am enjoying it.

I have Contributed to Akabur for 4 Months already and I will continue to do so.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

After having completed the game and gotten the ending 2, I have to say I really enjoyed this. Was a bit frustrated at first because everything took forever to complete, and then I found the skillbooks halfway through and the game started getting much more enjoyable.

Dialogues and story were both enjoyable, and though I loathed her in the begining I started sympathising and growing fond of Hermione, and thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with her and Snape. Best Bromance.

Contrary to what seems to be the common opinion, I'm not a big fan of CG and loved the chibis of Princess Trainer, which made me love the sex scenes of this game.

I'm sad Akabur had to cut content from the game, but honestly it's really good as it is, even if it does tend to drag on for a bit too long come to the end game.

My only complaint is that, as I said, the game tends to feel grindy and drags on, what with repeating the same tasks and such, and I would've greatly appreciated an auto feature to go a certain amount of days while doing the same task ( ie: skip until completion of reading a book, skip until maximum reports were written... ), and that Hermione's decent into the depth of depravity was a bit... unclear. The hearts aren't the best way to track your progress, and I would've liked a lewdness/virtue stat to track how far down she had gotten.

I'll give this a 7.5/10. It was a good fap, and would fap again.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I'd give the current game 7.5/10. I feel like the game is not quite done and by 1.2 it could be a 10/10. The most conspicuous absences are a stat screen showing Hermione and Snape's data, and a few more full CGs. Also, a few parts of it are a bit too grindy.
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Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

i haven't plyed the game yet, but it seems to be getting a lot of hate, but I am not 100% sure its his fault. I don't mind chibi scenes and I wished he had more in PT, so happy to hear there are more here.

I think what happened, and what it sounds like, is someone reported this to copyright holders, and shit hit the fan. He had to rush to remove stuff. The people leaking the game are the icing on the cake.

He sounds mad because I but the majority of those people bitching didn't give him a cent. The people on the patreon page seem a lot better. You guys as well.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here. He did such a fantastic job with PT, and it sounds like there was a lot of bad shit that happened outside of his control.

I bet the game will be fun and funny.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I suspect we'll know who's bothered by this when we see his patreaon in the next few months. I've been playing abit myself, also someone funding him, and its ok?

I ran into a game breaking bug where one of the fiction books vanished and you can't read them out of order. Only thing i'm having problems with right now is figuring out how to get extra hearts on things and determining where to go next. Sorta feel like i'm wasting alot of time doing the same tasks over and over when they aren't progressing anywhere.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Dooh.....princess trainer was way better refund i want refund ! Its time to fap take this ababur bitch dooh... cant event fap nothing come up...maybe next time.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

One problem I can't figure out is about when Hermione was chosen to lead the ball, I stopped getting the option for public favors.

She always just says "I do not mind selling you the favors...but only as long as we keep them private".

This is when I'd done about half of them, and she's friendly and ultra maxed on the private ones.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

One problem I can't figure out is about when Hermione was chosen to lead the ball, I stopped getting the option for public favors.

She always just says "I do not mind selling you the favors...but only as long as we keep them private".

This is when I'd done about half of them, and she's friendly and ultra maxed on the private ones.

from what I understand, there's two routes in the game. basically you got locked into the private route. nothing to worry about, just next time you play have her do more public stuff.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

from what I understand, there's two routes in the game. basically you got locked into the private route. nothing to worry about, just next time you play have her do more public stuff.
Thanks, I'm gearing up for a new game + run now and I'll see how it goes. I'm going to fully mangle it with cheat engine this time to save time.

My biggest complaint about the game is the lack of data. Can't tell what slut level hermione is at, or how things affect things. I hunger for data!
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Wow... that is definitely some hate. I must say, I have played it for a few hours and I think it is a fun, engaging game. But, I can see where complaints stem. I think we let the hype build a bit too high considering the game is primarily a single developer. The dialogue in particular is quite entertaining in my opinion.

[I'm speaking generally. I am NOT speaking of the person I quoted above.]

We pay him for his wit, for his style, and for his approach to game-making, NOT for each vapid ingrate's personal envisioning of a fictional character's puckered asshole.

The people giving him shit for this game are the same mediocre degenerates that are just smart enough to be distinct from the sweaty throng of "simple folk", but not smart enough to realize that they're not that fucking smart. These are the people that don't understand that producing art -- because even though ero has an ulterior motive in being sexually provocative, it is ultimately still derivative of our need as humans to express ourselves -- takes time. It's not the literal effort entailed by typing shit out or moving a stylus around on a tablet, but the creative pondering that so gluttonously feasts on the time you've allotted for other things.

For example: I'm supposed to be writing a 10 page paper right now. If I was just spewing bullshit to fill pages, I'd spend about 4 hours on this. Because I am a good writer, I'd probably still get an A.

I've spent over 100 hours writing this paper.

I've probably constructed, and then subsequently deleted, well over 50 times the content that I'd need to finish it. It doesn't matter. I want to express thoughts, and I want to express them well. Hell, I probably have spent 30 minutes writing this post. A post on an obscure porn forum, that probably like 15 people on Earth will ever read. The effort is clearly not worth the resultant production; so why do people like me do it?

To express ourselves.

Akabur doesn't want to produce a certain quantity of entertainment for you. He wants to produce a certain form of entertainment for you. It has to be just right, and if it isn't, the whole thing becomes meaningless.

People bitching about it taking as long as it did, or not being what they thought it would be, are idiots. I love the game. It's a shame he felt so much pressure to get it out there with so many bugs still in the game, but who gives a shit? Click on the thing twice or restart the game or go back a screen. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the fact that some dude 5000 miles away from you wrote AND drew AND programmed an elaborate, pornographic, Harry Potter themed videogame for you to play for 1 hour before whining about it on the internet.
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Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Welp then waiting for someone from here to upload "clean" version

Anyone have any news on this? I tried two different sources both reported, TR/Dropper.Gen .

Does anyone know if its a false positive or what?
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

[I'm speaking generally. I am NOT speaking of the person I quoted above.]

We pay him for his wit, for his style, and for his approach to game-making, NOT for each vapid ingrate's personal envisioning of a fictional character's puckered asshole.

The people giving him shit for this game are the same mediocre degenerates that are just smart enough to be distinct from the sweaty throng of "simple folk", but not smart enough to realize that they're not that fucking smart. These are the people that don't understand that producing art -- because even though ero has an ulterior motive in being sexually provocative, it is ultimately still derivative of our need as humans to express ourselves -- takes time. It's not the literal effort entailed by typing shit out or moving a stylus around on a tablet, but the creative pondering that so gluttonously feasts on the time you've allotted for other things.

For example: I'm supposed to be writing a 10 page paper right now. If I was just spewing bullshit to fill pages, I'd spend about 4 hours on this. Because I am a good writer, I'd probably still get an A.

I've spent over 100 hours writing this paper.

I've probably constructed, and then subsequently deleted, well over 50 times the content that I'd need to finish it. It doesn't matter. I want to express thoughts, and I want to express them well. Hell, I probably have spent 30 minutes writing this post. A post on an obscure porn forum, that probably like 15 people on Earth will ever read. The effort is clearly not worth the resultant production; so why do people like me do it?

To express ourselves.

Akabur doesn't want to produce a certain quantity of entertainment for you. He wants to produce a certain form of entertainment for you. It has to be just right, and if it isn't, the whole thing becomes meaningless.

People bitching about it taking as long as it did, or not being what they thought it would be, are idiots. I love the game. It's a shame he felt so much pressure to get it out there with so many bugs still in the game, but who gives a shit? Click on the thing twice or restart the game or go back a screen. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the fact that some dude 5000 miles away from you wrote AND drew AND programmed an elaborate, pornographic, Harry Potter themed videogame for you to play for 1 hour before whining about it on the internet.

This board needs a way to upvote because you earned 10 with that post.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

[I'm speaking generally. I am NOT speaking of the person I quoted above.]

We pay him for his wit, for his style, and for his approach to game-making, NOT for each vapid ingrate's personal envisioning of a fictional character's puckered asshole.

The people giving him shit for this game are the same mediocre degenerates that are just smart enough to be distinct from the sweaty throng of "simple folk", but not smart enough to realize that they're not that fucking smart. These are the people that don't understand that producing art -- because even though ero has an ulterior motive in being sexually provocative, it is ultimately still derivative of our need as humans to express ourselves -- takes time. It's not the literal effort entailed by typing shit out or moving a stylus around on a tablet, but the creative pondering that so gluttonously feasts on the time you've allotted for other things.

For example: I'm supposed to be writing a 10 page paper right now. If I was just spewing bullshit to fill pages, I'd spend about 4 hours on this. Because I am a good writer, I'd probably still get an A.

I've spent over 100 hours writing this paper.

I've probably constructed, and then subsequently deleted, well over 50 times the content that I'd need to finish it. It doesn't matter. I want to express thoughts, and I want to express them well. Hell, I probably have spent 30 minutes writing this post. A post on an obscure porn forum, that probably like 15 people on Earth will ever read. The effort is clearly not worth the resultant production; so why do people like me do it?

To express ourselves.

Akabur doesn't want to produce a certain quantity of entertainment for you. He wants to produce a certain form of entertainment for you. It has to be just right, and if it isn't, the whole thing becomes meaningless.

People bitching about it taking as long as it did, or not being what they thought it would be, are idiots. I love the game. It's a shame he felt so much pressure to get it out there with so many bugs still in the game, but who gives a shit? Click on the thing twice or restart the game or go back a screen. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the fact that some dude 5000 miles away from you wrote AND drew AND programmed an elaborate, pornographic, Harry Potter themed videogame for you to play for 1 hour before whining about it on the internet.

Dude, I'm breaking my 2+ year status as a lurker to comment on your post but you deserve some rep. You summarized very eloquently something which I think is just basic human nature, and your post resonated with me beyond anything i'd normally expect to read on a hentai forum o__o
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

@Textbook: I concur wholeheartedly. While I think Akabur probably alienated a few people with his responses to that ask.fm, I think much of the criticism was ridiculous. They game is fun, it is witty. Is it perfect? No, and I too wish he had not caved and completed it fully to his satisfaction. Of course, he had a lot of funders that were getting antsy, so I understand. Heck, I've posted on this thread in the past at how many times I was checking his page. I admit, I was antsy, but I was also willing to wait.