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Re: Akabur Games

^ the 1GB+ has 1.4 in english+russian+android version in both languages, so it's roughly 4*~360MB, 3 of which you won't ever use (unless you play in russian and/or on mobile).

Thanks. Playing through it now.

Is the jerk off on panties option missing? I can't level that favor up without that option I think.

Edit: nm, now I remember where it is.

Edit2: I think I'm stuck or have a bug. I can't get level 3 on panty thief. I jerk off on the panties, but I'm not getting the option to say what it is when Hermione asks like I did in 1.01.
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Re: Akabur Games

Mo is going to be releasing BT 'Silver' tomorrow over on the 4Chan thread. It will apparently feature new locations, scenes and a bunch of other stuff.
Re: Akabur Games

Thanks. Playing through it now.

Is the jerk off on panties option missing? I can't level that favor up without that option I think.

Edit: nm, now I remember where it is.

Edit2: I think I'm stuck or have a bug. I can't get level 3 on panty thief. I jerk off on the panties, but I'm not getting the option to say what it is when Hermione asks like I did in 1.01.

You need more hearts/sluttitute in other stuff for them to unlock.
Re: Akabur Games

There's an overall slutiness value that generally only increases under certain conditions. Usually the first time you do a particular favor or trigger a particular scene within one. Individual favors sometimes won't advance unless you increase that value.

There's a rather ghastly sticking point when her overall slutiness gets to level 8. You have to keep doing the "Show your tits" favor different ways, repeatedly pissing her off even, and it will eventually push her up another level. Everything else is just stuck, and doesn't seem to increase the value no matter what you try.
Re: Akabur Games

Mo is going to be releasing BT 'Silver' tomorrow over on the 4Chan thread. It will apparently feature new locations, scenes and a bunch of other stuff.

Any news on that ?
Re: Akabur Games

Any news on that ?

From 4chan:
Guys I've decided to cancel Silver Editon for the time being so I can work on my chibis. There's a killer bug where Hermione's chibi has no head and I want to add more chibi scenes anyway.
Re: Akabur Games

From 4chan:
Guys I've decided to cancel Silver Editon for the time being so I can work on my chibis. There's a killer bug where Hermione's chibi has no head and I want to add more chibi scenes anyway.
Akabur uses Super Bonner Killer!

Its super effective!
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Re: Akabur Games

The new girl from 1.4 Witch Trainer isn't much.
Doesn't get anywhere interesting as it is WIP, so kinda sucks.

Managed to get passed where I got stuck though.

I was hoping they had one girl from each school, and Ravenclaw would have Cho. My dreams...
Re: Akabur Games

From 4chan:
Guys I've decided to cancel Silver Editon for the time being so I can work on my chibis. There's a killer bug where Hermione's chibi has no head and I want to add more chibi scenes anyway.
Honestly, this sounds like the culmination of months of trolling. The part that was almost universally hated was the overuse of chibis. Although, the original post was deleted, so it's hard to tell if this is a troll job or a cynical quote from a second-hand source. Edit: Oh, nope, found it buried in the shit. I'm not sure if the deleted reference I saw could be faked, and if it wasn't, who knows what it was to. Anyway it seems the modder hasn't taken steps so that he can tag his own posts and let people know they're genuine. Anybody can post pretending to be him, so who knows if he posted that, the other, or if he just quietly slunk away when he realized he couldn't make his own deadline.

Skimming through all the crap in their last couple threads, apparently one modder did this "allegedly announce delay on release day" crap, and then the other one that had big plans that were nearing fruition supposedly died in a car crash, or maybe he was just badly injured, gave up working, and has a friend with a morbid sense of humor. It's all too bizarre to be real.
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Re: Akabur Games

The only place chibis should have been used was the stats screen. Also, there should be a stats screen. Without it the game is needlessly confusing, and honestly, watching the chibis get more corrupt on it was one of my favorite parts of PT.
Re: Akabur Games

The only place chibis should have been used was the stats screen. Also, there should be a stats screen. Without it the game is needlessly confusing, and honestly, watching the chibis get more corrupt on it was one of my favorite parts of PT.

Not to sound like a mega douche, but keep in mind the version of Witch Trainer that Akabur "released" last December was merely a beta sent to testers, who leaked it out and we know the resulting fallout ...... Maybe we'd get some mind-boggling stuff/scenes if scrubs didn't ruin it for all of us.
Re: Akabur Games

Not to sound like a mega douche, but keep in mind the version of Witch Trainer that Akabur "released" last December was merely a beta sent to testers, who leaked it out and we know the resulting fallout ...... Maybe we'd get some mind-boggling stuff/scenes if scrubs didn't ruin it for all of us.

I never quite believed that story, you know - it seemed a bit too....convenient?
Re: Akabur Games

^ So far it's the only version we got (probably not the most reliable source who gave it). Unless someone comes out of the woodwork and claims whatever really happened is "insert Akabur isn't a total self-centered-jackass story", we'll probably never know.
Re: Akabur Games

Not to sound like a mega douche, but keep in mind the version of Witch Trainer that Akabur "released" last December was merely a beta sent to testers, who leaked it out and we know the resulting fallout ...... Maybe we'd get some mind-boggling stuff/scenes if scrubs didn't ruin it for all of us.
Incorrect. I was a supporter of Akabur at the time, and had been for over half a year. The game he was working on was Hermoine Trainer, and in December he suddenly posted it on his Patreon site, saying that because of shit he received it was now known as Witch Trainer, that it was finished, and "here it is, guys, it is yours, you paid for it, and I am going to take a long break now" (which to me sounded a lot like "I know it is not that good, but it is what I have done with your money and so I guess you have a right to get it"). Nothing like "beta testers", it was supposed to be a full, complete release, and Akabur even did not say that it should not be spread around.

Yes, I know it looks like a beta version at best. But all of Akabur's games look like alpha or beta versions. None of them is finished. I can forgive that for Magic Shop, as that game has unlimited potential for growth, by him adding more and more scenes (though adding an "end" to that game would be a good idea, before adding more scenes). Princess Trainer, while okay, is only half finished, and I seriously doubt that we are ever going to see a complete version (though we will probably see a version with a few more scenes added and a lot more dangly bits). And I am pretty sure he has given up on Witch Trainer, because, c'mon, I too would break out in cold sweat thinking about having to work on that code mess again.
Re: Akabur Games

Akabur could make a lot of money if he would act like a businessman instead of a spoiled dumb idiot/artist. His artwork is great, even his chibis arent bad. His storywriting is cool and fun. But he spends a lot of time on shit he should not do. AKA programming his games. Considering his patreon money i really do not understand why he does not hire some guy to write his renpy shit for him. He could finish PT gold in 2 months like that, make money and go to his art academy....
Re: Akabur Games

The only place chibis should have been used was the stats screen. Also, there should be a stats screen. Without it the game is needlessly confusing, and honestly, watching the chibis get more corrupt on it was one of my favorite parts of PT.
Re: Akabur Games

I didnt understand Akabur. Now he gets 12k $ in every month, and didn't finish his games. For this money he gave supporters half stuff. (If patreon gets some of that money he will get minimum 10k $)

Ok, he is an artist, and he didn't like (know fully) the programming part of the games. But if he pay (a little) somebody to do it, maybe he can make full/finished games.

If he do the things like this he will lost his patreons in long or short time...

ps: just to know, in my country the minimal payment (40 hour per week) is brutto ~375$, but the netto is ~250$ (150-200$+charges the smallest month rent). In netherland the minimal payment is brutto 1500€ (40 hour per week) and 6-800€+charges for a room rent (not fully legal rent).
Re: Akabur Games

And it looks like he keeps ruining it for other people putting their games out on Patreon...
Re: Akabur Games

I didnt understand Akabur. Now he gets 12k $ in every month, and didn't finish his games. For this money he gave supporters half stuff. (If patreon gets some of that money he will get minimum 10k $)

Ok, he is an artist, and he didn't like (know fully) the programming part of the games. But if he pay (a little) somebody to do it, maybe he can make full/finished games.
Well, to be fair around the time Witch Trainer came out, he was pulling down about $5,000, gross. And it took a few months to go from zero to that. Patreon takes, I think, 5% but requires the creator to cover credit card fees, so he was taking home probably $4,500-ish around the time of release. Even for less than that, he could have kicked a few hundred bucks to Xaljio or somebody to do the coding. At least a damn framework for favors that could be easily extended would have helped.

Now that he's taking $12,000+, there's really no excuse. His original justification was that working with someone would slow him down, and keep him from seeing if his ideas will work, which was just ignorant toss. The example he gave was the fireside chats with Snape, which is something he could have done in a Sierra game engine from 30 years ago. He might have meant "will it be a fun element of gameplay?" In which case, no, not really, and does he seriously have to see something like that on screen right away to decide if it'll be repetitive and boring? It'll be just as boring in two hours, or tomorrow if the coder happens to be busy. Or he could just take the fact that imagining the scenes makes him start to snore as a clue.
Re: Akabur Games

@loopy: When I started pledging to Akabur last August, he was bringing in somewhere around $4,000. In December, when Witch Trainer was released (or was it late November?). It was above $10,000. People argued that Akabur would lose patrons due to Witch Trainer (which he probably did), but more joined than left. I personally dropped to $1 until he warrants more support.

Just wanted to clarify that. He has been bringing in a sizable chunk of change for almost a year now.

@HentaiWriter: I'm not sure I would say he is causing people to stop using Patreon. Akabur continues to gain supporters, and he DID release a game. Since many of the supporters remained, and he gained new ones, Witch Trainer must have met the majority of his supporters' standards. Really, that seems like the point. I personally wanted to see more, and others seem to share my viewpoint, but the general vibe on his Patreon is that Witch Trainer was a job well done.