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Re: Akabur Games

I'm not singling anyone out *coughdragoon93041cough*

Okay, I got it. I found the place that seems to be the source anyway, if all the Russian is any indication.

And really? That was made before Akabur? Then he is the ripoff?

Well I'll just come out and say it, YES YOU. But not just you.

And yup, I remember roninsong's coming out well before I'd heard of Akabur. But I'd say Akaburs content is enough that it doesn't actually come off as a ripoff.
Re: Akabur Games

If you bring her too far along on the private favors without advancing the public ones, she'll become Dumbledore's private toy, and won't ever do anymore public favors. I think you only have to convince her to go as far as the third public favor before her whoring gets too high to keep the lockout from happening, but I don't recall what the exact values are.

Oops! Gotcha, thanks a lot! :)
Re: Akabur Games

Actually if you're talking about the one made by roninsong, it was around long before Akaburs' game.

Also I'd like to address something that's been bugging me for a while, I'm not singling anyone out but the posts that ask any updates? or is it out yet? every day or two are getting real fucking annoying, if there's new info I guarantee someone will post it, exercise some self control and display some patience.

Incidentally, that kind of behaviour is one of the main reasons translators dropped projects / left the forum entirely. All the little kiddos going WANTWANTWANT or "is it done yet?" and annoying the hell out of them. So yeah, bit of a pet peeve.
Re: Akabur Games

Hello everyone. I'm the person who is behind the english translation of the game "Witch Trainer Russian Edition". The translation is practically finished, but I still have a full revision to do. The game is now in beta till october 10 and if all goes as planed, it will be released october 11.
Re: Akabur Games

Powergirl that's some awesome news. Can't wait to retrain hermoinie all over again. Is there anywhere i could find a changelog for the new version?
Re: Akabur Games

Hello everyone. I'm the person who is behind the english translation of the game "Witch Trainer Russian Edition". The translation is practically finished, but I still have a full revision to do. The game is now in beta till october 10 and if all goes as planed, it will be released october 11.

Thank you very much for the update!
Re: Akabur Games

A list of changes would be nice but right now I'm just happy that the new version is just around the corner :)
Re: Akabur Games

Hello everyone. I'm the person who is behind the english translation of the game "Witch Trainer Russian Edition". The translation is practically finished, but I still have a full revision to do. The game is now in beta till october 10 and if all goes as planed, it will be released october 11.

I'm confused, is "Witch trainer russian edition" the one everybody is talking about with the new characters and the 1.5 version about to come out? Or is it something else?

It's hard to keep up with all those projects :p
Re: Akabur Games

I'm confused, is "Witch trainer russian edition" the one everybody is talking about with the new characters and the 1.5 version about to come out? Or is it something else?

It's hard to keep up with all those projects :p

Yes, it's that 1.5.1, which was partially translated.

1.5.2 coming out this weekend should have full English translation.
Re: Akabur Games

Yes, it's that 1.5.1, which was partially translated.

1.5.2 coming out this weekend should have full English translation.

Alright thanks! Then I'm glad I waited for the 1.5.2 release, this sounds really good.
Re: Akabur Games

Akabur update with sleeping Lola chibi drawing.
Re: Akabur Games

Yes, it's that 1.5.1, which was partially translated.

1.5.2 coming out this weekend should have full English translation.

I think he was confusing the Russian Mod with the 4 Houses Mod. The Russian version just has an incomplete (read: dead-end storyline) Daphne implemented, right? 4 Houses is a long ways off, but it'll have 5 new girls with unique storylines inserted into the game.
Re: Akabur Games

I think he was confusing the Russian Mod with the 4 Houses Mod. The Russian version just has an incomplete (read: dead-end storyline) Daphne implemented, right? 4 Houses is a long ways off, but it'll have 5 new girls with unique storylines inserted into the game.

Sounds magical.

Is this actively being worked on, or is it in danger of becoming vaporware?
Re: Akabur Games

It's a 4chan joint, so the probability of vaporware is astronomical. For now it's being actively worked on, as far as I can tell.
Re: Akabur Games

I'm just asking to confirm two things. I heard that the Russian mod with English update for Bitch Trainer come out when? (I hear it was the 10, but I could be wrong) Also the Belle Trainer (made from the same guy that made Iris Quest) said it will come out the first half of October?

I don't have my hopes up because of past experiences with so called releases, but its good to know whats what.
Re: Akabur Games

Russian mod 1.5.2 is (supposed) to come out october 10-11ish and Library Story (Belle Trainer) is still (supposed to) around early october.
Re: Akabur Games

Russian mod 1.5.2 is (supposed) to come out october 10-11ish and Library Story (Belle Trainer) is still (supposed to) around early october.

where can I find more info on Belle Trainer?
Re: Akabur Games

No thread on it here yet, you can be lucky and Xaljio updates his Patreon with info on it or try the dev's Patreon
