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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

16 vs 17 | 7 vs 6 | 15 vs 8
7 vs 26

Alyssa fails to attack the summoner again, as Mary manages to get the ropes off her with her slashing spell, though this hurts her clothes just about as much as the ropes. Alyssa feels a wave of arousal come over her as she has a few more thoughts on what the tentacles this man summons could do. Mary manages to shake the thought off.

The rope servant manages to hit the man as he tries to blast Alyssa, giving her the time to strike him before he moves, aiming almost entirely the wrong way.

Summoner (Boss) 9/12 HP

Alyssa 7/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/6 AP
Rope Servant 2/2 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa groaned in frustration as she failed once again to make contact with the summoner, glad that at least the ropes she had animated were proving useful. On the other hand, the summoner's intrusions into her mind were really starting to get to her, the thought of him summoning multiple tentacle monsters to ravage her starting to turn her on. Mary's current state of undress helped the situation none, but Alyssa tried her best to concentrate and attack the summoner.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

5 vs 22 | 15 vs 14 | 17 vs 3
18 vs 16

Alyssa tries to attack the man again, but she finds herself flipped upside down by a piece of rope that appeared around her legs. The sudden movement making her bang her arm. Mary and the rope servant however, manage to get off a good attack on the man. As he starts to look worn. Both Alyssa and Mary manage to keep their cool as he tries to entice them into losing.

The man throws a blast at the rope servant, as it starts to fray itself.

Summoner (Boss) 7/12 HP

Alyssa 6/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/6 AP
Rope Servant 1/2 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Agh, damn it! She had really not expected that ropes would suddenly grab her legs and flip her upside down, though in retrospect she probably should have. She tried her best to twist herself out of the ropes such that she would fall to the ground, slashing at the summoner as she fell. Hopefully I can actually pull that off, and get back on my feet quick enough not to get stomped on...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

15 vs 9 | 20 vs 7 | 15 vs 6
11 vs 2

It seemed a lucky break for the team, as the man got pounded by three attacks, first the whips from the rope creature striking him right before he blasted it to pieces, distracted, allowing Alyssa and Mary to both strike him. He was pretty battered now, but he'd remove one threat.

Mary finds herself smiling lewdly at the next set of images, promising her and Alyssa would stay together when he won.

Summoner (Boss) 4/12 HP

Alyssa 6/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 1/6 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa managed to twist herself free of the ropes, slashing the man in the torso as she fell to the ground, bounding up quickly after she did. Well damn, sometimes it's like I know what I'm doing. Even though her summoned ropes had been defeated and were laying on the floor, she was confident that she and Mary could defeat this guy. It seemed like he had taken a lot of damage, anyway. She swung her sword at the summoner's chest, hoping the random number gods were with her for another hit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

3 vs 19 counter | 20 vs 5 crit
20 vs 12

Alyssa finds herself entangled by new ropes as she tries to slash him, the man countering her before she had a chance. Mary however gets a blast which smacks him right in the head. He growls in anger as he blasts her back, the blast turning into ropes that ensnare her when it hits. Mary's face becomes flustered as the rope aroused her, one of them tying itself around her crotch.

Summoner (Boss) 2/12 HP

Alyssa 6/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 5/6 FP 2/6 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I'm getting really tired of getting tangled up in magical ropes... Why do they have to try and make this game so much harder than it needs to be? Alyssa tried her best to attack the summoner despite her slight entanglement. We've hit him pretty hard, he must be pretty weak by now.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

2 vs 22 | 13 vs 4
7 vs 17

The ropes around Alyssa tighten painfully before she can even do anything, dropping her sword. Mary sends another blast at the man, hitting him as he stumbled back. Alyssa sees a blast from the man go fly towards Mary, it misses, but Mary's face gets more flustered as she thinks about what might happen should they lose.

Summoner (Boss) 1/12 HP

Alyssa 5/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 5/6 FP 3/6 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa cried out in pain as the ropes constricted her, making it difficult to breath. She cursed as she dropped her sword, and she tried her best to struggle her way out of her bindings, so that she could grab her sword and run the summoner through. We've almost got him beat, keep it up! she called, hoping to encourage Mary.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

7 vs 4
20 vs 22
14 vs 22

Alyssa manages to get herself out of the ropes, grabbing her sword, but unable to get the chance to attack the man this round. Mary sends yet another blast his way, but the boss manages to block it just as a new creature appears, a writhing tentacle beast. The man tries to blast Alyssa again, but free and with her gear, she easily avoids the blast. Mary blushes at the new beast, hoping it joins if they lose.

Summoner (Boss) 1/12 HP
Tentacles 1/1 HP

Alyssa 5/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 5/6 FP 4/6 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa managed to break the ropes constricting her, and was relieved to be able to breathe easier. As she reached for her sword, she saw the summoner bring forth a relatively weak looking tentacle monster, and then launch an attack against her. Fortunately, he telegraphed his intentions enough that she managed to dodge fairly easily. Unfortunately, she could tell that Mary was getting pretty distracted by this point. She decided to focus on the summoner. If I kill him, the tentacle monster should disappear. And if not, then if I kill the tentacle monster and not him he'll just keep summoning more... She ran at him, trying to zig-zag a bit to avoid any attacks he might make, preparing to stab him in the chest.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

20 vs 14 | 16 vs 11
Alyssa makes her charge, dodging and weaving through the field as she manages to pull her arm back for a thrust. In her last leap, she thrusts forward...
Nailing the summoner right in the chest! He looks shocked, as he body starts to turn to ash. "Ha...I've lost."

Mary sees this, and redirects her blast from the summoner to the tentacle beast, finishing it off.

Alyssa 5/7 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 5/6 FP 4/6 AP

Seeing they've won, Mary runs over to Alyssa and glomps her. "We did it! Wow, treasure!"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa smiled as the man turned to ash, knowing that she'd beaten the level. Holy shit, I was starting to think I couldn't actually do it. She hugged Mary tight for a moment before suggesting that they go see what the treasure was. It just has to be good if they put it at the bottom of this dungeon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

They both go to enter the treasure room, a nicely accented room with a walkway over shimmering clear water, each wall covered with a thin shimmering sheet of a waterfall. It continued to a platform in the center.

It contained quite a lot of gold and what Alyssa quite suspected was a magic sword. She looked around, watching Mary ogle all the things, Alyssa thought it might me hard to drag it all out, but Mary surprised he when she conjured a small floating disc. "We just dump it all on this and it follows us out!" She exclaimed.

At this, the game had a pop up. "Dungeon Complete! Game saved, continue playing? If you quit, you can load from this point."
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Awesome. But it isn't just sending me out of the dungeon? I guess I have to get out myself. That's really handy, you always know the most useful spells. She started to shovel things onto the floating disk, paying special attention to the sword. She picked it up to see how heavy it was. Hey, game, can I get the stats on this thing? Is it better than the sword I'm using? She noted the game asking her to save, and she did so as she started out the door with Mary, treasure in tow.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The sword was somewhat fancy looking, actually a single edge blade, it was slightly curved and felt light, and Alyssa knew she'd be more effective using it.

(It's a +1 Sword Derrr)

Mary helps to shovel the treasure on the disc, eventually they set back off towards the exit. They reach what Alyssa considered the main hub area, where she turned off and found the camp, and they descended down into the slime, and where she first entered. Mary spoke up. "Oh...which way do you think we should go?"

At this point, Alyssa noticed two men stepping out of the shadows with nets.

"Tsch, they always find us." the man said.

Hider I 3/3
Hider II 6/6

Aly 7/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Hm. Looks like we aren't done just yet. She was glad she had so much equipment to help her dodge things, nets always complicated things. She was also somewhat glad to get to test out her new sword, even, as she rushed at the nearest one and slashed at him, repeating her zig-zag approach pattern in the hopes of avoiding the nets that were surely coming.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

9 vs 6
15 vs1
19 vs 13
18 vs 16

It was quite the brawl that broke out, Alyssa charging forward and getting a good slash on the bandit, as Mary blasted the game one. But the bandits also double teamed her, throwing both nets on Alyssa before she had a chance to recover from her attack, she hit the ground hand, as she dropped her sword and shield, finding herself almost bound in the entangling ropes.

Hider I 1/3
Hider II 6/6
Aly 5/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it! she screamed, annoyed at her inability to dodge. She thrashed about desperately, hoping to throw the nets off of her. Hopefully Mary can kill one of them, this will be easier the sooner we only have one to deal with.