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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

21 vs 14 | 3 vs 18 counter | 20 vs 22
10 vs 10 | 20 vs 16

Alyssa managed to get herself free, landing a blow on the beast before she gracefully lands, only to see Mary mess up with her next spell as she gets properly entangled, one shadow covering her mouth and muffling her complaints. Jeff continues to be useless as the beast misses in its attack on Alyssa, hitting Mary however.

Alyssa can see Mary's face going flush as she fights the arousal of being restrained.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 1/6 HP
Aly 2/7 2/5
Mary 1/6 2/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright fucker, now you get yours! In a second... Alyssa stood and panted for a few moments, the fight with the shadowbeast really tiring her out. She could tell that Mary was at her limit too, but the shadows seemed to be slowing down some, and another good hit would probably put them down. She cried out as she ran and slashed at the thing, hoping she could hit her mark.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

5 vs 14 | 9 vs 22 | 10 vs 19
18 vs 13 | 10 vs 4

The party was unable to land a good hit as Mary collapsed, too tired to fight any more. Alyssa knew she probably wouldn't last one more solid hit. But Jeff was still standing...for what little it was worth.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 1/6 HP
Aly 1/7 2/5
Mary 0/6 2/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn... I don't know if we can beat this thing... At least Jeff seems to have been doing well. Still, he's probably not got great stats, and I'm not gonna last that much longer... Alright, random number gods, give me a good roll. Alyssa lunged at the shadows with reckless abandon, hoping to finish the thing in one last attack.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

12 vs 13 | 18 vs 8
Alyssa fails in her attack, but watches as the shadows fade away when Jeff lands his blow. As the shadows leave the cave seems to brighten up, as if the beast had been making the entire cave itself dark.

Mary is still passed out, though at this point it looks more like she's sleeping, a wee bit of drool coming from her mouth as she's probably dreaming of something dirty.

Aly 1/7 2/5
Mary 0/6 2/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Holy shit, thanks for that Jeff. Alyssa collapsed into a sitting position and stared over at Mary. No sense waking her up, and I could do with a rest myself. You wouldn't mind keeping watch, would you? Without waiting for an answer she pulled her pack off and laid it carefully on the dirt floor of the mine and laid down gingerly, using it as a pillow. As tired as she was, it wouldn't take long at all before she fell asleep.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Game Update!
Thank you very much for testing the EGG! A new patch has been applied, if you'd like, you can read the full patch notes, but a summery has been included.

* Fatigue now returns after battles.
* Arousal has been revamped.

This pop up having applied, Alyssa feels much restored as the rations turn into simple food, still, they taste good.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. Interesting. That's probably a good idea, really. I feel like I've slept a ton while playing this game. Alyssa got up and opened her pack, taking out the small, seemingly unopenable box she'd gotten in the last dungeon. Hey Jeff, have you ever seen anything like this? I can't find a way to open it, and Mary can't find any magic in it, so I have no clue what it is. Or if it is anything at all. She held it out to him, letting him get a better look.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The box slipped out of Alyssa's hand, almost as if it was trying to get closer to Jeff, he caught it out of reflex as he was trying to say. "That looks like a possession bo-" He was cut off when he grabbed the box, shadows flying out from it and enveloping Jeff.

Jeff all of a sudden looked like a shadowy version of himself, tendrils growing from his back, forming from the shadow into a solid mass, as his arms like like long whips of shadowy rope.

Shadow Demon Jeff 12/12 HP
Alyssa 7/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 0/6 FP 0/10 AP

Mary was just waking up now.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa watched as the box seemed to turn Jeff into some sort of terrifying shadow tentacle beast that looked quite a bit like him. She clutched at her sword, horrified at this new twist. Can I even kill it? I mean, would that kill Jeff too? Fuck, game, this isn't funny. Still, she launched herself at the mockery of Jeff, slashing at it as best as she could in the hopes that she could save him.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

22 vs 17 | 11 vs 6
14 vs 10

Alyssa chops at the shadows, finding that she doesn't seem to be hurting Jeff, apparently her intent to hurt the demon enough to make that count, Mary blasts it with her magic.

The tendrils from the back of the demon grab Alyssa and she feels drained as her energy seems to leave her. (Grappled as per tentacles)

Shadow Demon Jeff 10/12 HP
Alyssa 6/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa was glad that Jeff seemed safe as she attacked the demon possessing him, but was most certainly not glad when it grabbed her tightly. She slashed at the tentacles with a yell, hoping to force it off her.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

21 vs 9 | 11 vs 3
6 vs 12

Alyssa and Mary seem to be dominating the combat, damaging the demon, while Alyssa manages to easily avoid the counter attacks. It's looking good, Jeff should be free in no time like this.

Shadow Demon Jeff 8/12 HP
Alyssa 6/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa would have smiled if not for the gravity of the situation; she was beginning to get better at this game, and she could tell. She ran at the beast version of Jeff, slashing at the tentacles that had grown from his back.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

23 vs 9 | 13 vs 4
5 vs 27 counter

The battle continues in the girls favor, attacks hitting, and easily dodging the counter attacks, Alyssa feeling good at the flow of the combat.

Shadow Demon Jeff 5/12 HP
Alyssa 6/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn we're good at this Alyssa called out to Mary as the two of them took on the shadow tentacles with almost no setbacks. She continued to slash at it, hoping to press the advantage while it seemed weak.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

6 vs 11 | 16 vs 16
19 vs 23

Combat continues, slowly. Alyssa missing, Mary hitting, Jeff missing. It's almost kind of boring, at least, as far as combat can be, anyways.

Shadow Demon Jeff 4/12 HP
Alyssa 6/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa cursed as she missed, and stopped for a moment to focus on Jeff before lunging and attacking the tentacles again, hoping to make contact this time.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

17 vs 10 | 21 vs 11
8 vs 25 counter

Alyssa and Mary work hard on beating the shadows back, Alyssa even managing to counter the next blow by the beast.

Shadow Demon Jeff 1/12 HP
Alyssa 6/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa smirked as she and Mary dismantled the shadowy tentacles, sensing that they were near the end of their ability to fight back. She lunged at them again, hoping to free Jeff from the monstrosity.