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RPG [Amatsuchiya] サキクエ / Saki Quest (RJ088540)

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Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

ya i know i did not mean to come off as rude its just i don't agree with things that a normal in society to be good or even ok for that matter just because the majority believes in it.
slavery is a prime example of it.
how few people back then thought of colored people as equals its sad :( (on that note im white)
it is quite hard to find a decent hentai game :(
at the very least all i ask for is choice :3
and in this case at some key moments i was not given them :(
i still think its a pretty good game outside the flaws.
but for various reasons i got tired of it :3
just really would it kill a person where you play as a girl who can have sex if she wants to and kill anyone that's trys to force her or others? :(
it not asking much :(

tho im against rape(mostly because i think the concept and act is pointless)
i do love a rpg maker game called conquest of avindale

I agree with you mostly, though murder is kinda bad too :p

He opt to not translate anything that is sound effect, like cumming sound.

I think it's been mentioned somewhere that some RPGMaker save event (text and all) into the save file, so if you're using the old save then said events will not get translated.

Is your save fresh from start after applying the patch or a port over from previous run? The latter might have that effect.

Excuse me! The English translated version of Saki Quest 2.04 is not 100% translated to English and only is 90% translated to English, Would you please improve it.

You're right lazycat, I didn't translate the sex noises, they equated to pretty much "Slick, splurt squirt" the English language is not as good at noises as the Japanese is. And yes, the save files from pre-translated versions save the original default names and just fills in the variables then so they end up in japanese.

So no, I'm probably not going to continue to translate this again ElijahHu, my advice is start a new game and every time you see a bit I've not translated it's because it means splurt, slick, or squirt or something like that. now imagine how boring that would get each and every time. Hell even the "Ahh" and "ahnn" 's were a pain in the ass to translate.

Is this game ever end? I think I did everything but there is no ending that I see of. I got the cat to buy stuff off of but it seems like it's just keeps repeating with no ending scene at all. If there is an ending I am missing something that is for sure but I can't figure out what.. Everything is open except for a building that has shutters next to Saki's home.

Nope, no ending, that's it. Unless you didn't beat the secret boss? In which case, go do that THEN it's the end.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I'm not sure where is the secret boss to know if I defeated him or not?
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

Because I am wondering whether there is a method to murder Yui's master or kill one of maid of Yui's master in house of master of Yui, Could I ask Whether there is method to increase probability to being noticed by Yui's master.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I'm not sure where is the secret boss to know if I defeated him or not?

It's the old enemy from the twins game, the purple haired girl, you have to go through 4 mini-dungeons to get her, you'd remember. If you have the "H-book" in your inventory then you beat her.

Because I am wondering whether there is a method to murder Yui's master or kill one of maid of Yui's master in house of master of Yui, Could I ask Whether there is method to increase probability to being noticed by Yui's master.

There's no way to rescue Yui at all. You can do the thing in the dungeon in the slave town where you try to escape but she will ALWAYS go back to the master. There is no way at all to save her, trust me I poured through the code looking for it :p
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

While I realise you're not working on this anymore, I did spot something, but it requires a specific series of events.

First you go through as normal, but reopen the train station as soon as you possibly can.
Then go off somewhere and build up some more GP... and probably some levels grinding if you're that way inclined.
Lastly, take the train to the second city and open the way to the bandit camp from there. That's still untranslated.

I applaud you for your work and the time invested. It's (virtually) perfect! ^^
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

While I realise you're not working on this anymore, I did spot something, but it requires a specific series of events.

First you go through as normal, but reopen the train station as soon as you possibly can.
Then go off somewhere and build up some more GP... and probably some levels grinding if you're that way inclined.
Lastly, take the train to the second city and open the way to the bandit camp from there. That's still untranslated.

I applaud you for your work and the time invested. It's (virtually) perfect! ^^

Hahah damn, I did that before except the other way, opening the train station from the second town was un-translated, it's my own fault really I didn't think anyone would go that way if you know what I mean. I might fix it at some point, I'm working on other projects for now but if I get a bit of spare time I'll fix the most recent reporting of untranslated stuff
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

Could I ask What is the Code of Non-Virgin skill and the Code of Janitor's sex slave skill ?
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

If there is a existent chance of rescue Yui by murder Yui's master, Could I ask How do murder Yui's master?
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

If there is a existent chance of rescue Yui by murder Yui's master, Could I ask How do murder Yui's master?

There is NO way to rescue Yui. At all. Ever. You can't murder anyone, you can't save her. Nothing.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I wonder why so many people want to save her.
Here's the main points why she can just be a breed mare in my opinion:

1: She's cold.
2: She doesn't like Saki because she has bigger boobs.
3: She doesn't even WANT to be saved.
4: Saki only accepted the mission to save Kyouka.

I remember playing through that scenario in Japanese. I couldn't bloody understand why she ran the wrong way.
I was thinking "Bitch. I'm not going to bother with you anymore."
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I wonder why so many people want to save her.
Here's the main points why she can just be a breed mare in my opinion:

1: She's cold.
2: She doesn't like Saki because she has bigger boobs.
3: She doesn't even WANT to be saved.
4: Saki only accepted the mission to save Kyouka.

I remember playing through that scenario in Japanese. I couldn't bloody understand why she ran the wrong way.
I was thinking "Bitch. I'm not going to bother with you anymore."

She was meant to turn out differently, you were meant to go on missions with her and she would warm up to you, but he scrapped them. I think it's just meant to show Saki's "nice" nature if that makes sense, she still wants to rescue her.

As for why players want to? Well it IS kinda set up like you should be able to save her, I'm just sick of telling people you can't at this point :p
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

He scrapped alot of features.
Shame, this game had alot of potential.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

He scrapped alot of features.
Shame, this game had alot of potential.

I think is suffered a case of Sonic 06 syndrome, he was making good progress so he set an early release date, then when it was delayed fans started getting impatient and to put it out on time he had to rush it. Which is why I'm glad that he said he's working on another game but he's NOT going to announce what it is for a while to avoid that kinda stress
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I think is suffered a case of Sonic 06 syndrome, he was making good progress so he set an early release date, then when it was delayed fans started getting impatient and to put it out on time he had to rush it. Which is why I'm glad that he said he's working on another game but he's NOT going to announce what it is for a while to avoid that kinda stress
Hopefully his new release heroine will be closer to DFC rather than being a bodacious babe, I rather like the twins more then Saki.
Sure the fans got rattled by the delays, but I don't think its any reason to hurry and cut coners. Ah well.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

Hopefully his new release heroine will be closer to DFC rather than being a bodacious babe, I rather like the twins more then Saki.
Sure the fans got rattled by the delays, but I don't think its any reason to hurry and cut coners. Ah well.

Yeah I guess it all depends on how you deal with pressure. I dunno, I'm kinda torn on that front, the art in Saki was SO much better (not that Twins was bad) and the pregnancy system and training system was great, the boobs were MOSTLY fine, but in some shots looked ...I dunno... baloonish I guess?
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I think the problem is him setting the date early on (I think right around when he finished the demo? which included 1st dungeon and forest area)

If I have to say, he should try doing something like New Moon Label, where occasionally updates will get posted and maybe a progress report, but no specific release dates until he's really sure of it.

Updates keep people interested, and can get some feedbacks while at it.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

I think the problem is him setting the date early on (I think right around when he finished the demo? which included 1st dungeon and forest area)

If I have to say, he should try doing something like New Moon Label, where occasionally updates will get posted and maybe a progress report, but no specific release dates until he's really sure of it.

Updates keep people interested, and can get some feedbacks while at it.

That's pretty much what he said he's doing, not dating anything until it's almost finished. As for updates, well he's never been great at that, he uses the comments more than new posts so sometimes you have to go digging
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

was wondering does this game have a ending?
the story stopped progressing for me after trying to free Yui.unless you have to go thru the janitor to continue.
also i do agree killing people just for rape is going overboard but still you never even get to punish them :(
its like the train thing in japan a girl would really let herself be molested simply because she doesn't want to draw peoples attention >.>?
and to people who gave me negative rep simply because i have morals.that's really sad >.>
you may think that stuffs ok but its not...
hopefully you only keep it in your head.
Re: Saki Quest (Out now!!!!)

was wondering does this game have a ending?
the story stopped progressing for me after trying to free Yui.unless you have to go thru the janitor to continue.
also i do agree killing people just for rape is going overboard but still you never even get to punish them :(
its like the train thing in japan a girl would really let herself be molested simply because she doesn't want to draw peoples attention >.>?
and to people who gave me negative rep simply because i have morals.that's really sad >.>
you may think that stuffs ok but its not...
hopefully you only keep it in your head.
Yeah, it ends when you beat the orc town. The rest of monster town, final boss rechallange, and the secret boss from second game, are all post-game.
There were plans to expand, but as you can see it ended prematurely.
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