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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
The night was dark, a full moon was in the sky, unfettered by the clouds, casting an eerie feel through the church windows.

Caitlyn Lyons was kneeling in front of the cross, in the middle of the room where all of the believers gather and pray.

She was whispering quietly, and as she got near to the ending of her prayer, she heard a voice behind her.


Startled, Caitlyn turns to meet the strange girl.

*Talk to her*
Re: Amen

Slightly surprised to find another person here at this time of night, Caitlyn turns to the girl.


"Oh, hello. I didn't hear you come in." She smiles, crossing herself before she rises, "I suppose we just find the time when we can. I'm Caitlyn."

She looks the girl over and then offers a handshake (assuming she doesn't see anything dangerous or strange), "What's your name?"
Re: Amen

The woman chuckles, ignoring Caitlyn's hand

"In the event our great prophet returns, only the true believers will know that he is risen. It's time to put your faith to the test..."

Her arms stretched out in front of Caitlyn, then she said,

"Embrace God."

Seemingly from nowhere, a violent breeze passed through the building, and all of the candles that lit the church burned out.

As the breeze stopped, Caitlyn heard creaking noises behind her, and through the light of the moon coming in from the window of Mary nursing Jesus, she saw the holy cross break in half, then topple over on it's side, making a loud crash in it's wake.

*Caitlyn is inside the church, it's dark, but she knows she can make it out of the front door.*
Re: Amen

Caitlyn's eyes widen in surprise at the blast of wind, and she jumps as the cross shatters. Not wasting a moment, she charges for the front door, moving as quickly as she can while staying sure of her footing in the darkened church. She's not sure what is happening, but her instincts tell her this is not a safe place to stay.


"I have embraced our Lord," she responds, keeping an eye on the strange girl as she starts to run. "Why don't I demonstrate the truth of Isaiah 40:31 for you?"
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Re: Amen

As Caitlyn leaves the church, she notices the streets were not as she left them. Not a single car was passing, and no lights were on at all. The city appeared to be in a blackout.

(Perception check)

She could've sworn she heard something above her, as she looks up to the church, some kind of crab like thing leaped off of the building. A quick step back saved her from being landed on.

She felt her .32 caliber self defense gun pressing against her hip.

*Fight, or flight?*
Re: Amen

Caitlyn jumps back a step, gasping at the sight of the strange scuttling thing that landed in front of her. She realized that the whole block was dark, even the streetlamps, and quickly decided that she had to get to a safer place, if there even was such place in the lightless city.

Hoping that her eyes were adjusted to the dark well enough to detect any other creatures, she makes a run for it, trying to put some distance between herself and the church before she plans what to do next. She wasn't confident in her ability to shoot whatever that thing was in the dark.


"This is crazy; I wonder if that strange girl has something to do with the blackout."
Re: Amen

As Caitlyn runs down the street, she was suprised as dozens of green looking tentacles shot out from sewer grates and a nearby manhole, surrounding her.

It must have been waiting to trap her.

Surrounded by strange tentacles, Caitlyn decides what she's going to do.
Re: Amen

Caitlyn screams as the tentacles erupt from underground all around her. Recting quickly, she pulls her firearm and, deciding in a split second that the set that appeared from the manhole were the most dangerous, she charges straight towards one of the sewer grates, firing her gun as she runs and aiming at the base of the tentacles.

Holding the gun in her right hand and steadying her aim with her left, she squeezes off as many shots as she can, hoping that her attack will either stun or disorient whatever strange creature is lurking below ground, giving her a chance to get past it.


"Fuck you! Whatever the hell you are! Get out of my way!" she shouts.
Re: Amen

(Caitlyn attacks)

First shot missed

Her second shot ripped one of the tentacles in half

And her third destroyed another tentacle.

The tentacles began to tremble, as a pink tentacle, looking similar to a penis, emerged from the manhole.

Re: Amen

Caitlyn caught sight of the newest tentacle out of the corner of her eye. Skidding to a stop, she spun raising her gun and taking careful aim at the pink tentacle.


"Oh my God, what is all this?" She scowled, "Whatever you are, let's see if you work just like a human." She fires a single shot at the penis-like apendage, keeping her eyes open and preparing to dive to the side if one of the others tried to grab her.

(If there's no mechanical reason not to shoot more than once, then go ahead and have her make multiple attacks. I'm not sure if there is some kind of attack penalty or something.)
Re: Amen

(Caitlyn attacks)

Her first shot missed the pink tentacle

Her second shot also resulted in failure

Her final shot, unfortunately, missed as well.

(Enemy attacks)

After firing, the tentacles recovered and quickly tied all of Caitlyn's limbs, preventing movement.

Re: Amen


"Let me go!" shrieks Caitlyn, struggling against all of the tentacles, but mainly focused on trying to pull her right hand, and her gun, free. She tries not to panic, but can't help but glance back at the pink tentacle with growing fear.

"Help! Someone help!" she screams, hoping that maybe there is someone within earshot.
Re: Amen

(Caitlyn attempts to break free)

Before she can even budge, she's forced to her knees by the tentacles.

(Enemy attacks)

The tentacles not holding her down slither through her clothes, then in a flash, rip them off.

(Caitlyn is now nude)

Then, the tentacles lift her into the air, over the man hole with the pink tentacle...

Re: Amen


Caitln shakes her head, "No, no, no, no, no." Desperately twisting in the tentacles grip, Caitlyn tries again to squirm free from the ones holding her in the air. Her fear changes to dread as she looks down at the quivering pink thing beneath her.
Re: Amen

(Caitlyn attempts to break free)

Her thrashing only serves to make the tentacles force her legs to spread for the pink tentacle.

(Enemy attacks)

As the tentacle nears her pussy, she manages enough strength to use her leg to kick it back, giving her a little more time to escape...

Re: Amen

She shudders when her bare foot makes contact with the slimy head of the pulsing pink tentacle. Her face contorting in a look of revulsion.


"This can't be happening," she thinks, "There's got to be a way out." Remembering something that she saw once about constrictor snakes, Caitlyn forces herself to take a deep breath, expanding her chest as much as she can. The exhales hard, deflating like a baloon and hoping that she can use that momentary loosening to slip out of the tentacles and get back to the ground.

(Action: Escape attempt)
Re: Amen

(Caitlyn attempts to escape)

She could hardly breathe in, the tentacle's grip was tight.

(enemy attack)

She attempts to smack the pink tentacle away once more, only to miss slightly, allowing it to ram itself into her, causing a shock of pleasure throughout her body.

(Caitlyn's mental status: Yellow)

Re: Amen

Caitlyn gasps, her body involuntarily tensing around the tentacle. Her eyes clench shut and she lets out a quiet moan, feeling the disgusting thing squirming inside of her. Goosebumps rise along her sweat-soaked body as the sensations spread out from her sex.


"C-come on, damnit," she chided herself, "Focus. Fight this."

She bites down on her lower lip, resisting the feelings for now and tries to bring her knees together in an attempt to grab hold of the pink tentacle somehow and stop it from moving any more. Her arms continue trying to pull away from the ones that are restraining her.

(Action: I'm not sure if there's a way to grapple the tentacle and stop it from fucking her. If not, just make another escape attempt.)
Re: Amen

(Yes, rather than using strength to get away, you can have her use dexterity to pull it out of her.)

Caitlyn tries to pull it out, stop it from continuing it's violation, but she couldn't manage to get both her feet around to doing it.

Meanwhile, the tentacle continues going in and out of her, her breast bouncing with each stroke.

(Caitlyn's orgasm status: Yellow)

Re: Amen

Writhing in the grip of the tentacles, Caitlyn feels her body responding to the plunging member. In spite of her resistance, she felt her pussy growing slick with lubricating wetness. Each hard thrust sending a wave of sexual pleasure through her abdomen and into her mind as she pants, the heaving breaths making her breasts swell while they bounce.


"Uhnn. . . Oh God. . . It can't feel g-good," she pleaded, "Stop. L-let go. Please."

Trying again to get a grip on the pink limb with her legs, she furiously pulls at it, knowing that she has to stop the rape before the stimulation ovewhelms her.

(Action: Pull the tentacle out.)