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An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Sahuagin who look identical to aquatic elves

Always hillarious. 'The wailing ghost looks as you present its bound killer before it. Extending a claw it reaches out into his chest and he gasps in a last breath. Then it turns to you.'

Tends to get into fights that are a bit over their head though

Walked into castle Ravenloft recently alone and on lvl 4. Yolostyle.

Luckily in D&D its not YOLuntilyourunoutofdiamonds.. and helpful high level cleric npcs.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

In this case it was, walked into Sahuagin base alone and fought the entire leadership alone and won. They're level 6, though they'll be 7 soon. Some of their partners are actually a lot stronger than them.

Currently the harem consists of:

One Human Vila (Viking title for wizard basically) level 9
One Human Archivist Bard, level 6
One Tropical Merfolk Occultist 6
One Siyokoy
About 100 Lizardfolk
One now sentient Russet Mold patch turned into sexy mushroom dryad swarm.
One Crystal/Copper Dragon level 8
Three Dryads
One Kapre (Women loving, eternally smoking giant trickster treant of Philippine origin)
One altered Ghost Ship and crew.
About 40 Locathah plus Matriarch.
And One Nagaji Poison Darter Ranger 10

Not quite Harem but lovers include one Level 20 Silver/Cloud Dragon who also is their mom, long story, and a Shaitan Pasha.

I half expect them to go charging after the Aboleth. Again. Last time they got mind controlled but they got away but I doubt the lesson stuck.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Is the mind control effect a charm spell? I ask because Elf reasons.

Eh, doesn't matter I failed both rolls anyway.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Is that spell also affecting Alice? Or is she already 'lost' so she isn't rolling against it? Afterall not like she can actually hear what she's saying probably through the ice :p
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Are things from Unearthed Arcana allowed?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I don;t think many of us have anything but the corebooks.

Huh... So I guess Taya is gonna be a seadog now? :p

That or an otter herm ;p

wonder if Taya will now be able to make her own goddess via lunacy magic now :p.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

One now sentient Russet Mold patch turned into sexy mushroom dryad swarm.

This sounds best.

but I doubt the lesson stuck.

Was it a lesson or sexytimes. ..Its fine though, Aboleth wont mind all those servants.

Afterall not like she can actually hear what she's saying probably through the ice :p

Its magic. Also, a thin layer of ice doesn't block sounds that much.

Are things from Unearthed Arcana allowed?

They are.
p.s Heh, never expected to say that, UA was one of the few books I banned but it ain't the third anymore.

Huh... So I guess Taya is gonna be a seadog now?

That or an otter herm ;p

Find out next episode on Innocentquest abridged.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Now I can only picture Taya with an eye patch and a bandanna in a bar saying "Yarr, I used to be not a pirate like you, then I took a spunk spear to the knee!"
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Now I can only picture Taya with an eye patch and a bandanna in a bar saying "Yarr, I used to be not a pirate like you, then I took a spunk spear to the knee!"

Anyway, a pirate is not something you can just turn into, a pirate is so much more.. a sum of knowledge, a code, shared history, a shared suffering.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

It's true, I doubt pirates would understand Taya's deep hatred of dryads and being trapped.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Pirates like to be free, so a check on the latter one.

Hatred of dryads, hmnn.. thats trickier. Then again! Ships are made of wood, not necessarily with a dryads consent, so...

*whistles, makes notes on including a dryad sub for hatefucks*
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Yeah, her time in her "prison" involved a dryad warden so plant creatures and doubly fae are on her hit list.

Either way, grumpy pupper following the magical leash for now.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Hoh, and Alice did manage that one in five roll, now lets see if Mara gets the one in four hundred roll and if you wanna go see who learned advanced statistics tell me which fallacy I just made.

That said, Ranger, gimme another wisdom check right away for.. reasons. ^^
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I dunno about fallacies, but I'm pretty sure rolling a 20 on a d20 is a 1 in 20 chance, or 5%.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Second Wisdom roll (unfortunately not another nat 20)

And I assume you just combined the odds, when in reality the odds of rolling the same roll is identical regardless of previous rolls. (Though it should be a 1 in 20 roll not a 1 in 5 I would think for Alice's roll)
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Noted, Ranger, will respond after da spirit.

And, nope, well, Yes, its 5% but I can still approximate the possibility to claim that 4 people rolling a d20 will result with 1 rolling a nat 20 with a 20%, 4x5% chance, or a one in five that at least one of you would do it.

So the odds of another nat 20 happening are one in 400, because the chances of rolling another nat 20 after just rolling one are 5% times 5%, no?

Nope, its still 5%, one in twenty something known as the gamblers fallacy, or to put it colloquial the 'dices have no memory'.

The actual chance for two people out of a group of four rolling the same result with a 5% sucess chance on the d20 is 1%, 1 in a hundred, or, because statistics is laughably simple if you know the way, the chance of rolling two nat 20's in a row, 400, divided by four, the number of people rolling.

(Hey, I had to suffer through multiple regression analysis and this is the only time I get any value out of those lessons at all. :p )
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I know the pain. I had to take engineering statistics which was full of probabilities nonsense. (Though in those cases it was a lot more of things stacking onto eachother because failure rates and things.) Been a few years though so I forgot it all :p
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

You know what they say, pain is the feeling of weakness leaving your body.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Okay, just got reading the OOC chat and immediately recognized Gambler's Fallacy. So, I'm a little happy I got that right.

Though, now that I think about it... I think Pervy was the one who mentioned it on the other forum. hm....
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Okay, just got reading the OOC chat and immediately recognized Gambler's Fallacy. So, I'm a little happy I got that right.

Though, now that I think about it... I think Pervy was the one who mentioned it on the other forum. hm....


I find simple, practical propabilities interesting to know about and consider, as they play into your character concept rather importantly.. also helps you if you wanna do dem insane powerbuildz.

For example, rant rant, Armor class/attack bonus is a heavily underrated concept if you look at the surface of 'Well, only 5% less of a chance to be hit per attack and nat 20's autohit still anyway, so that 5% is rounded up!' So why go there? I mean, if I have 1 point less armor and take 10 damage on average of a thousand attacks, I now take 10.5 damage, thats insignificant.

Actually, If you are in the front lines, every point counts, because you are dealing with a 'biased' random dice roll, your hitpoints are limited, so every hit you take diminished the chance of rolling the dice again, similiarly, every attack of yours that hits diminishes the mathematical value of your opponents armor by reducing the amount of chances it grants them to avoid your attack. Armor and attack bonus are limited chance resources, whilest your hitpoints and your damage is a static resource.

TL/DR: Don't fuck with math if you wanna game hard. :p