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An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Re: Chloe (ranger)

HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine

The barmaid quickly took her offered pair of coins, and left only to return a moment later with a fairly large glass of dark red wine. It smelled stronger than she'd imagined too, but now that she'd paid for it, she figured that she might as well drink it. She sipped at it cautiously, listening to the music headed by the satyr on his pipes. She swiftly fell into a trance, watching numerous people, some couples and some alone, dance to the Feys music, as she slowly drained her glass of wine. She wasn't sure what it was, possibly the warm spring air, or the vibrant music, or the alcohol or perhaps watching the bodies swaying before her, but Chloe felt the beginnings of arousal forming in the pit of her stomach. Then, her drink finished and her concentration starting to turn to things that were best not thought of, Chloe heard her number called from the booth that ran the dance competition. She could go and claim her prize now.
Re: Chloe (ranger)

Chloe looked in the direction where her number had been called before standing up and stretching her arms and back. She briefly thought about ordering another glass of wine but decided against it as one was apparently enough to relax her tensions. She smiled to herself. She had won and the joy of that paired with the wine drove away the anxiety from preforming so lewdly in front of the judges.

Her mind raced with what she could do with that much money. New books and ingredients, and maybe even a something to experiment on to test the spells she had been working on for Grace. She was so happy she even left a tip for the barmaid even though she had been rude to her after all its the spring festival everyone should have a smile on their face. She turned to leave dropping a single coin on the table and headed to collect her winnings forgetting to pull her hood over her face and with a spring in her step.

Money 46
Experience 0
corruption 0
armor heath Leather armor 3 durability 30/30tp
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 31/39, Status = Fine

(Gain 8 exp then.)

The three other students nodded, and Charles said; "I'll lead, we can pick up as many as we can along the way. It looks like a lot of others have had the same idea." Then, he started forward, and everywhere, people were running about in a panic. Many of the local farmers were dashing to their homes, trying to find their families in the mess, while the out of towners were going into shops and taverns, trying to find a safe place to hide. The students and teachers who had come to the festival, however, were all heading back toward the school. Some were running, while others were strolling calmly, and Ashley even spotted the Dean of the Academy heading toward the school at a leisurely pace. He'd just come out of the tent where the dance competition was held, and Ashley remembered that he was one of the judges.

Charles led them around the crowds, moving around the outskirts of the town where they encountered few people, all of whom were moving in a different direction from them. It probably saved them more time than it cost to go the long way, as after only five minutes they were on the outskirts of the village, and Charles was jogging them toward the bridge across a grassy field. Unfortunately, a jog for him was a full pelt run for Ashley and Jennifer, and even Tesnya seemed to be having trouble keeping up, her short legs pumping desperately to keep up.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley stared at the other students and teachers heading back towards the Academy. Some seemed to understand that speed was required, but others were almost strolling. There was probably no helping the Dean, but perhaps some of the others...

She drew magic into herself again, though after her last spell this tiny trickle was almost too small to notice. Her voice came back to her amplified, as she used a spell intended for talking over distances with the terminus only a little ways off. The local wind calmed slightly to aid in hearing without Ashley even consciously considering it.

"Get back to the Academy QUICKLY, the storm won't hold them long!"

There wasn't time for a stirring speech, that would have to do. Maybe it would speed up one or two people, but that could make the difference when the storm broke. Ashley let go of the magic, discarding the idea of using it to help her run faster. She could still keep up without it, and she had the feeling that if she wasted magic now she would regret it when the storm broke. It seemed Jenn could keep up as well, but Ashley thought that the strange foreign girl, Tesnya, might do well to consider aiding her stride with magic. If she knew how, of course.

In the mean time, Ashley wasn't going to slow down. Even if they outpaced the girl, there were enough others going in the same direction for her to find her way if she didn't know it, and she was keeping up so far...
Re: Chloe (ranger)

HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine

Chloe headed for the table, and when she approached, the woman smiled at her and held out the bag of coin. "Number 57 I presume? I thought I heard them talking about you after you were done. You must have made quite the impression. Well, here's your prize!" Taking the bag of coins, Chloe was just thinking about what she might be able to do with that kind of money when she heard a collective gasp from the people around her, all of whom were looking in the same direction, toward the Academy. Looking to see what had spooked everyone, she found herself looking up at some titanic monstrosity that had appeared above her school. It was gray and fleshy, with massive tentacles spreading out from its round, egg-shaped body, which was easily the size of a small mountain. As she watched, it seemed like pieces of the thing were falling off of the thing and onto the Academy itself.

(Gain 200 denarii.)
Re: Chloe (ranger)

Chloe looked at the woman eager to gain her reward for the dance competition. When her words caught up to her. "Wait 57? I'm sorry but I'm number 37." She was handing back the pouch of money when the crowed gasped. She looked up to see the alien orb above the Academy and regarded it with equal measures of shock, confusion, and curiosity. When smaller bits fell of the creature she knew that this was no grand illusion or magic experiment gone awry. "Miss I suggest you take shelter with your family and don't come out for a good long time." She absent mindlessly put the pouch of money in her own purse before heading towards the Academy. She had already made it to the outskirts of town before her own senses kicked in and muttered "damn wine" aloud. She was no combat mage her talents mostly lied with healing injuries or helping others to fight. The armor and dagger where simple gifts given to her, more to ward off trouble than to fight it. She hesitated a moment doubting her resolve. The fight ahead will be hard and people will need a healer. With confidence restored Chloe began to head to the Academy again but this time at a slower pace looking for one of the combat monks or similar martial students or teachers to back up.

Money 246
Experience 0
corruption 0
armor heath Leather armor 3 durability 30/30tp
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 31/39, Status = Fine

Ashley was unable to see if her words had any effect on the people she'd intended it to reach, as she had to keep up with Charles, who was starting to outpace them. Jenn, while light on her feet and fairly thin, wasn't exactly the athletic type, and so she was sucking in air desperately while running for lal she was worth to keep up. Tesnya seemed to be having a better time of it, or at least wasn't getting tired, she just had to pump her legs faster in order to keep up. Ashley herself was beginning to have problems, though they were at least in part due to her having made the mistake of wearing a dress to the festival, which was hardly the type of garb she'd have wanted to run in, given a choice. Not only was she fighting the wind harder than the rest, but she had to keep it from flying up, and showing off whatever she had underneath to the girl behind her.

The small group made it across the bridge, squeezing over just after a group of a half dozen farmers wielding old, rusty weapons jogged across. Among them was Vartath, a sword and shield in his hands, and he gave Ashley a nod as they passed over the bridge right before her group. They ran on, Jenn quickly tiring, and Ashley not that far behind in exhaustion, particularly after her spell, and Charles had to slow down. They kept on the grass, letting some pass them and passing by others who had slowed, but eventually they reached the front door of the Academy. The pair of guards at the gate were shouting, trying to force people into small groups rather than just letting them all run in in groups. The two men obviously couldn't stop everyone, however, and it was utter chaos as some of the teachers tried to organize things, while others tried to push their way in to defend their home. "This is a gods damned madhouse. C'mon, I know a back way in." Charles had to shout to be heard, but he didn't seem even slightly out of breath, so it was only a matter of hearing him. He grabbed one of Ashleys arms, and started tugging her away from the crowd, jostling people out of the way when it became necessary.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley stood panting at the gatehouse. She wanted to be mad at herself for wearing a dress, but the rational part of her mind objected. Yes, it was difficult to run and didn't offer any practical benefit over trousers, but there had been no reason to suspect that the festival would require running. There wasn't much trouble one could get into there, after all, and it mostly wasn't the type one ran away from. Still, she could at least object to the social expectation that women would wear dresses, but her heart wasn't in it.

Suddenly Charles grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her away, apparently towards another entrance that might be less hectic. Ashley gave a startled yelp at the sudden contact and grabbed Jenn by the hand with her other arm. The other entrance it would be.
Re: Chloe (ranger)

HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine

(Fail on my part. Also, you're not supposed to see the storm until my next post :p )

The woman glanced at the tag Chloe showed her, and then back at the number she'd called, and then shrugged, replying; "My mistake. I know you're the winner though, the Dean of your school mentioned you by name. He said your performance was 'unforgettably energetic,' or something like that. The money's yours hun... Hey, what in heavens sake is that thing?" The woman says just as the object appears in the sky above the Academy. As she contemplates what to do and travels toward the school, a powerful wind comes up, gradually building until it threatens to knock Chloe over with its power before she gets a hold of herself. The wind also managed to pull many of the creatures falling from the large one off course and away, resulting in them landing away from their intended destination.

Her hope renewed and her purpose understood, Chloe rushed toward the Academy, only one amongst a great many people, which also included all of the students and teachers who'd been at the festival, as well as a good many people from the town itself, rushing to defend that which brought them much of their income. When she reached the front door, there was a massive crowd of people, with two guards at the front demanding that people get organized rather than let them all rush in haphazardly. A crowd of wizards and warriors who could hurl bolts of energy was hardly something to let loose uncontrolled, after all, else they would do more harm than good. It was taking time, however, and even though the wind was keeping more monsters from dropping onto the school, some had surely already gotten inside, if the sounds coming from within were any indication.

As she waited for a group to form, she spotted a boy pulling a girl away from the crowd, toward the corner of the wall. He'd shouted something about another way in, and the girl was dragging another girl along behind her, who was dragging yet another. The first girl had a gun in a holster at her hip, and was in a rather pretty dress, while the second girl was in a tighter dress, and the third was in foreign looking athletic clothes.
Re: Chloe (ranger)

What another entrance she thought to herself as the group rounded the corner. That means I can get in there to help the injured sooner. Chloe reacted immediately and rushed after them. "Hey wait can I go with you?" she shouted trying to get their attention. Her mind drifted to the group ahead of her the young man seemed like he could handle himself and the other two woman she remembered seeing in the library so where undoubtedly mages like herself. The foreign looking girl she had never seen before but the way she was dressed seemed to indicate some martial aspect about her. Though looks can be deceiving after all she wore leather armor and by far that didn't maker her any sort of physical combatant. She just hoped they would be willing to let her tag along.

Money 246
Experience 0
corruption 0
Leather armor 3 durability 30/30tp
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 31/39, Status = Fine

Chloe managed to keep up with the group as the boy in front led them through the crowd toward the side of the building. All four disappeared around the other side, Chloe right behind, and came upon them as they stopped in front of a large oak double-door.

Ashley just barely managed to grab onto Jenns hand as Charles dragged her away, Tesnya managing to follow along through the crowd despite her shortness. They turned around the edge of the wall surrounding the Academy grounds, leaving the crowd behind them. They kept moving, Charles releasing her once they were free of the crowd, at a jog, which for the rest of them was once again almost a full run, until they reached a closed double door. It was about then that Tesnya spoke. her breath even despite the exertion which had left Jenn panting and Ashley at least slightly winded; "We have a follower."

(I didn't know how to follow up without skipping NPC reactions, so if you can both get a greeting post out quick I'll try to squeeze in a response early.)
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley tried to keep her breath under control, and was slightly and irrationally envious of Tesnya for being apparently unwinded. Then she turned to see what the girl meant by "a follower". It looked like another student, so Ashley shrugged.

"Well, I can't say I know her personally but we are here to gather allies. Can you open this door, Charles, or will we have to break it? I'm Ashley, by the way."
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

"I'm Chloe" pausing a moment to catch her breath. "I over heard you mentioning a another entrance and decided to follow." Chloe looked at the door. "I wonder why this one is unguarded."
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 31/39, Status = Fine

Charles turned the handle of the door, opening it a crack before turning to look at Chloe and say; "They don't leave it locked, and not many people bother to use it. It leads into the kitchens, which are pretty far out of the way if you're trying to get anywhere important at the Academy. I'm Charles by the way." with that, he pushed it open fully, and stepped inside, glancing around quickly before stepping in. A dark haired girl turns to Chloe and says; "Hi, I'm Jenn!" The other girl who was fairly short and wearing the athletic clothes, simply said; "Tesnya." And swiftly followed Charles inside.

The kitchen was huge, as was necessary for a complex of the Academies size. The was about seventy feet across and another eighty feet wide, but the ceilings were only about eight feet tall to allow for all of the hoks and hangars that were holding various tool at one of the two dozen cooking stations, each of which had their own stove. It was currently unoccupied, and they were in the far left corner of it. "This is where the take deliveries. See?" Charles says, and points toward the wall to their left. It was easily seventy feet long, and every ten feet or so there was a door set in the wall. There were six doors in all, and all of them except for the second to last one were closed. An odd noise could be heard coming from the open portal, a series of strained squelching noises with undertones of someone groaning through a filter. On the opposite wall and about thirty feet to their right, across the room, was another set of closed double doors that led further into the academy. Also, there was a small door partially open on the corner opposite them, which was barely visible through all of the things hanging form the ceiling.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley, hearing sounds she hasn't heard since the demonic invasion at Artmirst, stops her journey towards the main hall.

"That sounds like... well, it could be someone being attacked. We should help them - it shouldn't take long and we'll learn something about what we'll be facing."

She moves towards the open door that seems to be the source of the noise. On the one hand she hopes she's right, so that she doesn't look like a fool and walk in on people enjoying themselves. On the other hand, she hopes she's wrong, as it would imply motives that Ashley doesn't cherish.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe looked over at the door eying it with caution. She never had any real combat experience besides some brief training before she left home.

If there is going to be trouble would anyone want a temporary boost to help in combat I can make you faster or stronger even harder to hit.

Chloe looked over the group and waited their reply.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 53, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 31/39, Status = Fine

Charles, the only man in the group, shook his head at Chloe, going with Ashley as she went to investigate the strange sounds coming form one of the closets. The shorter girl, Tesnya, turned to her and quietly said; "Perhaps in a moment, but I'm sure that whatever is here will not be too much trouble." She bowed, and then quickly said; "Thank you for your consideration, however." Jenn, the big breasted girl with dark hair and blue eyes, said; "If you could do something to make me more difficult to hit, that would be nice. I can be a little clumsy sometimes...."

Ashley approached the closet, Charles putting a hand on her shoulder to stop her as she was about to read it. Tesnya passed the both of them, causing the man to show a hint of annoyance before he released her and went after her. The tiny amazon stopped in front of the door, a look of mixed amazement and disgust evident on her features, as Ashley and Charles quickly stepped beside her to see what was within the closet. Ashley herself didn't quite know what to make of it, as a pile of clothes similar to what a cook might have worn lay at the entrance. Within, a man was lying on his back, with two dark haired girls on top of him that looked as though they might be twins, looked as though they were probably students judging by their half-on uniforms, both of whom were covered in a thin, slimy coating. One girl sat on his face, pleasure evident on her face as she was being eaten out by the man underneath her, while the other bounced up and down on his cock, the shaft visible whenever she reached the apex of her movement. They were both bent forward, kissing one another deeply as their full breasts jiggled and rubbed against one another, and it was from their intertwined mouths that the lewd mewling sounds were coming. The mans hands were on the hips of the girl he was eating out, and the trio watched as he suddenly tensed, moaning into the round ass in front of him, after which he collapsed underneath his two partners, a white fluid leaking out of the womanhood of the one that had been riding him as they both pulled up off of him.

The pair of girls stood in the small closet, barely ten feet from Tesnya, Charles and Ashley, and they stepped to stand shoulder to shoulder and then turned to look at them, lewd grins on their faces. The man who'd been underneath them was lying motionless on the ground, much of him covered in wet goo form his two partners.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

*oops put the wrong buff up wanted to use dodge instead of ac

Chloe focused on Jenn letting her mind picture protective barriers around the young woman feeling slightly jealous of her endowments. When she was happy with the placement she finalized the spell with a single word "Praesidio". (casting magic might buff for dodge lvl 3)

There that should help a bit, while not impervious they will help.
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

"Um... well, that's not quite what I expected..."

Ashley isn't exactly an expert on the more extreme forms of sexual deviancy, but while some sort of sticky fluids are usually involved, she's fairly sure that being covered head to toe in that odd goo isn't typical. Of course, if one accepted that the goo was the incongruous thing here, it raised more questions then it gave answers. Was it the women who were being raped, or perhaps theses were succubi and it was the man who needed help, or perhaps it was even that all three were victims? And where, exactly, did the goo come from? One of the... invaders... seemed likely, but if so then where was it? Well, that decided it, then.

Ashley had learned a lot in her short time at the Academy. She had started out wanting only to learn history, of demons, and other practical non-magical skills associated with magic, feeling that her magical education was complete while everything else lacked. But even before she'd signed up for classes she had learned that she was wrong. She and learned of the theory of magic, and used that knowledge to improve every aspect of her abilities, even - much to her surprise - improving on her natural talent with wind. But the biggest improvement had been everywhere else. She would never have the raw power with other elements that she had in a storm, but wind wasn't always the answer.

As here, for example. There were three people in the room, two conscious, all possibly hostile and possibly not. There may even have been an unknown or invisible beast in the room. With wind and raw power she could smash the women against the wall, crushing first breath and then life from their bodies. With wind and finesse she could try to simply knock them unconscious. The first was certainly a mistake, and the second only delayed the problem. But there were other ways.

Ashley raised both hands in front of her, palms together but fingers spread apart, and willed a burst of light out of them and towards the two nude girls, and past them into the larger room. She squinted her eyes against the reflected flash, and kept her eyes open for any sign of another being hidden in the room.

Blinding light, a level 2 light spell, as a cone.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 49/53, Status = Fine, Lvl3 Buff on Jennifer
Ashley: HP = 43, PP = 54, EP = 29/39, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Jenn has gained + (3 x 4) = +12 to Dodge.
Casting: Success.
Resistance Check: Ashley wins.
Resistance Check: Ashley wins.

Chloes spell was simple to complete in this situation, and Jenn smiled as the magic washed over her. She shifted about, and even with that simple motion Chloe could tell that the busty girl moved with a good deal more agility than she had a moment ago. "Thanks...." Chloe said, and it seemed like she was about to say more when the commotion caused by the others interrupted her.

Ashleys spell produced a blinding cone of white light that briefly flashed into the room, and the two sticky girls were left rubbing their eyes with expressions of pain spread across their faces. No other beings seemed to be present in the room, but Tesnya cast her a sideways glance, and Charles looked at her with an appalled expression on his face. "What was that for? They didn't do anything to us!" Any immediate rebuttle Ashley might have had to that rather naive statement was cut off as the strangest of urges washed over her. She wanted nothing more than to pull all of her clothes off and join the two dark haired girls in the tiny room. Images of herself kneeling atop one and feeling her tongue darting inside of her sex, while the other worked on her breasts, were only one of many lewd ideas that crossed Ashleys mind within a few seconds. The idea was absolutely absurd, however, and with a shake of her head, Ashley dispelled the images from her head. It was only then that the idea that she might have been mentally attacked entered her thoughts, though she had never seen or heard of anything quite like this before, even when she'd fought the demons at Artmirst.....