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An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

(I never did describe Nina, did I?)

Nina kept pace next to Chloe as they walked, the tall, thin, long haired blond girl looking queasy and unenthusiastic. "I could be worse.... I think."Her color didn't improve, even after Chloe's attempt to reassure her, but she nodded hesitantly all the same. Hopefully, she'd get over her fear once it really mattered. She'd certainly handled herself pretty well in the cafeteria, at least. As Chloe mentioned her missing boot knife, Charles calmly drew it from a pocket in his vest and handed it to her. "I found it yesterday, and just forgot to give it to you... Sorry."

With no further objections present, and a group nod to Ashley's agreement of their purpose in the area, they set off. They could see several other groups off in the distance, all heading in the same general direction but eventually breaking off or disappearing into the woods. The tree line loomed closer and closer as they hiked across the moors surrounding the Academy, the ground soggy beneath their feet and riddled with the boot prints of the other patrols. Eventually, they reached the narrow stream bordering the woods, the coniferous trees casting shadows upon the ground below. There was no path, but Charles calmly directed them a short distance East, and over an old, partially rotted bridge that crossed the stream. They entered the woods and followed an ancient, badly worn and heavily overgrown road toward their destination.

The path twisted, and the mod on their shoes caused moisture to soak through them and settle around their feet. It was dark, dank, and claustrophobic within the woods, and they often had to duck under branches that had grown over the ancient road, or climb over fallen trees, or pass any number of other obstacles. Tesnya missed one such obstacle, and the branch left her face covered in angry red scratches. Jenn at one point tumbled off a log, and ended up laying right next to a deer carcass that had been there for long enough to accrue a large infestation of both ants, and maggots. They'd had to stop for a short while to wait for her to finish throwing up, but Charles grinned wryly as he patted the girl on the back and said; "It could be worse. We could actually be going THROUGH the woods!"

It was a fairly miserable hour, all things considered, but also a fairly peaceful one. The road suddenly ended, and up ahead the visage of a solid granite wall loomed amid the trees. Glass windows, long broken and leaving nothing but tooth-like shards, stared like empty eyes through the trees at the approaching group. The doors of the church still stood, solid oak rotting only on the surface, but even from this distance the rest on the hinges was evident. The windows of the last structure in the town were all well out of reach, at least on the side facing them. The rest of the buildings that had once made up the village stood only partially, looking like nothing more than so many extra large gravestones. A skeletal human corpse was lying on its stomach in front of the doors to the church, its right arm extended towards the door.

"Right. Lets get this over with." Charles said, his voice brittle. Nina and Jenn both looked like ghosts, and even Tesnya had paled somewhat.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

"I knew things were bad, but unburied human remains..." Even Ashley looked a little disturbed at that. Dead animals was one thing, dead humans quite another, especially since apparently nobody else alive had come by to bury them.

"Well, we should start with searching the town, I suppose. That way if we get separated later we can know to meet up here, and be reasonably safe. And while we're here, we should bury... whoever that was. It wouldn't be right to leave them like that." She looked around at the other shaken faces. "Jenn and I will dig a hole, while the rest of you make sure there's nothing hiding in the church. Yell if you need our help."

Ashley took Jenn by the shoulder and led her a little ways away, towards the treeline. "If you're okay, I'm sure you could help loosen the soil a bit so we can pull it out by magic?"
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe gives Charles a dazzling smile and almost hugs him in excitement. "Oh thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me." She pulled the blade close to her chest as if hugging a small child before securing it in it's sheath.

A short while latter while on the trail to the search area Chloe approaches Jen and Ashley. "Hey Ashley an Jen. I know this is not really the time nor the place but I was wondering when things settle down around here I was hoping one of you could give me some pointers on offensive magic. I've never really been that great at controlling combat magic and well after yesterday I don't want to be a victim next time." Chloe waits to hear from either girl and once she has her answer she falls back to walk with Nina.

The old decrepit church sent a chill down Chloe's spine. While their trek to the ruin was mostly uneventful Chloe was still uneasy. Spotting the remains in front of the church didn't help and her face went a little ashen. "P...p... probably a plague if they left them all unburied. We should be careful there might be restless spirits about." She shudders a little and takes a moment to collect herself. "Might explain why no scavengers got to that deer. Who is going in first? It looks fairly dark in there and I can augment your senses to help if you want or create a light source if you think that would be better."

(Casting All sight Body Level 2 +15 perception 1ep to maintain or Light level 1 Light spell)
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine, Light
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
We has light!

Charles nodded at Ashley's suggestion, but said; "Whoever they were, they weren't here when this town was abandoned. They must have died some time after then, but that body is down to bones, and looks to have been that way for a pretty long while. I'd say, at least a year, given how scavengers are around here. That deer probably wasn't much older than a day old, so I don't think we have to worry about plague." He stepped toward the church, Tesnya right behind him, but Nina, who hadn't moved or said a word since the conversation had begun, said; "No! Don't go in there! Can't we... Can't we just leave? This place.... It's creepy!" Jenn immediately nodded profusely, her face pale, and said; "I'm with her! Lets get the hell out of here!"

Charles scoffed at both of them while Tesnya looked uncertain, and the young man said; "There's nothing to worry about here! There's no such thing as ghosts! Chloe, if you could just give me a light, that should be enough. We need to save our energy for the really dangerous stuff, and you might need yours in case one of us gets hurt." After he had received a glowing orb from the girl, and Jenn, who looked utterly miserable at the idea of staying here even a second longer, nodded at Ashley's question and started looking for a decent spot for them to dig a grave, Charles went for the ancient door of the church.

The handle turned when he tried it, despite a rusted squeal of protest, but the door wouldn't open when he lightly pushed on it. He kept trying, first pushing with a little more strength, and then throwing his shoulder into it. The door still didn't budge, not even an inch. Growling in frustration, Charles took a step back, and then kicked the door right near the handle, the blow incredibly precise as he attempted to smash through the lock. The oak door didn't even shake, not even when he kicked it several more times.

"What the hell? It won't open...."

"Can we just bury the body and leave? Please? This shouldn't take long, and this place is giving me the creeps."

"I agree. We should leave this place. Nothing good can happen in it." Tesnya said, speaking for the first time in a long while. She didn't look shaken, her calm undisturbed, and perhaps even amplified by their surroundings.

They could easily just bury the body and get on with their patrol, if the group didn't want to try to investigate things here further. Jenn and Nina certainly didn't want to, and now Tesnya was agreeing with them, though without the hints of panic that the other two were displaying.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley hesitated. The place was a bit creepy, but it didn't seem like it was enough to explain just how afraid everyone was. Maybe that meant there was something here, trying to drive them away. Or maybe it just meant people were on edge to begin with. But if they couldn't open the doors, then there was no point in staying.

"Okay... we'll bury the body and move on. After that we can start the patrol. If we can't get into the buildings, then maybe nothing else can either."
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe looked up at the old church and let her light spell wink out. "Yeah I agree if we can't get in to search the place then I doubt what we are looking in for is in there. They don't seem to be the type to let a moldy old door stop them from getting in. Besides it would make far to much noise if we tried to bash the door down." Chloe began to lean on the old oaken door. After taking a moment to observer their surroundings she approached Nina. "Hey Nina what type of magic do you focus on I was kinda curious after the battle yesterday and didn't feel it was an appropriate time to talk about it." She hoped that if she could get Nina to focus on something she liked or knew about it would ease the young woman's tension and she would start to relax.

(making a perception check to see if I can spot anything out of the ordinary sense Charles made some noise hitting the door)
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine, Light
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Chloe couldn't hear anything on the other side of the church door. Not a footstep, not a shifting of weight that might indicate something resting against the door and holding it closed, and not even the scuffling of rodents or insects that had likely taken residence inside of the old place. Not a whisper of sound, even as she listened intently at the door, came from the church. What she did notice, however, was that the area around them had turned utterly silent. No birds, beasts or insects could be heard around the uninhabited village. As Chloe spoke to Nina, the other girl didn't seem to notice as she hesitantly responded; "I work best with the manipulation of natural forces, like plants and animals. I can work with stone and wood as well, and I can heal pretty good, though I think you're probably better than I am."

Jenn, meanwhile, was quietly casting a spell that weakened the earth in front of one of the fallen homes. After it had been softened, Tesnya stepped toward it and closed her eyes. Suddenly, the wet earth rose, an ugly sloshing mess, but Charles quickly picked up the skeleton and gently lowered it into the earth. Tesnya dropped the stone, and the grave was finished a moment later by a shaped earth headstone courtesy of Nina. As they had no idea what the person's name might have been, they left it unmarked.

"Now can we get going please? This place is creepy." Jenn said quietly, her voice and body both shaking. Nina and Tesnya silently nodded, the foreign girl with a great deal more confidence than the other two. "We might as well. That door's not opening unless we blow it up, and I don't think there's anything else here." Charles replied, glancing around at the rest of the group.


After the group left the abandoned village, they started on their patrol route. Charles and Tesnya had a little woodcraft experience, and between them they made the travel through the woods bearable. Still, there were plenty of mishaps. Nina tumbled into a stream, and ended up soaking wet and badly bruised. Ashley stepped into a bog at one point, and sunk down to her knee, and it took almost ten minutes to drag her out without costing her her shoe. Jenn, in what could only be called a statistical anomaly or the universe playing a trick on her, tumbled off of a rock only to fall face first into another rotting carcass. She had already thrown up her breakfast, but she was still retching for another five minutes before they could go on.

As they were reveling in the joy that was the fourth hour of their journey, Ashley suddenly felt the larger badge flash warmly, and she heard a panicked voice say; "We need..... Under attack.... Of them.... Us are down..... Reinforcements..... Sector D11.... Miles North of...." The voice was badly garbled, suggesting that whoever was speaking wasn't concentrating on the badge enough to communicate effectively. None of the others seemed to notice, which made sense given that they weren't holding the badge. "Is something wrong, Ashley?" Jenn asked, looking concerned that she had stopped.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

It was annoying to be dirty, but only annoying. She had been much dirtier before, living on the road and even briefly on the streets. What was really vexing was that she was even annoyed by a little dirt. A year ago she would have considered this pretty much clean. Now she felt the need for a bath after a little dirty water. Still, at least Jenn was there to show her what being really unprepared was like, as she held the other woman's hair back while she retched.

"One of the nearby groups ran into trouble. D11. They didn't say exactly what, or where they were. Just be ready for an attack, and keep an eye towards the North." She looked around at the already concerned face of her friend. "We took out dozens of these things in the great hall, but other groups probably aren't all as well prepared, and we can't help them without better information about their location."

She considered the situation a little further. "If we do get attacked, I'll try to spend most of my energy keeping them grouped together so that everyone else can hit them more efficiently. And try to keep something in reserve for emergencies."
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe was thankful that she hadn't so far had any mishaps that seemed to have plagued the others but kept any comments about such to herself feeling no need to rub her good luck in.

"Here Nina take my hand"
Chloe reached out to the drenched mage a warmth spell charged in her hand. "Alright here we go" Chloe grunted pulling Nina out of the stream while struggling not to fall in herself. "The spell should help a little after all no one likes being cold and wet and well at lest now your only wet". Chloe tried to give Nina a comforting smile but wasn't to sure it helped the young mage at all. After Jens second encounter with a rotting corpse Chloe's spirits dropped she was tired of the cold the damp and these god awful silent woods. She was about to make her frustrations known when Ashly spoke. After hearing what the situations was Chloe turned to Nina. "Okay Nina make sure to stick close to one of us alright. I know this will be scary but if you keep your head well come out of this okay".
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Perception: All but Jenn, Chloe and Nina succeed.

"D11? That's just North of us. Maybe we ought to go try to help them out." Charles said, glancing towards the North. Tesnya did the same, but no one else seemed to share Charles' sentiment that they ought to attempt to rescue the group. Jenn had paled even further at Ashley's revelation that another group had been attacked, and had simply started staring off into space. Nina nodded to Chloe, and replied; "We ought to stay together. I don't think any of these things can use magic, so as long as we don't get separated we should be able to keep them off of us."

Distant sounds echo through the trees, human voices distorted by distance accompanied by loud booms and rushing bangs of various sorts. The distance and exact direction were both impossible to judge, but they could hear something go on in that direction. "We can't just keep going... We have to do something!" Charles quietly said, but before he or anyone else could say any more, Tesnya suddenly said; "Something is coming. From the East." She was looking off in that direction, and with her help Ashley saw something grey and slimy moving amongst the trees. There were almost certainly at least three of them, but they were larger than the tentacled creatures that she remembered fighting in the dining hall. They were still at least 100 feet away, but the trees blocked them from line of sight, which would make striking them with a spell difficult to say the least, and they were scattered enough to make them difficult to hit all at once. Charles had seemingly spotted it as well, as he cursed and prepared a battle stance, putting himself off to the group's left slightly but also several feet ahead. Chloe couldn't see a thing, however, and neither Jenn nor Nina seemed to have had any better luck.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe cursed under her breath she couldn't see a thing but new well enough that the creatures would make themselves apparent soon enough. "Nina use your magic to slow the creatures down when we see them. All these plants should give you an edge right." With that said Chloe drew her dagger and waited for the enemy to show themselves searching the trees ahead and around for any glimpse of the enemy.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley took her friend's hand, noticing that this was all really getting to her. "We'll be fine. We didn't have any trouble in the great hall, and we'll stick together."

Sudden sounds of fighting and a warning from Tesnya made Ashley look off into the trees, and see 3 grey shapes coming towards the group. The trees between them were a problem, but not an insurmountable one. But first there were other considerations. "Watch out for more of them, and make sure they don't have prisoners before doing anything too dangerous!"

Then Ashley released Jenn's hand, raising both of her own to work a spell. But it was hard to get a clear line of sight, and everything she could think of quickly to damage the foe without seeing them would hurt prisoners as well. She could increase the abilities of herself or her allies... but that might drain her energy too quickly. Not wanting to waste time while she considered her best move, Ashley released a minor bolt of energy at the first foe she spotted, allowing it to guide itself around any inconvenient trees on the way to its target.

Magic Missile (arcane level 1) on any of the visible foes. Autohit FTW?
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 23/65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 4/49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 10 = 12 * 2 = 24 damage.
What is it with you and your awful damage rolls?

Attack (Tesnya) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 = 7 * 6 = 42 damage. One down.

Perception: Success for all! Sort of. Okay, not really, you all made the one check but not the other, and, somehow, 4 mages failed mind based perception checks that would have given you a bonus to what just almost killed you all. Ashley mostly due to being distracted by her casting.

Attacks: All 6 automatic hits
Damage: 1 + 3 + 19 = 23 * 2 = 46 damage.
Ashley's Armor is at 2/25 TP.
Chloe's Armor is at 15/30 TP.
Charles and Tesnya take 42 damage.
Nina and Chloe take 45 damage and are knocked out.

Casting (Charles) : Failure (by 2)

"Right... Yeah... We'll be alright... So long as we stay together." Jenn replied, squeezing Ashley's hand tightly until Ashley pulled away. The girl glanced among the trees, and spotted the three creatures as Ashley pointed them out.

Bolts of light flew forth from Ashley's hand and weaved through the trees, striking one of the tentacled creatures and carving holes into its slimy grey flesh. Tesnya paused, waiting for an opportunity, and as one of the things came into view, suddenly whipped her hand across. The monster was cut completely in half by whatever power the eastern girl worked, and fell into two completely separate pieces, tendrils still twitching. As one of the creatures was dispatched and another wounded, Nina nodded to Chloe, and said; "I'll keep them still once they get close enough to get all of them."

However, all of them were so distracted, a fact that Ashley and Chloe might realize just a moment too late to do anything about, that they all failed to notice the monsters sneaking up on them. Sudden pain came to both Ashley and Chloe as they were knocked on the back of the head, and both of them nearly black out. Yelps of pain came form Charles and Tesnya as they received similar treatment, and as the two warriors stumbled forward, both Nina and Jenn crumpled bonelessly to the ground. A glance at their attackers revealed that a half dozen reptilian humanoids, creatures that they recognized from the Tour but not form their own battles, were spread out among them. Their skin quickly reverted to its natural dull green as their cloaks faded, the element of surprise having already allowed them to deliver devastating blows.

The two remaining tentacled creatures, one of whom Ashley had injured already, continued rambling toward them, no longer keeping their cover. As Charles tried and apparently failed to cast some sort of spell on himself and the rest of those who remained conscious prepared to tight the suddenly extremely desperate battle, the creatures almost got into melee range themselves, coming within 40 feet of the group of mages.

NPC Stats:
Charles has taken 42 damage.
Tesnya has taken 42 damage.
Jenn has taken 45 damage and is unconscious.
Nina has taken 45 damage and is unconscious.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Stars bloomed in Ashely's vision as the blow to the back of her head pushed the minor victory of hitting her target through the trees right out of her mind. She stumbled and barely avoided falling as she turned to see what hit her. The camouflage was enough to tell her what they were, though how much use the little knowledge she had would be now was questionable. She ran that last thought through her head again. She was rambling. She pulled herself back into the present, powered through the ringing in her ears and the taste of blood in her mouth and saw that her attacker hadn't been the only one. Jenn had fallen and wasn't moving, and so had one of the others. Everyone still standing looked as badly hurt as she herself felt. And if she had been able to think clearly, and wasn't probably about to be captured and raped if she stopped to think idle thoughts, she would have been worried about the fact that her dress was hanging on by a thread.

As it was, though, she moved straight to action. One hand grabbed the badge, holding it firmly in her hand and nearly screaming, "Under attack in C11! Hunters and others!" Even before she was done speaking, her other hand came up in the almost instinctive gesture of spellcasting. She backpedaled, trying to move slightly away from the group and line up her shot to catch as many of her foes as possible without also hitting any allies, and with an effort of will unleashed the kind of winds that would tear up trees and throw mere animals about like so much dust. She just hoped it would be enough.

Hurricane gust - level 4 wind. Cone. Aimed to hit foes without hitting allies, and the nearest foes first. Also backing away from the other humans.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe screamed in pain and surprise as she stumbled from the heavy blow. Turning to see what had hit her Chloe was shocked to see six of the hunters standing behind them and had to fight the urge to panic when she saw Nina and Jen hopefully unconscious on the ground.

Though a little staggered from the blow Chloe jumped into action channeling a healing spell into Ashley before heading to Tesyna for the next one.

(casting level 4 Healing spell with healer talent treating it as level 5 for healing effects)
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 2/65, PP = 56, EP = 59/65, Status = Grappled, Badly Injured
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 39/45, Status = Grappled

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Healing: 6 + 7 = 13 * 5 = 65 HP restored.

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 7 = 10 * 5 = 50 - 8 = 42 damage.
Resistance: Ashley wins.
2 Hunters are stunned.

Casting (Charles) : Success.
Healing: 5 + 5 = 10 * 3 = 30 HP restored.

Attack (Tesnya) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 5 = 9 * 8 = 72 - 8 = 64 damage.

Attack (Hunters) : 1 hit on Tesnya, 1 hit on Charles, 1 hit on Chloe.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 19 = 25 damage.
Tesnya has been knocked unconscious and is naked.
Chloe's armor is at 7/30 TP.
Charles takes 21 damage.

Attack (Grabbers) : Both hit.
Ashley and Chloe have been grappled!
Aphrodisiac: 6 + 2 = 8, both take 8 Resistance damage.
Ashley is at 18/26 Resistance, and Chloe is at 9/17 Resistance

Chloe and Ashley separated slightly from the rest of the group, and Chloe's healing magic restored Ashley's strength. Her headache cleared instantly, but unfortunately, placing her spell without hitting her allies would have been difficult, particularly if she wanted to avoid hitting the already injured Jenn and Nina. Powerful winds poured forth from her hands, and bowled two of the hunters over, but the rest of the monsters were spared from the effects. Tesnya slashed her hand across at one of the hunters as she had the tentacled creatures, and it was cut in half just as the last monster to take that attack had. This one was much more messy, however, as a torrent of blood poured out from the wounded being. Charles successfully cast his spell this time, and stood straighter as his wounds healed themselves.

Unfortunately, things didn't continue going their way for very long. Another of the hunters closed in on Tesnya, and slashed claws across her neck. The eastern girl dropped instantly, blood welling from her fresh wounds, ones that would likely prove fatal if she wasn't attended to quickly. Another of the monsters clawed at Charles, raking across his face as he tried to back away. The two monsters that Ashley had thrown aside were recovering, regaining their feet and preparing to reenter the battle. Another of the monsters clawed at Chloe, and she felt as though she could barely stand after another solid blow to the head. The two tentacled creatures reached the back-peddling Ashley and Chloe, and the two distracted mages were grabbed up in tentacled arms and lifted into the air.

Chloe recognized the feelings that the slime inspired within her immediately, but they were mostly new to Ashley. As the poisonous liquid began its work upon their bodies, inspiring heated arousal at the slightest touch, the tendrils began working their way beneath their already badly torn clothing.

NPC stats:
Nina and Jenn: Out cold.
Charles: Taken 33 damage, Spent 4 EP.
Tesnya: Spent 14 EP, taken a total of 67 damage and is unconscious.
Hunters 1 and 2: Stunned, taken 42 damage.
Hunters 3-5: Uninjured, attacked assorted group members.
Hunter 6: Dead.
Adult Grabber 1: Uninjured, Grappling Chloe.
Adult Grabber 2: Taken 24 damage, Grappling Ashley.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley started to thank Chole, feeling her wounds instantly heal themselves and restore her to full fighting strength. Unfortunately the spell did not fix her dress, which was still on the edge of being obscene, but this was still not the time to think about that. In fact, it was time for one of the monsters that had been charging at them before the sneak attack to grab her, and start trying to get its vile tentacles under her torn dress.

Instantly, she felt the slime pass its poison through her skin, filling her veins with fire. It wasn't the first time she'd felt an aphrodisiac, and she started to ignore it... but this was something more then those she had felt before. It wasn't just making her unaccountably horny, it was draining her ability to resist those urges. That made her angry, and the fact that she could tell this anger would fade if the poison continued to affect her only made it worse.

She gathered herself to unleash a torrent of wind that would keep all foes from touching her, but at the last second realized this would also hit her ally, who had just healed her despite being badly injured herself. The curse at the thing sapping her will got a little extra emphasis, and she unleashed a howling wind in a much more controlled way, strongly enough to drive straw through a tree, and hoping that she could direct it accurately enough to hit at least her current attacker and possibly one of the stunned lizards as well, despite her bound state.

Hurricane gust - level 4 wind. Stream. Aimed to hit the grabber attacking her, then the ones hit last round, if that can be done without hitting allies. Backing further away from allies should she manage to get free.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe's vision blurred as the second blow to her head made the whole world wobbly. She tried to regain her footing to get to Tesyna when the eastern woman fell to a sharp blow to her neck Chloe's heart sank. But their still could be time to save her if she could just get close enough. However the powerful blow and blurred vision made it near imposable for her walk in a straight line let alone avoid the tentacles of the charging creature and it easily scooped her up.

She felt the creatures poison seep into her skin and could feel her will to resist slipping away. The worst part though was a small but growing part of her mind urging her to stop fighting and to simple embrace what was going to happen anyway. This own betrayal of her thoughts brought a loud and forceful growl of frustration from the young mage as she dug deep to rally what mental fortitude she had to fight the creatures aphrodisiac and channeled one of her damaging spells.

Casting Bone-Snap level 3 body bolt at the creature holding Chloe
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 2/65, PP = 56, EP = 55/65, Status = Grappled, Badly Injured
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 33/45, Status = Grappled

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Grapple: Chloe loses. The attack misses, and it gets its action this round.
Chloe's clothing has been destroyed.

Casting (Ashley) : Failure. (You rolled a 5, and have a -20 penalty to Casting, 12 from grappled and 8 from damage.

Casting (Charles) : Success.
Charles has gained +5 * 3 = +15 Armor.

Attack (Hunters) : 3 hits on Charles.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 19 = 27 - 15 = 12 * 3 = 36 damage.
Charles takes 36 damage.

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Ashley's clothing has been destroyed!
Aphrodisiacs: 6 + 6 = 12 Resistance damage on Ashley, 2 + 3 = 5 Resistance damage on Chloe.
Ashley is at 6/26 Resistance, and Chloe is at 4/17 Resistance

The dice want you to be raped, and all of your friends to be killed in front of you. I'm sorry! It's not my fault! D:

Something was wrong. Now, in this time of her most dire need, when her friends and allies were falling all around her, she could not call upon the winds. Maybe it was the slime seeping into her body and filling her with arousal, or maybe it was the anger that the poison's effects upon her raised, but when she called upon the winds, nothing but a light breeze came. She was left in the tentacles of the slimy creature, helpless and almost totally alone. Tendrils slipped beneath her torn dress and into her underclothing, and with a single rending motion her clothing was torn apart, leaving her naked in the cold, and completely helpless in its grasp. Tendrils brushed against her petals and ass, and began to wrap around her breasts, forcing her to gasp as the poison seemingly increased in potency at the stimulation. She knew, however, that in a few moments they would be much more powerful as her violation began.

Chloe wasn't doing any better. She completed her spell, but as she pointed her hand down at the creature, it suddenly grabbed her wrists, and her spell lashed out at a tree rather than the monster that she knew was about to force itself upon her, just like its kin in the dining hall had done. She felt the monster's tentacles worming around beneath her clothing, and then they were suddenly torn completely from her body. Naked in the grasp of one of these monsters, Chloe knew what would come next even before she started receiving a similar treatment as Ashley, tendrils massaging softly against her pussy and anus, and one even pressing against the lithe mage's lips.

Charles, outnumbered and already injured, cursed loudly and stumbled away from his numerous attackers and cast a spell upon himself, and suddenly his skin hardened and thickened, becoming like that of a rhino. The demonic creatures didn't seem at all bothered by his sudden transformation, however, and with their reptilian grins wide upon their flat faces, took to clawing at him. Charles took the first blow well enough, turning with it and only allowing it to draw a modicum of blood from him even as it tore into his arm. The second shredded his chest, very nearly disemboweling him even though he had his magic up. Before the helpless eyes of Ashley and Chloe, the third of the creatures to strike out at him ripped a gash into the injured man's throat, her life's blood welling up in great spurts. His enchantment faded, and he collapsed to the ground.

Tesnya and Charles were dying. Jenn and Nina had been knocked unconscious, and the two of them laid utterly still upon the ground even as the two hunters whom Ashley had stunned with her blast of wind recovered and started toward them. Chloe and Ashley were naked, on the verge of losing their sanity to the poisonous fluid that their attackers were covered in, and both of them were about to be raped. There had been no answer to the distress call that Ashley had sent up, and no help was in sight, or even hearing distance, as far as the two girls could tell.

NPC stats:
Nina and Jenn: Out cold.
Charles: Taken 69 damage, Spent 8 EP, and is dying.
Tesnya: Spent 14 EP, taken a total of 67 damage and is dying.
Hunters 1 and 2: Taken 42 damage.
Hunters 3-5: Uninjured, murdering Charles
Hunter 6: Dead.
Adult Grabber 1: Uninjured, Grappling Chloe.
Adult Grabber 2: Taken 24 damage, Grappling Ashley.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley felt herself scream as her tattered clothing was torn off, and her spell fizzled. She felt tentacles press themselves against her pussy and asshole, others grabbing her breasts, the foul slime working its way in until she could feel her body demanding that she give up and accept her fate. But that wasn't going to happen, not yet. Her companions were all in worse states. Chloe was the only other one still conscious - possibly the only one still alive - and she was about to be raped as well as still injured from the surprise attack. It couldn't get much worse, but it seemed likely to make a go at it.

The hunters would have to wait. Ashley could feel that if one of those thick, muscular tentacles pushed its way between the sensitive petals of her pussy and started... even thinking about it was distracting, actually experiencing it would end the fight for her. She gathered what remained of her will and tried once more to call the winds, just as strongly if somewhat less focused, and in desperation angled it down at her attacker, hoping beyond hope that it would work. That her spell wouldn't fizzle, that it would flatten her attacker into the dirt, and that the backlash might even push her further away from the reptilians who would surely take up where the betentacled beast left off if she let them.

Wind level 4, hurricane gust. Cone this time, and with corrected base casting. >.>