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An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe could feel her will slip and struggle as she may she knew that her situation was pretty much hopeless. However Ashley still had the strength to fight and her attacker was injured. Their situation was desperate and she knew at lest one of them needed to get out of this mess for any chance of survival. Chloe focused her thoughts missing was not an option and let loose her spell with a silent prayer. "Please anyone help us".

Casting Magic missile on the creature holding Ashley.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 2/65, PP = 56, EP = 55/65, Status = Badly Injured
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 27/45, Status = Fine

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 7 = 9 damage.

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: More than 7.

Casting (??) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 6 = 11 * 4 = 44 damage.
The creature grappling Chloe has been killed.

Attack (???) : Hit.
Damage: 4 * 12 = 48 - 8 = 40 damage.

Casting (????) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 5 = 8 * 3 = 24 - 8 = 16 damage.

Chloe's spell brought up a trio of magical bolts that lanced out at the slimy creature that was holding Ashley. They tore into its already damaged body, but the thing continued wriggling even as Ashley prepared her own spell. Powerful winds gathered above her and formed into a column that hammered down around her, directly onto the thing that was holding her. The naked wizardess was thrown aside as the winds she had called smashed the slimy, tentacle sporting abomination into a fine paste on the ground.

The creatures that had initially ambushed them noticed this, however, and the three that had just brought down Charles started toward her immediately, their reptilian grins and long, claw tipped arms wide as they fanned out around her. They were too far apart for her to get them all at once with either a direct blast or even a wider one, and they would be on her in seconds.... Chloe could only watch helplessly, and feel as the aphrodisiacs began to burn away the last dredges of her will. Her struggles were for not against the agile tendrils, and she felt them beginning to slip into her holes, all three at once just as the one in the great hall had.

A ray of violet light lanced out from the trees and burned a hole in the side of the monster that was holding Chloe, burning a hole the size of a cantaloupe in its body. The thing released her as it tumbled to the ground, and the naked healer tumbled to the ground in a heap, just before her will would have been eaten away completely by the slime. At the same time, an orb of white fire streaked into the clearing and exploded barely a foot in front of Ashley's face! The fire licked across her skin, warm but never burning. In fact, if anything, the burst of white fire seemed pleasant as it touched against her body. When the flames cleared, however, the monsters that had been closing in on her sported burns all over their bodies. The two that had been near Jenn and Nina were down on the ground, their flesh scorched halfway to the bone, but the two fallen mages didn't seem to have been harmed by the blast.

The three monsters that still stood turned toward where the ball of flame had originated from only to catch a bolt of lightning from the same direction. Their bodies rose and spasmed wildly for a second before falling limply to the ground, unmoving. Within the span of a few short seconds, their battle had gone from nearly disastrous to over in their favor, thanks to some intervention from unknown allies.

A second later, three individuals came into the clearing. One was a woman in full scale mail and leather that covered everything below her neck, seemingly wearing the armor without even a trace of fatigue. She had a longsword at her side and a heavy warhammer slung over her back, but her hands were empty. Her steely grey eyes took in the scene of the battle in seconds, and she directed one of the two young men, both of whom were dressed in the robes worn by students of the Academy, toward Chloe as the girl recovered from the embrace of the monster that had been about to rape her.

The young man that approached her was blushing slightly at her nudity, but he quickly helped her to her feet. His hands were clammy, and she could feel him quaking as he held her, though somehow she doubted that she was the reason for it as he immediately pulled off his cloak and threw it around her shoulders. He was short and stocky, and hard dark hair and slightly darker skin than was normal for Crolia, and Chloe supposed that maybe he was from the lands to the South.

The other man was tall and lanky and sported a mop of straight, longish red hair, and knelt knelt next to their wounded, first Nina and Jenn, whom he passed wordlessly, but then moving to Tesnya. "This one's alive, but she won't be for very long without intervention! Someone, check that man while I tend to her!" The grey eyed woman turned to Ashley, staring right at her face despite her nudity, and gruffly said; "We got your distress call. I guess you must have been on your way to help us when you got ambushed yourselves. We're what's left of the group sent to survey Sector D11. There were more of those... Things, all over the place, and some kind of floating thing that wasn't in the Tour. Is this your whole unit, or did some of them get carried off, or flee into the woods?"

NPC stats
Nina and Jenn: Out cold.
Charles: Taken 69 damage, Spent 8 EP, and is dying.
Tesnya: Spent 14 EP, taken a total of 67 damage and is dying.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe lurched from the remains of the creature holding her heading to Tesyna ignoring the young man with the cloak. "H.. h.. h... her first" Getting to the young Monk/ninja Chloe started channeling her most powerful healing spell she could muster before moving to charles

Greatest Healing level 5 treating it as 6 (might be a little over kill put poor tesyna has been bleeding out for a while)
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley, somewhat stunned by the sudden rescue from impending rape, stood for a moment unable to answer. Then her brain finally caught up with the rest of her, and she glanced at her fallen allies. Jenn, Nina, Charles, Tesnya, Chole, and herself. "Um... yes, this is everyone. I don't think any of them got away."

With Chole already leaning over the other with life-threatening injures, Ashley ran over to Charles, and gently healed him. The young man's clothing was badly torn, though at least it wasn't completely gone. Like Ashley's own. The fact of her nudity suddenly caught up with her, and she instinctively allowed some of her natural magic to leak out in the form of a cloak of clouds that hung around her form. Unfortunately the storm of the previous night had faded, and anger at her attackers had faded to relief at being rescued, so the mists that swirled around her body were less substantial then she might have hoped. Really they did little more then draw the eye to what they failed to effectively hide, but that was the best she could do without drawing actively on her magic.

Ignoring this, she called over her shoulder to the apparent leader of the other group. "Do you know where the rest of your group was taken?"

Level 3 healing on Charles
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 2/65, PP = 56, EP = 47/65, Status = Badly Injured
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 23/45, Status = Fine

The man who had been tending to Tesnya glared at Chloe, seemingly about to bark something at her, but he held his tongue as her magic restored the already partially healed wound on the girl's throat. The eastern girl coughed, spitting up a copious amount of blood, and the redheaded man turned her on her side just before she vomited onto the ground.

Ashley's spell sealed the wound on Charles's throat as well, as well as many of the others, but he was still quite pale. He gasped in a breath, and promptly rolled to the side by his own power and did just as Tesnya had done, throwing up everything he'd had for breakfast onto the bloodied forest floor.

"Good.... At least you didn't lose anyone." The woman said, moving to stand over Ashley as she knelt beside Charles. She paused noticeably as the cloud of mist formed around her body, not really concealing anything but creating quite a sight nonetheless. Eventually, however, she replied to Ashley's question; "We don't know. The other creatures were overrunning us, and all of the ones we left behind were already down and out. There was no way we could have saved them." The woman's words were clinical, and utterly devoid of emotion despite the fact that she most certainly meant them.

The short man who had helped Chloe over to Tesnya scowled darkly, and the one who was watching over Tesnya as she heaved up what was left of her breakfast turned red, but neither said anything. "I've already reported in to the headmasters, and they told us to join forces and return to the site where our group was ambushed immediately and attempt to recover survivors. I will be in command." She turned away from Ashley, toward the two men who had come with her, and barked; "Roland, Aren, get the other two up! We've got no time to spare."

The two complied, the southerner gently releasing Chloe and moving over to Jenn, while the red haired man worked some magic into Nina, bringing the girl back to consciousness. Jenn groaned as she came back to wakefulness, but Nina simply opened her eyes and shifted slightly, so that she could stare up into the sky with a blank look in her eyes. Charles and Tesnya had finished dry heaving, at this point, and Charles forced himself up to a sitting position. He nodded to Ashley, trying very hard to keep his eyes on her face as he did so, even though he couldn't help but blush and grin slightly. "I love the look, but you probably ought to try having something underneath it next time." He quipped, but his words were slightly slurred, and beneath the blush he was still quite pale. Tesnya was a little better, in her coloring at least, and she nodded her thanks to Chloe as she sat up.

NPC Record
Strange woman, barking orders
Roland, helping Nina
Aren, helping Jenn
Jenn, recovering from injuries
Nina, recovering from injuries
Tesnya, recovering from injuries
Charles, recovering from injuries
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley scowled at the blushing man, but couldn't really expect him to be perfectly cogent after so much blood loss, and pointedly refrained from offering him a hand up, instead trying to find the tattered remains of her clothing to see if anything could be salvaged - especially the communications badge, and the holster for her revolver - before walking over to see how Jenn was doing.

Nobody had died, but it had been a close thing. Already the terror of near-defeat was gone and with it any doubts about the fact that Ashley certainly could have won, but if it hadn't been for the sudden and unexpected help, Charles and Tesnya both looked like they might have bled out before Ashley could have helped them. A sobering realization.

At the news that the other woman would be in command, Ashley could only shrug. She didn't exactly have much experience leading, and the fact that she was nude didn't really add any weight to her authority. She briefly considered replacing her cloak of clouds with a proper illusion that would fully hide her nudity, but decided against it. She could maintain such a disguise indefinitely, but it would slow her recovery from the magical exertion of the recent fight, and it sounded like it wouldn't be too terribly long before the next one. After a moment further thought she banished the cloud cloak as well. It was a tiny amount of magic, but a tiny amount might make the difference in a fight.

"Where were you when you were ambushed, then?" Ashley asked, "I'm afraid that your transmission was cut off before I could hear exactly where..."
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe sighed with relief that Tesyna would be okay and started channeling another spell to treat her injuries before gathering her own discarded and torn cloths and headed over to Nina to help her up. It was a curious thing to her that in the space of two days she had been stripped naked three times and put on display before near total strangers but the feeling of shame about it had disappeared. Maybe it was just exhaustion or stress and no doubt it would all catch up to her before long.

"Come on Nina you took a strong blow to the head but where not done yet just hold it together a little longer."

Casting level 3 healing treating it at level 4
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 28/65, PP = 56, EP = 43/65, Status = Injured
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 23/45, Status = Fine

Healing (Chloe) : 5 + 7 = 12 * 4 = 48 HP restored for Nina!
Healing (Roland) : 7 + 6 = 13 * 2 = 26 HP restored on Chloe!

Ashley found the remains of her clothing easily enough, but there was nothing there that she might use to conceal her nudity. The largest strips were barely large enough to wrap around her thigh, much less cover her exposed chest or bottom. She did recover the holster for her gun, at least, as well as the two communications badges that could fit onto it easily enough.

Nina shook visibly as Chloe moved to touch her in order to enact her healing spell, shivering as if in fear of her, but after the magic restored the girl almost fully, she sighed and sat up. "Thanks... Just... Ow... Are you alright?" She said after a moment, moving to stand up and adjust her clothing back into place. The red headed man, apparently Roland, moved over to Chloe as she helped Nina to her feat, and laid a hand on her shoulder, allowing healing magics to flow through her body. She still had a monster of a headache, but she felt a little better at the very least.

Aren helped Jenn to her feet as Ashley banished her cloak of clouds and spoke to the woman who had claimed authority, who was smiling slightly after hearing no challenge to that claim. "We were in sector D11. Aren was the one with the communications badge at the time, so I don't know what he might have said. We were North of here, but we had to take an odd route in order to reach you since we had pursuers to worry about. We'll be retracing our steps to return to where our patrol was ambushed." She replied, and then, in a louder voice said; "Everyone get ready to move, we're leaving!"

NPC Record
Strange woman, barking orders, spent 20 EP
Roland, helping Nina, spent 16 EP
Aren, helping Jenn, spent 18 EP
Jenn, recovering from injuries
Nina, recovering from injuries
Tesnya, recovering from injuries, spent 14 EP
Charles, recovering from injuries, spent 8 EP
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

With everyone back on their feet, Ashley had a moment to reflect on her shredded dress. It was obviously a total loss. The next option that came to mind was Jenn, but her own dress was now revealing enough for Ashley to clearly see that she didn't have anything to give. And nobody had thought to bring any changes of clothing. Unfortunate. Which left... nothing. Nudity. She felt herself begin to blush, and tried to discretely cover herself as best she could.

Ashley looked off in the direction they were intending to travel, which had the side benefit that her exposed front was no longer visible to the rest of the group. Of course, that meant they could see her ass... she searched for a way to get her mind off her sartorial issues. "I, ah... what did you say your name was?" After hearing a response Ashley introduced herself, and let her companions do the same.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe held what was left of her school robes. The once fine garments where little more than scraps now thanks to the creatures they had just fought. She sighed and wondered why the world was conspiring to keep her naked this week before checking the damage to her armor. Thankfully it had fared better than the weaker cloth but some damage was still evident and she would have to get it mended soon before it became as useless as her cloths. Speaking of which she needed something to prevent the chaffing the armor would cause and set about making what was left of her robes into a crude pair of panties and bra.

"A... Nina could you help me out here I could use a little assistance". After a brief struggle with what was left of her cloths Chloe leans close to Nina's ear to whisper to her. "I I I just want to say I' am sorry I said we would be okay and well things have not gone okay. I just want you to know I'm sorry that I let you down". Not waiting for a response Chloe turns around and heads after the others brushing a lose tear from her eye before casting one more healing spell on herself.

(casting level 2 healing treating it at level 3 on myself)
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Grappled

Healing (Chloe) : 6 + 7 = 13 * 3 = 39 HP restored!

Perception Checks: Mass failure.
Attacks: Automatic hit. Ashley, Charles, Tesnya and Jenn have been grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 6 + 5 + 3 = each of them takes 14 Resistance damage.
Ashley is at 12/26 Resistance.

At Ashley's question, the woman scowled and replied; "I didn't. But it's Angelica." She wasn't the only one in the group that was naked, at least, as Chloe's attempt to fashion makeshift garments out of her shredded clothing proved fruitless. She still had her armor, but it was in tatters and she didn't have the time to or the materials to repair them. After moving to assist Chloe, Nina simply nodded listlessly to her in response to her whispered apology. Her eyes were fuzzy and her expression was empty, which likely wasn't a very good sign where the poor girl's mental state was concerned.

Without further ado, Angelica whipped them into motion, leading them along the path that the trio had taken to come to their aid. Their route was winding and long, seemingly turning in random directions. They were walking for almost twenty minutes, and had to backtrack a couple of times to reach the right way, and Ashley at least began to suspect that Angelica was lost. At least they wandered long enough for their energies to rejuvenate, and for those who had been knocked out to get some of their sense back.

"It's just up ahead!" Angelica suddenly said, and broke into a jog in that direction. Before any of the others could move to match their leader's pace or perhaps pause to try and talk some sense into her, however, they found that they had walked into yet another ambush. Ashley, Charles, Jenn and Tesnya were all suddenly wrapped to their waists in slime, the already naked Ashley feeling it brushing against her petals teasingly as the aphrodisiac poison began working into her system. It was great deal more powerful this time than it had been when she'd been in the tentacles of the more fleshy creature, and the others who had been grabbed showed signs of suffering similar effects, even if they were less visible due to their clothing.

That was not the extent of what had come out to attack them, however. Up above, one of the massive floating things, identical to the one that Ashley had killed in the dining hall the day before, floated overhead, well out of reach of any physical attacks. The alien creature was already preparing to enact some sort of magic, though there was simply too much chaos for any of them to guess at what it might be doing. Three of the land-bound juggernauts roared and charged in their direction, though the behemoths were thankfully still well out of punching range. They all seemed concentrated on Angelica, and were still a hundred feet from her as the ambushed group began scrambling to respond...

NPC Record
Jenn, grappled by a grey slime, is at 6/20 Resistance
Tesnya, grappled by a grey slime, is at 6/20 Resistance
Charles, grappled by a grey slime, is at 6/20 Resistance
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley was walking along, becoming increasingly aware of just how uncomfortable it could be to hike through the woods naked. In mixed company. It was also surprisingly exhausting to use one's hands in a futile attempt to cover one's assets rather then allowing them to stay in a more natural position. Eventually, however, a slightly more pressing concern rose to the front of her mind. They were lost. And worse, Angelica didn't seem to want to admit it. And after allowing the other woman to lead - and now almost covered in dirt as well as naked - it would be awkward to try to point this out.

Fortunately, this matter was taken out of her hands by Angelica's suddenly finding her destination, and the near-simultaneous ambush. The floating thing and the three juggernauts were bad, and it seemed to Ashley that perhaps the best thing to do would be to use her wind magic to push as many as possible together for the others to destroy with area of effect spells. That would have been a sensible battle plan, except that there was something slightly more pressing on her mind. Or, rather, pressing between her legs.

The slime poured its poison into her blood, and she felt her body respond instantly. Her nipples hardened, it felt like her entire body was turning red with a sudden rush of blood, and she let out an involuntary gasp of arousal as she was reminded in no uncertain terms of just how good it might feel to get laid... and that there were things around more then willing to help. She mustered her will to stop herself from giving in, but without any clothes she could already feel the slime pushing at her entrance. It would be seconds at most before it effortlessly slid between her lower lips and began fucking her senseless. She could... Ashley cut off that line of thought as best she could, and formed her will into a blast of air.

Hurricane Gust (Wind level 4, as a cone) on the slime grappling Ashley
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe was to preoccupied with her concern for Nina to spot their attackers but after the initial surprise wore off she was ready for action. Taking a quick look around to see if she had missed anymore attackers she then focused on the giant floating creature above them. Her day had gone from bad to worse and these creatures she held solely responsible.

"NINA USE YOUR VINES ON THE JUGGERNAUTS" she hoped Nina had recovered enough to put up a fight but there was no telling if she understood Chloe at all and at any rate there was a much bigger fish to fry at this time. Chloe began casting letting all her anger, hurt, and sorrow flow into her spell and unleashed at the floating creature above them with an angry snarl.

(casting Granulate level 5 body spell at the floating eldrazi looking thing)
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 58/65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 39/45, Status = Fine

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Damage: 5 + 7 = 12 * 5 = 60 damage. Splat.

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Attack: Miss.

Grapple (Charles) : Charles wins. He has escaped from the grapple!

Casting (Jenn) : Success.
Jenn has conjured an ice elemental! She's probly gonna get raped though.

Attack (Ice Elemental) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 8 + 41 = 52 damage. Never mind!

Casting (Aren) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 6 = 12 * 4 = 48 damage. The slime on Tesnya has been killed!

Casting (Nina) : Success.
Attacks: Hit.
All 3 juggernauts are grappled!

Casting (Roland) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 6 = 10 * 3 = 30 damage on Slime 4

Angelica uses her turn to activate Battle Aura X = 8.

Grapple (Tesnya) : Tesnya wins. She has escaped from the grapple!

Casting (Elder Lord) : Success.
The Elder Lord is now under the effects of Haste!

Grapple (Juggernauts) : 1 escapes!

Also, since I forgot, you guys get 4 exp each for that last ambush.

Despite the arousal pounding its way through her body, Ashley called the wind to her aid as the slime prepared to slide into her folds. The air hammered downwards, flattening the slime right into the ground. Ashley was released and allowed to stand on her own two feet once more, so that she could survey what happened next. Nina nodded mutely to Chloe's command and enacted her spell, roots and branches immediately wrapping around the three charging behemoths before they could close any more distance. One of them managed to tear itself free of the vines and continue forward, heading straight toward Ashley and coming within 10 feet of her, but the other two remained locked in place for the moment.

Chloe's spell, meanwhile, streaked up toward the floating creature, but before the bolt of green light could strike its target, the alien lord shifted slightly the side, causing her attack to miss and fly off harmlessly into the sky. At the same time, Tesnya and Charles both managed to squirm
free of the mass of slime before they could be completely engulfed, and the grey blobs formed up into vaguely humanoid shapes as the two slipped free. A bolt of flame struck one of the slimes, sizzling off a chunk of its form, but the thing was already beginning to reform even as Aren, the caster of said bolt of flame, prepared to fling another at the slime.

Jenn, meanwhile, had nothing in her arsenal that could be used to deflect the creature that was on top of her, but she had other methods. At her quickly uttered commands, the words of her spell coming out slurred as the barely dressed girl blushed brightly from the slime's poison. Water, drawn up from the ground and from the air around them, suddenly crackled as it gathered and solidified into a humanoid shape, one of its arms growing longer and thinner than the other as it formed into a blade of solid ice. With supernatural dexterity, the elemental slashed through the slime holding its summoner, releasing Jenn and allowing her to return to the battle.

The magic that the alien had been working on seemingly completed, the patterns around it coming together and doing.... Nothing. At least not that any of them could detect. Angelica, meanwhile, stared at the thing floating above, and then glanced forward at what all of them thought was empty air. Her body began to emit a dark scarlet glow, the red light filtering threw the trees and casting the area around the ambushed group in red light, but other than that she seemed to remain utterly still as far as any of them could tell.

The two juggernauts were still struggling with Nina's vines, and that meant that they were clustered together, but the one that had slipped free was already practically on top of Ashley. Two slimes, one badly damaged, were still in their midst, and the floating monstrosity above was already casting again. The group had only a few heartbeats to pick their targets, as the invaders most certainly weren't waiting for them.

NPC Record
Angelica, Battle Aura X = 8, spent 8 EP
Roland (Body,) spent 4 EP
Aren (Fire,) spent 6 EP
Jenn, is at 6/20 Resistance, spent 6 EP
Nina, spent 2 EP
Tesnya, is at 6/20 Resistance
Charles, is at 6/20 Resistance
Ice Elemental, Body = 80 AV = 4

Juggernaut 1, Grappled by Nina's vines
Juggernaut 2, Grappled by Nina's vines
Juggernaut 3
Elder Lord
Slime 2
Slime 4, taken 30 damage
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Seeing the massive Juggernaut charging her, Ashley acted almost by reflex, raising her hands to throw a hammer of air through it towards one of its two partners stuck behind it. The massive blow might not kill the damn thing - she remembered how long the ones in the great hall had taken to bring down - but just stunning it long enough to give her time to think would be enough. At least this time she was starting out fresh, magically speaking, rather then being drained from calling the enormous storm, that would help.

But help with what? She looked around, trying to decide what she would do next even as she felt the air stir around her for her spell. There were still two of the slimes, and she felt herself nearly shudder at the thought of their touch, the pressure she had felt only moments before between her legs... she banished the thought, but perhaps the juggernaut hadn't been the best choice for her target. That slime seemed still to be affecting her, and another touch might leave her cooperating rather then fighting. Of course, she wasn't the only one who might attack... but they weren't the only foes.

The other two juggernauts were held for the moment, but one had already broken free so it was unlikely the other two could be held like that forever. Her blast of wind might help, but others would need to attack them as well, before long. And then there was the floating one... she and Jenn had done for the other in seconds, but this time it was absolutely clear the thing was using magic. And worse, it seemed to have used it on itself... that was bad. What was the best way to bring it down? "Someone knock that thing out of the air!"

There was no time to think on it further, not yet. Her spell was coming together, ready to slam into the charging beast and hopefully knock it on its ass along with another behind it.

Wind level 5 - Storm Hammer.

Damage: (1d8+7)*5+2*5 = 50-85 in a line directed at the juggernaut charging Ashley (and presumably at least one of the two just behind it).
RvR check to knock prone: R=(12+12(potent spells)+3(lucky)+8(storm hammer))= 35+1d20 v 25+1d20
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe grimaced in frustration as her spell went wide but was resolved to not let miss again. "Nina good job! Can you help me with this guy." Chloe pointed at the floating creature as she readied another granulate spell. Taking a few steps away from the group before releasing her spell and hoped the creature wasn't preparing a nasty area spell. If she actually hit this time maybe the floating thing will consider her a threat and leave her other trapped companions alone. Taking a few steps away from the group before releasing her spell she hoped the creature wasn't preparing a nasty area spell.

Casting granulate on the floating creature again. Bolt level 5
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Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 23/65, PP = 56, EP = 7/65, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Grappled
Ashley: HP = 7/49, PP = 66, EP = 0/45, Status = Injured, Unconscious, Grappled

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 7 + 2 = 13 * 5 = 65 - 12 = 53 damage.
Resistance: 15 + 12 + 8 + 3 + 12 = 50 vs 42 = 14 + 28 = Ashley wins! Juggernaut 3 is knocked prone.
Resistance: 19 + 12 + 8 + 3 + 12 = 54 vs 31 = 3 + 28 = Ashley wins! Juggernaut 2 is knocked prone.
Ashley killed Nina's vines. >.>

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Attack: Miss. By 1.

Casting (Charles) : Success.
Charles gains a +16 bonus to Body.

Casting (Jenn) : Success.
Attack: Miss.

Attack (Ice Elemental) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 8 + 25 - 12 = 25 damage.

Casting (Aren) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 11 * 4 = 44 damage. Slime 2 has been killed.

Casting (Nina) : Success.
Nina has summoned an Earth Elemental!

Casting (Roland) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 11 * 3 = 33 damage on Slime 4. Dead.

Attack (Angelica) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 12 + 24 - 8 = 32 damage on Hunter 1.

Attack (Tesnya) : Hit
Damage: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 * 10 = 40 - 4 = 36 damage on Elder Lord.
Tesnya has apparently inherited Ashley's luck.

Casting (Elder Lord) : Success.
Attack: All those targeted (Ashley, Chloe, Jenn, Charles, Tesnya and Aren) are hit.
Damage: 3 + 9 + 2 = 14 * 3 = 42 damage. They take an equal amount of EP damage.
The spell was agony warp.

Casting (Elder Lord) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Enemy wins! The Ice Elemental has been destroyed.
The spell was Chaos Shard.

Grapple (Juggernauts) : 1 more escapes! Only one left in the vines now, and it's prone.

Attack (Juggernaut 1) : Hit.
Damage: 10 + 6 + 37 - 5 = 48 damage on Angelica. She has been knocked unconscious.

Attacks (Hunters 1-5) : Ashley, Jenn, Chloe, Tesnya and Angelica have all been grappled.

I think you guys might be well and totally fucked at this point.

Chloe's bolt of green light once more flew harmlessly past the floating being, though this time it just barely missed. It continued preparing it's magic unmolested, and Nina quickly shouted back; "On it! Just let me bring in some help." Working quickly, Nina conjured a golem from the ground, formed of mud and stone and with a vaguely humanoid shape, it stood between herself and the two struggling behemoths, one of whom managed to rip free of her vines. The other was suddenly knocked flat, a powerful wind suddenly tearing across the battlefield at Ashley's command. The behemoth that had been charging at her and the one that hadn't yet been able to break free were both hurled from their feet, the one farther from her smashing into a massive pine and nearly uprooting the ancient tree, while the other was sent skidding across the muddy ground before slamming into a boulder. The two were already preparing to rise, however, and would be up shortly, seemingly none the worse for wear despite the massive gust of wind.

A bolt of light similar to the one that had failed to hit the floating monstrosity twice now was released by toward the slime that was even then attempting to grab onto Tesnya once more. The light played across its glistening surface for a moment before the entire thing suddenly burst like one massive bubble, and then began to sink silently into the ground. An orb of flame from Aren's hand boiled away the last of the slimes, leaving them free to concentrate on the more dangerous of their foes. Jenn answered Ashley's shout now that she free of the threat of being slimed again, quickly unleashing a bolt of ice toward the thing that went as wide as Chloe's spells seemed to be going. At the same time, her ice elemental moved off to strike at the prone juggernaut, keeping the behemoth distracted at least for a moment as solid ice pierced its flesh. Charles unleashed a quick spell, his form blurring as it had in the cafeteria the day before, and he quickly started moving toward one the downed juggernaut as well. Tesnya unleashed a ray of light from her hand that finally managed to clip the monster floating above, though only just.

Then, disaster. A wave of violet tinged light descended down on top of them, falling over Ashley, Charles, Chloe, Jenn, Tesnya and Aren. Violent energies ripped into not only their bodies, destroying their clothing if they had any left, but their souls, as their energies were torn away from them and consumed by the dark maelstrom that had been unleashed upon them. Ashley collapsed outright, blacking out from the dual pains and the sudden exhaustion that swept over her. The others who had been struck wouldn't be far behind her, as all were suddenly both exhausted and awash in pain across their entire bodies as pure chaos ran its course over their being's.

A bolt of violet light was casually tossed out as well, striking the ice elemental and simply disintegrating it. Angelica took no notice of this, instead striking out at phantom attackers who quickly materialized into more of the beings that had ambushed them previously. Five materialized around their "leader," one nursing a mouth that was now filled with blood and broken teeth. The distraction caused by the five reptilian monsters proved to be deadly, or close enough to such, however, as the juggernaut that had been freed appeared out of the side and hammered a fist into the side of her head.

Angelica dropped like a stone, and one of the monsters quickly retrieved her. Another moved and hefted Ashley over its shoulder, the storm mage too weak to resist, while three more grabbed Chloe, Tesnya and Jenn, the injured mages unable to dodge.

NPC Record
Angelica, spent 16 EP, unconscious, grappled
Roland (Body,) spent 8 EP
Aren (Fire,) spent 54 EP, taken 35 damage, naked
Jenn, is at 6/20 Resistance, spent 53 EP, naked, taken 41 damage, grappled
Nina, spent 10 EP
Tesnya, is at 6/20 Resistance, spent 37 EP, taken 37 damage, naked, grappled
Charles, is at 14/28 Resistance, +16 Body, spent 39 EP, taken 37 damage, naked
Earth Elemental: Body = 60, AV = 12, Hard Hitter

Juggernaut 1
Juggernaut 2, Prone, taken 53 damage
Juggernaut 3, Prone, taken 78 damage
Elder Lord, Hasted, taken 46 damage
Hunter 1, taken 32 damage, grappling Angelica
Hunter 2, grappling Ashley
Hunter 3, grappling Chloe
Hunter 4, grappling Tesnya
Hunter 5, grappling Jenn
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe screamed unable to contain the agony that had ripped through her body. Struggling to even remain standing she couldn't avoid the next attack and began to struggle from the grasp of the cool scaled creature that held her. She had enough energy for one more decent strength spell but new her chances to hit would be slim. She looked straight at the flying creature and channeled her energies once more. If she could kill the creature flying above it might give the others a chance to kill the remaining monsters that have yet to be grapple someone. As she started her incantation she prayed. "Whatever gods or spirits who might listen please help us."

Casting bonesnap level 3 bolt at the Floaty eldrazi thing
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

For a moment, everything seemed to go well. Ashley's spell knocked both her targets down, and if they didn't look on the edge of defeat, they were at least disabled for the moment by the force of the blow. The fight in the great hall had shown that while they were tough, they could be beaten. The others could handle the floating one, the juggernauts, and the slimes. Easy. Two blasts of power reduced the slimes to nothing, and Ashley's allies moved in on the prone juggernauts, and it seemed the fight would soon be over.

Then things started to go wrong. First two of the three attacks on the floating thing missed, the third hardly seeming to faze it at all. Then it finally attacked, and Ashley felt pain spike through her, bringing her to her knees and almost pushing her into unconsciousness. But she powered her way through the pain and saw a group of the reptilian Hunters appear. That was bad, but... Ashley felt her knees go limp as she suddenly realized that the purple bolt of energy had hit more then her body. Her magical reserves were torn away. There wasn't enough left to cast a simple spell... or even remain conscious.
Re: Chloe and Ashley (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60)
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60)

Ashley relaxes, takes a break.

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Attack: Miss. There really wasn't any chance for it to hit, given the grapple penalty.

Attack (Charles) : Hit.
Damage: 8 + 30 - 10 = 28 * 2 = 56 - 8 = 48 damage.

Casting (Jenn) : Success.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 5 + 7 + 2 = 14 * 3 = 42 - 8 = 34 damage.
Resistance: Jenn wins! The Hunter Grappling her has been Weakened.

Casting (Aren) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 12 * 4 = 48 - 8 = 40 damage on the hunter grappling Chloe.

Casting (Nina) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 11 * 3 = 33 - 8 = 25 damage on the hunter grappling Chloe.

Attack (Earth Elemental) : Hit.
Damage: 2 + 5 + 20 + 8 - 8 = 27 damage on the hunter grappling Tesnya.

Casting (Roland) : Failure.

Attack (Tesnya) : Automatic Hit.
Damage: all within 15 feet take 15 damage.


Casting (Elder Lord) : Success.
Attack: All Hits.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 12 + 2 = 21 * 5 = 105 damage.
The spell was blightning strike

And that's game. :|
You each gain 4 experience, and may spend exp now. Charles, Tesnya and Jenn have been sharing in the experience and have leveled up a little, but Nina and the others have used NPC sheets until now. Nina can move on up to the next Tier, I suppose. The others are new, so they're staying right where they're at.

The creature holding Chloe watched her cast her spell with idle fascination, but as she aimed it at the monster floating above them, it idly batter her hands aside, causing her spell to fling harmlessly off into the sky. It laughed at her, the sound low and coarse, and it dragged her against its body, its tongue sliding from between its sharp teeth and licking slowly against her neck as it began to drag her away. A bolt of flame hammered into its side, however, and it halted before the gesture could be anything more than uncomfortable as it turned its gave upon Aren. "Watch out for yourself!" The stocky man shouted sternly, and turned upwards, already casting a second spell aimed at that creature. Jenn, meanwhile, murmured a quick spell, a look of utter terror on her face, and crystals of ice began to form on her reptilian captors body,

Charles, growling in fury, spun toward the one that had hoisted Ashley over its shoulder, suddenly jumping and kicking out with both feet. The blow struck the creature right in the mouth, and it tumbled backwards, dropping Ashley who awoke just enough to see it slowly getting to its feet again, its face covered in blood. Roland and Nina hurled bolts of green and white light at more of the hunters, and two of them went down from the assaults, releasing Jenn and causing the one that had been holding Ashley to fall limply, never to rise again. Tesnya suddenly screamed in fury, and a brilliant flash of white light suddenly flashed out of her body. The one that had been holding Chloe tumbled to the ground, but the mage herself was wrapped in the same blast, and very nearly blacked out from the searing pain of it. Jenn was struck by the blast as well, and she did crumble to the ground, unconscious.

Unfortunately, the being above them had been largely ignored save for Chloe's failed strike. That proved to be a vital mistake, as lightning as black as the darkest of nights lanced out from one of its outstretched hands. those among them who were still standing were not so after the attack. Blackness claimed them all, accompanied by pain unlike any they had ever felt before.


Ashley awoke in indescribable pain, the headache that normally accompanied the overuse of her magic having seemingly spread throughout her entire body, agony pounding throughout every part of her to the point that she didn't think that she could even move. The pain lasted only a few moments after she awakened, however, before it faded down to a dull throb. she noticed that something moving seemed to be holding her down, and she realized that her arms were held behind her back, and that she was lying on her belly on the ground. She could still feel the weight of her gun against her hip, but it wouldn't do her much good unless she could reach it somehow. As she began to stir, a strange voice, only vaguely feminine, said; "She's waking up! And it looks like the other one is too. They're the last of their group left, lets let them join the party!"

Chloe stirred as she heard a voice, only just barely understanding what the stranger voice was saying, and awoke in a similar state as Ashley, though in far less pain. A moment later, the two naked and bound women were lifted from the floor by soft tendrils around their wrists, ankles and abdomens, only to find themselves in a small room lit by a thin white light. The walls were grey and fleshy, and the tentacles holding them seemed to come from the walls and floor of the small chamber they were in. A woman stood before them... Or at least something shaped vaguely like a woman, as far as they could tell. She had curves like a woman, and anatomy that was human like in the appropriate places, and she was of a humanoid shape, but her head was altogether too long, her skull shaped like nothing else but a stretched egg. She had no hair, but had a dozen or so tentacles sprouting from the back of her head. Her face was human enough, two eyes, a nose and a mouth all in the proper positions, but she had no visible ears either. Finally, her skin was yellow-green, and glistened with the invader's slime.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, natives. Are you prepared to be shown the error of your ways?" She said, an expression not unlike a smile upon her face as she spoke.

(I probably fucked up who killed what, but meh.)