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Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel 13-2=11 vs T. Bed 12]
[T. Bed 17 vs Ariel 10-2=8, FP attack]
[Ariel loses....]

As much as the poor angel girl struggled, the tight bindings of the bed of tentacles made it impossible for her to find a opening and get herself free, all she was achieving was tiring herself out as the tentacles wound around her upper arms, their soft ends secreting a translucent slime on every inch of her nude body like a sort of lubricant, the tentacles did not pull any more clothing off but they did toy with the immobile angel in their grip, a tentacle pushing itself in between Ariels breasts, pulling itself back and forth and making Ariel blush with arousal. It seemed like the tentacles were ready as two more tentacles wound around each of her ankles, as much as she tried to keep her legs shut it was for naught as they eventually pulled her legs into a spread position, exposing her virgin folds to the many tentacles around her. The angel decided to use her shape shifting ability to grow her dick, however the built up arousal had left it erect when it fully formed. She hoped on a gambit that the tentacles only fed off females and that this would confuse them, unfortunately she had thought wrong as the tentacles decided to use this new appendage to their advantage instead.

Immediately the tentacle pushed inbetween her breasts started to lightly press against her face, before thrusting itself into her mouth, its moist and sticky taste being immediately felt by the blushing immobile angel. Another tentacle teased her dick first, poking it and gently wrapping around it, squeezing and trying to illicit a response from the futa girl, after this it would let go and hover its end over her dick, then after lightly pressing down on the end it would expand the tiny hole on the end of it, to slowly encompass the angel girls dick, then it would start to slide up and down Ariels erect member, starting at a slow pace while the tentacle in Ariels mouth thrusted at the same rhythm. Ultimately both started to pick up their pace as another thicker tendril teased and rubbed the angel girls ass hole, ultimately both of them reached a faster pace as Ariels arousal started to hit a peaking point. Ariel almost lost track of time as the arousal peaked and she found herself climaxing, shooting her seed into the tentacle that was sucking off her member, the tentacles seemed to have reached a form of orgasm also as the one in her mouth pulled out at the last second and squirted a thick white substance onto her face, before planting itself back into her mouth and thrusting again. The tentacle encompassing her dick pulled off after a few minutes as it seemed to be satisfied, alongside the one thrusting into her mouth, this time not pulling out as it squirted its seed into her throat this time forcing her to swallow before pulling out.

After this the tentacles grips loosened as the satisfied monster returned to the area underneath the bed, leaving the angel girl with cum on her face and her pants missing, exposing her turgid member to the air.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As Ariel lay there on the bed with the tentacles caressing her body in lewd ways, she finally realized that she wasn't going to break free and stopped struggling against them, her body now too tired to fight against it any longer. Letting out a soft whimpering cry, Ariel gasped as a tentacle slid in between her large breasts while others began secreting a slime all over her body, rubbing it around on her and lubing her body up. The feeling of the tentacle pushing back and forth in between her breasts was arousing Ariel even more so than she already was, bringing a more pronounced blush to her cheeks than she already had.

"N-No... please don't... no stop," Ariel whimpered as a pair of tentacles wrapped around either ankle and spread her legs apart, though she did try and keep them pressed together, she ultimately failed in that.

As soon as her legs were spread, Ariel panicked as she used her shapeshifting to make her penis come out, but it ached so badly as soon as it came forth and she immediately regretted bringing it out because of that, as it had never ached like that before. It was too late though to go back on it, and her dick did seem to distract it from her virgin folds, so at least she'd gotten something good out of it in the end. Ariel let out a half little cry as the tentacle pushed into her mouth, where she then let out a slight cough as she felt the thing slipping down her throat. The taste of it seemed to be arousing her even more as her dick grew harder and harder while she lay there, unable to get away. When the tentacle down between her legs went after her member and wrapped around it and began squeezing and stroking it, the thing would see an immediate response from the young angel, who let out a muffled unbidden moan of pleasure as she thrust her hips forward in the thing's grasp without even thinking about it, likely the response it wanted or near enough anyway. What could she say though... it felt good, much more so than anything had a right to be, Ariel thought to herself, and to make matters worse, she'd never felt pleasure before, so sensations this powerful were simply overwhelming her.

Ariel watched the tentacle hovering near the tip of her dick, wondering what it was about to do to her. When it pressed down and began expanding around the length of her dick, Ariel's eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she let out a little muffled scream of pleasure for a couple of moments before it died down and she simply went limp in the tentacles grasp... well everything save her dick went limp rather, all this leaving her with simply no fight left in her as she lay there and accepted the pleasure she was being given. After minute or so into the whole ordeal, Ariel began bucking her hips without even thinking about it as a thicker tentacle began teasing her asshole, making her whole body twitch with pleasure. She couldn't help herself at this point, she wanted... no she needed this pleasure, it felt so good that she didn't want it to end, and when the knot of her first ever climax began building, Ariel's eyes shot open and looked around, a little fearful as she felt the pleasure building in her loins.

"Oh gods... w-what is this feeling? It... it's so good. W-Why does it feel so damn good?" Ariel asked in her mind, shaking her head back and forth as she tried to keep a cool head.

Soon, Ariel finally felt her pleasure overwhelming her senses completely as her body twitched. She felt her member twitch and throb powerfully as her seed erupted from it and was quickly engulfed by the tentacles that was sucking on her hot hard dick. It was the single best and most powerful feeling in her entire life, leaving her laying there dazed in the tentacles grasp, though at this point she wasn't even trying to struggle as her body was too overwhelmed by pleasure to want or try to, so it didn't even have to hold her down any longer. She barely even registered the tentacle cumming all over her beautiful angelic face and dirtying it, willingly opening her mouth once more for the thing to slip back inside, where she closed her eyes and started sucking on it out of instinct.

Before it was over she felt the tentacle in her mouth throbbing powerfully and when it exploded inside of her mouth, Ariel gagged on its salty gift it gave her in its climax, but she swallowed it down anyway, partially because she was forced to, but also out of reflex. When it finally pulled the tentacle out of her mouth and the other one off her member, Ariel felt the thing's grip on her slacken up as it uncoiled all of its tentacles from around her, leaving her panting as she lay there on the monster bed.

"Gods that... f-felt great. W-What a bed t-to have, i-if I could only tell it when I wanted it... to stop that is," Ariel panted as she lay there trying to recover after the whole ordeal. "W-What am I saying, I've got to get away from this thing... and fast. But... it did feel really good. Is this what... sex is? Mom always told me to not have sex, but..." Ariel mumbled afterwards to herself, still a little exhausted from the flight into this place as well as the overwhelming pleasure she'd been forced to endure as she lay there thinking.

Finally after a minute or so, she shook her head back and forth as she looked down at her still erect member which she now had no way of covering with her clothing anymore, but she could shapeshift it away if need be, but for now she decided to let the air get to it and cool it down... hopefully. As she lay there, Ariel reached down with her left hand and grasped her still erect member, gently stroking it a little like the tentacle had done before swallowing it up. The sensitive thing twitched and trembled in her hand as she did so and she couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Biting her bottom lip a little, Ariel stroked it a couple of more times, which brought it back to full attention. Then she reached down and ran her finger up along the underside of her length, gathering up a few drops of her leftover seed which she brought up to her mouth and licked off her finger, though... she wasn't sure why she did this as she shook her head back and forth again, bringing herself back to her senses once more as she raised up and got off the bed, wanting to get away from it before it decided to grab her once more. She headed for the door leading into the spire as she wiped the tentacle's seed from her face with the remains of the cloth that had been ripped off of her.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The angel decided to head further into the spire, leaving the room behind her she noticed that she was now in a hallway, it was furnished much like the outside of the spire, jet black rock work lining the walls and floor and ceiling, torches lit with a strange dark blue colour lined the walls to provide some light and the floor had a long red carpet, stretching out all the way across the hallway, if Ariel were to take a right from the room she had left she would end up at a dead end, but she would notice many doors wide open, leading into similar rooms like the one she had just left, however some of them seemed to have what looked like large objects with tarps covering them inside each room, each seemingly different from the last. If ariel were to take a left she would come to a stair well, giving her a option of ascending higher up the spire or descending down a few floors.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Walking out of the room after cleaning her face up just a little bit, Ariel found herself in a hallway outside of it. Looking down both ways of the hallway and taking in their look, Ariel decided to follow the red carpet to the right first, peeking into each of the rooms and finding several different things along the way that resembled the tentacle monster like bed in the previous room that had... made her feel ever so good. Ariel found herself idly wondering if she could get a bed like that back home to help relax her before she went to sleep every night, but she doubted that her mother would like it very much... then again though her mother had never told her just how good pleasure felt, so maybe she had something like that herself. But then she thought about her father, which her mother had never really talked about any at all, and Ariel didn't even know if he was another angel or what, but anytime she asked about him, her mother Elena would let out a soft sigh as she closed her eyes and thought about Ariel's father, simply telling her that her papa was one of the most magnificent people she'd ever met in her life.

Elena decided to leave the other rooms for now, figuring that she'd have time on her way back out of this particular spire like building to check them out, thinking that they may have something like that bed before, which was something she should avoid for now. Ariel headed for the steps after looking in each room she found, deciding to go up for now and see what was up there in case there were people down below that wouldn't appreciate an angel being here maybe, as she knew that this place would have demons, but she had always been told that not all demons were evil and whatnot by her mother,so surely not everyone in this city would be out to get her.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ascending the staircase, Ariel noticed that the other floors were just more of the same hallway she was in before, so this place must be a hotel of some kind, after enough ascension she found herself on the roof of the spire, stepping out it was actually quite large and open, there were many gargoyles dotted about on the roof of this spire too and the same eerie issue of pedestals lacking the statues on them, there were guard rails to prevent people from falling off, but they were easy enough to climb over that the denizens could use them as jumping off points to fly. While Ariel was up here she noticed the clouds were starting to darken, as night was starting to roll into this strange citadel that probably meant that many of its denizens were going to come out to play. Other than that though there wasnt much else of interest apart from it being quite windy and cold up here, quickly cooling off the angel girl and making her dick go limp.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Going up the stairs, Ariel found the next floors up were much the same as the one she'd landed on. It was almost like a huge inn of some sort, she thought to herself as she went up. Soon though she was out on top of the roof of the place and she saw it was quite open and roomy with plenty of room to move about. Maybe she should have come up here first and landed rather than on the balcony, Ariel thought to herself. She noticed several gargoyles were missing from their pedestals as she walked about up here and that night was upon her as the clouds darkened from night coming in on her, which made her feel ill at ease as she didn't want to be roaming the streets at night, assuming it would be quite bad.

"Hmm, guess there's nothing really left but to go back downstairs now, and I really doubt the people here would like to see me... an angel, considering that there are supposed to be some demons around here," Ariel muttered to herself as she turned around and went back inside, figuring at the very least she could be a squatter in the room with the tentacle bed if need be, since maybe now that it had played with her once already it wouldn't do so again unless she wanted it to, but she would have to look around some more first, because maybe there would be someone in this city that could or would help her. She honestly wasn't even completely certain why she was here actually, but surely something would come up to indicate a reason for her being here.

She headed on back downstairs after noticing that her member had grown soft finally, which had thankfully cooled down now as she stared down at it, remembering the pleasure that had sparked through it from those tentacles earlier. Shuddering deliciously at the thought of feeling that kind of pleasure again, Ariel moved on back down the stairs with her swords strapped onto her belt still, ready to whip them out at a moment's notice to defender herself just in case. Ariel would continue down the stairs past the first set of rooms she encountered when first arriving, looking around for anything of interest around her as she went, completely forgetting about shapeshifting her member away at the moment.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Descending back down the staircase, Ariel intended to look for anything of interest in this strange hotel, as she passed by each floor she would notice that there were many similar rooms like the ones she passed before, however this time all the doors were shut and locked, these ones presumably occupied, there were faint sounds coming from some of them too but they were too hard to make out unless Ariel intentionally listened in. Regardless while making her way down Ariel found what looked like a small vial on the stairs, filled with a translucent looking liquid. Whether she picked it up or not didnt matter as once she reached the bottom of the stairs she would find what looked like a reception area. However like everything from before it was rather eerily abandoned, there was the desk for a receptionist, double doors leading out into the streets of the citadel and a door into what looked like a backroom that said "EMPLOYEES ONLY" on it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she went down the spire like building, Ariel looked around down some of the hallways of the strange hotel like place she was in, noticing that the hallways had mostly the same sorts of rooms as the one she'd been in upstairs, though these seemed occupied by people. She heard some sounds from the closed rooms, but she didn't figure it a wise idea to sneak up to the doors and listen in on whatever was going on inside them all.

"Probably not smart to head over and see what's going on inside of those rooms I think," Ariel whispered to herself, shaking her head as she imagined things going on inside said rooms much like what had happened to her upstairs earlier.

As she went down further, she noticed the small vial of liquid on the steps and decided to grab it and take it along with her, placing it into the pouch she wore on the back of the belt she had on, which was really the only thing she had in the way of storage for anything really. Moving onwards, Ariel soon found herself in the reception area, which was also very abandoned like pretty much everything else in this place was. After seeing the sign by the door leading to the employees only area, Ariel figured that there may be someone back there that she could maybe talk to, though there was no guarantee that they would be helpful of course, but it was still worth checking, Ariel thought, so she headed on through the door, though a little more quietly than she'd gotten into the top of the spire earlier.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she tried opening the employees only room, she was met with the sound of a locked door refusing to budge, meaning she couldnt find out what was inside currently, leaving her somewhat disappointed but relieved at the same time as god knows what could have been in there, turning around she could see the double doors leading out into the streets of this citadel wide open. But of course she could always go back up the stairs....Regardless, some exploration of the room around her yielded only a small bell on the receptions desk, presumably to be run when service was needed. But judging from the lack of people in this hotel of sorts she doubted anyone would be there to answer her call, and getting attention drawn to herself was the last thing she needed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

When she tried to employee only door, Ariel found it locked and was a bit disappointed about that, as she'd wanted to continue exploring, without going out into the streets for now, but she figured that she wouldn't get the chance to do so now really, unless she broke the door down, and she didn't think that was a good idea really. She looked around the room some to see what all she could see, but the only real thing of interest was the bell she saw, and the large double doors leading out into the streets were wide open, meaning that was likely her only course of action at the moment, to go out into the streets... though she could go back upstairs into the room she'd landed in and try to... tame the bed for the night so that she could get some sleep, since it was getting dark and all.

"Hmm... what to do what to do?" Ariel asked herself in her head, debating on heading out or heading back up for now. In the end, Ariel first decided to head for the doors down here where she would look up at the sky to see just how dark it was and about how long she had until full nightfall, and if it seemed like she wouldn't have but maybe an hour or so left at best then she would start back upstairs towards the bedroom from before to see if anyone was in it now and if they weren't then she would go back inside and shut the door, locking it behind her as she went towards the bathroom there to freshen up a little bit.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

When she stepped out into the streets, it was surprisingly similar looking to any old city except for the massive spires of course, as she gazed up into the sky she could see that at the most she would have about three hours to wander about in this city before nightfall, where she assumed all the denizens would come out to play. It was rather cold outside but Ariel did catch sight of what looked like a bar and a night club. However as she stepped outside she heard what sounded like a growling noise nearby, gradually growing in octane. Whether she investigated, visited the bar or the club or even went back into the hotel was up to her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

She saw that the city looked much like any other city would down here at ground level, the spires however, though they looked like buildings, they looked like strange buildings instead of the ones she was used to seeing in a city. Looking up into the sky she saw that she'd have about three hours or so give or take to explore the city some more before full nightfall, and she didn't think she'd want to be out here right on the streets when that happened.

When she stepped out into the street completely, Ariel saw what appeared to be a nightclub and a bar ahead of her, which she could check out, but she of course knew that she had to be careful, because who knew what was in either place.When she heard the growling nearby, that made Ariel's decision a lot quicker for her and she found herself rushing towards the nightclub, flapping her wings and taking to the air on her way there so whatever the growling noise belonged to couldn't jump out and grab her. Once at the door to the nightclub, Ariel reached for the door handle before pulling it back, where she tried to shapeshift her wings away like she did her member every now and then... however she'd never really attempted to do this, so she wasn't entirely sure it would work or not, but it would probably be a good idea to at least try it and see if it would work or not. Regardless of whether or not she was able to shapeshift her wings away, Ariel went on inside, though a lot more cautiously so if she couldn't put her wings away, however she did forget to shapeshift her member away as she went inside, which may or may not be a bad thing for her in the long run.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The angel rapidly tried to get the night club doors open, thankfully the doors responded to her request and opened letting her inside. Once she was inside and catching her breath she tried to shapeshift her wings away to help hide her angel status from the demons in this city, thankfully that worked also so walking about in the streets seemed much easier now. As she had a look around she was in a small waiting lobby section, there was a small bar and a staircase leading upward, alongside two double doors that presumably led to the club itself. There were torches once more illuminating this small lobby, this time a strange pink colour, the floor was made of marble this time, almost polished to perfection as Ariel could see her face in it. There were a few couches and tables dotted about for guests to sit while they presumably waited to be let in the club. But other than that there wasnt much else...Except for the fact that a dark blue slime that must have been as big as Ariel started slithering down the staircase, leaving a viscous goo in its wake as it spotted Ariel and started...very slowly making its way towards her. Inspiring a sense of pity almost in the angel.

[Large Slime: 5/5 HP]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully her shapeshifting had worked and her wings were now hidden from any prying eyes in the city... for now at least. But there were surely powerful demons that could see through her disguise quite easily she was certain, so it may not help her all that much in the long run... but every little helped. As she caught her breath and went on into the nightclub, Ariel looked around to see the small bar and the steps leading up, with the whole room looking quite well kept from what she could see.

Looking over to the steps after taking in everything in the room, Ariel saw the large dark bluish slime coming down the steps towards her. Ariel jumped back as it did so, bumping into one of the many couches in the room as she did so. She quickly drew her swords and readied herself to fight, though she felt a little naked here without her wings, but she knew that she couldn't have them out or else they'd get slime all over them and that would be difficult to clean out she knew. Ariel knew that she just needed to keep as much stuff in between her and the slime if she wanted to take it out, or at least get around it and up the stairs at least, so she lured it towards her as she slowly backed across the room, leading it to the far wall before trying to run far around it and up the stairs, hoping there would be a window she could fly out of up there. If that didn't work then she would fight the thing since she wouldn't have a choice in the matter, slashing her katana at it since it had better reach than her wakizashi.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel sucessfully flees!]

Not wanting to bother fighting another enemy, Ariel decided to lure the slime away from the staircase and then make a rapid run up it, deft footing keeping her from standing in the sticky slime it had left behind as she jumped onto a window and grew her wings again, taking flight once more. Leaving the night club and unruly slime behind her as she landed back at the hotel roof she was on before. Having to catch her breath from a sudden burst of energy after walking up and down stairs for a little while. She probably wouldnt be able to fly again for a little while...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel's plan thankfully succeeded in luring the slime away from the stairs where she managed to slip around it and then run up them, stepping around the trail of sticky slime that had been left behind as it had come down the steps towards her. She very quickly looked around to see if there was anything worth looking at before jumping out of a window she'd seen, where she regrew her wings out and flew away, figuring that she would try to come back later to try and get anything she'd seen in there.

She flew out and back up to the hotel roof, the whole thing happening so fast that she'd really tired herself out this time as she was left panting like mad on the hotel roof as she jogged for the door and headed back down the stairs a ways, heading back for the room earlier to see if it was locked or not. She needed to rest, and that room, though the bed was dangerous... to a degree if she wanted to actually get any sleep, was maybe the best place to rest for the night.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully it seemed like the room had remained unlocked for Ariels return, getting in there she decided to set up shop here for her time in this city. Having a gaze around she would see there was a small kitchen in the room, two bedside tables on either side of the bed with a phone on the right one. There was also a door leading into what looked like a bathroom and a wardrobe in which Ariel could place and get spare clothing, there seemed to be a set already in there, a very casual set of clothes in the form of some shorts, a black t-shirt and a dark red jacket. The jacket itself had holes in them for what she presumed were wings. Other than that there wasnt much else to the room unless she decided to delve around a bit more.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Making her way back to the room, Ariel found it still unlocked thankfully and so she went on back inside, deciding to make this her base of operations here in the city. Looking around the room in greater detail this time around, Ariel saw there was a phone on one of the bedside table, a bathroom, as well as a closet with lots of spare clothing inside from the way it looked. Looking inside she was a little amazed at the sight of the shorts, t-shirt, and the jacket inside, especially since the jacket seemed to be made for someone with wings.

"Wow, this is pretty cool really, I didn't think they made jackets like this that an angel could wear," Ariel said as she picked up the jacket and looked at it, just amazed at the wing slits in it.

After that she set the jacket back down, figuring that she would wear it out when she next went out, since it was so cold and all and she would need warmth. Moving over to the balcony, Ariel shut the door leading out to it and locked it, where she then decided to look around the room more to see what she could see inside, and if anyone was using it other than her, as she would either need to fight the occupant or probably vacate the place as soon as whoever it was showed up.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Looking around the room once more, Ariel found no signs of anyone else in this hotel room, as the clothing had notes on them that said "Complimentary". Anyways as she looked around the room it seemed like the bed had made itself. On the right table there was a phone, that had several numbers marked out, room service, reception the usual. There was what looked like a small pad with buttons on it on the left table though, there were quite a few buttons but all were marked with acronyms like "BDSM", "P&A" and "TNT", alongside some buttons marked "INC" "DEC" and "FNSH". There was a note right next to the pad also and there was a on and off switch on the side of this pad. As Ariel had a further look around she noticed the fridge and cupboards in the kitchen were stocked with some bread and standard food. However there was a rack that said "Fun times" with many different vials in them, all containing different colored liquids. However one of the vials were missing, most likely the one she had picked up earlier. There was another note on the wall next to this rack of vials. Other than this though there wasnt really much else to write home about. The wallpaper and ceiling were of a dark red colour with black stripes and the floor was a well made red carpet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Looking around the room in greater detail this time around, Ariel could tell that nobody else seemed to be living in this particular room at the moment, since the clothing had a note with it that said it was complimentary. The bed she noticed had made itself apparently, though she was certain that it was quite capable of doing so since it was capable of pleasuring her like it did before. She examined the phone closely, figuring it likely wouldn't be a good idea to use it to call the reception area for anything most likely. Then she leaned over to the other table and examined it to look at the button pad on it, examining the buttons closely. She knew what BDSM meant from her books she'd read over the years, but the rest she wasn't entirely sure about, but decided against pressing one of the just quite yet, at least for now, so she read the note really quickly as she went into the kitchen to find plenty of food stocked inside.

"Fun times huh, I guess that potion I found earlier goes here. But... why was it way downstairs like that?" Ariel said as she replaced the potion into the rack with the rest, reading the note that was there after finishing with the one from the bedside table. Other than that she didn't really see anything else of interest in the room, but that of course didn't mean that something wasn't hiding in here, so she decided to keep her eyes open after she read the notes, seeing what the buttons did and what the potions did also.