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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

That thing is insane! One of the few guards ready to escape shout, when Angie was saying than she was not corrupted. Dont dare to place one of your murders in one of us. The swordman from before shout as he get on place to fight. why i would do that in first place? For what you are talking, that person was the one in charge to seal the spirit than is affecting your mind. The tentacle man said trying to maintain the distance as also look for any possibility to stop her of get closer.

The soldiers shout to the persons behind than help them to push her back and restrain her, as she gives her first steps. Stop her, if we dont do it all the persons inside will die too. One of the high rank guards shout, her words were twisted making the soldiers suppose than the screams had been started after the first impact than she send at this battle to reveal the humanoid true form. The soldiers one by one tried to stop her moves getting between her and the cathedral and all get into a mess as she get closer even when she easily send some of them away, then she send her holy spell between all this trying to kill the evil humanoid, there was a dying shout... a sword drop at the floor and all stand in silence when the light let them see the evil man taking two step backs of the remains of the soldier's bloody armor after the blast.

MURDER!!!! the soldiers exclaim in unison, some of the ones ready to run stop, returning to fight after the sacrifice of their partner, more scream shout scared inside the temple and Angie could heard some giving the order to block the door and windows
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'm not putting the murder of the priest on your head, I am putting it on that demon's head there. Tell me honestly soldiers... have you ever seen a human look like that demon there? I seriously doubt it, and if you say that you have then you yourselves have been corrupted," Angie called to the guards, stating the obvious facts to them that anybody could tell from what she'd said so far, because she wasn't putting the priest's death on their heads, and there were no humans that looked like the demon man did now with the tentacles and whatnot. "If you believe that I intend to kill everyone in that temple, then I am wasting my time here and should just leave you all to your damned fate. But I am a better person and angel than that and I won't allow these demons to control you for their own purposes," Angie cried out to the soldiers as she stepped forth and blasted her holy energy at the demon.

As the soldiers came at her one by one, she knocked them away from her without hurting them overly much, just enough to dissuade them from coming at her any further hopefully. When she sent her blast of holy energy at the demon, she heard the screams of a soldier and after the light and smoke had cleared they could only see the demon stumbling back away from a suit of bloody armor that she just knew the demon had pulled in front of him to take the hit from her. This was bad she knew, because it was turning the people against her even more so, and she had to end this not soon, but now. She hated having to do this, but she knew that it was too dangerous to not do it now.

"I am sorry for this everyone, but I must stop these demons from doing this. Now please get out of my way, I already said I don't want to hurt you because you are being deceived by these demons. That demon pulled that man in front of himself like a coward to protect himself from my holy energies. Now I can bring the man back, but it must be after I stop them," Angie called out, never once showing any anger to these people, because they were being deceived like she had been.

Angie would take very careful aim this time, looping her next attack around anyone or anything in the way so she only hit the demon with a powerful blast of holy energy that would hurt only evil and corruption and not a normal human as she went to the doors of the temple to stop the wedding before this caused the whole town to be destroyed or whatever these demons were trying to do. She knew if this didn't work and she couldn't stop this by herself that she would have to call upon her angelic kin to aid her in doing so, which would be embarrassing to say the least, but if it became necessary to do so then she wouldn't mind a bit of embarrassment in order to save this town from the evil that was threatening to take it over.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The soldiers continue theirs tries to stop the angel to give any other step close the chapel, theirs attemps were unefective and the spirit was very focused on block any upcoming attack and shoot them away, however Angie attempts to dont hurt them only made a few remain at the floor, mostly every soldier tried again to get up and wound her as also block her path even tackling her without too much progress as the angel moves were just reduced softly We will not heard more of your lies monster, if you really come with good intentions and could bring someone back, then you would had revived that old priest and dont use it to insult one of ours nobles mages after turn him into that. The high rank guard said as more soldiers tried to defend the tentacle man with theirs lives or were maybe mind controled by him, as the evil humanoid beg them to get away and continue trying their plan to end all this.

For what it looks he was not expecting the next different kind of attack and ready to do the same as he prepare something to counter the over powered angel, but then Angie sattack pass through the soldiers without harm them as another of her jewels fade, leaving her with just two rings and her others bondage accesories. The energy hit the amazed tentacle man and this groan before fall without any tendril on the floor and with many wounds instead the strange apendages, the soldiers were ready to receive the damage but get amazed and in rage by how the spell pass their guard, but the high rank soldier order some to go back and go away to get something quickly.

The people inside and the soldiers tried the best to block the entrance but the angel cant be still stoped. She could heard women screaming for the persons in charge to speed the ritual and others prepare to fight, some kids were crying as her noble mothers tried to confort them, but they could not do it as the huge door was close to fall apart and in an instant all the front fall, she then notice more guards and royal knights at this place, far away at front of the pulpit, a wedding dressed Aisha was kissing an unknown man, as she slowly and in a nearly automatic way lift up her dress to let the man pull down her wet sexy underwear.

The spirit voice come and shout to Angie to dont let him use her or she will be lost, however the voice moan suddenly lewdly as Angelique feel a strange pain and weird feeling at her nipples and clit making her turn to see the bloody human without tentacles pull with all his strenghts the chains at the angel's back. This... is the end of your heritage foul spirit... just return to your impudic hole to enjoy yourself.... until the end of the times. Said nearly dead as he use his remain forces to lift a sword and try to stab Angie in a free spot without let free the golden chain than was disolving his fist skin and muscle. The spirit react soon and tried to put an end to this dying man attempts to stop them, but then a soldier push the man away as all the guards tried to act now having ropes and chains.

The spirit ask her to let her use almost all her powers but Angie could still find a way to stop this.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was getting tired of the soldiers interfering with her attempts to stop this whole debacle, sighing sadly at the one guard captain's words when he spoke to her angrily. "Aye I could have brought him back before I came here, but then I would have been too late to stop these demons here sir. I really wish you all would listen to reason, but it seems that you aren't, and I haven't the time to argue how wrong you are," Angie said to the guard captain as she knocked him away and blasted her holy energy at the demon, curving it around the man he pulled in front of him this time and slamming the blast directly into his chest, where he fell to the ground as his tentacles seemed to have burned away.

The guards looked furious at this, though why Angie didn't know because it was a demon. How could they not see that that man was a demon? She didn't know how they couldn't see it, but somehow they just couldn't for some reason. When she got inside the temple, Angie saw Ashley standing at the altar kissing a man that she could only think was the last demon, but she wasn't entirely sure so she couldn't just blindly destroy him just quite yet she knew, but she had to stop the wedding now because the man was pulling Ashley's panties down and that was something Angie knew didn't happen at a wedding inside of the temple said wedding happened in, at least from what she'd read it didn't happen that way at least. She didn't want to have to expose the children in this place to all of this, but she knew she had little choice in the matter. Maybe she could merely knock everyone in here out or at least the children so they wouldn't have to see it. Either way though this ended now, she was tired of it and tired of these people not listening to her.

"Stop this ritual at once you fools. Is that sort of thing normal in a temple at a wedding? He is about to take her right here in the temple while children are watching... I seriously doubt that is something that normally happens at a wedding," Angie cried to the people in the temple in the commanding tone of an angel that her parents taught her she could use when in great need, pointing up at the altar as she spoke.

As the spirit shouted to her to stop the ritual, Angie suddenly felt a tug on the golden chain she wore and glanced over her shoulder to see the demon from outside she thought she'd killed holding the chain and looking like he was trying to stab her with a blade. As the other soldier pushed him away as more came with ropes and chains towards her, Angie heard the spirit speak to her and ask if she could use her full power now. "I... we can't kill these people miss spirit. I know it hurts and I know their words hurt you earlier, but they are misguided and have lost their way, so we must help them to find their way once more. I am trusting you to not kill them, only kill the demons and eradicate the evil within their bodies and open their eyes miss spirit, because if we don't do this then this town will fall into darkness," Angie called back to the spirit within her, willing to put forth everything she could to eradicate the evil in this town.

"You all may hate me... detest me... but you will thank me later for saving you from this fate," Angie said aloud to the people in there as she prepared her power along with the spirit's power.

With that, Angie would perform a burst of holy energy which would radiate out from her body and throughout the entirety of the temple they were in, searing the two remaining demons and turning them to ash while only targeting the taint within the people that was making them turn on her, as well as the taint in the very land itself, her intentions clearly that she intended on destroying the evil in this place without killing the people here. She knew this would take up a lot of power, but she knew she had more than enough to manage this and still have enough left over to resurrect the one man the demon pulled in to take the hit for him. After that she intended on teleporting out of here, probably back to the temple to get Tybi and take her to her home for her mother who may or may not be back yet and worried about her, but only once she was sure she'd saved the town, as well as eradicating the taint within the town and all of the people and reviving those lost and whatnot.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Mostly all the persons at the temple get scared of the angel voice but looks to dont see this like something wrong and looking how looks the arousal "angel" was just doing this worse to put attention at her words, maybe the mothers will have more questions from theirs childrens after see a nude winged futa girl with lewd objects placed on her over aroused body. The priest said something about why they were doing this but Angie was more focused on talking to the spirit and she know than all were blind at their actions, Ashley dont stop any and remove completely her weeding dress, she was wearing a silk two piece skimpy pink underwear than was mostly transparent, she smile in awe with her gazed eyes, as she drop it to a side and get closer to her new husband, her skin behind the dress was still drenched in dry cum and have gold rings at her clit and nipples, the man instead weeding rings had given a leather collar to her and she was close to wear it when the spirit with Angie help casted their last spell. Not caring when the chains and ropes start to wrap the angel body.

The burst of energy envelop the whole land for a moment. When all ended every person was at the floor, except for Ashley who was half awake and unsure what was going on, the fiance was at the floor without his left arm and a big burn on a huge part of his body, but this looks to had been from many hours ago and not from the sudden magic. The man with the holes on his body was now a small girl completely healed and with blonde hair, she dont needed to give life to the death soldir has also has turned into a child.

It looks than all looks done, but then someone get up from a bench close the wife, it was Elizabeth who sigh and shake softly her head maybe dissapointed by all this mess.

Mom...!? Angie? it must be a dream, even you could not be like that in public...what the...kyaaaaaa!!! Dont look. Shout hysteric Ashley when notice her complete nudity and slave like accesories.

Is all ok dear, just let mom do some little arrangements and all will be fine.

Ashley just make a frown than show her completely untrust on hre mother as in need take her weeding dress. Dont say me than you has come so far to do all this in oder to make me get marry someone.

Elizabeth shaked her head before add, oh no it was mostly Cardigan's idea after see how much heritage you have of the mountain spirit.

Eh? i dont give a fuck about this, he should dont be...

Live? Elizabeth interrupt a little angry

Ehm...no, i mean here. answer back as she dress herself mostly trying to dont talk more about this. Anyway after this i dont have any other doubt, sorry mom but you has went so far, i will just leave this fucking town and try my luck traveling to a huge city.

Please stop Ashley and stop of use that inappropriate lenguage in this holy house, if you dont get marry now you will never be happy and... you could have the worst fate... Elizabeth stop trying to hide the rest

Eh? what do you mean? Ashley hold her mother's arm. Just then a voice come from Angie and she couldnt stop herself of talk after had used mostly all her powers. Each of my progeny have the innate talent and magic to be a hero of their land.... however when all start also a terrible dark curse was placed on me at the conception, it has grow until nearly cover the blessings than i had given to my childrens, to put in few words they have some few choices to decide their lives.

The spirit dont wanted to give more explications. Angie who was bound and chained at the floor manage to recover a little of her power to be able to speak again, she was feeling how the jewelry on her was turning into just dust and she has used a lot of her divine power. She suddenly notice what were the possibilities than Ashley have for her future. The named Goddess have a really huge fertility so being a mother was the most ussual for the female ones, however the blood on Ashley was bigger than her ancestors, it would be possible than a single lover would not be enough and she have a very sex life as she fights to hide all into the image of a perfect housewife and mother of as much childrens than she could have

The other path was the adventure and power than the mate of the goddess could had at the start, but Ashley was inmature and would be unable to defend herself alone and place herself as the defender of this town would be seen bad for the townpeople, as many know than if her lust win she will marry anyone with some effort. Between both choices she could leave all her past life as also fall at her most feral side this last could turn her in an entity as the goddess or into a monster mother, mostly these were the choices than Ashley have to be happy any other would slowly kill her inside until she could not stand her needs and just take one of these randomly without notice it.

Ashley virgin spell to protect her chastity was nearly broken and useless, she could be taken easily by anyone without any barrier to endure a thrust and Angie get from the spirit a secret, if Ashley have a consensual sex meeting the love for that person will slowly grow until turn into true love, no matter who is.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Angie powered her energy up along with the spirit's powers as Ashley was about to be lost to them, the young angel closed her eyes and focused, releasing the energy she had built up despite being tied and chained down to the floor. When her burst of energy was done and she'd managed to shake the haze from her eyes to look around the place again, Angie saw Ashley was the only one still awake, the wave of energy having knocked everyone else out it seemed. The man that was near her that was supposed to have been her soon to be husband was unconscious and had a large burn over much of his body, but that seemed to have been from sometime before and not from her energy there from the looks of it. The man that had been attacking her and the one she'd apparently killed outside neither one needed to be revived any at all, as both had been turned into what was likely children forms of themselves.

Looking about the temple again Angie saw another form getting up from where she'd been laying, and she saw it was Ashley's mother Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked a bit disappointed by something, though what she didn't know, likely the mess in there though if she had to guess. When Ashley shook her head and regained her senses, Angie noticed the girl look over at her as she spoke up where she then let out a hysterical shout of dismay at Angie's state of nudity and whatnot, though admittedly Angie could do little about it at the moment thanks to the ropes and chains around her body. Angie sighed tiredly as Ashley and her mother spoke back and forth, the tax from the power she'd used starting to wear on her.

When the spirit used her voice, Angie was surprised, unaware that she still had enough strength left to do what she was doing. She didn't stop the spirit from speaking through her however despite her surprise and anxiety about something else controlling her even in the slightest degree. When the spirit of the goddess was through talking through her, Angie felt her strength return a bit, the remaining jewelry on her disintegrating for the most part as she sat there, the chains and ropes still around her and preventing her from moving. Angie got the visions from the spirit when she was through talking, of what all she could do to help Ashley along and whatnot, thinking to herself that regardless of what the people here thought of her now she had to stay, to protect Ashley and to teach her how to control her power and harness it for good to protect both herself and the village. To help her find true love so she wasn't tempted any more when she found it.

"I... I could use a little help here to get free you two... if you don't mind please," Angie called out to Ashley and her mother after catching her breath once the visions were done, the young angel trying to get free of the ropes and chains before the others came over to help.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With the two women talking back at each other, Angie have a good time to struggle in vain and think what would be her mission on this town after heard the last of the spirit. Heard how Angie talked make the young noble get confused What the... Angie have childrens?

Oh no, she is uhm... i guess than being controled by something... it must be why she is dressed like that maybe. Elizabeth tried to hide a little what has happened what made Ashley start to make questions about then why she was nude, also why she dont remember all and more things than were hard to answer for Elizabeth so she just say than she only received a message after both leave than Ashley will get married... All this needs to know what happened and attempts to hide it made both girls get in a soft discussion making them forget about Angie until the angel ask for help. Oh sorry, Angie but please wait, i need to hear the truth first. mom dont try to avoid answer my questions. Said at the end turning to her mother

Hm, i already said you, i nearly know the same as you, we could wait until Cardigan awake, if you are fine to continue the weeding, of course.

Oh for the... lets just go back to home before continue with this. Ashley then was helped by the young noble who take a time to find out how to untie all this mess, she ended stressed and mostly pissed by all this. Sigh... lets just go to home Angie, i need baddly to lay on bed and eat some sweet... are you fine now? it was so creepy when we heard you talk like that a moment ago... Ewww, what is that smell i was thinking than it was the monasthery but i can smell it on you and... oh gods its on me too. Ashley tried to help Angie to get up once she take away the chains and ropes, her nose could now smell the salty smell on both and also Angie could notice how the noble looks to dont likes than her clothes move pressing her sweet hole and breasts, it was as if she were hurted in both places and even the lady groan softly from time to time as the three walk to their home. Ashley soon notice the mess outside, the wall and town gate broken and all the destruction and people uncouncious outside. Oh for all the... who made all this?
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"No Ashley I don't have children, that was the spirit of the goddess of this place, she was speaking about all of you and your ancestors and whatnot I believe. And go ahead Ashley, the truth is the best thing that a person can have I think, whether it is harsh or not, the truth is always preferable to a lie when possible," Angie said to Ashley about the spirit using her to speak through as she stopped struggling with the ropes and chains, her wings starting to get cramped up a bit in them and her feathers getting ruffled a bit from her trying to get free.

When Ashley got fed up with her mother not telling her the truth and came over to her to help her loose, Angie stayed still while the girl worked and looked up at her friend. "Yes Ashley I am fine, and I apologize for spooking you there, and I believe that smell is whatever those corrupted men squirted all over us with their tentacles. It seems I was wrong in thinking they were demons. I... I've never been wrong before about that sort of thing, they felt so much like demons to me though. Maybe... it's because I'm not at my full strength yet," Angie said to Ashley as she freed her from the bindings on and around her, where she unhooked all of the piercings from her body save the bellybutton ring and her earrings, taking off every other piercing attached to her, and taking off all of the jewelry that remained as well if the spirit of the goddess was done talking to Ashley through her.

When they went on outside and Ashley and Elizabeth saw the mess Angie had made, the young angel blushed profusely as Ashley spoke up and asked who'd done all of the damage. "I... I did this Ashley, in my haste to get to you so I could stop this wedding. I even had to leave Tybi at that temple because she was sound asleep and I couldn't carry her and get here fast enough to save you from marrying that corrupted man... though he isn't corrupted any longer... nobody in this town is because I used nearly every bit of energy I had to make sure of it," Angie said to Ashley as they saw the damage she'd caused, the young angel looking awful for all of it to say the least and terribly ashamed. "I destroyed the town gate there and a bit of the walls, though I didn't mean to. And everyone didn't seem to like me very much, so I had to kind of knock some of them out. But I have to stay and protect this place, and you Ashley. At least until you can take care of yourself and control your magical energies, because if you don't or can't, then the corruption could come back someday... and I don't want that to happen. So I will stay for as long as I need to in order to protect you and this town, even at the cost of my life. I am willing to accept punishment for causing all of this with my inexperience as an angel, I knew I was too young to come down here on my own, but I insisted to my parents that I could handle it," Angie added, glancing back over at both Ashley and Elizabeth before looking away again with a look of shame at what she'd done to their peaceful town.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hmm...sure. Ashley said once she heard the small info about her heritage, than her family comes from this unknown goddess and mostly of where come her curse. Nah, i already know about ours heroic ancestors and im not interested in know from where this curse come but how to get rid of it. She should know, isnt? just ask her how i can get healed and i will do it, anyway im now busy with you mom, split it out. Ashley ask to Angie and then focus herself on her mother to discuss until the time to aid the angel come. Unfortunately the spirit looks to had already leave


Maybe Angelique should had taken some caution to say the truth about what happened, the young noble just get stunned and stay in shock for a while until heard all that bunch of supernatural talk and the thing than happened to both at the temple. T...tentacles!? oh no,no,no,no... oh shit! i dont remember anything after a while dressing that nun clothes and rest... do you mean than the monks were demons? She dont said any word as she blush and hug herself , pressing her thighs and brests, before she gets up and aid the angel. She was mute nearly thinking maybe in take many baths, until the three girls went outside and the angel confess her actions. However before that Angie tried to get free of all the remain relics what was not so successful and painless as she expected. She would need some special help to remove them without pain, maybe a blacksmith or the two nobles could help her, without an opening at the few jewels and her healed flesh this could also make her need some threatment to restore the holes at her body.

Oh, actually Ashley accepted to be Cardigan's wife and the wedding end before you went inside breaking all, so... Elizabeth said turning to a side with a smile.

That ceremony is invalid and im still single what maybe will last for many, many years, mom. Ashley interrupt before turn to Angie. Very well, Angie. First never again say anything about that man or any other of these corrupted guys and mostly t... tentacles, i had enough of all of that shit and i dont think in anything than happened today at the temple or the weeding. She said trying to stay calm and dont get so mad or sick with all that previous topic. Anyway, im amazed by all this mess, it make me feel great than you made all this for me. She said wide smiling and hitting the angel at the back as they continue walking. Well, how can we do than you still can live at the town? hmm i guess than you could live hidden at our house until all get calmed, at least nobody died so nothing bad happened...exceptt the town walls and the destruction, you will need to do many things to pay all that. So... how about if you help me to clean myself? Then we will talk to find a way to aid you to get free of all this mess.

Dont worry Angie, i can talk with all and make this be forgotten soon, but im sure than all will demand than Ashley must be married, so she could start as soon as possible her huge happy family~

No... i will dont get married and if anynoe have a problem with that then i will just go away and forget all about this town. They ended to say as they reach their house, Elizabeth take a time to unlock the door and then all went inside, Ashley mostly rush to the bathroom to prepare the bath as she just throw away the dress, white gloves, heels and veil at the floor of the second floor.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... she told me some things Ashley... some ways to control it and eventually get rid of it, but you would have to work long and hard to manage it. I would need to teach you many things about how to control your magics, and I suspect that I would learn some things as well during that time," Angie said to Ashley as the girl came over to undo her bindings.


When they came over to undo her bindings, Angie heard Ashley talk again and felt sorry for the girl as she sat there. Once they'd gotten her free, Angie followed them out, trying unsuccessfully to undo her piercings, which for some reason had no way of taking them off like every other piercing she'd ever seen. "To answer your question Ashley... no they weren't demons, at least I know they weren't now anyway. They were merely corrupted from what I could tell, from what though I don't know. It could have been a demon that corrupted them somehow, though I'd have to search the area thoroughly to find out," Angie said on the matter of the corrupted monks.

When Ashley's mother spoke up about Ashley's marriage to lord Cardigan, Angie giggled softly. "I fear that it doesn't count miss Elizabeth, because they didn't consummate it for one, and also because it was done under duress and or mind control and not of Ashley's own freewill, therefore it can't be considered true or legal. At least if I know my histories of this world that I've read right at least," Angie said to Elizabeth as they walked out, the destruction she'd caused very evident in to all that could see it, which at the moment only seemed to be the three of them thankfully.

As they went on and Ashley spoke up again, Angie blushed a bit when she said what she did about the mess here, and when she thumped Angie on the back as they continued walking, the young angel blushed even more so, obviously embarrassed by what she'd done here. "I can repair it so nobody even notices the damage that's there. And I could also use my magics to erase all memories of this whole event I'm sure, if I put forth the effort enough that is. Then again as long as the town is back to normal before they all wake up I'd say that nobody would even believe what happened here, for fear that everyone else would believe they were crazy... maybe," Angie said to Ashley, wondering if just repairing the town would work and letting people think it was a dream that everyone else was a part of or something like that... she was an angel after all, so maybe they'd think it was divine intervention or something of the sort and wouldn't think anything else of it, allowing her to stay for the time being.

Her attention was directed back at Elizabeth when she said what she did about talking to the town about Angie's actions and getting them to forgive her after a time. "No miss Elizabeth, Ashley must only marry for love... true love. If she doesn't, then the chances of this happening again are very great, and she may fall to the corruption if she doesn't marry for the right reasons, especially if I don't train her to control her magical energies beforehand at least a little bit, that was something the spirit of the goddess showed me in a vision a few moments ago back inside the temple. Staying here for at least a short time is necessary so that I can train Ashley some, so please both of you, don't fight and argue so much okay, you're mother and daughter. I understand that you want Ashley to marry someone that can help restore your family name miss Elizabeth, and someone that would take good care of her, but it must be done in its own time, this isn't something that should be rushed or else there could be dire consequences," Angie said to Elizabeth about marrying Ashley off to someone, then she glanced over at Ashley and continue. "Though getting married to the right person would be good I believe, especially if it makes Ashley happy and everything," Angie added afterwards.

Before she went with them back to their home, Angie went to the walls and the town gates where she'd destroyed them in her entry, where she then summoned up some more of her powers that the spirit had given her with the piercings as well as her own, and she burned as much as need be to bring the walls back together as they once were, then she did the gate the same way as well. Once this was done, Angie joined Ashley and her mother at their home, where she would use some more energy to repair the remainder of the damage she'd caused there. Then, if she still had any energy left, Angie would go back to the temple to find Tybi, telling Ashley and Elizabeth that she had to go and do that before she rested any and or cleaned herself up, so that she was sure the little girl would be alright and hopefully back with her mother.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Yes, sure no problem, i will work hard and all that. But is hard to believe all that what you said Angie, i havent used any magic in my whole life. The noble girl answer before the conmotion than Angie words about the tentacles and pseudo demons give. After that Ashley dont answer back, mostly affected by the news.


Elizabeth looks to still try to think in force this even after Angie said what she suppose could happen and Ashley maybe will try to dont argue too much, but even then it would be hard with her mother begging her like always to hurry to found someone, their relashionship always has been like that and it would not chance in an instant yet Angie looks of maybe help them to give the firsts steps. However Ashley dont show any intention to find her true love, maybe the continuous rape dreams has made her hate any sex relashionship even more with a male.

Hmm... is interesting how you can do all that, exactly how much time can you erase from the mind of a person? Also you could had restored your dress, it must be more easy. Ashley ask softly interessted in the possibilities.

Once they ended to talk Angelique return to the battlefield walking and then tried to cast an spell to restore all, she do her best try and the many damages on the wood and stone were healing until suddenly she notice than she has used all her powers, what it was strange as she could be sure than have maybe enough to clean and restore all the door and walls at least some moments ago
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Some people's magics don't manifest until they're older in some cases. It could be that way in your case is all Ashley, and since I'm here and probably the most knowledgeable person in the area when it comes to magic, it falls to me to teach you what I can about it so you can control and harness its potential," Angie said to Ashley about her magic powers.


Angie saw that Elizabeth didn't seem to be wanting to agree with her completely about Ashley not marrying just yet, so that was another reason she figured that she should stay. "Well Ashley... it depends on how far I need to go back and erase of their memories. Something as recently as a while ago I can easily do, with a bit of focus at least, then nobody would ever even remember what I'd done here... like it was just a dream or something. And it shouldn't take but a minute or so for me to do that for a lot of people at the same time, but it takes a bit of power, and I'm nearing empty on that account at the moment. I may not have enough to both repair the wall and gate and still have enough to change memories," Angie said to Ashley about erasing recent memories, already starting to feel herself weakening.

When she did begin repairing the damage she'd caused, not really caring if anyone woke up and watched her to do so, and hoping that Ashley and her mother were watching just in case something happened, she focused her energies so forcefully push the stone back into place for the walls. As soon as both the walls and the gates had been repaired, Angie felt the last of her energy reserves trickle dry for the time being, where she started back towards Ashley's house and stumbled after a couple of steps, falling to her knees, her body feeling quite weak now.

"N-No... I must get back to Tybi... a-and take her home to her mother," Angie said, trying to force herself back to her feet and failing to do so as she stumbled again back to her knees. "H-Help... c-can't stand," Angie called, trying to call to Ashley and hopefully her mother to come and help her back to her feet so she could get going to Tybi, though in the back of her mind she knew that she wasn't going to be making it there anytime soon, her heart wouldn't allow her to stop while anyone was in possible danger.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

So what kind of magic we are talking? i want to shoot some fire balls, rays or summon things to defend myself and go out to relax at a awesome place, but it would suck if is flying, it would be pointless. Ashley ended to say after do her best to release the angel of her bonds.

Once Angie say her opinion about her spell, the noble sweat softly. So is easy for you erase a memory of any mind? dont you used it with me, right? Because is strange than i cant remember anything of this weeding or before, but that is great or i would beg you to erase any embarrasment image of my mind... what make me remember than we must find you some clothes, let me just take a hour to wash myself. It was clear than Ashley dont have a like to have her winged friend showing herself like this at the streets, however she was mostly focused on wash herself and supposed than Angie would remember than she want her to take a bath with her.

Alone and in a hurry to solve all, a completely weakened angel cant get up of the floor, she soon start to ask to help, but she has moved many streets outside the noble district and her voice is not so strong to be easily noticed, many times she tried to get at her feet until finally she feels completely cold and tired, her eyes slowly closed until she get uncouncious.

Time later she awaken at a soft bed and she is dressed at a white dress, she cant remember the room where she is and she feels something strange pressing her breasts and neithers, unnused to have an underwear she just have some problems to endure her manlike member pressing against it at its morning hard state, making a camp on the pink blanket over her. Her belly growl in huge need for food and she feels to be mostly weak but able to walk and even jump, the day is clear and there is not any show of her jewelry except the maks of them.

She could notice some noises bellow and at a side of her bed at a table she could find some water and bread, as also a vase with beautiful flowers than fill the room with a pleasant scent. Once ready to go down, she will find an Ashley at the kitchen trying to prepare something to eat, she looks to have some problems as the kitchen is a mess, at a side she have a silver tray with a milk glass, cookies in heart and moon shapes, some looks to be a little tostedand what she was trying is a heart shape omelet, she soon write something on it and thanks to her glasses Angie could read "Get better soon" on it

The noble is dressed on just a white small T shirt and some old raged pants, looking for the many food remains on them it show than Ashley was ready to fail many times and her food really looks to be a little over average, the trash cam have many fail dishes on them than were filling the place with a carbon smell.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Yes I can teach you all sorts of things like that most likely. I can summon other angels and some other things from my homeland, such as angelic steeds and hounds and whatnot. There are other things I know how to summon too, but I've never really tried to before, only the angelic steeds and hounds so far for me, I can call upon my kin to come and aid me in battle without actually summoning them, but only when I'm in great need of their help though. Other types of magic I can teach you are mostly holy magics, but I know of some fire ones and water ones that I could teach you to try and do even though I've never done them myself. And I haven't erased anyone's memories of anything yet, I need all the power I can get to repair the walls and gate. I wouldn't necessarily call it easy per se, but I do know how to do it, though to do it to many people at one time they all have to be asleep and in as clustered an area as possible, because the larger area I have to cover, the more energy I spend," Angie said to Ashley about teaching her some magics and summons to use, then going on to speak of the memory erasing before heading out to the walls and gate to fix them up before everyone woke back up and saw what she'd done.

After performing her spells to repair the walls and gate, Angie felt herself too weak to keep going and despite her calls for help, none came to her. She kept trying to stand up, trying to force her body to comply, but it simply wouldn't do so and she continued falling to her knees again and again. Finally her body gave out as she tried for the sixth or seventh time to stand up, where she finally just collapsed to the ground, unable to move any longer as her eyes slowly closed on her and unconsciousness swept over her weakened form. "No... must... get to... Tybi... I... promised..." Angie mumbled in an exhausted voice before her consciousness slipped away from her.


Some time later, Angie awakened to find herself in a soft comfortable bed. How she'd gotten here she didn't know, but she also felt a strange and slightly uncomfortable, yet for some reason pleasing sensation pressing against her large breasts and her penis... well not so much uncomfortable, just something she was unused to feeling against her skin. Raising the covers to look underneath them, Angie saw she was wearing panties and a bra, though her penis was hard as stone again and it looked as if the covers were a small tent it was so long and hard. She felt her belly start growling and aching in need for food, and her body still felt quite weak from before, but all in all she felt much better after a long rest like that... however long a rest it'd been that is. She also noticed that the jewelry was gone now and that only the faint markings of where it'd all been remained.

Raising up and shaking her head a little bit as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, Angie looked over to the bedside table and saw a vase of beautiful flowers emitting a fragrant scent into the room, and beside them on the table was a glass of water and a bit of bread. Sitting up in the bed, Angie reached over and got both the bread and water, where she ate and drank all there was before getting up and going to the bathroom to do her morning business, brushing her hair out before coming back out and walking downstairs, holding onto the walls and rails on her way so she didn't fall again, because her body as still quite weak after all.

When she made it downstairs, Angie heard clattering from the kitchen and went that way, where she saw that Ashley was trying to cook or prepare something in there, but was either not having much success, or she was just trying to perfect whatever it was, as the kitchen was a mess now. it made Angie fell warm inside to see Ashley trying to cook something for her, especially after she saw the shapes of the cookies and omelet she'd made, and even more so after she saw what she'd wrote on the omelet. Angie smiled and giggled softly before stepping into the kitchen, where she made her way slowly over to Ashley was at. Seeing how hard she'd apparently been trying and how many times she'd failed her dishes made Angie's wings flutter softly as she walked across the kitchen, the feeling of warmth from Ashley's thoughtfulness causing her to do so.

Angie waited until Ashley wasn't trying to do anything with the food and had no cooking utensils in her hands, where she slipped up behind Ashley if she hadn't noticed her yet and then she'd slip her arms around Ashley's waist in a hug, laying her head on Ashley's shoulder and wrapping her wings around her slightly too. "Thank you Ashley... for taking care of me, and for being kind and thinking of me enough to go through all this trouble for me. I'm glad I met you," Angie would tell Ashley as she hugged her from behind, where she didn't realize her still half hard member might rub against Ashley's butt.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ok, i got the message than you are the best and first mage than i had meet... so you can summon things but only when you are at danger. If i learn to summon things, can these help me without be in danger? Also, how much time will take you to teach me something? Ashley give some last questions, mostly to just continue the conversation as they return to their home.


After get awake and get ready for the upcoming day, Angie tried to dont bother the busy noble as this cook, but once all was ready to be eaten, Ashley take a moment to see her job at the desk to suddenly be object of a sudden hug from behind, the girl was not ready for it and gasp in surprise, she was not pleased by the sudden grapple at her after the terrible day outside the town from before. She just stop to start to struggle once she heard the angel's voice.

Ah...Angie what were you thinking? you frighten me. The noble made a small pause, to calm herself before continue, however she could feel Angelique to be so close and the unknown object pressing at her young rear was making all more difficult. I dunno why are you thanking so much, as this is just, normal ...Ehm, my Mom found you and bring you here, we then had taken care of you for the last days. For all the... can we just continue this at the dinning room, please? Ashley said with a shameful demanding tone, as she moved her rear to stop the hard member of be between her round cheeks.

Once at theirs seats, Angie notice her friend blushing deeply as she turn to a side before add. So.. how do you feel now? The person than check you said than your body was just very stressed and out of energy, so you would need some time to recover yourself, even then we dont expect than it could take you so much time.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... no I can summon certain lower powered things at will, but I can only call upon other angels if my life is in danger or if those I care about here are in danger. I was strongly considering calling upon my kin to come and help earlier with you actually. Also yes, you can learn to summon things that'll support you in battle and protect you, and the thing is, even if they take a lot of damage they don't die and are just sent back to wherever you summoned them from, but they are hurt quite a bit from it, so try and not let them get too hurt when summoned, once you're able to do so that is. And I should be able to teach you your first basic cantrip in a couple of weeks or so, maybe two and a half or so, unless you take to it really quickly and are really talented at it, then it could take as little as a week possibly, I've seen that before," Angie replied to Ashley's questions on their way back before they parted ways for her to repair the wall, letting Ashley know about when she figured she could learn her first minor spell, which Angie would teach her how to throw a magic light out, that could light up an entire room or a good 20 to 25 foot area or so on open ground.


Angie felt Ashley struggle for a moment before she recognized her voice, the girl obviously not expecting such a thing to happen, which was her intention to say the least really. "Sorry Ashley, I... it just felt like the right thing to do though is all. Please forgive me. And I'm thanking you so much because you deserve it, I mean you didn't have to put up with me all this time, but you did, and I'm truly grateful for it," Angie told Ashley while still hugging her lovingly, rubbing her cheek gently against Ashley's. "How long was I out by the way? And where is your mom now? If she's the one that got me and brought me back to here, then I must thank her too and... oh my, it's all hard again," Angie went on to ask, mentioning that she wanted to thank Elizabeth too for coming to get her after that before Ashley's squirming around caused her butt to rub against her penis in all the right ways to make it all hard again, doing the exact opposite that Ashley probably wanted it to as it poked up perfectly between her buttcheeks through whatever clothes she had on.

Angie quickly pulled away from the hug she'd given Ashley and looked down at her dress to see a tent being pitched there. "Aw shoot, and it'd just started going down too when I got out of the bathroom a couple of minutes ago," Angie said, whining about her erection, though she didn't know that's what it was actually called.

After that Angie just followed Ashley on into the dining room, telling her she was famished as she ignored her hard penis for the time being, figuring it would shrink back down soon enough while she focused on eating. "Other than feeling extremely hungry and virtually out of energy, which by the way I've never felt quite this out of it, I feel fine really. I'm hoping after eating some food that I'll recover some of my energy at least. And who checked me by the way? I'm a little curious about who might know so much about angels, and... oh gods... I forgot about Tybi. Oh she's going to be so mad at me, and her mother is like to attack me for leaving her in such a place," Angie began saying as they sat down in the dining room, just before taking her first bite of food, looking in a state of panic about Tybi. "Oh heavens I must go and get her quickly... but... I need energy to do so. So I must eat first else I'll only be a burden," Angie added, meaning to hurry with her food so she could go and find Tybi and hope that she was alright and not angry at her.

As soon as she took her first bite of food however, Angie calmed down instantly. Because despite the fact that it wasn't the greatest tasting food she'd ever tasted, it was made with care and love from the heart for the one it was meant for, which was her to be exact, and that made it taste more wonderful than anything to her. She would tell Angie as such as well while she ate, letting her friend know how much she enjoyed her meal and how good it was, and why it was good to her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hmm, it sound good. I could leave in some months if all goes right, i suppose than it is hard to summon angels, if you can only call for their help in dangerous moments. Ashley said still with the idea of leave once she get stronger enough to defend herself, of course than her mother looks to dont like the idea but let them talk alone, so Ashley could maybe calm herself.


Eek! You has been sleeping for t..three days. "gasp"... My mom is out. Uhg im so... sensitive Angie, please lets talk at the dinner room. The noble girl fight hard to answer feeling how her struggles were just making all worse, the divine hammer was more likely rubbing at her , pressing against her raged short pants, it was easy to notice than Ashley was not more wearing any male underwear, as it feels more as a silk panty. Once she get free, the purple haired girl closed her fists for a moment as she calm herself by the shameful moment. Of course than she dont said anything as both leave the kitchen.

Once they were at the dinner table, Ashley looks still afected by the sudden feeling of that manlike member pressing bellow her, it looks like the incident was taking a huge amount of her throughts. Ehm, it was a woman than bring my mom, we said her than you were some kind of winged race like an harpy, to avoid answer questions. Its great than you are fine.

So, Angie. When ours magic classes will start? if you need it we could wait until you get completely healed and Tybi should be fine, so dont worry and first just focus on your recovery.
The noble girl said still red by how all has happened so suddenly, turning from time to time to see if Angelique was loving her time eating her food.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well of course it's hard to summon angels, even younger and weaker ones such as myself, because we're powerful beings by nature to begin with. And don't say it like that Ashley, it makes it sound as if you only want to learn those kinds of things just so you can leave, and despite what she might say, I know your mother would be very sad if you left," Angie said to Ashley on their way through town.


"Oh my goodness, for three days? Oh heavens I shouldn't have slept that long. Oh I hope Tybi is okay," Angie asked in disbelief before starting to eat her food, knowing that she had to eat before trying to go find tybi.

After her first few bites, Angie looked back up at Ashley with a smile. "This is delicious Ashley... I can taste the love and hard work you put into this. You really tried your best and it shows," Angie said with a bright and happy smile, looking across the table at Ashley's still slightly red face after Ashley asked her question of when they could start Ashley's training. "Hmm... well I suppose we could start it today, because before you even try to conjure any spells up you need to learn them and memorize them, and I would need my spellbook, or any sort of spellbook really. Mine would be preferable of course, though it's back home and I can't get to it anytime soon. What I can do though is teach you the spells I've memorized, which is actually most if not all in my spellbook anyway, but you know. You'll also need to learn how to harness the latent energies within you and within the air around you, to feel it out and utilize it so that your magics have power behind them and don't fizzle out halfway. I won't lie, it's very tough to learn all in all, but I was one of the quickest learners of magic back home in my class, so I'm confident that I can teach you well enough, though we should wait at least until I regain my energies, else I won't be able to show you how to do much really," Angie said to Ashley in response to her questions about when they could start, looking serious about it all.

Angie would continue eating and looking as if it were one of the best meals she'd ever eaten before, adjusting her glasses a bit with a finger as she finished her last bite and looking back up at Ashley, her wings fluttering happily for Ashley to see. If she didn't start regaining any of her energies, Angie would stand up and lean against the table a bit, asking if Ashley would lend her a hand so she could walk outside and into the sunlight. However if she did regain some energy then she would go under her own power only, flapping her wings slightly when she got out there to stretch them wide enough that they didn't feel so stiff any longer. With that, unless Ashley had anything else in mind, Angie would smile at her again before taking her hand and asking her if she had a place they could go for some privacy, so nobody else interfered or disturbed them and that she'd start helping her to learn how to focus enough to feel the magical energies in her body first of all, and later would come the magical energies in the air and ground around them she would tell her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Of course not, Angie. Im only interested in learn magic so i can defend myself and the ones than i love. It dont affect in all my thoughts to leave this town in first place and Mom have a lot of friends and if is possible i could return, after all the life is so short and i cant just be here all of it. Ashley answer looking to be serious even when she was mostly loving the idea of continue this talk to piss her mother.

Thanks for think at me darling, but even when Ashley's words hurt sometimes i know than she is kind and too good for do it on porpose. She is just too young to notice than her best choice to have an happy life is stay here and be a wonderful wife of a gentleman. As Elizabeth said it, the noble girl could not avoid her needs to frown and shake softly her head.


Yes, three long days... hmm you were mumbling that name from time to time, if i understand that was the name of that child, maybe mom found her but i dunno really. Ashley said as she try to endure the urges to smile as the angel eat that food than she has just made.

Angie words made Ashley open a little more her eyes and mouth in surprise and get completely red for a moment before she could answer back trying to recover her style. Uhm, i... its just how hard is for me make something edible, i was thinking on eat it if you would need another day on bed, so mostly your food was the bread and water at your room... So, if you really love it just eat it all Angie. Said closing her eyes at the end and just dont see the angel any more in order than she could focus on a most important topic.

Well... we could try to look around for a spellbook, i dunno how looks one but you are the expert. Anyway, i will just follow your instruction because i mostly dont know a single thing about all this kind of tricks. The noble girl still said with her eyes closed and trying to talk calmed frowning in part, sometimes she open the eyes to see how the angel was eating but tried her best to apart the sight from Angie before this could notice it too much. I think than i also need to buy some adventurer clothes, heels were a pain the last time and i dunno if my handbag could be the best or i need to buy a big bag, my bre...chest is a little sensible these days and i cant use too much of my clothes really, but i dont want to wear a dress after what happened at the lake.

Once Angelique ended her food the noble get up and help her to get up, what Angie dont need too much, she feels better now but her body was not fully recovered, maybe because her long time resting or the overuse of her powers. We could use my room or outside at the park if we need to be out, i dont want another hole at our house even when you can restore the place. We could also go to the market or just walk outside if you feel to be recovered for do it.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Either way, I can't let you leave this town Ashley... not without me accompanying you at least. I must ensure that you are taken care of until at least you can take care of yourself. So don't worry miss Elizabeth, if or when she leaves, I shall leave with her and make certain she's taken care of and protected, so that we don't have another possible catastrophe like this," Angie said to the two, nodding her head at them both and making her decision final on this regard.


"Tybi was the one with us the other day Ashley, and I'm glad you didn't eat it yourself Ashley, because this is great food. You could be a great chef if you wanted to, because you care about the ones that'll be eating your food. At least I think so anyway," Angie said to Ashley, complimenting her cooking whether she got embarrassed by it or not.

Angie noticed Ashley stealing glances her way every little bit while she ate, and smiled up at her when she did one time. "Ashley, if you want to watch me eat, then don't be bashful about it. It's nice to know that you care about what I think of your food," Angie said with a smile before taking a drink of her water. "But anyway, I'll look around town to see if I can find a basic spellbook that you can write them down in as you learn them, as well as a ritual book for them too. As for clothing and gear, we'll worry about that much later, because I wouldn't feel safe enough to leave before I'm sure you're ready to use spells to be honest. Because I'm not entirely sure I could handle everything that comes at us without ending up extremely weakened after each fight. Regardless though, I think we should try and gather up the money to get our own gear, it'll give you some good training with your magics once I start teaching you, and it'll show you how to be self sufficient and more able to take care of yourself. Regardless though I believe you shuld take a couple of your dresses with us just in case we need to go into a higher class place and need dresses," Angie went on to say to Ashley, telling her she'd try and find her a spellbook of some sort to use later.

After she was through eating, Angie did accept Ashley's help to get up, thanking her as she was helping her around, despite the fact she didn't really need her help to actually get around and all. "Well I figured that we could go ahead and start some small bit of training if you want to Ashley, though we'll need a quiet place for this first part. But I wouldn't mind heading on to the market to look around for a spellbook first if you'd rather do that," Angie said to Ashley as they headed outside, letting Ashley decide where they'd go this time around.