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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Of course, you can help us to purify these lands if you want, but i will be more happy if you rest a little more after give birth and have a moment of peace with us or that human, you must be in perfect shape if something more happen. Nyami said, worried than Angie has been a lot of time uncounciest or tired by overdoing it these days.

Then Angie talked about the being inside her and the tree on that cave what make Nyami ponder for some moments. I'm convinced there is something fishy going on related to what get inside you. Why that being needed to stay inside and let you trap it? You are close to be as weak as a human children with all these eggs on you if i werent helping to to get energy, why that havent tried anything or what managed to get for doing all this?

.... Well, if they were the mystic trees then you would had been able to talk with our mother or at least a part of her powers to feed these lands. We cant expect than these seals are what are making this caoz in the others towns, if you want to go there, please take care.

The talk continued for some minutes more before Ashley come running and get a little missed in the dark ruins. Nyami soon hide completely again at the dark next room. I cant sense anything weird, maybe Mize or some spiders could say us something, as they had the chance to see what is happening outside.

Soon from the other side a slighty filled in webs Ashley not tired of be running for a while get inside, the girl with her bared noble feet havent complained by dont be wearing shoes in a cave, maybe what she has seen is really important to think in anything else. The sky is not the same, i get out the temple and all was returning to be normal, but... i noticed some cold and odd feling coming from above me... just go outside and... wait you looks really tired Angie, are you sure than are you getting energy from the land? If you needed i can give you more, im fine... this place stink what happened here?

Ashley once again dont noticed anything about the pregnant state on Angie, her worries for the angel's safety blocked her to investigate more closer and instead turn around the room to find out what was that smell than Angie suppose was the result of all that sex from before.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright then Nyami, I'll rest a bit then before I try to help any. Gods my body is so weak right now. Why are Ary's little ones taking so much energy from me?" Angie said as she lay there and chatted with Nyami before telling her about what all had happened with her and Ashley in the strange dungeon area.

"I don't know why whatever it is hasn't decided to make its move, or if it even is in there any longer, but I believe whatever it was is still in there somewhere... just not sure is all," Angie said about the strange entity that she felt within her earlier when trapped inside her own mind.


"Yes Ashley, I'm extremely tired after earlier, and... I'm kind of... pregnant right now. So... I can't really do much about it right now Ashley, I'm sorry. But you need to stay here for now okay, and don't worry about my energy I'm getting plenty, it's just the babies needing so much is taxing. Nyami, please come out for now, Ashley should see you now I think, and Ashley whatever happens don't be scared of Nyami, she's large and spooky looking at first, but I promise you that she'll not hurt you," Angie said loud enough for both Ashley and Nyami to hear her as she gestured to Nyami to reveal herself to Ashley. "Nyami here can help us out here I believe Ashley, as can the others. Nyami can you wake Mize please? I think she needs to get upstairs and check out what's going on, or Ary one of the two please," Angie then told them, telling Nyami to wake Mize or Ary to go and check what's going on for them.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ussually she place a small load in a human, from four to six they remain sleepy and so she can place them away of the temple, easily that lost of energy make them forget this place and the birth, even when the pregnancy takes a week. Think about that drain as a tool to give the babies some time to walk away. Nyami take a moment and just whimpered softly at the darkness.

We will try to look around for more clues, Ary's childrens can explore a huge quantity of land and i can try to sense any seal or strange energy around the forest, but that will be after clean the corruption and save all the creatures than we can. Nyami could maybe get all in order as Angie rest and gives birth, without more attacks this could be a good time to rest.


Wait, what do you... mean by pregnant? Ashley soon ask as she get closer to see better, she was now starting to have many questions at her mind. How much time i remain sleep? You were fine some hours ago, what could had imprenate you? The human wanted to know more about what has been happened, but then she frown clueless about why she should calm down if Nyami appear. So this Nyami have a scary look? I had already meet three of them so why i should be scared?

I was really large and spooky for you that first time? Nyami ask slighty dissapointed. That was not my intention, Angie. Maybe you should had said gorgeous or alluring, i always has seen myself as a beautiful lady.

Do she impregnate you Angie? Why ? How many months will take them to give birth? Will you stay with them at this cave? I guess than then we will need to stay to take of them, if you let me visit you or you could stay at my house. The human still could need some times to get the idea than Angie was pregnant, her eyes havent been able to see how large the Angel's belly is now, this pregnancy at her mind has changed it all, her plans of travel could dissapear as also her chances to stay with the angel if someone was more loved by Angie than she let her be impregnate her, maybe she has been uncouncious many months and Angie resign herself and look for someone else, maybe that Mize.

Mize is awake, she let you sleep and went to see her room, there were many loved things of her in that room where Ashley awake, maybe she needs some moments more. And i could show an arm, like i said i cant fit inside that room now, my head dont fit without cause some of the place fall by pushing.

Well, then you should be huge... Anyway, i may talk with Mize, i dont wanted to break anything really, i was just confused, worried and scared.

Just then Tezzy, slighty tired reach the room. I havent moved too much in months... let me awake Ary and then we could check the sky, but i dont noticed anything strange on it... the last time with Ashley
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that Nyami, thank you. Thank you for telling me about this. I'm wanting to see them though honestly, I mean if I'm going to be their mother I suppose it's only right that I do and all since I'm not scared of you all and wish to remain here with you for a while," Angie replied to Nyami when she told her about Ary's eggs. "And aye, I'll rest for now, don't worry. I know that I won't be any good in a fight right this moment," she added reassuringly to the large snake woman.


"Hmhm, I mean I'm pregnant Ashley. It's okay though, I'm alright with it. And it was Ary by the way, she was unable to help herself and it was while you were asleep earlier before we got here mostly. Now come here okay and you can touch my belly if you want while Nyami shows herself to you," Angie told Ashley then looked over towards Nyami while she placed Ashley's hand on her belly. "And Nyami it was more your size that scared me to begin with, and what you all might have done to me, especially after what Selkie was saying and all. You can't fault me for being frightened about that I think. And you are extremely beautiful, but for a person's first time seeing someone so... intimidating as yourself, mainly because of your size, it's rather hard to not be scared at least a little bit, you know. So don't be all disappointed or hurt by that, it's expected Nyami, but that doesn't mean I don't like you now," Angie then told Nyami as the snake woman showed herself to Ashley.

Looking back to Ashley, Angie shook her head a bit at it being Nyami as she laid Ashley's hand on her belly and gently rubbed it around, pulling her wings back enough to reveal her large pregnant belly to Ashley so she could rub it. "It'll only take a week at most Ashley, so don't fret over me so much, and I fully intend on visiting you as often as I can, because I promised I would and that I'd teach you to use magic if I can, and you may visit all of us here as often as you like too, because these girls here won't hurt you. In fact Nyami and the others here could probably help you better than I at the moment, so I'd suggest we talk to them all about that as soon as we deal with this other problem," Angie told Ashley reassuringly, gently caressing her cheek in the process. "And later on after we take care of everything we can think about going to one of the nearby towns, so don't worry yourself overly much about anything okay, I promised we'd go on an adventure one day, even if it would only be for a few days. And I mean to keep that promise Ashley, an angel always keeps their promise when they give it," Angie then told her with a smile as she gently pulled Ashley down to kiss her on the lips.

"Now, Tezzy, get Ary up okay, then take a minute to catch your breath and all before heading back up. And Ashley, go with them alright, and describe what you saw to them all in as good a detail as you can, in fact describe it as best you can in here so Nyami can hear too, she's one of the strongest of the ladies here. I may not be able to help fight or use energy or anything, but I can still give advice and whatnot and help deduce mysteries like this. And I suspect that there's something wrong that lets Ashley see things that you all can't, or at least in a different way than you all can," Angie told everyone, giving them some instructions to carry out as she rested and recovered while Ary was awakened.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Yes. I think than it will take a week for them to start to born, as Ary placed a lot, if not then maybe it would had take just a day or some hours. Im so proud of you for accept to be their mother, the less than we can do is pamper you as much as we can as you stay here and give you tips to be a good mother. Nyami said as she ended to take care of Heki and Ary.

Uhm really are you fine? Ashley said back still confused by how so fast Angie has changed her point of view about have a baby. So that Ary should be very special for let her impregnate you. She continue as she get closer to place her hand on what she suppose was a small pregnant normal belly. Maybe Selkie overeacted a little that time but i should had been just 3mts at max that time, I was so weak and now I guess than you would had fainted because really im in a very large size now.

Nyami still don’t tried to get out and Ashley’s hand remain over Angie’s belly, mostly she was amazed than all this has happened as she was sleeping. I haven’t feel a pregnant belly before… oh my you are so… full. They are eggs? I don’t want you to get hurted moving from here to the town, so I dunno how but I will try to come dayly. Ashley answer really worried by the heavy pregnant belly, she even wanted to hug Angie but she feared than she could hurt her lover in that shape. I could wait for you to get better and then you could teach me more, meanwhile I could still try to try to see that aura, im not so good and only saw it maybe because all was weird by these named seals on the floor.

Nyami then get closer opening her giant eye than she could place close the darkness at the door than she could use to see inside in her difficult stance. I don’t think than that would be good, if something happens you could be more prepared to defend you and Angie if you learn with us some spells, we are like cousins so ours spells should be similar. Said this Nyami slide a little and a finger get visible… the small part of the hand was even bigger than a human and if Angie weren’t caressing the young humanand then kissing her she would had screamed and run away with Angie at hand.

However slighty pale Ashley remain silent until Angie stop to say her opinion about what was happening at the sky and the others share some points of view.

Oh sure, where is Ary? Tess asked She is over there, I guess than she really loved to share her babies with you Angie, without doubt she love it and reached her limit in bliss. Nyami said pointing to where she has hide her sister.
Tezzy needed some time to awake Ary and once she do it, the spider girl was slighty sleep but get close as Ashley managed to end to be scared of all what was happening.

Oh sure, I saw something on the sky… yes it may looks normal but really there something behind it, hidden… some lights and I feel weird looking at it, some cold and I also don’t like looking at it… Now im scared to look up and fall at the sky, maybe it was because I think to had flown too much today.

Weird, it looks normal to me now than all this ended thanks to both of you Tezzy said as Ary remain clueless

I don’t feels anything weird, maybe the effect could be happening really high away to sense it. The older sister said still very big to even pass her leg for the door.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, oh Ashley you're just as important and special to me as Ary or any of the others here are. And yes Nyami, considering I had never seen anything so large before, I think my reaction to your size was about the best you might hope for unless I'd known you all my life. And if I hadn't met you before now I'd be absolutely terrified of your size I think, especially in my weakened state. So please forgive me okay, I think you're beautiful no matter your size, but being beautiful doesn't stop you from looking very intimidating really," Angie said to Ashley reassuringly before turning to where Nyami was at and speaking to her.

Looking back to Ashley as she stated that she'd never felt a pregnant belly before, Angie actually thought that was strange. "Truly you've never felt of a pregnant belly before Ashley? I would have thought that you as curious as you are would have done that quite early in life. And yes these are eggs in here. And don't worry I doubt I could even move without help now... thanks to Ary," Angie said after Ashley was done talking again, giving an accusing sidelong glance over at Ary, though she wasn't truly angry or anything, but it was very inconvenient that she couldn't move hardly at all now. Seeing that Ashley was a bit hesitant to hug her, Angie smiled softly at her and pulled her gently down to hug her anyway, not worried that Ashley was touching her or anything.

"I agree with Nyami, Ashley, you can stay for a while to learn about magics from them as well as I. I can always just give advice and be there for moral support more than anything if nothing else," Angie added before she gave her instructions to the others on what to do when they were all ready and awake again.

"Either way girls, if Ashley can see or sense it then I believe her and that whatever it is must be there. I'm positive that something else is amiss, and we'll need to work together to find out what it is else we could face the same problems as before. Little to no energy for any of us," Angie told them after they all spoke when she gave out all of her instructions. "Ashley, I know it's frightening to see strange unknown things like that. But you must be strong because if we adventure out into the world any we could face these scary things all the time. I've found it best to meet frightening things head on with no fear in my heart or mind, therefore it has no power over me whatsoever," Angie told Ashley after that, trying to reassure her and help her fight her fears.

"Now come on girls, let's move quickly okay, so we can get these things done to try and keep the innocent people around here safe from harm. Even if you all don't have to I must because I am an angel, but I'm asking you girls for your help on this matter, if you're willing," Angie told the girls before laying her head back to rest a bit more, her energy levels so low that she could barely even summon enough strength to flap her wings, so she had to conserve as much as she could really, else risk fainting from lack of energy.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley couldnt stop herself of ponder some seconds after heard than Angie show the same love for her and every girl on this cave. So, mostly that mean than you dont have any problem to be impregnated by any of us or... do the same to us? The human blushed with the idea but she will remain touching the pregnant belly as the chat continue. Thanks Angie, Its good to know than you will not be scared and who know maybe i could be more beautiful for you when i get a new private with you.

Oh no, i never tried to get close a pregnant woman because i dont wanted to know anything about it really, you know the curse and all the nightmares... it helped too than im the younger of my family. The noble answer back about why this was her first time rubbing a pregnant belly and accepting to be pressed down to hug Angie, but still being very careful of dont press her egg filled body.

Oh now than the curse and that nightmare topic come out, i think than i should see your body more closer and get a direct magic sensing to find it out if you are fine... I will not lie, this could cause some disconfort but believe me, we must do it so we could know more of what is happen to you. Nyami said still trapped in the dark corridor and Angie know about what so close this check up could be. Soon Ashley said Oh, well i dont think to need it more and we should focus on Angie and others things than are really important. If Angie dont guide her to be checked then Ashley will avoid any contact or love to train with anyone else.

Its not than i will just try to escape, i wish to know new things and i can endure the fear, if you are there with me, but dont expect me to dont be scared of new creepy things. Ashley end saying and then Ary yawn and get close Angie to hug her what made Ashley whimper and remain close Angie.

We had been taking care of bring love and protection to these lands, mostly love but dont worry my love dove, we will take care of all until you can join us~. The spider girl answer for all.

Ashley will mostly remain at Angie's side, rubing and caressing her body to calm her for a while, maybe to try to avoid to these girls to cause her more problems to her lover. Meanwhile Tezzy smiled and sit to recover her breat and mostly rest at so peaceful moment, Ary after the hug started to work on the web hammock and made it more stronger and confortable as she dont care than the human look at her. Mize still is on the room than Ashley turn into a mess and will she return once she calm and place all in order. Nyami meanwhile place deep inside her giant arm in the room and rest at her side, mostly making the human get slighty white after see the arm wall in front of her and the playfull fingers waving to her, maybe the snake girl wanted to Ashley to get used to her size and calm her looking her similar color skin
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I suppose not Ashley, I guess. But I wouldn't get you pregnant unless you were ready and prepared to take that step sweetie, so don't you worry yourself over that okay," Angie told Ashley reassuringly, placing her left hand over Ashley's. Angie smiled over at Nyami as she spoke further to her.

"Yes, Ashley I think you should speak with Nyami on that matter sweetie. I trust her, and I believe that she'll be able to really help you learn more about it. She's one of the strongest beings I know altogether, and I know she won't hurt you, so you needn't worry about that. Just tell her all you can think of and remember about the curse and the dreams and all, and I'm sure that she can either help us, or figure out some way to help us out," Angie told Ashley when Nyami reached her large arm in there with them, urging her to go and speak with Nyami about the curse and all she could remember. "And Nyami isn't creepy, just a bit spooky from her size, but once you get to know her a little then you'll know she wouldn't hurt you at all and that she's quite nice," Angie added as an afterthought to Ashley.

"I'll rest for a while longer though Ashley, that way you'll have time to talk with Nyami and the others for a while and get to know them better okay Ashley. I promise you... no I swear to you that they won't hurt you sweetie, you need to just give them a chance. And if Selkie says anything hurtful don't mind her, she's just different okay, and she was a bit grouchy to me too, so I think she just slept wrong or something," Angie told Ashley and the others after a few moments and after all of the hugs had been given to everyone, where she then leaned back on her hammock and closed her eyes after pulling her wings back around her like a blanket, though it still wouldn't be enough to really cover her whole body and would continue to reveal her belly for the most part as she rested. "Nyami, everyone, I need you to look after Ashley while I rest, and if it starts getting late can you all have Mize escort her home please, since she can blend in the best with the humans and all I mean," she added to the others before closing her eyes, where she quickly conked out to sleep some more.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley accepted the touch and place her own hand to rub at the angel hand, giving back a soft yet looking down as maybe she remember something at the moment. I guess, well i love you so we could... think about this for a while, as it could get in our attempt to see the world. Ary fortunately havent awakened in that moment or she would had add something of the heavy chance than every girl even Ashley in that room could be pregnant now from the same person.

Soon Nyami get flattered some by Angie and the snake woman couldnt stop some giggles and words about it. Uhm so im one of the strongers? Good, but all of us have a long way to get as powerful our mother is. i will try to take care of all what i can to teach you Ashley, it could sound strange but im sure than we are blood related, there are a lot of things similars inside us and hidden than you must know and learn to control.

Ashley dont answer back, just nod and said yes, really huging Angie to calm herself as she see that huge arm and that hand than easily could carry three of them. ---Fine... i will not get scared... if you believe than... all will be fine, right? Just why she said than there will be some disconfort?

All will be fine, we have a hot spring and it looks like what some humans call a spa, we could talk and laught with some jokes and stories so dont worry. Tezzy said now more recovered of her long fast walk.

I will take care of you Angie, as i said all this time we will do our best to get each of these babies healthy and filled with love. Ary add as she get closer again to give some massage to the Angel who gets ready to sleep. But the words on her small intromision made Ashley blush and look to Angie again.

Babies? oh the eggs, well they must be a lot. Really that looks to be too much for Angie, if there is a next time try to dont fill her like if she were a egg bag, it looks like she will blow up in any second... But i will protect you Angie, no more eggs will get placed inside you. The sudden talk about the eggs has made Ashley remember the duty to protect her lover.

We will take her to the town before the night fall, dont worry Angie and rest as much as you need before the dinner. Nyami end saying and so there was a long chat of mostly calm Ashley and move away Ary of the poor angel, yet it looks like the ice has broken so in time they could know better.

Angie could feel then after slowly fall sleep some kisses and more words from the girls but she was so tired to place attention. she could feel the babies draining her constantly and growing but without be a true danger to her, hormones were acting too making some changes in her body and mind mostly giving her some more bonds to what was inside her and giving her sweet dreams about her loved mates and these small creatures. Almost two hours passed maybe and she noticed her body moving of place as some more voices come and then a soft and better place she notice and lay soon.

She awakened in a dark room, her legs trapped in web as some shining eyes were almost hidden of her by a long body, there was a tube in her mouth and she could notice some warm fluid passing through her throat, some sweet muffed female moans come from what was over her and this possible woman was licking her delicate flower. She couldnt stop herself to move by the surprise and the woman stop her task of make her aroused. she then tried to make her remain sleep with some soft little sounds to make her calm and then said with a soft tone. Its dinner time, just rest Angie and drink it all. Ary said and then continue her job of milks Angie of her cum and sex juices, but at least the juice placed in the angel's mouth fill her with some energy than soon is placed inside the spiders eggs inside her. Shuold i get a beautiful angel like you Angie? I have all, the big egg, your seed and a body to store it... She will be so beautiful as you and with my help you will give birth faster of the expected, just rest as i take care of all.


Once Angie manage to sleep or stop Ary of do what she was trying to help her a whole night passed and part of the day, she awake to find herself in a web nest mostly and many girls talking.

Why do you place her there?

Is the best bed here and she need a really confortable nest to have the babies, her body will be so heavy than she will get in disconfort in a normal bed. Ary tried to defend her choice of the girl talking Yes lets place her in the hall, that poor girl will get scared if she see Angie in this creepy place.

Hey, is not creepy, all my babies love it and jump happily when they take a rest with me.

Well all together lets just carry her to the main hall so we can talk and eat together.

All? why i should help? Ary is fine with all this, we will need then to carry her here again and all for just a human. Selkie said certainly was Selkie. And the others girls should be Mize and Tezzy.

She is like us Selkie, maybe not a maiden but is related to us and Mommy used all her energy to save her so we must do this to make her trust us, we will be a huge family and Angie love her too so why is the problem? Tezzy said as she get inside and wave to Angie as the others get inside the room.

Fine, fine. I can accept the human but the angel shouldnt be all the time here, as she dont think twice and now maybe everyone even Heki could be pregnant in a critical moment, i cant be the only one killing and saving mortals with just spiders as support the whole night and day.

Crap! Heki is still so young to pass for all this.

She will be fine, now after help us, you must also carry what i take from that town, my hands are just so delicate to carry them. Mize ended and all talk more as Selkie complain and Mize chat with Tezzy about clothes and more things of the human lands, then slowly Ary moved and rest on the bed close Angie nuzzling and licking a now slighty bigger belly. You looks so cute this morning Angie.

Get out the bed and prepare to carry her.

hmm... fine but i still think than she must sleep here

Well, then i must leave and get that human here, it will take me some hours

Said this all sigh and see the succubi escape of carry the heavily pregnant angel a long time, they made their best to dont cause too much disconfort on Angie before leave her rest in the hall, where she could heard some sleep sounds in the place where Nyami was the last time.

So, i guess than i should feed you Angie~ The spider girl said with a dirty gaze.

Aww, i want to feed her too, lets do it together Ary.

Uhm fine, but i will be the leader and... Selkie where are you going? That girl will come in some hours.

The scorpion girl frown turning to the two sisters and answer mostly calmed. I have too much work to do, maybe the next time.

Aw its a shame, we had a great time together, maybe it dont started so good when Nyami undress her to see the curse but after a time she talked calmed again and we talked for hours. Tezzy said to the half sleep angel as she place her fingers on her mouth so she could suck of them.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh thank you Ashley, but I trust that Ary won't fill me with any more eggs, so you don't have to worry so much sweetie. And why don't you ask her what discomfort she meant sweetie, she won't hurt you I know," Angie replied to Ashley before glancing over at Nyami. "Thank you Nyami. Take good care of her okay," she added to Nyami.

With that, Angie's mind slowly shut down for a time as she fell asleep, giving one last big tired yawn for all to hear before her eyes shut. Despite the constant draining of the eggs within her womb, Angie found herself having pleasant dreams at least. Everything was hazy, but she could have sworn that she was being moved. Finally waking up, Angie found herself webbed down in a different room from the one she'd been in before. She then noticed the tube in her mouth that she found was a feeding tube which Ary must have fixed for her so she didn't have to move so much while she was pregnant.

She also felt someone licking her tender flower and looked down to see Ary down there. When Ary spoke and told her to just drink the fluids she was being fed, Angie did so and simply relaxed before giving her a nod when Ary asked if she should let herself get pregnant with an angel's child, her eyes shimmering a bit with exhaustion as well as happiness at Ary's question of whether she should take Angie's seed or not and have an angel child.

She wanted to talk, but she didn't wish to waste her energy, so she decided to just do as Ary said for now and drank the fluids until she conked back out, enjoying the pleasures that Ary was bringing her and liking the pampering she was receiving from her.


When she woke again, Angie found herself back in that same web in the darkened room, and she heard several voices talking around her. Groaning a bit after listening to them talk a bit, Angie found that it was Mize, Ary, Tezzy, and Selkie from the sounds of it. "I won't let anything happen to any of you Selkie... I swear it," was the first thing Angie said aloud to the girls, looking down at Selkie from where she was.

"I'll be fine Ary, move me out to the other room. And thank you for saying I look cute," Angie said softly to Ary and the others, wishing to be taken out to wherever they intended on taking her so long as it was out of the dark room so she could get some light of some sort on her.

After they took her out, with Mize slipping free from helping to carry her after all of the talk had died down, Angie thought she could hear Nyami snoring softly nearby, as they were back in that room from before. "Why don't you both feed me equally okay, I can't really do too much right now anyway, so I don't mind. And Selkie can help too if she wants... I would enjoy being able to socialize with her and to know her better," Angie told them all with a smile on her face as she made the first effort to get to know Selkie. "And I'm glad that you were all able to talk to Ashley without much trouble girls... thank you so much," she added to them all with a happy glow about her.

With that, Angie would lay there and accept their feeding her happily, relaxing and loving every second of the pampering they all gave her. "I love you girls, and thank you for helping out with Ashley girls, I truly appreciate it," Angie said softly as they fed her whatever they planned on feeding her, as she couldn't really do much else at the moment.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie fall sleep before the human could decide to get the courage to ask to Nyami about what will happen soon at their small check up. But the kiss than Angie receive that time and the rubs at her body were in part what she could expect happening as also maybe the undress need for see the noble girl body.

Of course take care of all, i can see what your plan is after take Heki.

Dont be mad Selkie you can take her too, Angie is part of our family now.

No thanks, like i said, there is a lot of work thanks to her. Selkie and Ary talked a while more after Angie said her first words and then later carry to the main hall. There the girls looks to be ready to feed her with theirs fluids mostly, there was not even a dish or spoon.

Oh you want me to feed you too? Sure... She said with her ussual cold tone as she get closer moving to them until Ary get over Angie and rubs her belly as turn to Selkie. Dont be mean Selkie, we can all get along, just look all ours babies on her, dont they looks cute~?


Selkie why dont you bring us some potable water? Angie shouldnt eat solids now as long her pregnancy last.

Sure, return soon. Selkie add as she get out walking. The two girls sigh and then rubs Angie, having their lovely fun with her as they kiss her neck from time to time or deep kissing her as she get feed more of Tezzy slime or a sudden tube placed from behind her and direct at her mouth.

Just enjoy it Aangie and say us if you need something? The spider girl add as her hands started to place some suction cups on Angie's breasts to a matutine milking.

Angie could ask and say something between the girls affections and so after some minutes Selkie return with a bucklet with clear water. So... what do you want to know about me? Im in a hurry so be direct. the scorpion girl add moving her long dangerous tail from side to side.

Please Selkie, Ary will go to help you this time, so stay to meet that huma... i mean Ashley. tezzy add and then the three girls look like have some problems now to decide what to do, Selkie wanted to leave to fight more but have Ary will help her a lot so she maybe stay some more, the two expected than that would happen and soon Selkie nod without make any move at her face.

We will make the next step of our plan, the part where we will kill any mindless beast to save that bunch of humans at the town and then we will have the most dangerous places in quarantine, in some hours the rivers should be purified, so the trees maybe will need to be the next thing to get cleared of this corruption. Selkie said still very very calmed and emotionless. It passed some time as Angie was feeded and hydrated to endure more, but as much she eat nothing come out or she feels than remain in her body for too much time, no doubt the eggs were eating each inch of nutrients than she dont take.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'm sorry if I made you angry Selkie. I just want to be friends with you, or lovers if you'd like to one day. And it wasn't my intention to impregnate Heki, if I ended up doing so that is. Ary having sex with me made me so horny though that I couldn't think straight," Angie told Selkie before she went out to get the pot of water that Tezzy sent her out for.

"I just don't want her to be angry at me for anything. I only want to be her friend if she'll let me. And... would she have really killed me the other day?" Angie said to Tezzy and Ary while Selkie was gone to get the water, sounding a bit exhausted still and worried that Selkie might try to hurt or kill her and or Ashley.

When Selkie returned to them with the pot of water in hand and handed it to Tezzy, Angie looked back up to the scorpion girl, who's tail was waving about dangerously behind her as she told Angie to ask her anything she liked but to be quick about it. "Well... I'd like to know what it is about me that you don't like for one? And I... I want to know what you like and don't like, things like that so I can be your friend and so you won't be angry with me anymore," Angie asked Selkie from where she lay.

After that, Angie listened as she drank her fill which didn't seem to fill her much at all really, as Selkie explained what they'd be doing. When she was done, Angie pulled the tube out of her mouth that was feeding her for a few moments. "As soon as I've given birth, I'll do all I can to help," she told Selkie before replacing the feeding tube that the girls had in her mouth and continuing to feed on whatever it was they were feeding her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie's words just made Selkie frown softly her tensed hand pressing hard as her calm deadly gaze look at the angel. That dont make it worst? You just said than Heki lend her virginity to a lesser being than couldnt control herself. The scorpion girl just leave then dont giving to Angie to talk back now.

Tezzy and Ary tried to confort her meanwhile, they looks to be slighty worried for that toxic words given to her but also they were so needed to play with Angie as they feed her.

Of course not, well Selkie is very direct and show her feelings so easy.

Single minded could be the word, but she is so cute at the inside, she is so fun.

Ary giggled as Tezzy frown and sigh as she try to feed some more the Angel with her slime fluids. Look Angie, she is in charge of protect us, so yes maybe taking Heki was not a good way to get close her and even less say her that. But if you show how much you care and love us she will be fine.

Or i could help you to be fine with her but you must follow my instructions withut a question. Ary interrupt having a lust grin in her face, maybe having a entertaining idea to solve this.

When Selkie come the time to be direct to her appear to Angie, she asked as she saw the tail moving and Selkie was not amused by what she said... as always she have the same face ready to kill or attack someone. The two sisters gasped by the Angel questions and then Selkie point her. I hate overconfident conceited and nosy people and i like to beat these or the ones than mess with my family.

That is great because Angie and Ashley are part of our family too~ You see all of us are pregnant now with her seed and Ashley is like our little cousin. Soon you will be in fully happiness when ours babies born and you enjoy your time protecting them~ Im so happy for you Selkie ♥ Ary said back still between Angie and Selkie, the murder will in the place grow but Selkie just turn and start to leave. If you want so baddly to make me accept her then she will need to do her job and stop looking down all. Angie could stop her or let her calm her stress killing corrupted monsters for some hours
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I am an angel, one of the children of the gods themselves. And if I were one of those stuck up angels I'd have said something like Heki should be honored I even touched her, let alone had sex with her. But I'm not like that, and I adore Heki because she's so cute and kind. I would die before I hurt her, and she was willing to help me out so I accepted her help. Besides she's a grown woman so she can make her own decisions I think," Angie said to the others once Selkie was gone. "I want to be her friend, but she's making it very difficult to do so by being so hostile," she added in a depressed tone to the other two.

"And no Ary, I don't want to force her into anything. If I'm going to have her like me and enjoy my company, then I'll need to do it myself without any help, else she won't respect me even if she does like me. Though if nothing else works at all, then I may have to take you up on that offer," Angie told Ary, though she did consider Ary's suggestion for a few moments before doing so.

"I see... so you want to beat me up then Selkie? Well I can't very well stop you at the moment, so now would be your best chance to do so. And who said that I look down on any of you? Because I don't, not in the least bit. And I offered to be the priestess at the temple above so that you wouldn't be bothered as much by the humans because I am partially the cause of the old priest getting killed. And I don't see how that makes me overconfident, conceited, or nosy. It makes me responsible, loving, and caring I believe. So what do you want to do to me Selkie? Do you want to relieve your stress by hitting me? If so then you can, but just don't hit my belly or breasts right now, so you don't hurt the little ones or their milk supply, because they aren't at fault here and your anger shouldn't be taken out on them," Angie told Selkie, stopping her from going out just yet as she waited for an answer to her questions. "I don't see why you're so angry about Heki giving me her virginity though, she's a grown woman who can think for herself and decided to help me out in my time of need, so therefore I will return that favor and help her in her time of need. Unless... you wanted to have her first time yourself. Is that what angers you Selkie? If so then I apologize and am very sorry for that," she added to Selkie with a sad look on her face.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

After Selkie leave Angie decide to talk a littl more with the two lovely sisters than were taking care of her. They look to each other not sure about Heki stuff. Oh yes she is... not a baby anymore.

Yes but she is the younger one, Selkie always has tried to protect her more than us after we could protect ourselves so...ahm

Anyway, you are doing a great job Angie and Selkie is not exactly mad now... She is still talking. Also, can i intercede? It could avoid misunderstandings

The girls continued their job of feed the angel but the talk was increasing in tone, Selkie said what she think about Angie and then the angel come out to defend herself what mostly made the event more dangerous for her and the babies. Selkie turns and and she was ready to jump at Angie yet she dont do it.

Best chance? Just for that i hate you, i can beat you in any moment and i will not stoop myself hitting a pregnant woman than cant even get up for herself. Also, if you think yourself so strong to beat me then you would had saved that old man from the creature who kill him. Selkie's tail moved wild making lines in the floor just with the air as it pass.

Just look all the problems than we had faced in these days and just now when you cant move you asked for our help. responsible, loving, and caring arent the words than show how you exactly acted you look down at us and let all the responsability under your shoulders even when you know than the goddess of these lands is our mother and so the responsability to defend these lands is ours too.

just then the most dangerous moment come, Selkie eyes shinning in red and her jaw grow by the sharp fangs increasing in sharpeness. Watch your words!! Heki have a kind soul and you take her virginity without have your mind clear, as you said! She is my sister and i will not forget you if you hurt any of them again!!
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I don't know Ary, she seems pretty damn mad to me, and it seems that no matter what I say or do she'll remain that way," Angie said despairingly to Ary before Selkie returned to them all, still looking depressed about Selkie seeming to hate her.

"Who said I hurt any of your sisters and who said I look down on you huh? And your mother as you called her asked me herself to help protect all of you as best I could. And I meant your best chance to have a go at me without me being able to defend myself at all. I never said I was better than you or that I was stronger than you, you're taking my words out of context. And while I am strong myself, I can still be tricked the same as you, and that is why the old priest was killed. You also seem to forget that while I wasn't fully coherent and all that Heki was the one that was on top, not I, meaning she could have stopped any moment she liked, as I was being held down by Ary's webs quite well. Ask Nyami if you don't believe me," Angie replied calmly to Selkie, raising back up now to look her directly in the eye. "And I'm not going to just let you try to bully and scare me Selkie, so stop being so overprotective or she'll never learn anything about the world. If you really care about Heki and the rest of your sisters then you'd start acting like an adult instead of being so childish like you are now. And if you knew anything about angels you'd know that it's also my job to protect these lands too and all the people in them, except my job is even harder than yours because I must protect all the lands and people of the world and not just these. If you hate me so much Selkie, then why don't you just kill me or something... huh. You can't because you keep putting on such a brave face, but I don't believe you're as mean and hateful as you act Selkie and I don't believe that you truly hate me, I think you're just scared that I might have hurt Heki. But I promise you that I didn't, and I don't want to. I'd do anything for her, for any of you. And you want to know why? Because I'm an angel and that's what we angels do, we help those in need and protect those who aren't evil or able to protect themselves to the best of our abilities, and I ask for your help because I trust you and because I don't know of anyone else who can help like you girls all can," Angie added, her voice carrying some weight behind it this time though still as calm as before as she forced herself to sit up as she spread her wings out, not caring that she was as weak as she was and doing it anyway as a show of strength. Her eyes shined a peaceful loving stare at Selkie though regardless of what Selkie said or did.

"But if you truly do hate me Selkie, and I'm wrong... then as soon as I give birth and have recovered from it, then I'll leave... I'll go back to the heavens of Celestia where I'm from and never return to bother you ever again, not even to see my children. Even if you need my help I won't return and make you feel uncomfortable for receiving it Selkie. I only want to be friends with you, or lovers, or whatever you'd like, but if you don't want any of that then I know when I'm not wanted and I'll leave if it's what you want," Angie then said more quietly to Selkie as she laid back and took the feeding tube into her mouth again, waiting for Selkie to likely get more pissed than she was, or more hopefully for Selkie to respond in a kinder and more calm manner.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Are you saying than what you do with Heki could havent hurt her? Heki would never stop by herself if she believe than what she does is helping someone, you could had been tied and without your mind intact, but even then you were the only one to stop her. That is how you protect us?

You were an intruder the first time and i was in all my rights to act and say what i needed in that moment, but now is more personal. You never tried hard to meet Heki the firsts days and yes you make her know the world if that is how you call that damn thing at your body. Everybody here have a responsability to defend these lands, each of us and even that old man was doing a great work until some days ago, is so strange than you come here almost at the same time.
Selkie looks to just get more agressive as Angie tried to act strong, but looks like she dont want to hurt a pregnant woman even if is Angie.

I dont care what is an angel and what they suppose than they do, if you have all that responsability then just go out and do it, but remember these are ours lands and you are just a guest.

Dont read between lines, you arent more special than any human in that town for me and yes i hate some of them too, but im not a vicious murder and i love my job. If i dont kick you out is because now you have an even bigger responsability with my sisters than all that shit of protect and love all the world because you are an angel, this responsability you take it dont born with it, so dont dare to even think at escape of it just for me!!
Selkie ended to say, at least she dont get more changes at her body and her tone return to be normal. Ary wanted to say something but she turn to Angie as if she could get in the talk, not a single of the two sisters looks to be against how Selkie act, as if this were normal or a good way to meet each other.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"My kind have fought and died for centuries for these lands and all the rest of the lands of this world Selkie, thousands... hundreds of thousands of them have died over the countless years... died fighting the same demons and evil that even now threaten to conquer it still. Some of them were my friends that I'd known since birth. I'm merely one of the few that decided to let myself be seen by the people that live here is all, for my kind do that from time to time, because some of us get curious as to what it is we're protecting with all our might. My parents met while they both explored this world and fell in love with each other, and that was one reason why I wished to explore it as well," Angie said back to Selkie, a bit of harshness in her tone. "And the reason why there aren't any others of my kind here right now aside from me is likely because they've all been killed or corrupted. And I didn't think Heki liked me just like you don't is why I didn't talk to her much before Selkie, because she stayed away from me like she did, but I now know that she was just shy thankfully and didn't detest the very ground I walk on," she went on to say before laying back and noticing that Ary was trying to get a word in herself.

"I'm sorry Ary, go ahead, you were trying to say something. I just can't help but get at least a little angry when my race is being spoken ill of like that, as if we don't do anything to help," Angie said in a kinder softer tone to Ary as she laid back, though she still looked disgruntled at Selkie's words, though she had good reason to be really she thought, as Selkie was being incredibly aggressive with her words and was making it seem like angels did nothing at all to help the mortal world, when they had done more than most any other being in existence from what she'd learned, yet they didn't ask the mortals for much of anything in return as it was their duty to protect them.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Selkie dont show any change in her face when Angie talked about her race, her mind was very focused on defend her point of view than she just would not change the topic toward all the angel stuff, she was close to talk maybe some more harsh words when Ary made Angie talk with her and so Selkie turned to her sister need and Angie words.

Hey! i dont said any shit of your race, just than i dont know them and really dont care even after all your chat.

Ary sigh and rubs Angie's back a little as she smile to her. Thanks Angie, it was a great start and i know than both can solve this later, but it has been too much for you, remember than you must just rest and dont disturb yourself too much or the babies could get affected. Ary then kiss Angie softly to make her get more calmed and then turn to Selkie.

All will be fine Selkie, please sweetheart calm down we know than you do this for us and we like it, just what could do Angie to make her stay pleasant for you?

The spider girl words needed some minutes to make Selkie calm the enough to get her normal self come back and her body look as always. I said it many times, meet them more and make them happy without hurt them, also theirs childrens. About me, dont dare to get in our way to protect these lands, its not fair than you just come here and try to put us aside to do all alone, dont dare to say than is to protect us, that is just look down on us.

Selkie was then ready to leave, be here could just mean to make Angie hurt more the eggs on her.

Uhm, i guess than this talk have a reason to be. Tezzy said looking to be sure than it has been too much for just know some info of her sister.

Well, it was a great step Angie, but really i could help you to be fine with her in just a day, she is a good girl but very focused to defend us all.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well you said you didn't care what an angel was or what we supposedly do without even knowing what we do to protect this world. That makes it sound like you think we do nothing at all Selkie, and that hurts, especially when many of my kind have given their lives since long before you were ever born. Angels have been protecting this world since it's birth. How would you like it if a force of my kind came here and told you that you weren't needed, or that you weren't allowed to protect these lands anymore and that they would do it and to piss off and go somewhere else? It would hurt wouldn't it Selkie?" Angie said in a much softer tone than before to keep from getting too upset and her blood pumping again, trying to get her points across to the monster girl in that way since it didn't seem to be working the other, and then she returned Ary's kiss when the spider girl leaned in to try and shush her.

"And I wouldn't tell you not to help me when I really could need it Selkie, that is just plain stupid and very irresponsible on my part. The only reason that I went with Ashley to that cave is because I was pretty sure with the energy shortage on you all would prevent you from being able to fight at your fullest. It's not looking down on you when you truly could get hurt, and it would hurt me dearly if you got hurt because I asked you to come with and help me out Selkie. Do you understand me a bit now at least? I know you want to protect your sisters Selkie, I have sisters too that I would do anything to protect, so I know how you feel about it really," Angie said after a few moments to Selkie. "I truly want to be your friend Selkie, I just wish you could see that," she added in a kind of dejected voice as her eyes shimmered slightly with tears beginning to build up, looking a bit saddened that Selkie didn't seem to like her or wanted to be her friend, or possibly more if she wished to pursue a relationship like she had with Ary, Tezzy, Mize, and Nyami, and now Heki too.

With that, Angie laid back completely again, but she would talk more if Selkie wished to do so, though she wouldn't get all worked up again right now, not when Ary could be partially correct that her doing so could effect the babies and all. She looked over at Ary and nodded. "If she doesn't warm up to me by the time I have the babies Ary, then I will take you up on that offer. I just feel that I should try to do this on my own at least a little bit, so that I can both earn her trust and her respect. You understand what I mean?" Angie told Ary in a low tone so Selkie couldn't hear her if the scorpion like monster girl stayed any longer. "But I welcome any and all advice you two could give me about her though, I mean she obviously hates me with every fiber of her being, so whatever you both know that I can do to make her warm up to me would be helpful," she added to Tezzy and Ary both once Selkie was gone, hoping the two could provide a bit of advice to her.