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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Selkie's once again emotionless face get a frown when Angie continue talking. Yes, i really dont care. But is more because many races do the same and i have a lot of things to worry about an unknown race, nobody can suddenly have feelings for a rare race than just come here to die or have vacations.

Why do you ask me all that? Its just useless, mostly you come to do that, take care of all but just add also have sex with my sisters, do you even think for a second how i could feel about that?
Selkie said when Angie asked at how she feels if someone like her take her work what mostly is what Selkie think about the angel.

The energy shortage was also affecting you. I was fine and ready to fight you or at your side if needed, Nyami was the only one exhausted. All that of leave us aside just make me think than you believe to be better suited for fighting at a side of a human than come to us and ask our help. Even now you are just wasting my time in this unneded attempt to make me your lover when im trying to save lives, if you cant understand my duty then just dont get in my way. Selkie just then leave, this small talk was taking too much time and from the start she wanted to just go out to kill monsters and save what she could.

After she leave the Angel ramain at the care of the two sisters as Nyami remain deep sleeping. The spider girl soon stareted to rub and milk some her lover to have more of her milk stored if it was needed later. But... its so painful see you talking with Selkie~

It make me wish to confort you Angie, your body must be so stressed now and i cant allow it, the best must be to make you feels good ♥ Said this her feeding tube place more of her liquids on Angie's mouth as she place some milkers on the celestial being.

She dont hate you soo much Angie, she manage to dont jump to hurt you or run away. Selkie always run away to hunt something before damage someone than is not needed to hurt.

Hmm, i will say you one advice now Angie, if you are good with us then Selkie would be happy, so just rest and let us enjoy this moment with you Dove. Saying this her right hand started to softly give some rubs at Angie's pregnant belly and then going even more down rub her dick, making Angie get wet soon and gasping for some release.

I guess than once Heki is fine you must stay with her too and pamper her like us, make her feel loved and so all of us will be fine. Said this Tezzy also join the massage on Angie, pinching softly her free nipple and then slowly drenching her in her slime. After a while the passage was starting to get invaded by some step sounds.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Very well then Selkie, I shall not bother you any further on the matter right now, though I didn't come here to have sex with your sisters or you for that matter. I was a virgin before I met any of you actually, and I can replenish my energies by absorbing any that is offered to me by the humans or any other mortals or immortals around, plus we did kind of get teleported to somewhere before we realized that we might not be able to get back easily without me teleporting us both back... but you probably don't care about that, so I won't even both saying more on the matter since you'll probably just say something harsh or hurtful again. Because I need to rest and be in good health for the babies," Angie replied to Selkie in her calm soft yet sad tone before the scorpion monster girl left them to go do her thing wherever she felt like going and whatnot.

"Oh Ary sweetie, it shouldn't be painful. It's a matter of pride though on my part. I'll admit it seems silly and all, but I'm an angel, I'm supposed to be able to bring peace to those around me, but Selkie just seems to want to push me away instead," Angie replied to Ary, smiling softly at the spider girl. "But if you both and the others don't mind helping me to get her to like me, then I'd be eternally grateful," Angie went on to say, gasping softly as her poor cock was grasped by Ary and her free breast groped by Tezzy, the young angel biting her bottom lip as she tried to endure the pleasures threatening to overwhelm her again.

She was barely able to make out the coming footsteps during the whole thing, but she did thankfully manage to get the girls attention by groping their butts. "H-Hey, someone's coming, stop for a bit okay and let's see who it is," she whispered to them both as she looked towards the tunnel where the footsteps came from.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Selkie was not interested in share more words with Angie and soon leave. The girls then focused on pampers the sweet pregnant angel as they feed and wash her... yet soon theirs intentions were others. Ary mostly looks to try her best to arousal the celestial and make her just focus on them instead of her attempts with Selkie, her hands were teasing Angie to join them. All will be fine Angie, soon or later she will get used to you, just dont try too hard and give her some space... hmm, maybe the babies will start to make some moves soon~

Tezzy as her sister were loving the moment caressing andgroping the almost hepless angel who ended soon drenched in that aphrodisiac fluid than Tezzy can make, her body was now close to get on fire by the delight effect when she call the attention of both girls who blushed in delight by theirs rears gropled suddenly by Angie.

Ary then stop Angie to take away her arm and invited her gently to continue touching her spider back side, Tezzy get closer and shiver with the touch mostly wishing than Angie and her hand stay like thhat for some seconds more in silence.

From the passage than take to the room where they are a woman dressed in just some skimpy rags walked to them with their sight lost and just falling to the floor after get some feet close them. Her brunette hair reach the middle of her back and her breasts had been mostly increased in size as they were of an unusual size close to burst out their small piece of cloth than dont hide them too well.

Tezzy get close and turn her to check her after her fall and she notice a piece of paper hidden between her breasts, once she open it she show it to Angie too as Ary take it so the slug girl could heal this girl.

A human from the town?

Its weird, this girl almost dont have a soul, but she is not so cold as the others i suppose.

The letter on her dont make too much sense, i will increase the guards at the tunnels...

" The world is now with eternal freedom "

"No more pain or death, just enjoy this new order"

... great, just when we were alone with Angie.

Ary read the small letter and then sigh as she turn and maybe start to call for some of her childrens to aid them.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie did indeed join in with the other two as much as she could, her hands reaching around and groping them in various places where she could. She just moaned softly for the most part until the person in the passageway caught her attention, and she then stopped the two so they could see who it was. When the human woman walked, or rather stumbled in where she then fell down unconscious, Angie gasped and raised up again at the sight of her. "What happened to her? Oh gods, I knew it was too easy. Just breaking those seals wasn't enough, I needed to stop the one who placed them to begin with too," Angie said, a pained and saddened look on her face as she sat there looking at the poor girl.

"We need to act quickly. Ary... i-is this going to be a live birth with the babies? Or is it going to be eggs? If it's eggs is there any way to speed it up? So I can get back into action to help Selkie," Angie said to the pair, looking and sounding increasingly worried about the situation now.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Dont blame yourself, Angie. You made your best and this couldnt be so bad... this girl was just so weak than our segurity dont notice her. Tezzy said as she remain at her kness still checking the human.

Do we need to do it? Aw... but it could be dangerous Angie, we could make them hatch faster but that could hurt you and them in the worst case. We could instead take care of this until you give birth in soome days... but if you want so badly to try it we could feed you with ours energy and the eggs would grow faster, but i dunno if your body can endure it

Ary looks to be worried for what Angie could choice and there was not any remain of darkness around or outside. Nyami remain still sleep and maybe Mize will need more time to return from the almost abandoned town.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'm not worried that she found us girls, I'm worried about what's happened to her. She needs help, and... now I'm scared for Ashley and her mother to be in town if things are changing so drastically on the surface. But... if hurrying the pregnancy along would hurt me and the babies then I can't in good conscience do so. But... I think we'll need some more help on this if whoever is causing this has pushed this... corruption of whatever kind it is this far. I can contact my people and ask for help, but I would need both of your help, or Nyami's at least in order to do so. What do you girls think? Should I call for my kin to help us? Because if I'm going to be out of commission for a few days, then I won't be able to help, and if I've gotten any of you pregnant like we believe I have then that'll be even fewer people to help Selkie and the others that can fight," Angie replied to the girls, one hand caressing her belly while the other held Ary's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

This girl could be one of the persons kidnaped before you destroyed the seals, i guess than that could be. Because Mize said than all was normal when she went to leave the hum... i mean Ashley at her home. The slug girl said as she lift the uncouncious girl and place her in a more confortable place, her slime disolving some of her rags by mistake.

I guess than is fine call for help, im not against meet some of your friends, but some of us could be against that, not like some talk with them will calm them, so i guess than we could ask for help to Nyami in some hours when she gets awake. Ary answer back looking to happily smile at the hold than Angie have at her hand and how she rubs theirs babies inside her.

We will help you as much than we can to call them, but im not sure how to do it, do your race just come out praying to them or something like that?

Maybe if we begs in lustful needs they come to have fun with us~ Playfully answer the spider girl

That is just silly Ary, i bet than we must use our magic for call them. Tezy answer with a soft chuckle but trying to sound against the idea.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, still the same, there's been several things going on since I got here. And this concerns me a lot because I don't want Ashley and her mother living in that town when something might happen to them that I can't protect them from because of the shape I'm in. And I can send a message to them through magics, almost every angel has a way of calling for help in a time of need. Though on occasion some have been unable to for some reasons, whether their messages were being blocked by another's magic, or something else altogether," Angie replied to them both, still looking very concerned about the goings on above. "But maybe you're right Tezzy, maybe that girl was just taken before I broke those seals. At least I hope she was anyway. And my kind aren't really as... lusty as you all are, so if I do call for some of them to help us please don't tease them much okay Ary," Angie went on to say, begging Ary to not tease any other angels that she might end up calling down to help them like she had teased her since they met.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ary gives a small giggle before gently kiss Angie's heavily pregnant belly. If you wish it then i will not be so friendly with them, anyway i have you carring my childrens, so im already so happy and sattled thanks to you, my Lovely Dove ♥

Hmm, should we bring Ashley and her mother here to protect them? Mize said than all was safe there yesterday, with just some few humans... the town would get to be normal with the time, but if you want summon some help, i guess than it will be fine, we will do our best to dont bother them, but maybe i should talk with Mize and Selkie. Tezzy add after place the now almost nude human to rest in a comfortable seat.

The girls would be alone for some moments more ago, Nyami was still sleep yet they could awake her soon and Mize would need maybe at least an hour to return.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh I don't mind if you're friendly towards them Ary, just don't tease them so much okay... unless... they enjoy it. We angels do have sex obviously, else I wouldn't be here. But I don't know if any of them would be horny nymphos like you all have made me," Angie said to Ary with a bit of a giggle, then she looked over to Tezzy. "And... I don't know. I mean if this is just me being paranoid then they should stay home and all, but... if this is really just the beginning of it all then yes definitely bring her and her mother both here to protect them. Because they're both obviously related to you all, and they obviously have some part to play in everything... at least I believe they do anyway. Nyami will know what to do though I'm sure, so when she wakes back up we need to speak with her about everything okay. I'm going to rest a bit longer myself, but when she wakes up then wake me so I can explain what's going on to her okay, and take care of that poor girl there too Tezzy, if you don't mind please," Angie went on to say before she snuggled back up against Ary and went to sleep, pulling her wings around herself like a blanket.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ary giggle too and increased the kind rubs on the Angel's pregnant belly, her face getting close to almost wishper to Angie. Horny Nympho? Truly we just show you your own nature Angie, you are a being born to protect and give love and life, maybe even more than many of the others angels, that and your personality make us fall in love~ Ary stop then and take some of the nectar at Angie's mouth, theirs warm lips enjoy the sweet moment as also calm the angel a little more before they ended it with a transparent small saliva strand between them and theirs aroused faces.

Very well Angie, i will take care of this human and we will be friendly with the others angels, but dont push them too much. Rest well as we continue feeding you and when Nyami awake we will start to gather all of us to decide what to you. Said this Angie could rest for a while, as she do it she could feel more energy filling her, yet instantly being taken by the eggs inside her, the grow of the eggs werent too much so her body could make space as these mature.


--- She is fine, so just touch her. Ary voice start and soon who sound as Ashley answer

But, her belly is bigger than yesterday, i cant stop to be worried about Angie's healt.

Look, she is starting to awake and Nyami still need a moment more, so maybe we should just be quiet. Tezzy interrupt

Hey girls! look my new dress, is so cute and short. The clothes in that town really had improved these last years. The succubi suddenly said making all turn to her and her joyful state

Uhm... i said you than that is a nightie and that other some kind of rare lingerie. Ashley said with a soft frown and slighty blushing

Yea, amazing clothes i must say, but there werent too much males at the town or the lake. I hope than all are fine, yet im pleased than many of the young ladies blushed by looking at me. If they gushed by looking me in these old robes then the males would fall completely in love if i wear this new cloth, poor of them as im now a future mother. Mize happiness and lust tone made the rest of the work to awake the angel of her slumber, the succubi was wearing a transparent nightie, she was so sexy on it than Angie couldnt stop herself of see her and be ready for a fuck, however she never noticed the color of the cloth for be so fully focused on the succubi curves.

The succubi have at least three bags with clothes and at the side of the angel Ashley was wearing a cute dress, it was weird to see her so femenine and with a gorgeous dress

Aww... is a shame than i cant wear any cloth, but at least i have a great body... Tezzy said jealouse of the two girls and theirs dresses, mostlyy wishing to wear a nightie too.

Uhm, you could wear some metal clothes, they should endure a day or hours before get dissolved. Ary add still at Angie side, she looks to had been with Ashley talking about the angel state.

Yawn.... girls please, i has been working for more than a whole day. At least now all the water is out of that dark energy...

Nyami! We should talk now, Angie asked for a reunion and well almost all of us are here so try to join us now, please. Tezzy said almost slighty loud, yet still with her friendly tone.

Very well, i will then work in that and in some minutes i will join... please look for a dress, in that way all will be fine when Ashley come. Nyami said, maybe still half sleep and the noble human just giggle softly as she tried to make Angie feel more confortable as also have some soft touch at her wings.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie accepted Ary's kiss and leaned into it to kiss her more, pulling away only when she needed to catch her breath. With that she laid back and felt her energies returning somewhat since she wasn't active or anything like that.


Sleeping soundly, Angie didn't wake for quite some time she guessed, likely several hours. It was hard to tell obviously just how long she had slept without asking, but as she woke she faintly heard Ary's, Ashley's, Tezzy's, and Mize's voices around her. Angie stayed silent for a minute or two in order to listen to the girls all talk to one another and see what they were talking about. Finally though after they'd all finished talking she opened her eyes and stretched some, and when she saw Ashley she was a bit amazed at the girl wearing a more formal dress like she was, and then her eyes fell on Mize and her penis instantly hardened up at the sight of her.

"Oh wow, Ashley... Mize... you're both gorgeous. And Ashley, you don't need to worry about me too much okay, I should be fine as soon as I give birth to them," Angie said, her eyes taking in all of both girl's bodies before she attempted to ease Ashley's worries. She gently took Ashley's hand and pulled her over to her, gesturing for her to sit down beside her, where she then took Ashley's hand she was holding and placed it on her belly. "Feel the new life within me Ashley. Isn't it wonderful? I know giving birth is a painful experience in most cases, but all the same giving birth to new life is almost always a good thing," Angie went on to say to Ashley with a soft smile on her face.

As Nyami yawned and spoke, Angie giggled along with Ashley at her not realizing that Ashley was already there and all. When Ashley reached to touch her wings, Angie smiled up at her and pulled the closer of her wings up and laid it across Ashley's lap so she could touch it all she wanted. "There you go love, you may touch it all you want. Just try and not tickle it too much okay," Angie told Ashley with a smile, laying her head over against Ashley as she lay there.

"Nyami... Ashley is already here," Angie called over to the still obviously sleepy Nyami.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley turn down to a side, holding her left arm as she blush with a smile. There is not much to be amazed, but im glad than you think that of me. The noble then get closer and focused at Angie, meanwhile Mize giggled and pointed her gaze at Angie's awakened hammer. We dressed specialy for you Angie, i can see how much you love these clothes. The succubi slowly come closer, her sex steps turning the angel in more needs each time. I bet than you like me, only wish to let Angie tear them apart from ours bodies and make us of hers again~ Mize suddenly said with a lust grin to Ashley before return her gaze to the angel go ahead Angie, we have many ways to restore them ♥

Ashley turn red and shaked her head nerviously. Eh? no, Angie would never do that, i mean her state... You know what i try to say, right Angie? Even if you say than all will be right, i can stop to worry for you, this must be your first birth.

The noble lady was close enough now to give the chance to Angie to take her hand what she let her do and then sit at her side with care to dont dirt her dress. Yours is the first pregnant belly than i had touched... it feels strange and i cant stop to think than they are bigger than before, but you are... right. Ashley's hand softly rub and press softly at the egg's buldge before continue. If nothing bad will happen then we could say than is a blessing, after all they will be beings coming from an angel.

The two were having a good moment together, Mize was close enough to softly rub the angel's dick, giving to it sometimes some cute kisses, but not going so far to make the angel cum, just maybe making her get close to beg for more. Ary also remain close, more likely taking care of check than Angie's resting seat was well made, as also milking her without cause her too much pleasure.

Both, Ashley and Angie giggled and turn to see each other, the angel was mostly focused on the human who looks to be the most who care for her, not like the others dont share the feeling, the touch on her wings made Angie place one of them closer. Its just than they are so soft and i remember the touch when you used to cover us... that time in the cave. Ashley made a soft pause, as she feel the wing's feathers, softly bitting her lip to reduce the worries on her. What will happen if that caused than i have a baby too? We planned to travel around the world and im worried by how the pregnancy would affect me.

As both talk, Nyami heard than the human was there what make her get quiet and then continue. Ah... hi Ashley. Mize please give me one dress from my room.

Aw why i must go? Im a little busy right now. She answer as she stop to enjoy the ahrd meat rod taste.

i would go, but you know what will happen wit the dress. The slug girl add and with a soft whimper the succubi went for the dress. With te time she would return and then give it to Nyami who needed almost ten minutes to be able to get with them. I hate that last part of that magic. So, about what we should talk? Her height has been reduced to get inside, it was not so far of 4mts from the head to the tail, mostly that was the smaller size than she could reach.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... I would Mize, but I'm too pregnant to move right now, and I want to be able to enjoy you both as much as I can, and that just isn't possible right now unfortunately. Because Ary just had to go and put so many eggs inside me," Angie said with a blush to Mize, looking at her and Ashley both with desire plainly in her eyes.

Looking over at Ashley she nodded and smiled. "Aye it is my first time pregnant and giving birth. I'm quite scared honestly, but I don't want you all to worry so I'm trying to stay relaxed as much as I can so you all don't," Angie said before she laid Ashley's hand on her belly to feel the life growing within it. Giggling she gave Ashley's hand a gentle squeeze when the noble girl spoke. "Yes they are angelic children, no matter what way you look at it," she added as she lay her head against Ashley and snuggled her cheek against the noble girl's skin wherever she could.

Angie's attention was torn away slightly as Mize started kissing her incredibly hard member, which caused her gaze to turn towards Mize as she teased her lightly. Ary continued milking her breasts too, and despite both girl's attempts to keep from distracting her too much, the lust and pleasure were both building up, enough to make Angie let out a soft moan of pleasure as she buried her head against Ashley's breasts if they were close enough, but simply against Ashley's belly if her bosoms weren't. Listening to Ashley's worries about possibly being pregnant herself after their time in the cave, Angie bit her lip too.

"W-Well... I don't know if you are or not honestly Ashley. But... if you are, then it should take some months to find out and for you to show. Because angelic babies take about as long as a human's or elf's, so about eight to nine months give or take. Though the pregnancy from an angelic child is almost always very easy on the mother, regardless of race. I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it sweetie, but I hope you aren't pregnant with my child just yet, because I'd like to explore the world some with you at least a little like we'd planned," Angie told Ashley, her hand that wasn't holding Ashley's reaching up to caress Ashley's cheek.

After that Nyami woke up finally and had Mize go and get her clothing too, while in the meantime Angie just lay there with Ashley sitting next to her, enjoying the feel of the human girl's body next to her own. When Mize finally came back with the dress, Angie noticed Nyami's body had shrunk enough to get in there now with them, and she was still quite big Angie thought. "I wanted to ask you Nyami, if you think I should send a message to my kin in the heavens... in Celestia. To come down and help to purify these lands with you all so that you aren't so tired out from it all. And because of that girl that wandered in on myself, Ary, and Tezzy. The message that she had with her was... disturbing to say the least," Angie told Nyami, loud enough so the others could all hear her as she nodded to Tezzy to bring the message the girl had with her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Aw... its also hard for me to dont be able to teach you as the last time. Mize said back as she focus her lovely touch on the angel's divine hammer. Ashley and her turn to Ary, maybe the young lady was amazed by her lover words and she hug herself for an instant, maybe thinking on how would be that moment when Angie get recovered.

Please girls, dont stare at me with such eyes.

I was unable to stop myself and Angie's lovely face show me than she also loved each time than i place another egg on her, it was a magic moment.
The spider girl said showing not feel any remorse, for her maybe Mize and Ashley were jealouse of not be able to do the same with their mate.

Ashley turn back to Angie and heard her before rub her wings softly and also take a moment to do the same with Angie's belly. You dont need to hide to me what you feel Angie, if you dont show your feelings then we will be unable to help you and solve the problem than ails you. Now than i know, i will give my best to help you and do this the most confortable for you. The others girls give some words too, all showing their conviction and feelings for Angie.

Fortunately for Angie, see Mize caressing the angel's dick made her get away a little as she continue talking with Angie, so the celestial manage to place her face on the noble girl, well endowed blossom. The talk soon focused on pregnancy and how much time will take, it in part made Ashley calm herself a little and nod before continue their talk. Hm, i guess than even if i get pregnant... we still have nine months and it will not be... so bad, im glad than it will not hurt, we will find a way to take care of it and continue ours lives, i guess.

Then Mize stop her show of love and pull softly up placing her hands on Angie's thighs. You know... we dont call ourselves the maidens of life and love just fun.

Mize, please we dont know if Ashley is the same as us. Tezzy interrupt but then a voice from out the room come out, as Nyami start to come out.

On the contrary. If what i had heard about Ashley's curse is right and also what i feels by that check up from the last time. Ashley could be more related to our own Mother than even us, but see it more as a blessing than a curse...

So... as us, the hu... i mean Ashley can give birth faster than a common human. Tezzy said before start saying what the note said and pointing to it to Nyami so the snake woman could take it.

If im not wrong, three... two months and each birth will reduce the time, Mother ended giving birth to Heki in less of an hour. Nyami said as she move

It was so fast, i supposed than it even take her less time.

Nyami and the others found than Ashley and Angie would be very affected by this notice and soon Nyami cough softly before continue.

As long than Ashley only get pregnant from Angie she will not have anything to fear, she will not get corrupted and with the time she will be able to control a lot of magic skills, as when she want to get pregnant or give birth. She stop the topic suddenly, as Ashley started to frown and blush as she softly whimper.

Why dont you said me that before? i could had been captured by someone or anything as i come here. Ashley said really affected by this possible truth

Oh please, you were under my protection all the time. Mize said after suck the angel's dick for a while, making a suction cute sound before give her words.

Oh gods. About summon more angels, yes you can do that, i was starting to think than we could handdle this easily, but i have now some worries after read this and by what Ashley said yesterday about the sky. Nyami said
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie just leaned against Ashley and tried to endure the pleasure she was feeling from the ones pleasing her body in various places, her penis giving a twitch or two in Mize's hand. Angie just enjoyed the feel of all of the girls touching her as she leaned against Ashley as her belly was caressed along with her wings by the human girl. "Thank you Ashley, I appreciate that and all your help. And of course we'd find a way to take care of the baby if we had one. I'm sure that she'd be beautiful too, just as beautiful as her mother," Angie told Ashley with a smile as the human girl caressed her belly.

When Mize began talking again about Ashley, Angie's ears perked up a bit and she looked over while listening to the succubus woman speaking about Ashley. "Wow, I didn't realize that you girls could give birth so quickly in comparison to a regular old human. That... actually is kind of good to know in a way," Angie said with a surprised look on her face.

Hearing that as long as she was the one that got Ashley pregnant, then Ashley wouldn't or shouldn't have much of a problem with anything, Angie smiled softly, but... she also was worried about Ashley. This meant that if she didn't get Ashley pregnant, and soon most likely, then when they left she ran the risk of getting impregnated by something else, and Angie would have none of that by no means. Her thoughts were shaken away from this as Mize sucked hard on her member and purposely made a wet slurping sound that filled the chamber along with a moan from Angie.

When she recovered from that, Angie looked over at Nyami when the large snake woman told her that she should probably call on her kin to help, and Angie nodded to her before looking down to Mize and petting her head and caressing her cheek. "Mize, I'll need your help actually for this, and Nyami I could use your help definitely to ensure that it works, for in the state I'm in I don't think I can channel a lot of energy through my body without help right now," Angie said, looking at Mize and then Nyami.

"Alright Mize, help me raise up okay, Ary if you don't mind weave some webs to prop me up too if you don't mind, it'll help my back. And Nyami, just help me focus and channel my energies into a magical Sending spell if you know how to do that of course. I can send a telepathic message straight to my mother and have her send some help down for us. I'd guess maybe a dozen should be more than enough," Angie told them, looking to the ones she named for their help in the ways she specified.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Cute as her mothers, i bet than she will share your beauty and soft wings too. Angie's words made the human softly smile, as she continue giving to the angel some pleasant feelings with her loving touch at her wing and pregnant belly.

The kind moment soon get a shoking state when the sudden revelation about the maidens come. Mize giggle as her perfect sex skills made the angel shiver in delight with her soft rubs at her divine rod. Is just one of ours many qualities my love, but just a few of us had given birth before have your seed.

Ashley remain worried by heard than her body was in danger of get corrupted by any beast if she get trapped outside, her hands tried to get some protection holding her lover until this suddenly asked for help to her many mates.

I may have an idea of what are you trying to do Angie, but it could be hard with all the eggs taking some of your power. You could need my energy too as you are close to be as weak as a human child. Nyami said as she get close and prepare to help the angel in what she could, meanwhile Mize nuzzle her head at the angel's hand touch, giving a last playful touch to the divine member as she stand up. Sigh, i will try my best my love, this would had been more easy if only all of us were here now.

Yeah, Selkie would had been of great help... The two girls softly complain, not like were hard to lift Angie and settle in place to make her send the message, but have someone with muscles could be helpful if this take too much time.

Is fine, we can help too, right Tezzy. Ashley said after recover softly of the great hit from before, turning to see the slug girl who lift her hands and shake softly her head. Ehm i must remain away, really. You know my melting skills dont work together with Ary's web unless i get heavily aroused and in that case it will make Angie unable to focus.

Yes, just stay with that human as we do this. The spider girl said to Tezzy, but Ashley could be also pointed to do the same. However Ashley dont carring to get some webs at her dress helped to Angie to get up and mantain in place.

I will do my best to lend energy to you without be taken by the babies, so said us when are you ready Angie. Nyami said as the others end to place the heavily pregnant angel in position.

With all ready, Angie started to try to call for help, using Nyami's power as her own and fortunately the eggs inside her dont caused any problem as she do it...

The message was sended, toward a warm inmense energy source, but it dont focused in a single being of the power than her mother should have. She could try to send more power at her message to reach her mother, but mostly she dont know what could happen.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, she probably would be an angel, or at least a half celestial or something like that. Basically a human with angelic qualities and a much longer lifespan than a normal human," Angie told Ashley as she lay there, smiling at the thought of them having a child together.


"Well that's what I was planning on doing Nyami, using some of your power to help amplify my own so it could power such a spell. I'll likely get knocked out as soon as the Sending spell is through though, so be ready to catch me if I start to fall over and out of the webs here. With any luck though it should work and within a day's time they'll come to help. However they'll need some help once they land, so if one of you could be waiting for them to bring them down here so we can brief them on the situation and so they can rest a little, because it takes a lot out of us to journey down. At least it did me, and I'm not an overly powerful angel to be honest, as I'm still quite young and inexperienced in many things," Angie told Nyami as she prepared her spell and began doing it once Nyami was sharing her energies with her.

When she had focused what little energies she had on the Sending spell to her mother, Angie nodded to Nyami and began channeling the large snake woman's energies through herself to fuel the spell in question. Once she charged up enough, Angie attempted to perform her Sending spell to her mother specifically. It was sent to her homeland she was fairly sure, but for some reason it didn't go to her mother like she'd wanted it to, so Angie attempted to amplify her energy further so it would reach her mother, using all the little tricks she'd learned in training to do so, but barring that if she couldn't reach her mother, she'd send it to her papa instead, or her next oldest sister since it might be easier to reach them instead of her mother.

"Mother... papa... whoever gets this message. This is Angie... Angelique Ashford. Please, I need help. This corruption or darkness is too strong for just me and the local's that are trying to prevent it from spreading any further, and I'm in no condition at the moment to combat it for some time and need to recover. Please, send any angels you can to help, preferably a dozen or so. I'm... I'm too young and weak to do this alone I'm ashamed to say, and the ladies helping me aren't able to do as much as they originally thought. We are in the catacombs of a temple nearby where I came down at, so just come down at the temple and I will make sure the ladies I'm with currently will be there to greet you all. Their names will be Tezzy, Mize, and or Ary. I don't know which of them I can send out, but it will likely be those three. They aren't normal humans though, but please don't attack them for they are friendly," Angie said in her message to either one of her parents, or her next oldest sister who could then tell them for her and after that she'd receive a reply from them hopefully and could have the girl prepare to escort them down. Hopefully her message made it all the way to her celestial home.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie tried soon to find a way to send her message to someone of her relatives, using what she have of skills and power left... then her body just couldnt handle the effort and soon her mind started to shut down, the constant need to get energy has made her reach her limit without the need of be drained by her babies.

A warm touch from far away reached to caress her head as she was fainting. Please stay safe... Angie... we will come to save them all... A female voice in middle of her fadding state was noticed, complete bliss filled her and make her rest in peace for the next minutes or hours.

When she slowly awakened, Angie found herself once again resting at the hall, her web hammock giving her all the comfort than it could, a tube was feeding her and she was sure than it was the same than Ary has been using lately for that task. She supposed than she was alone until she notice a soft hand still resting at her wing and in part where she was resting her head. For what it looks Ashley decided to stay at her side, the human was already half sleep, her face show a small transparent trial from her eyes to the end of her perfect face, no doubt than she has been worried for her lover
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she expended the last bits of her energies to send forth her message, Angie felt a response to her pleas for aid, which she was certain came from her mother, though she could have been wrong since she was so exhausted and all. As her body gave out for the time being, she smiled happily that her message had gotten through as she tried to mumble out to the others that it had gone through and what the reply had been, though she wasn't sure if she'd actually said exactly what was told to her. With that, Angie's vision faded and her body fell to sleep.


"Mmm... how long have I been out?" Angie mumbled to herself as she woke back up some time later.

She wasn't sure just how long it'd been since she fainted, but she could only guess that it'd been a few hours round about because when she opened her eyes she noticed Ashley beside her asleep. Smiling softly, Angie reached down and caressed Ashley's cheek before brushing her hair back out of her face if it was there, where she relaxed back and rested some more, figuring that rest was the best thing she could do right now as she focused her body to absorb the magical energies of the land once again since they were flowing properly again and all. She'd wait for one of the others to come around where she'd tell them to take turns keeping a watch out around the temple above for her kin that would be coming soon.