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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Its not yet a problem, young one. Mostly anyone can foresight how we are slowly lossing our number as we defend this world, it take a long time to prepare one of us to come here and is very easy than they lost the path. But i had heard from your friends, than you are helping them to increase the number of the guardians of this world, if this is helpful or not would only be shown with the time. Sammantha then take a moment to heard Angelique requests and words

Oh, the human... i dont have any problem if you take her with you, but she must accept and her family too, maybe she have an important rol at these lands, you should love her too much or circumstances request it. She then let Angie explain better, she take it lighty but trusting at the young angel make her nod. Very well, if you decide to go back you can take her with you, maybe some of the elders will be against this, but if you talk with them they could accept it.

Now, you asked for another way to get stronger and i have it. This method require than you get fully recovered first, then i will use a ceremony to use my powers to awake your latent power, it will take some hours, but after that the real training will start, no more than some few trials to make you learn to use yours powers, that is all. Also, if you accept we could return half of ours forces to our home if we dont detect too much corruption on this world.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... well... I guess that's the reason my parents always said that I was special to not only them, but to all of our kind, because I can bear children as well as sire them," Angie said before Samantha spoke again on the matter of taking Ashley with her if she returned home to train some more, and to teach what little she knew herself.

"Okay lady Samantha, thank you. I can only ask that I suppose, and I also suppose that I'll need to ask Ashley, as well as her mother of course. I... I hope that everyone won't look down on me for... you know, enjoying sex so much. I mean, there's nothing against sex back home, but you know," she said about taking Ashley with her, blushing a big as she sat there thinking about how much she'd been enjoying sex lately since she was first introduced to it with Mize a few days before.

"I'll definitely think about your other method lady Samantha, but though I dislike it, it would probably be for the best for me to return home whether I use your method of growing stronger or not, at least until I get used to the new power that would come with that method. But I'll make my final decision on that matter once I've recovered, and in the meantime I'll talk to Ashley about it as well as her mother, since I wouldn't want to leave her mother here alone all by herself with nobody to keep an eye on her with all these strange happenings about. And I don't know if her father is even still alive to be honest, as I haven't met him since I arrived and Ashley hasn't really talked much about him," Angie said as she thought about whether or not to stay here and have Samantha help her or go back to her homeland to train. "Is there anything else you'd like to talk to me about lady Samantha?" she then asked Samantha.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

That gift is specialy rare among our people, try to use it with love and as best than you can. Sammantha said showing than she dont have anything against the high libido of the young angel.

Angelique continue sharing her opinions with her superior and soon as she ended talking about how the others angels would see her, the red winged armored one softly shake her head to show her opinion on it before talk. Who can really look down on you Angelique? You tried your best, maybe it was not the best way, but you are trying to be better and do what you can to make this a better world.

However, when loving such carnal acts is not directly a sin, do it and dont take a responsability is one, it would say too much against you if you procreate and dont protect yours mates and childrens. That is why you can take Miss Ashley with you if she and her mother allow it, but what will happen with yours others mates? That is also why im giving you more of an option to choice. The blonde angel then softly rub Angie's cheek and then get back a little.

Yes, there are more topics, but we can talk about them once you finally decide, please rest and feed as best as you can for your health and of the ones inside you. Said this Sammantha was ready to leave once their little talk ended. Then Angie would be a time alone to do what she wish, but after a while Ashley will return, at least clean from what happened before and holding a vessel with water, for what it feels there is some soap at the water, that is all what Angie could notice in the once again deep darkness chamber where she rested. So, all fine? There must be something to eat and if you can walk we could look for the others and some clothes to wear, im worried than you get sick for being undressed all this time. The young one said, worried for her lover and also tired of be naked, after her bath she could get sick if she dont cuddle with the angel or get dressed.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh I shall definitely use it for love and the best I can lady Samantha. My papa always told me that I would eventually have as high a sex drive as she does, but I never really understood what that meant until now honestly," Angie replied, smiling bashfully.

"Oh but of course. That's one reason I want to try and stay. But I also understand that without being properly trained or strong enough to protect them would only put them in more danger or could possibly get them hurt too. I... I'm scared that if I stay, I'll only end up being a burden with my lack of experience and training. Could I ask what you think I should do lady Samantha? I would like to know," Angie then said when Samantha caressed her cheek, curious as to which choice Samantha here thought she should take.

After Samantha had answered her and left, Angie thought on things for a few short minutes before Ashley returned with some more water, though this apparently was meant to clean her up she saw, as it had soap in it too. "Hmm... I dunno honestly Ashley. I mean I feel physically fine, and mentally too. I... I need to think on some things and make a big decision," Angie replied when Ashley spoke, the young angel looking deep in thought for a few more moments before she shook her head clear of thoughts for now and she looked over at Ashley with a smile. "I... I'd like to ask you something Ashley. If I returned to my homeland, would you like to come with me? And your mother too of course if she wished to join us. I may need to return soon to continue my own training and learn some more advanced techniques before we can go on that adventure I promised you. But going to Celestia could be an adventure all in itself, and you and your mother could meet my family too and see where we angels live. And I only ask this because... lady Samantha and I spoke at great length about my future, and this training I may need to go and do could take as long as a year to finish, and the only other means of strengthening myself is for lady Samantha to infuse her own powers into mine to awaken my true strength, and I have no idea if it's dangerous or not. Though I may need to return home anyway for another reason, which I can't really discuss right now," Angie went on to say after turning her attention to Ashley completely, though she didn't speak in a pleading manner or anything to try and convince Ashley to agree to come with her or anything, as she wanted her lover to make her own choice on this matter.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The red wing woman give a soft smile, before clean a few small sweat drops over Celine's forehead. I think than you should find it out the answer for yourself. Sammantha said in her motherlike tone, showing than she was not joking. Sometimes we find hard choices in our life, is then when we reveal our true self and what guide our life.Is that love, fear, duty, sins, what will you risk or what could happen? Whatever you choice, it will be used by others to look at you and you will be unable to change it, so decide not by how easy it will be for you or what could happen if you fail. The only help than i can give you to choice is in believe at yourself and in what you protect with all your heart, dont let the time take this precious chance to do the right.

Said this the blonde angel let Angie rest and think for herself, clearly her words have clues for the young one, but instead decide for her these were just to help her find her own path.

Uhm...good... you know, this dark place is not a good one to think clearly. Also, a good choice can be taken better after a good bath and warm at a dress or some food can help too. Aisha said before notice than her lover was thinking what was hard to notice with her still adapting to the dark room.

Suddenly Angie ask something to her and even when it was hard to see each other, Angie know exactly how the human reacted and her amazed face. You mean... Hea...ven!? Of course! i want to go with you and you said a year... wow... The amazement suddenly stop as the human get all what Angie said

Wait, you said than my mother will come too? is really needed to take her with us? We should let her here, she will be fine at the town now and we will have a more free adventure. She said and then think for a moment, maybe in all what could happen with her and what her mother could share with Angie's family.

We should take our time to decide this, but i will really love to go with you and meet your home. Can you walk now? let me clean you a little with this soap water than Heki give me for you. Said this Ashley wait for Angie to answer and if she wanted it, she will help her to clean her body of the naughty juices earned the last days.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie looked up at Samantha and nodded, figuring that it really was up to her what she should do, but she agreed with what her superior told her she thought she should do, which was follow her heart. She knew that she had to take responsibility for what all she'd done with Mize and the others, and that meant helping them once they gave birth and whatnot, but she also knew that without the strength to properly protect them that she might only end up causing more harm than good for them. Regardless though, simple inaction would be worse than making the wrong decision, but for now she needed to rest, and she could make her decision once she'd rested.


"Well, yeah I guess to you all it would be considered heaven in a way. But as I said it wouldn't be a sure thing that I would go just yet. I just said there was the possibility that I may need to return there soon is all. And with things so unsure here as they are right now, I'd like for your mother to come with us if possible, so that she'd be safe, and your father too, but... you said he's not around right now and you didn't know when he'd be back, so that would be tough to find him to bring him as well. But yes if I do go it would be for the better part of a year," Angie told Ashley, smiling as she laid back to get ready for Ashley to help her get washed up, pulling her wings back and out of the way for her to do so.

"If we did go though, another reason I'd like your mom to come too is so she could meet my parents. I mean... since we're lovers and stuff, I figure it's only proper that our parents meet, or those that can at least. Should we go however, I'd ask lady Samantha for at least one angel to take my place here to help protect these lands," Angie said when Ashley began washing her off with the soapy water, with Angie sighing softly at the pleasant feeling of the soapy water on her skin as she rested back.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hmp... mostly my mother is who still believe than he will come back, because it has been a long time from the last time than i saw him, so lets just hope the best for him and say than he have a new life with someone else. Ashley answer with a shrug and raising softly her hands, looking to dont care too much with others topics more important at hand. I get than have the chance than my mother come to meet yours parents looks to be a good idea for you, but really somehow a whole year with them together is too much for a meeting..."sigh"... it gives me a bad feeling...

The young lady started to wash her softly, with her moves focused on Angie's limbs and leaving to the angel her privates, in some way the webs were a trouble as they do this bath, but at least the celestial could move now without the huge quantity of eggs from before. Soon, Angie could feel the change as she was refreshed with hr clear skin, giving to Ashley some minutes to focus at her back now and start of her wings, it caused some trickles even when the young human tried her best to avoid it.

So, how you feel now? I guess than now you are hungry, but with all the mess in this cave, my room looks to be highty neat for my like in comparison... all these named maidens... i guess than if i will stay here some days more i should help that poor girl named Heki. Ashley then prepare to leave the vessel in a safe place and Angie suppose than she will stay with her wherever she gets up or stay at the bed. You know... now than there are more angels, i guess than we at this world will have a peaceful time. Its that why im not worried about mom or dad, the whole town must be recovering now. So, we could just do as we want without worries. If you feels right we could go to the town or stay here for some days... im not so skilled to do some cooking with what is here. Said this Ashley cuddle and helps Angie to warm herself as there was not a towel and if they get one the webs will get certainly struck on it.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh Ashley, why does it give you a bad feeling? You afraid they'll tell us we need to get married or something?" Angie asked with a giggle as Ashley continued helping her get cleaned up, with Angie giggling ticklishly as her wings were washed and when her belly and sides were washed as well.

"I feel much better Ashley, thank you very much for helping me. I think I can walk a bit now, and I want to see the sun again, if it's daytime right now that is. I've been underground for far too long a time without seeing the sun. Could you help me to get back up there please sweetie? I'd really appreciate it," Angie said while Ashley cuddled against her to warm her back up some after the washing. "And yes I am a bit hungry too. So we could get a bite to eat after we go back to the surface for a few minutes," she added with a smile, one hand sliding around and squeezing her butt, and the other had slipped around her and gently caressed the small of Ashley's back, while in her nakedness her flaccid yet still quite large penis was laying against Ashley's belly.

After a few minutes, Angie decided to try and get up, asking Ashley to help her do so as she raised up, using some of her now replenished magics to push the webbing away so it didn't stick to her again. Once she was standing again, likely on shaky legs, Angie would hold onto Ashley for support and headed for the surface again. "Ashley... what's wrong with Heki? Is she... you know... pregnant, thanks to me?" Angie asked Ashley while they walked, worried about Heki now.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Uhm no! i mean, i dont have problems to that... with you and mostly we will have a baby, in some years... Its more than you dont know her so well, who know what she will say and do. The young lady answer blushing at the idea of get married with Angie, her attempts to dont cause tickles at her were affected and the angel have an attack of them for minutes until Ashley get focused on her work again.

After the bath ended, the human cuddle with he rto give her some warm, quicky giving a cute squeak when her butt was pressed in the darkness, her temperature increased feeling Angie so close and her lovely large manly apendage pressing between both. Its... already midday.

Its that why you have so much hungry and... can i ask how is, the marriage ceremony at heaven? We will be dressed, right? The human ask as they rest together, a sweet moment maybe erotic but mostly peaceful and full of love even when they mostly stay looking at theirs eyes without say a word.

With the time Angie notice than she was really hungry and maybe was not easy but she suppose than they could cuddle later after eat something. The human help her to get up and also to support her as they walk, the angel have at least enough magic to move the webs away and maybe more, but she just now asked some to Ashley who soon tried to answer. Ah! But... really? she is so young, when you?... you know, do that to her? I mean all said than she dont wanted to work so much as before and she said than she was a little tired yesterday... so she is pregnant, by you...uhm fine. The human said, maybe impressed and with many ponders to do about this, for how it looks Heki was so pure and timid for jump at Angelique.

Ahm... we should go out like this? Its so weird, my soles should hurt so much walking at the caves without shoes, but they not even get dirty... it must be some magic of this place Out of said this, Ashley looks to be red by something else as they walk at the tunnels to find the exit.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh Ashley, don't worry so much about bringing your mother along with us, if we even go that is, I still haven't decided on what to do just yet," Angie replied to Ashley with a kind smile, reaching out and giving her hand a gentle squeeze as she lay there getting washed.

Laying there with Ashley, Angie smiled, her own body warming up some thanks to Ashley's warming up from their closeness. When Ashley asked how the marriages went in her homeland, Angie giggled softly and nuzzled against her cheek. "Hmhm, well our marriage rituals in Celestia are... different than yours here in the mortal world. We usually must meet in a temple of our patron, but we can do it outside so long as the place is on sanctified ground. After choosing whichever place we wish to use, we both must dress accordingly for it of course, though in the case of the two of us we would both be wearing a bridal dress. And once we say our vows of love for one another we must kiss in front of everyone, and it must be a deep kiss of love, one that could make any girl go weak in the knees. After the vows have been exchanged and our marriage finalized, we would have to consummate it under the moon and stars before at least two witnesses, but the more witnesses we have the better. My parents had a total of thirty witnesses at their wedding, or so they told me anyway," Angie said, giving Ashley the basic knowledge about weddings in Celestia, one of her wings laying over Ashley and herself some as they lay there together. "Oh and another thing about our marriages Ashley, it's not common per se, but it's not looked down on for us to marry more than once... so... harems aren't thought badly of. We angels are full of love after all, so it's not unheard of for us to have more than one lover. My papa has my mother of course, but I've often caught her making love to my mother and a couple of other gorgeous angel ladies too," she added as she leaned in and kissed Ashley.

Hearing more about Heki, Angie blushed a bit and sighed softly. "Well I was hoping that I hadn't gotten her pregnant, but oh well I guess, there's not much I can really do now about it. Well, there's one thing I can do, and that's to take responsibility for doing it," Angie said about Heki, hoping the poor thing was okay and thinking that maybe she should go and see her after going up to the surface for a little while with Ashley.

Getting up with Ashley's help, Angie began walking with her and listening to what her lover had to say, curious about why Ashley's cheeks were turning red again. "What's the matter sweetie? Something wrong?" Angie asked Ashley, slipping her hand into Ashley's and giving it a gentle squeeze as they walked along to the surface. "And yes, I think we'll be fine going out like this, if it's a nice sunny day at least we'll be alright," she added to Ashley with a smile, reaching over and giving her butt a little pinch as she winked at her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie's words help im part to her mate to calm herself and dont think of her mother for a while, yet as they rested close other what she got for description from how was the weedings at Celestia was maybe not what she was expecting for.

Ok, i understand... customs among humans are also different in different parts of the world for what i had read. I dont get what you mean by patron, but it sound romantic and i love to heard than we will have weeding dresses, my mother will love it... maybe i should start right now thinking about my vows and the kiss in front of all i guess than i can endure it...But, really? what do you mean to consumate it with witnesses? Do you mean the kiss right? Ashley ask worried for the possibility than it could be more than that.

The angel continue and her next words really were just beyond any human could expect of a divine entity. She frown and then she sigh Thanks Angie, i will never think about Heaven or angels as before continue later with a small mocking tone. We arent married yet and you are already thinking to cheat? You know, its not fair than i must focus only on you thanks to this curse when you have all that freedom, but... i love you and i know than you are a good person who is just a nympho, so as long you continue loving me and you show me your love all the time. Of course please try to dont marry someone else, if you can do all this then sure go ahead and enjoy any girl. Ashley said with a smile at the end before kiss Angie again, the angel was sure than Ashley has passed too much time thinking on how Angie has passed a lot of her time mating with what she could call her half sisters, she even know as all than some of them already have babies on the way, but even then she has accepted to love the angel who risk herself more of a chance to save her.

As they walk to get out, Angie was sure than for now the human couldnt admit than someone else get married with her, but that could change later, after all the old Ashley would die before allow many things than had happened to her these days. Yes, its weird than we are trying to reach a temple without clothes... it was not there were some weird things happened with some monks? Ashley said before heard than Angie was fine with both going nude all the way out, the pinch on her butt was so sudden than Ashley only feel how her thighs get wet what cause the human to gasp and turn to other side. But what will happen if a soldier or believer is there praying?

With time to continue talking soon both reach the end of the passage, there were the leaders and Ashley found something before use the leadders to get up. It looks to be clean, so it must be fine if i wear something like this, it must turn you on, isnt? She said with a soft chucle as she try to wear an apron than looks to be really familiar for Angelique.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"My patron would be my deity or god, who is likely the same deity you worship here in your town. And consummation of a marriage which needs to be witnessed by at least two is... a show of love between the two getting married, that they can stand being watched make love with one another. It must be us making love where the gods and goddesses can witness it under the moon and stars. I mean we would be on a bed, with curtains around it of course, but it shows we love each other more and care not for what others think of our love," Angie said to Ashley with a smile, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek.

"Oh Ashley, it's not cheating to us angels, because we are so open with our love and everything. But it's not looked down upon for us to marry more than one person Ashley, but I have a lot of love to share, so I can't promise anything on that regard okay. I do love you though Ashley, I would never lie about that," Angie told Ashley while they walked through the tunnels.

"Hmhm, if there's someone there sweetie, then they'll probably just think that we're both angels come to bless them," Angie replied when Ashley asked what they'd do if someone was in the temple praying or something, smiling at Ashley's reaction to her pinching the girl's butt.

When they got to the end of the tunnel where the ladder leading up was, Angie smiled and looked over at Ashley who was putting on what looked like the same apron that she'd worn some time before to cover herself when coming down that first time... at least she thought it was anyway. "Here hon, let me help you get that on real quick and then we can go up. And yeah it does look rather sexy on you Ashley, but I can keep my lust in check," Angie said to Ashley, helping her get the apron on.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The angel's words made Ashley blink and ponder before softly frown smiling after kiss each other. So... Mize's mom is your patron? As you know we are close a port and many persons come from others towns with others traditions, but the temple over us praise the Goddess of this lake and forest. With a Chuckle she closed her arms with a calm sigh. That mean than we are technically married, as that angel made all of your kind see us where our Goddess habit...over this bed... having love fully naked. You cant deny it, we are married and its enough to dont do anything else to show our love~

So is not cheating? uhm...? Ashley placed Angie's hand over her chest between her two beautiful breasts. Of course than you are full of love Angie, but not more than myself. Its not like im not open mind like you, instead put someone's ideas below other we must mix ours cultures. You have too much love to only share it with me? Fine, i can accept to share you with all the world as i only focus on you... So, i guess than even if you make an harem there will be something bigger than we only share, like your father and mom's relationship. She look at her eyes for an answer as they walk to get to the exit.

Angie's dirty attentions were making the walk even more difficult for Ashley, she wanted to really believe at the angel words and she tried to dont cause too much noise with her body being so actively teased. It would be difficult than they think that after what happened some days ago... but who know, maybe we can avoid any dangerous reaction. Her eyes look down as she gasp, maybe worried for what they will find, her throughts could be mixed with the possibility to meet someone than know her, her nipples were already hard and her thighs wet after the tease and talk from before, a pregnant futa angel at her side will make certainly questions.

Their path meet them with the apron from before, a blessing for the noble to wear something, it looks so skimpy to wear without any dress but at least she can cover her front. Really? lets see if you can hold your passion when you look at me with a better light when we get to..." There was a squirm and then a sudden gasp, Ashley placed a hand on her forehead before smile and continue their path It could be dangerous in your state, so let me go first, darling. The human said with a kind smile as she move to go up, slow enough to give to Angie the time to look up and see her unprotected lower parts and rear. Try to look close where you place your hand, darling. The ladder looks to be a little slippery. The tease was followed by her trying her best to move seductive her displayed rear and some times fully do the same to her needed lower lips.

Once up the young woman helps the angel and sigh bereaved Oh gods this place is a mess, it could take me days place all in order. Her eyes noticed the open little room used as dinner room and with a soft smile take Angie's hand. Maybe i could find something to cook and do a little picnic outside, just rest on that bed if you are tired and in a few minutes we can go out~

Indeed, the place looks to be abandoned, but maybe the temple at the next door could be still used.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh no, she's just a powerful spirit... I think at least. My patron, or deity is back in my homeland as far as I know at least. But I would like to make it an official marriage in my homeland is all I meant by that," Angie said with a smile, slipping an arm around Ashley as they walked. "And of course there's a certain love that only the two of us could share with one another. You were... well... you were my first true love... I... I guess you could say," she added with a blush, looking a bit flustered as she admitted that Ashley was her first love.

Smirking at Ashley's worries of anybody being up there in the temple, Angie let her take the lead in climbing the ladder. "Alright sweetie, if you'd rather go first then I don't mind," Angie said, giggling slightly as Ashley began climbing with the angel following her up, staring straight up at her exposed butt and pussy. "As much as you're flooding down here Ashley, I'm amazed I haven't drowned yet," Angie teased Ashley, waiting until they reached the top where she climbed a bit quicker to catch up to Ashley, where she leaned up and kissed her on her buttcheek a time or two before leaning in and kissing Ashley's moist flower once before she climbed up the rest of the way.

"Don't worry about cleaning up in here just yet Ashley, we can worry about that later on, when we can get Mize and Tezzy to help us out some maybe. And I'm not that tired yet sweetie, I can help prepare some food for us too," Angie told Ashley when they got up into the temple, offering to help Ashley make the food, which they could take just outside and have their picnic with each other.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

So, its not Mize... or any of them your first love? Answer Ashley trying to dont lost herself too much at her feelings by the angel's words or the arm around her. Your first time was with them and... i had been most likely a burden for you by having to protect me all this time. If we really will get married then i must be also able to protect you too. Ashley was unable to stop herself to blush after show her feelings and idea about a marriage.

Soon as the apron was placed, there was a change on the human's inhibions, not only Angie's words made her get ready but also the pervert kisses made her coos and moan softly, her legs getting weak by the need to be taken right now. Good idea, darling. The girls would enjoy to learn some skills, so once they get born yours babies we all could help us each other. But lets focus on give you something to eat now, you must be starving for how you acted at the leadder ❤

As Angelique remember the kitchen has been ransacked days later after the old priest was killed, but thanks to Ashley new skills they found some hidden rations, the angel dont have any chance to stand against the magic apron than made Ashley cook for her as she seductively pose for her to tease her to serve herself and touch her however she likes, it was hard to dont touch that delicious rear or take her from behind, with that magic on her, Ashley would be able to do her work as she let Angie touch and penetrate her.


A picnic basket was soon made, they could eat inside the dirty temple or outside, by picking a blanket they could sit outside. At least now the temple was empty and there werent persons outside in what looks to be midday.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well... it's hard to say honestly honey, I mean Mize and the others did kind of... well seduce me and everything. And I do love them too, but I felt an attraction to you before I ever met them though. So even though my first time was with them, you were technically my first love Ashley. They were right behind you though, hmhm," Angie replied with a giggle as they approached the ladder. "And you don't have to worry so much about protecting me sweetie, I'm supposed to be the strong one here after all," she added with a smile.


Angie couldn't help but giggle a bit at Ashley's legs going a bit weak when she kissed her buttcheeks and then her flower, a smirk forming on her lips as Ashley climbed the rest of the way up the ladder. "Alright sweetie, let's get some food then. I'll help you out though, I don't mind doing so. I'm still a bit worn out and all, but it's nothing I shouldn't be able to handle with your help," Angie said as she helped Ashley find some food that had still been stored in the kitchens.

While Ashley cooked, Angie stared at her butt quite a bit of the time she was facing away from her, her body becoming aroused at the mere sight of Ashley like that, with her butt and back both uncovered while her front was covered enough that would have been acceptable in the town. Angie found herself moving up behind Ashley before she had finished, the temptation finally getting to her too much to resist it because she loved Ashley so much and wanted to hold her while she was like that.

"Oh Ashley, I just can't help myself anymore. I need to hold you so badly. You butt is so beautiful like this, I'd just love to bend you over the counter right here and make love to you right here in the temple. But... w-we shouldn't I know. But... can I hold you like this until we're ready to take the food outside and eat... please?" Angie whispered in Ashley's ear as she moved up behind her and slid her arms around her beloved's waist, hugging Ashley from behind as her fully erect member slid between Ashley's thighs and against her lower lips, with Angie gently thrusting her hips against Ashley's until she couldn't go any further and just held Ashley in her arms, more to keep herself in check than anything so she didn't just have sex right there, making it obvious to Ashley that Angie wanted to show her that she had some restraint at least despite being such a horny nympho angel like she was.

When Ashley finished getting the food ready, Angie would kiss her neck and tell her that they should head on outside if they were going to not have sex inside the temple with each other. It would be a bit of a struggle, but she would try to pull herself away from Ashley so they could head on outside, hopefully without her inner lust taking over and making her want to have Ashley again right then and there.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley made a small chuckle before add. So, you love them too and they get your first time...sigh...ah... so funny. When you find out than you love me? For me... i was not sure if we were just friends, but now im completely sure, even when i really was trying my best to die virgin, you has been a great change for me Angie, that is why i wanted to be also strong for you. Her words show her needs to make this even more than just a love for sex, there maybe was more in what Angie love about her.


Certainly now Ashley have something different at her mind, she was more open and sexy with that apron on her, the extra skilled touch on her cook skills show it clearly. When she was in middle of her work Angie just give up to the temptation and move to get placed behind her, the human get surprised making a gasp before giggle softly and hang on her guardian angel. Of course than you can, darling. Ashley giggle moving softly her hips to tease the angel's dick a little. Do you really must love my butt so much, maybe i should be always be dressed like this so you can kiss it and touch it in any moment~ Her tease was follow with a small sample of an apetizer, place it lovely at the angel mouth so she could enjoy how great it taste. You can take me in any moment Angie, i now know how much love an angel have, so as your future wife i want to always take care of it, darling... But i have a better idea, please just endure it a little more.

Angie had a difficult moment as she really wanted to eat all even her dessert over Ashley for what the images at her mind show. But soon all was ready, placing all at the basket and be just there hugging her as her sexy back lay over her, from the start Angie could feel the wet between the human's thighs, the last minutes she also increase her moves until Angie let out some precum.

Taking the basket and Angie' s hand she move inside the temple, it was empty for fortune and with needs for some maintenance in some parts, there was a small chamber with a female statue, the young lady placed a blanket and smile to Angie. How about do it here? The spirit mother of the girls is related to the love and life, im sure than this statue is her and bond to others deitys about the same, the bests witnesses to show and bless our love~

Ashley tried her best to in a seductive way place both of them close the statue, giving a passionate kiss on her lover and having her body ready for be penetrated by her, she moved the apron ends to be between her now exposed breasts as she place one of the celestials hands on her needed breasts. Its time to feed you, darling~ Eat as much as you can of this feast, as now you must do it for them too~ her seductive motherly tone was followed with her hand placed over Angie's pregnant belly, her wet pussy was close to ride her and do as much sex in this sacred place.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh Ashley... you're so sweet, and that's one thing I love about you so much. The fact that you're just so sweet and kind, especially to me. I found out that I loved you when... well... when I saw you about to marry that man. I felt jealous that he would get to hold you, and caress you, and kiss you, and make love to you... a-and I wouldn't. That's when I figured out my love for you though Ashley... the very moment I saw you in that wedding dress without me standing in one next to you saying I do to the priest or priestess that presided over our wedding. Something inside of me told me... that I love this woman, that I love her and need to protect her from any harm that might come to her... and that I would do almost anything to get her to love me back," Angie said, spilling her heart out to Ashley and admitting her, an angel, being jealous that she might not have been able to have Ashley. "D-Does that make me a bad angel... a bad person? I mean... I know that man wasn't really in love with you, it was a trap. But am I truly the right one for you? These questions keep going through my mind every moment I'm with you, that I don't deserve you and your love and kindness. But my heart tells me that I love you so much and I never want to lose you," she continued, leaning in and kissing Ashley deeply on the lips, her arms hugging the young human girl as a single tear trickled down her cheek, the sheer amount of love radiating for Ashley from Angie's heart likely able to be felt by the young human herself.


As she stood there with Ashley in her arms, her penis sliding back and forth between Ashley's thighs and against her honeyhole, Angie gasped as her knees trembled when Ashley shimmied her hips from side to side teasingly, a small burst of the young angel's pre spurting from her shaft as a few drops trickled down her length. When Ashley gave her the sampling of the food after speaking again, Angie happily took the bite of food and hugged Ashley as she savored the delicious morsel.

"Mmm, that's delicious honey... I love it... and you. And... I would love it if you dressed like that every single day, because it would let me do this to you all the time and I could feel your gorgeous butt rubbing and teasing me like this all the time... hmhm, whenever you wanted to tease me with it. And I love your butt too... it's so beautiful... just like all the rest of your body sweetie. Your breasts too Ashley... they're simply stunningly beautiful. You're the very epitome of beauty in my eyes," Angie cooed in Ashley's ear, showering her with praise and kisses on her neck and cheeks, leaving a hickey on Ashley's neck on the left side.

Angie happily stood there when Ashley told her to try and endure, the young angel accepting her beloved's order to endure. She spurted out a bit more precum as time went on, her right hand getting frisky with Ashley and groping her beloved's breasts a little while she continued preparing the food. Finally though, Ashley finished preparing the food, though Angie suspected that she went slowly so she could tease her, but she didn't mind. In fact she quite enjoyed the teasing Ashley gave her, and it had her on edge the whole time. But when Ashley picked up the picnic basket filled with their lunch, Angie slipped her hand into Ashley's and squeezed gently as they walked out, the young futanari angel nuzzling her cheek against Ashley's for a moment as they walked out and into the temple proper.

Angie was positively glowing, with both arousal and happiness as they took a seat next to the statue of the goddess of love and life, which was coincidentally enough Angie's patron goddess. "Yes... this is perfect my love. An excellent choice of place to eat our lunch," Angie said, praising her and accepting the kiss happily as Ashley's lips pressed against her own, with Angie's tongue slipping into Ashley's mouth and entwining with her tongue.

"I fully intend on eating heartily of this grand feast... especially since my beloved made it for me," Angie said as Ashley pulled one of her hands over to grope her now exposed breasts, with Angie's cock twitching with need as her fingers touched Ashley's breast.

Angie wanted Ashley so badly right now, her body ached with need for her pleasant touch. But Angie also knew that she needed to make sure she was well fed for the remaining babies in her womb of Ary's. "I... I want you so badly right now Ashley. But... we really should eat. I must think of the children. I'd be a poor mother or papa indeed if I neglected them. And that's not something I intend on being," Angie said, leaning in an kissing Ashley on the lips again before reaching into the picnic basket and getting some of the food out to eat, feeding Ashley lovingly as she doted on her, caressing her cheeks and kissing her neck.

When the food was all gone and eaten, leaving their bellies full, Angie then immediately moved in for a deep kiss again, pulling Ashley into her arms. She kissed her so passionately that she forgot about anything else but Ashley, forgetting the fact they were in the temple, that anyone could come in at any given moment, even Ashley's own mother. She didn't care though, because her love for Ashley filled her heart more than anything, and she wanted her so badly now that she simply couldn't hold herself back any longer.

Slipping Ashley's apron skirt up to expose her pussy to her, Angie leaned down and spread Ashley's legs, licking and kissing Ashley's pussy and sliding her tongue in as deep as she could to lick her beloved and make her feel good. While she did that, Angie openly stroked her shaft where Ashley could see, while her other hand groped Ashley's exposed breasts and tweaked her nipples.

After a bit of foreplay, Angie gently pushed Ashley down onto her back, curling her wings around to give her something soft to lay her head upon, where she then spread Ashley's legs wide. "Ashley... I love you so much. I want you right here, before the very eyes of my goddess," Angie told Ashley as she gently thrust her rock hard penis into Ashley, hilting on the first thrust as she let loose with a passionate moan filled with unbridled love for Ashley.

Angie would begin thrusting in and out, starting slow but quickly building a rhythm that was perfect for both her and Ashley, and not just one of them. She was intent on making Ashley feel good, because that would in turn make her feel just as good. Her hands grasped Ashley's hands, her fingers entwining with her beloved's as she went, and when her first climax approached, Angie gasped and leaned in to kiss Ashley, her shaft throbbing eagerly in expectation of her release. "Oh Ashley... I love you so much. W-Will you please marry me Ashley? I want you to be my wife... or... at least my first wife anyway. I promise to... m-make you the happiest woman alive," Angie cried as her climax peaked and she exploded inside of Ashley, though she didn't stop thrusting even once, driving the pleasure into Ashley as much as possible despite her own trembling hips that threatened to give out. "Y-Yes gods... it's so good. My goddess... g-give me your gift... the gift of life. H-Have my baby Ashley... she'll be the most beautiful daughter ever. I want you to have my child Ashley.... I... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ASHLEY!" Angie then cried before Ashley could even answer her proposal, screaming as loud as she could her love for Ashley, the young angel's love pouring out as she wished in her heart for her seed to be fertile and take in Ashley's womb.

When her climax finally began to subside, Angie would collapse atop Ashley, her lips landing on Ashley's though in one of the most passionate kisses the world had ever seen... at least in Angie's mind it was anyway. She lay there kissing Ashley for a couple of minutes while her loins rested a little and cooled in preparation for the next round, her cock nowhere near through yet, but she waited for Ashley's answer to her proposal before she did anything else, the young angel nuzzling lovingly against Ashley. Angie's mind was still so focused on Ashley that anyone could come in and simply watch them and she wouldn't notice, or they could likely even come over and join them and she wouldn't notice, or care for that matter.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley heard what her angel said as answer to her feelings, her lovely smile and her hand holding the one of her lover were the first sign of love for Angie's words , but almost at the end she blush and sweat softly, mostly in the part where Angie talked about the wedding dress. Of course than you are the right one, Angie. It was actually so romantic what you did there and im also so glad than you has stoped that wedding. To be honest cant remember too much of it until you...ehm... well both and mom were the only ones awakened, but these feelings at yours words and what you think there are of pure true love. Ashley soon get closer, where both share a wonderful kiss filled with love, before using her finger to clean the teardrop escaping from Angie before it fall from her face.

I love all of you Angie, thanks to share this with me. The human said showing than she love her, even if Angie was a nympho trying to take her for herself


The skills from her apron help the young noble to continue her work without be affected with her teasing moves to pleasure her lover, Angie's needed rod soon with the time get drenched in the human's love juices. With a soft giggle and whimpering in delicate tone Ashley let to her angel enjoy her whole body. Heh, i tried my best with what i found, darling. Maybe we should try soon to go back to the town, there you can say me what you want than i cook and dress for you~ Angie could notice the lust on Ashley growing and weakling her legs with the passion in the air, kissing the human in part with clear attempts to leave her mark at her neck, yet only she made a small red mark than would fade soon, Ashley whole skin looks to be slighty more resistent and pleasurable at touch than of a human. Fine, i will wear it as much as i can, so you can take me as much as you like and in any moment~

With such intense passion on both, the couple walk toward the temple chamber with Angie's pole pointing as high as it could all the time, theirs minutes before reach where they would eat were filled with a foreplay full of love. With the blanket in place, Ashley went direct to kiss intensely with passion her mate, a long kiss what was close to lead to a long sex, but Angie manage to endure it so she could feed her babies inside her. Then lets start before it get cold, your favorite dessert will be waiting for you~ Angie maybe had a clue of what wait for her once her body has eaten enough. It was hard to endure it, but soon Ashley prepare all for them to eat, the miment was filled with love, both helping each other to eat, Angie was loving the moment so much for only think in fuck her future wife, if with these new skills Ashley would cook for her each day then Angie have a lot of reasons to make the wedding as soon as possible.

The place soon meet the love from both, Angie passionate kiss made her be sure how needed Ashley was by how much intense passion come from the human, tasting soon her love hole which was filled with Ashley's sweet nectar. With her hand caressing Angie's cheek and hair, Ashley cooed and softly moan. Such intensity... i hope than your favorite dessert calm down yours needs, darling~ Said this Ashley was mostly ready to be taken, Angie could see her lover's eyes with a needed look toward her hard member. And so such naughty pair turn into one with Angie loving each thrust on Ashley's tight squeze box.

Her violet hair soon rest over Angie's wings. mmh... its by far the best bed in which i had rested, yours feathers are so soft~ Ashley whisper at Angie's ear taking a stop to her lustful sounds before be penetrated again by her lover, theirs senses fade with the wings around them, the celestial being couldnt stop to pound with such delicious moans coming out from Ashley as theirs peaks get closer. Theirs hands soon hold at each other and there was a lot of love in the air, even more than the lust in theirs whole beings.

The winged one made her vows in front of her goddess, she was so needed to cum but easily noticed her lover's face leaving fall some happiness teardrops, she was close to cum thanks to the apron magic and her own body she just couldnt endure any longer. Yes...YES! Ashley manage to say almost specheless and using most of the breath than she holds to moan intensely, but as her peak go on she tried her best to continue with her answer. I will always love you...~ with all my being and... the baby than you just now has placed on me... oh Angie!

The young human was lost for seconds in a potent bliss, her eyes were in gaze for an instant before Angie kiss her and bring them to life again, they gu for a while, kissing each other as the meat rod still inside Ashley place some last drops to make all sure than Ashley would be pregnant with the most perfect show of love between both. There were some small noises some minutes before they shout theirs vows and the door between this small chamber and the temple itself was now open, there were some persons looking at them but they not stop them or join, one looks to almost had been close to faint, but neither Angie or Ashley care.

I do... i will be your wife, no matter how many you have, you can count than i will be the one than most love you Angie, i will be always at your side to love and protect you... The young noble said ready for more, her hand stroking softly the angel's hair, each of them lost on the eyes of the other as theirs passionate kisses continue before Angie continue to show her lusty love to her loved one.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You can't remember too much until I what sweetie, hmm? You didn't remember anything until I rescued you and swept you off your feet," Angie asked curiously, leaning against Ashley and holding her close. "And thank you Ashley... I love you so much," she added when Ashley told her she loved her and thanked her for sharing her heart's feelings with her, the young angel nuzzling her cheek against Ashley's.


"Yeah... I'd like that sweetie, and we could tell your mother how much we love each other and get her blessings for getting married maybe too, and you can show her just how much you've grown into such a perfect beautiful woman since we met," Angie said softly in Ashley's ear as Ashley finished preparing their food. "And I'd like that too honey. And you can take me anytime you wish as well, my dick will always be ready for more with you," she added when Ashley told her she'd wear the apron more often.

"Oh Ashley, you're not a dessert, you're a delicacy. Because you're so beautiful, sweet, and kind. You only stoke the flames of passion in my loins and make them burn brighter than ever. My dick will probably always be hard when I'm around you, no matter how much we make love to each other, hmhm," Angie replied when Ashley stated her hopes for Angie's favorite dessert calming Angie back down.

The pleasure she felt at being inside Ashley was so good that Angie could stay in there all day and just let Ashley milk every drop of her seed until she fainted. Her wings curled around them both as she asked Ashley to marry her, giving Ashley a little bit of cover from any prying eyes as she pounded her deeply. When Angie heard Ashley's words as she accepted Angie's proposal, the young angel felt her heart flutter in her chest as she leaned in and kissed her again before pulling away and hearing Ashley also hoping for them to have their first child.

They passed the next few minutes laying there in each others arms kissing, nuzzling, and cuddling against one another, their love for each other very apparent to whoever it was that was peeking in on them. Her shaft twitched and throbbed inside Ashley as they lay there, feeling her virility sparking again as she felt more than enough stamina for another round, and many more afterwards. "Hmhm... I love you so much Ashley... I swear I'll always love you, always and forever. And I think our baby will be another beautiful little angel, and she'll be as beautiful as you and be a futanari just like me, hmhm. I need to get you an engagement ring now though too, so everyone knows we're engaged, and then we need to set a date for when to get married. Oh Ashley I'm so happy you said yes," Angie said, giggling as she nuzzled happily against Ashley before she realized they were being watched, not that she cared too much.

Angie raised her head up a little to look over her shoulder to see who was standing there watching them, her length twitching within Ashley's tight folds and loving every second of it. She would begin to gently thrust her hips again as she looked at who was watching, her love and desire for Ashley driving her to keep going despite the fact they were being watched.