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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Normally i would think than live alone in this temple surrounded by dangers ended to affect his body in his last years, but with demons implied on these lands... It only increase my need to investigate more this place. Cathleen answer, concerned of the posibility than he was in that terrible state not only for cause of his age.

I agree, after years defending this world against these dark beings one can notice the mark of them. Im not saying than the Priest Frederick could be with them, more likely they were maybe reducing his time in this world. The red winged angel add to their little talk before they aim to the apron's case and the little chat between the young angel and the nun.

I said than the Priest Frederick was an old friend, but never than we had the same age. Time ago this place should had more persons taking care of it, thanks to that the Priest Frederick manage to meet me in the monastery when i was very young, even today he was one of the most experienced with non humans. The nun answer not trying to say anything about the tone of her skin, she suppose than it was the age what caused such confusion on the angel. About what i have in mind, we must let this place as how is now for a little time more in order to find out any clue than the possesed had leaved behind.

Many events could had happened these lasts days for what i had heard of the maidens living here, the remains of any fight could had been erased by mistake, but if you dont find anything here the town could be another place to look for information.

The two women maybe wanted to continue talking, but then Angie tried to undress Aisha just there to dont waste any second if the apron could damage her. Now? Ehm.... it wouldnt be better get some clothes first? I dont want to cause more problems.... Ashley said placing her arms around the apron as she smile softly and blush too

The human was unable to do something more, easily Angie remove the apron meanwhile Ashley tried to cover herself of the nun's red eyes, but of course Cathleen look away, maybe also disturbed by this unneded event.

Very well, i will take my time, as your segurity could be in risk, but in some few minutes you can wear it again if all is right. Sammantha said as she take the apron and then tried to focus in her task, so maybe she will be unable to say anything for a while.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well regardless, he meant for Ashley to have the apron obviously. And I assumed that you both would have been close in age from the way you spoke. I mean, you're so young an beautiful, and he... well, wasn't to put it bluntly," Angie said to the two before looking down for a few moments, thinking about something. "Hmm... wait a second. I may have forgotten one thing that I just now remembered. When I was searching for Ashley right after I met the old priest Frederick, I met this woman in the woods. She was an elf I think... and she was doing something odd if I recall. I... I think it was a spell of some sort. I... don't remember a whole lot about her, but I found it odd that she was out in the woods like that," Angie went on to say, remembering the strange elven woman she'd met in the woods.

Angie helped Ashley get the apron off after that though, telling her not to worry about the nudity and pulling her wings around Ashley as she handed the thing over to Samantha. "It's alright miss Cathleen, I'm covering her with my wings. I still don't see the problem with nudity right now though, especially since there's more important matters that need tending to instead," Angie told Cathleen as she handed the apron over. "But while she is checking the apron out, miss Cathleen, I would be happy if you would take a walk with me. I can show you where priest Frederick was killed at, though I regret saying that I know not where he was buried. But apparently some of the guards from the town that came this way took him and buried him nearby... at least I think they did anyway. I could probably find where if I had something of his to use as a spell focus to lead me to him," she went on to say while Samantha did her thing with the apron, asking Cathleen if she'd like to walk with her, where Angie would pull her wings around herself while leaving the mantle with Ashley to wear if she wished to follow.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Maybe is better to dont talk again about the Priest Frederick age, he was a wise man and loyal to his work, that is what we must remember about him. The angel then talk about the elf in the woods and the two women turn to her showing interest. Its not strange than an elf is seen in the woods, but these dont have too much of them as the rest have.

It could help us to find out more of the lasts attacks to these lands and any possible corruption by spells, please be kind to guide us where she was casting this unknown spell when you see it possible. Sammantha request, still trying to dont press too much on Angelique who has just given birth.

There was soon a sudden reaction from Ashley when her apron was removed, quickly trying to find where to hide her nakedness of the nun eyes, maybe the shame of the pale woman was affecting the human. My apologize if im not used to the unnedded nakedness, but getting something to get dressed shouldnt be so hard to affect our tasks at the moment. Ashley soon gather the mantle and then Angie said about the idea to find out where they could find the place where the Priest was killed, Cathleen nods and let the Angel guide her. Dont worry, im sure than we can find any of his belonging here where he passed most of the last years of his life.

With these words they walked to the door than guide them to the room before get to the kitchen, Angie remember than the door get the attack and then in where they make the picnic food the priest was killed in that chair of the corner with some rope than is not there anymore.

Finding any from him would be easy, she could look for her holy clothes than werent taken, mundane objects or even the bed where she let the little monster girls in bondage before leave the place. There could still be some of the things than the killers leave after their fight, but after get cleaned, Angie skills werent maybe enough to find anything in this mess.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Very well, I'll refrain from speaking of his age anymore, but he seemed incredibly old is all I was getting at. And about the elf... I'll take you both there when I've fully recovered enough so that I can fly," Angie said to the two, with Angie helping Ashley wrap the mantle around her body to cover it upon seeing Ashley's sudden blush from her nudity.

With that, Angie showed Cathleen around the place and where she remembered Frederick getting killed at. She then tried but couldn't manage to locate anything that she could use for a scrying ritual to find where he was buried. Maybe Cathleen could help her with that, Angie thought to herself. "Miss Cathleen, do you think you could get me something of Frederick's to use so that I can try and locate where he was buried for you?" Angie asked Cathleen.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Point so much at the age of someone is in some way could be seen as a offense, out of how hard has affected to Priest Frederick his last years, so yes thanks to dont talk about it again, i would appreciate it. The pale nun said with a bow and then the two walked to look for a way to find out the last abode of the old Priest, they were soon followed by Ashley who moments ago thanks and kiss the Angel cheek when this come to her help.

The noble lady tried to cover herself the enough to dont disturb the religious woman, but remain close enough t heard theirs conversations.

When Angie couldnt find out anything than could she use to find out the Priest tomb, the Nun nods and went to the bedroom where the little Tybi was seen for last time. It take her some minutes, but from a cabinet, Cathleen take out a religious symbol well preserved and stored, with care she give it to the Angel, it was not made of gold or any expensive jewel, mostly handmade from a stone. I hope than this could help you to find where finally is resting.

With the item in hand, the angel have all the time than she needed to focus and cast her spell, as the nun focus on her own pray and spell to get any clue of the place where her friend was killed.

Once her spell ended Angie could know where more like she could find his body, it was for what she suppose in a place between the temple and the lake where Tybi and them were fishing that other time, maybe a hidden graveyard.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I meant no offense in speaking of his age. Because with age comes wisdom," Angie explained with a shrug of her shoulders.

When Cathleen handed her the stone symbol, Angie nodded and made to use it. "Hmm... I can feel something coming from this direction. Towards the lake and town," Angie said, leading the way towards where she felt the faint power emanating from. "Would you like to go with just me lady Cathleen? That way lady Samantha can take Ashley back inside for me. Unless... you'd all like to come with us that is? If we all go, then I'll have to wrap my wings around me because I want Ashley to be covered and she's using the mantle there," Angie went on to ask Cathleen and the others, wondering who of the group would like to come with her and Cathleen, since she was positive Cathleen would want to go.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Oh in that case, yes is acceptable talk of all the experiences than he collected in his long life. The nun said, this time accepting completely the angel's words. She maybe feels even guilty for think in something different, maybe the old man appearance in his last days.

It will be mostly a solem visit to where he rest, i could wait for both to get ready for the trip, i will wait for both here as i check more about what happened when he was killed, maybe i could find a clue of what kind of demon they were serving. Cathleen answer, showing interest than all could come with her, not because could be anything than they could face, but as a moment than they could stay to pray for his soul. Of course than giving them time to prepare for the trip were words than cover her needs than they get dressed properly for that holy graveyard.

I will be honored to go with both of you, its part my fault than the Priest lost his life, just let me look for my clothes and sword. Angie, sweetheart please can you help me to prepare all for our little visit?

Angie and Ashley would have all the time to get dressed, the noble lady would wear the beautifull dress from before when she talk with Angie after the shooping with Mize. The human tried her best to dont call the attention of the maidens who were mostly maybe teasing each other with who would do the work than Heki cant do.

Angie meanwhile have the nun robes than the maidens have stored or she could look for something else what could take some more time.

After this and some time more they would meet the nun at the Priests quarters, Sammantha wanted some more time with the apron and she looks to need to another place later, maybe Angie could ask for her help, but having maybe two angels in a single place could be too much.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I hope you can figure it out, because I certainly couldn't. I mean... they were quite adamant about not touching my most precious places when Ashley and I were in here just before they killed him. So I can only assume that they either couldn't touch me there themselves, or something of that sort at least," Angie said, nodding when Cathleen seemed to be alright with everyone going and even waiting for them to all get ready and dressed to go search.

"Oh honey, it's not your fault he got killed. It's more my fault than anything. If I were more experienced and stronger then I may have been able to just deflect that blast elsewhere and he'd still be here, as it wouldn't have struck him," Angie told Ashley in a loving voice, caressing her cheek softly and kissing her on the lips.

Angie would try to get her clothing back which she'd had before her and Ashley had gone into those caves, assuming they were still there and clean enough to be worn. If they weren't, then Angie would have to ask Mize and the others for some to wear, checking on Heki and kissing her on the cheek if she saw her and giving her a loving hug. Once dressed, Angie would lead the way out in the direction she'd felt the faint signature of the old priest's energy coming from.

"Lady Samantha, will you be staying here then for the time being? If so then I think I can handle protecting the two of them," Angie would ask Samantha just before heading out with whoever was going.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

That is why i will try to check every corner, who know why they were so cautious to touch you, i will only suppose than it was the first time than they know about angels. Cathleen answer, her eyes still looking around for anything than they could had missed.

Maybe, but they were looking for me. At least i want to dont let you carry his death alone. Her loved one answer, Ashley was with a brave sight more than a concerned one, maybe she was looking for something more than just revenge or try to pay for the Priest sacrifice. There are also many things than i dont know, why the demons were waiting for us here and they dont follow us to the lake when we werent together and how much these and the priest know about my curse and what could happen.

It must be better dont focus too much on this now, we must first do our research, but if all goes right in less of just some few days we could find out most of what happened here and at the town. The nun said to the concerned noble lady before start to let them go to get ready.

After come back all the way to where the Maiden chambers were hidden, Angie couldnt find her clothes than Ashley borrow her before their adventure, but before the angel give up and was close to ask to Mize, Ashley touch her shoulder and with a softly whimper she lend a gift box with even a ribbon to the angel. It take me some problems find out what could fit you, i was not sure of yours sizes or if they were to change after that long birth...so we could change it at the town later if you want. Ashley couldnt hide the love than she placed in this present, her happy yet softly red face, her cute little moves of her eyes, she was really showing part of her heart and give it to Angie in that present. It was a precious dress, maybe the size was a little large than which Angie have, but as her pregnancy go on this could still fit her, Ashley should had expected than the angel would had gotten some added weight after give birth to all the countless spiders.

Find Heki was rather a difficult task, she was very well hidden of her sisters, her belly already show her pregnancy and she sleeping with an empty dish at her side of what could be a little handmade nest than she just has made at the side of a small river part of the seven huge ones than were like the veins of the great forest above them.

Angie could awake her, but talk with her could make her sisters find her and then they would bother her or talk for a long time with her what could be against the needs to be alone of the poor Heki. After decide what to do the two lovers will return from where they came, not before Ashley find her sword and dress herself too.

Once again the four together, Sammantha stop her bried talk with Cathleen so she could answer the young angel. Maybe i will stay here for a little longer, but i have in mind look around the town and the far end of the forest, these places had been really peaceful these days, but if you need my help you can always try to summon me, but only if is really needed.

The place of that graveyars couldnt so far, so i suppose we can walk through the forest. Ashley said mostly trying to avoid fly again. We will be unable to do a good search just flying, so indeed a walk will be the best, at least i suppose. With Cathleen last words on the topic the trio leave the temple and walk, the forest was not so death as the last time than Angie see it, but the whole place just dont feels right, a grim ffeeling invade her every moment.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, possibly. Though it may very well have been because the simply couldn't, because the holy energy emanating from my body harmed them to some degree. And aye they were looking for Ashley specifically for some reason, likely because of her curse," Angie said with a slightly worried expression. "I hope we can figure it out at least," she went on to say before she and Ashley got some clothes to wear out.


Looking for her clothes from before proved fruitless, but Ashley saved the day with apparently a gift of clothing to Angie. The young angel smiled at Ashley and hugged her as she took the gift box from her. Opening the box, Angie found it was a dress that Ashley had gotten for her and her eyes lit up with love that Ashley could easily notice. She hugged Ashley again and kissed her passionately on the lips and whispered in her ear that she loved her with all her heart.

"Head on back up with this okay Ashley, I've got one thing to do real quick before I come back up with you," Angie whispered in Ashley's ear as she noticed where Heki was.

Angie crept over to Heki and knelt down beside her, gently brushing her hair so as not to wake her up, where she kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear that she loved her and to get some rest. Once she'd done that, Angie crept back out quietly to keep from bothering the others any or waking Heki, and once back up top she'd put her dress on that Ashley had gotten her.


After asking Samantha if she wished to join them and getting the other angel's reply, Angie nodded. "If we need you then I'll summon you. I'm feeling mostly back up to full strength at the moment, so it shouldn't be too hard to manage it I don't think," Angie replied to Samantha before looking to Cathleen and Ashley with a smile. "And I doubt I could fly you both by myself in any case for a long period of time. So let's stick to the ground alright," Angie added to the other two before leading the way out into the forest.

The forest though felt... wrong somehow, Angie thought to herself as they walked along. "Something feels wrong here girls. I... don't know what it is or how to explain it, but something's wrong here. Something I don't like," Angie said softly as they walked.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley walk close Angie, holding the angel arm, there was not fear in her it was just than she wanted to do what she feels was crrect as soon they would be one after their marriage. I also feel it Angie, the forest at least dont have that terrible scent when we needed to break the seals, but still it havent returned to how ussually is, we should be prepare for anything than could jump at us. The human answer to the angel when this said her opinion about the forest, informing to the angel than she was not the only one.

Interesting, i had heard some recent tales about abductions from the adventurers and travelers, but neither of them has said anything about how the forest has changed, i also notice than something is not right here, but this could or not be from demons. Cathleen add

The group remain alert, but nothing face them and after a walk than was maybe from an half hour inside the forest they reach the point where Angelique could detect the Priest remains.

The place was not an expected saint hidden graveyard, it was mostly a communitary place to place corpses, some names on stones which letter had been erased with the time, death trees and huge shubbery to show the lack of care. Cathleen astonish face show than she was not expecting this. Why ? Why they place him in a place like this? He give his whole life for the others...

Where is he resting, we must do something.
The nun said after a short pause to calm herself, but Angie could see some tombs as if something has dig and take the remain of many rest places for unknown and possible holy persons. If Angie would use her power to find the exact place she will find than a new grave was already disturbed by what caused this mess. There were some small noises far away at the end of the graveyard, some growls and glares toward them.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie pulled Ashley close to her and wrapped an arm and one of her wings around her protectively, keeping her close by to keep her safe. "I don't know what it's from myself, but be ready for anything okay," Angie said to her companions as they traveled onwards.

A short time later when they made their way to the graveyard where Frederick was apparently buried. "It seems like a more common graveyard to me. I guess that they didn't know where else to bury him. It would make sense," Angie said, looking around the graveyard with a bit of a sad look, but feeling more disturbed by the air around them.

Looking around some more, Angie noticed that some of the tombs and graves had been disturbed recently from the looks of it, and after using her powers again to determine his exact resting place she saw one grave was freshly dug or close enough to being freshly dug. She heard something growling at them as well as they approached the grave, with Angie looking up at where it came from and pulling both Ashley and Cathleen close against her in a protective manner, her wings wrapping around them some as her eyes narrowed at the growling beings.

"Who's there? Speak now and come out where I can see you or I'll level the forest around where you're at. I'm in no mood for games right now," Angie called out at where the growling was coming from, raising her left hand and leveling it at the glaring eyes she saw, a wave of power welling up in her hand as she prepared to blast the trees with her holy energies to protect her beloved Ashley and the lovely Cathleen, whom she was feeling slightly attracted to and protective of for some reason.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Cathleen was trying to find out where her friend was resting when suddenly she stop and turn around, looking for what she suppose was someone hidden and then Angie move to protect them, making her realize completely than they werent alone.

Wait, this is holy land, we cant just fight here and burn it all. The Nun softly said to the angel when she saw what the angel was trying to do to the forest around the graveyard. I know, but they are at least eight, if they decide to attack, we will not have another choice than beat them. The noble lady Ashley said cuddling closer to her lover before prepare to take her sword if they need to fight what they havent seen yet, but each of the three have sense these creatures in some way.

Someone should work on her manners, its not a formality come to the domains of anyone and try to burn it. A female voice with a seductive tone come out of where Angie was pointing and then from the trees she come out wearing just some white decayed rags over her blue skinned lusty body, she have red brown hair than reach the middle of her back, her eyes were red in the center and her sclera was black instead the normal white.

I dont have a name, not one who live here have it. But if you havent come here to fight all of you can name me with any of the names writed here on these wood crosses and stones. she then seductively passed her purple tongue across her lips and then giggle in awe for look closer the three girls some feet away of her. I can smell a manly scent in one of you, the one of the middle...yes! I cant be wrong, you have something than i had been looking so baddly, more likely each of us... The blue skinned woman slowly come closer after point to Angie and then some other female chuckles come out around them, but remain at the distance.

So, manly scent... Seriously i hope than she is not thinking on... oh no, i just must be wrong. Cathleen was maybe thinking on exactly the correct thing, this woman was looking for have some time in private with the angel or maybe she wanted to just talk, she hope. Ashley just frown and turn to Angie, worried at her look than this could get wrong.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I never said anything about burning anything. I can level trees without the need for burning them," Angie mumbled to Cathleen and Ashley, her hand still leveled at the area of the woods in question.

When the female voice came from where she was aiming at and spoke to her, Angie cautiously lowered her hand down a bit, though not completely just yet. She also pulled Ashley and Cathleen a little closer against her as she wrapped her wings around them both.

"I never said I was going to burn anything, I merely said level it. I'm very protective of those I love just so you know. So when I saw your eyes glaring at us and heard the growling, I immediately assumed that you were going to attack us. We're here looking for a priest, and old priest, who was buried here as far as we can tell," Angie said to the blue skinned woman, glancing around to see if she could see the other people she assumed around. "And I suppose the manly scent you smell is from me. I am a futanari, a being of both sexes. What is it you wish of me? Since you don't seem to be hostile that is. Also... you have blue skin, so I'll call you Sapphira if you have nothing against it," she added to the blue skinned woman, giving Ashley's hand a gentle squeeze.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im sorry for the mistake, but if we can avoid any conflict here i will really apreciate it. Cathleen answer showing than any fight would be terrible for her in this graveyard, maybe because the bodies of the fallen ones could get damaged or just a custom of her religion. Ashley prepare her weapon when the blue skinned woman come out, but still dont let her sword out, she just placed her hand than was not using to hold Angie and she loved the attention and care as the winged one used her wings in a protected way, even Cathleen supposed than this was out of any pervert intention.

You have my word than im not interested in a fight, neither of us... what could change if our home get damaged. And about that sound, its mostly my fault for havent sattled my need of nutrients. Sapphira as Angie has call her get even closer as she enjoy be near the angel, as she do this Angie tried to look around, her eyes just manage to seen shadows at the corner of her eyes, what made her wonder if she has seen anything really, at least Ashley has said a number to know than they could soon get surrounded if the ones living here wanted really to do it.

I can get used to that name and is really interesting, so both sex has you said? You really could help us in our terrible trouble. She get only three or four steps away of the trio and Cathleen really wanted to stay firm, but something in the place looks to dont be of her likes, Ashley for the other side hold her lover hand and smile softly turning a little to her before focus to be alert in case of a sudden attack. Its actually easy to understand, mostly we are lacking of any visit and males on the roads as some female monsters of the forest had informed are really rare to find these days even the town lack of them. I need it so baddly, each of us and this need its making us forget things... feed us with some of your warm thick seed and we will be at your side; we will be really friendly and helpful for your cause. As she talk Angie could feel her lower body being seen by many hidden eyes. Of course than Cathleen was against this, her hand covered her face and whimpered as she muffed her surprise and aversion to this, Ashley also looks to be worried, not for her certainly, they dont know yet the number of these persons.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'll do my best by all means lady Cathleen, but it's up to them if there's a conflict or not really," Angie told Cathleen as she stood there with her wings around the two protectively.

When the blue skinned woman showed that she wasn't hostile and meant no threat to them, Angie's hands both dropped down, where she instinctively reached down for both Ashley's and Cathleen's butts, groping a handful of both of their asses. "Yes, I'm a futanari. I have both male and female parts between my legs. Here, I can show you," Angie said, keeping her wings wrapped around Ashley and Cathleen, but pulling her skirt of her beautiful dress Ashley had gotten her up to show both her impressively large cock and her tight angelic pussy to Sapphira and whoever else was watching.

"How would you need me to feed you my seed exactly? I'm not really against it, especially if you need it and if it would get your support to help us out some. In that case I wouldn't mind feeding you and however many of your people need it whenever I can. I am an angel of love and passion after all," Angie said to Sapphira about feeding her and her people, her hands again instinctively reaching down to grope both Ashley's and Cathleen's butts in a loving manner more than a lusty one, though her penis was already filling with blood and growing steadily more hard the more she was hearing Sapphira here talk about things.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Thanks and i understand than that could happen, in that case we will do our best to control any conflict. The nun manage to nods and accept than Angie would try her best to dont cause more of the damage needed. Be so close soon turn the nun attention at something completely different than protect the graveyard, because as Angie talked with the strange yet sexy blue woman, Cathleen soon noticed a really perturbed invasion to her round and delicious rear, she whimpered in silence, not still sure what just happened until her hand touched the one of the angel. Miss Angelique, please behave yourself. She wishpered as her white face let flow a soft red in her cheeks, she really dont wanted than the others notice it, but her soft voice was just fully frozen and her face turn to other side when the angel exposed her privates to this strange woman.

Aw... i havent seen one so perfect and delicious... Hmhm, i can wait more please sit on that plane stone over there at the floor, after all see than you will help us to solve this, all rest will come out, so please lets start. Saphira said pointing to a fallen headstone than the time has broken in half. Of course than Cathleen get out of the angel embrance and looks to be concerned. Wait, we should be respectful with all the ones sleeping here, there should be another way... another place for this.

Saphira looks to be really so needed to start this, but she nods and smirk. We could try some feet's away of here, but it could be dangerous for us, there are monstedrs outside... also is so dirty and my clothes wouldnt be enought to cover the floor. If both of you stay on giard looking at us and we use that black mantle, it could work... i suppose. Saphira looks to need the nun mantle to make it work as a picnic blanket.

If that... would make this more acceptable... Cathleen started to prepare her nun mantle, the one used before to cover both Angie and Ashley at the temple... maybe it could hurt her, but she was decided to do a sacrifice to not perturbe this sacred place. Ashley cuddle close Angie, she also should have something against this, mostly her sight looks to be worried for Angie, yet she blush softly too with the idea of maybe see angie nude or maybe she wanted something more. I will do my best to see any danger, just please take care Angie, i have a bad feeling about this. said this they would let Angie decide where they will have their little fun.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... I'm sorry miss Cathleen, I didn't realize I was doing that. It was just kind of... instinctual I guess," Angie said to the white skinned nun as she pulled her hand away.

As she took her robes off and showed her nude body to Sapphira, and when Sapphira looked hungrily at it and asked her to sit on one of the fallen headstones, Angie glanced around at Ashley and then Cathleen to see what they thought. "Miss Cathleen is right Sapphira, this is a graveyard... a place for the dead to rest. We shouldn't disturb them any. I don't mind helping, but we really ought to do this elsewhere, perhaps we can do it at the temple,or underneath in the catacombs rather, and that way Mize and the others can protect us while we do," Angie said to Sapphira, placing a hand on Cathleen's before she pulled her mantle off completely to stop her.

"I would feel more comfortable doing this there miss Sapphira. Many strange things have been happening around here lately, so if you wouldn't mind agreeing to come with us, I'd be happy to help if I can. So I hope that you aren't offended by me being cautious like this miss Sapphira," Angie told Sapphira after looking back to Ashley and Cathleen, showing restraint despite the situation and the fact she was an angel of love after all.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

I...understand... Cathleen answer as she nods still turning to another side, her eyes trying to dont see more of the dual members of her ally. Soon as the idea of have sex could be avoided by just maybe losing her precious mantle, the nun was stoped by the angel and Angie could feel finally a prideful smile from the pale woman who looks to now think better of her by place the solution of this problem over her libido.

Miss Sapphira, Miss Angelique idea would not cause any real problem, if we walk we will be at the temple soon in just some minutes and once there both can enjoy each other without be worried of any sudden attack. The nun add placing her mantle in place and maybe glad than she was not alone on this.

But...im not sure if i could resist too much, i really want to jump at you my delicious Angelique, its a cute name and now than you has given me a name we shouldnt waste any time in know each other better. Sapphira said with a lustful glare each moment getting more closer of the angel until just Ashley in middle of them stop her when the human remain close Angie to enjoy her embrance.

You could hold on Angie and fly over us, as we run toward the temple, we in that way could reach that place faster and you will enjoy the trip... Also all the others living here are invited to follow us and have some relief too. Ashley said raising her voice at the last part so all could heard them.

I could accept that, but the virile Angelique must sattle both of my mouths and then i will share with the rest. The blue skinned woman said ending with a smirk and a sudden move to hug the angel and stolen her a kiss, a deep one, with her arms over Angie shoulders and her weight making the winged one to go a little down to enjoy the touch of her skin and cold lips than get warm with the touch, softly bitting the ones of the angel a pair of times before her tongue dominate with carnal lust the one of the celestial. Ashley frown softly and Cathleen let them alone before both calm and wait for the angel to decide if that action was fine with her.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I know you can hold out miss Sapphira, you don't look that weak to me, so surely you can. And thank you for complimenting me on my name, but we still should try and get back there, because the others can help us some too I think. But first we came here on a mission, one that I intend on finishing before we do that, if that's okay with you," Angie said to Sapphira, looking around for Frederick's grave stone if there was one and pointing Cathleen to it.

When Ashley made her suggestion, assuming she'd found Frederick's grave that is, Angie would smile and agree to it as she looked around at Ashley and Cathleen both, nodding at them. "I can manage that I think. But I will be staying within sight of Ashley and Cathleen though. Because Ashley is my wife, or soon will be, and I won't leave her to be hurt okay," Angie replied as Sapphira moved in and stole a kiss from her, which Angie returned, though not quite as passionately as she'd have done with Ashley.

Her tongue wrestled around with Sapphira's, but she submitted to her kiss after a few moments and when they finally broke she looked over at Ashley and pulled her close, kissing her in the same manner and holding her close against her. "Well then, let's get moving back now okay. Ashley, lady Cathleen, stay close below okay. If something is wrong, one of you scream for me and I'll come for you both," Angie told the two, wrapping her arms around Sapphira and flapping her wings mightily as she took flight, staying only about 20 to 25 feet in the air and maintaining her position above Ashley and Cathleen as she headed back for the temple.