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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

this seems a really nice game, looking forward for the full release
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

If the look is not changeable because of the sprites. Then you have to work your wonderful gift with the dialogue.

I know her whole goal is to save humanity... But even though its a hentai game id like to see her more grizzled near the end... Kind of like those tsuderes in anime, only your character will actually have a reason be a condescending bitch -_-"

I believe "reverse rape?" is in order... kind of like metroid fusion only instead of Absorbing enemies your enemies get raped. The test Pc could use some rape the shit talker. xD

Later she becomes a amazing kick ass women hero of humanity who is all out of bubble gum... Think of it like a spin off of your concept of giving up vs fighting back the rapes. here is one of my favorite examples of rape and reverse rape.

When a game as fun as yours succeeds! Boobies are just not enough... Sex is great (why we are all here reading this) but your staying power is in your comedy and characters! After all none of us gets stiffs like we were 14 anymore after being exposed to hentai games since 07 lol

I think most of the vets will agree we have acquired some sophisticated tastes. Like aged wine. You might have what it takes to be our supplier :)

I play shooters for the competition violence but sometimes a really cool master chief is in order!A leader! This could be your Alicia! The solid snake samfisher samus aran and aries (final fantasy 7) of the western hentai community... You may not have tripple A funding your a one man wrecking ball. (and your background drawing buddy)

But I have the dream that one day I could be playing my xbox one and instead of being a underground pervert. Whos given a bad name by games like rapelay (thats all the news thinks there is lol) I could be playing actual sex games on my console. And me and my girlfriend can live it up and play rumble rosses as it was meant to be played... With losers getting fuck silly.... *pant*

there I spoke for everyone.... Your welcome xD

Preach it to the church of hentai!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Sorry for this random post, but I'm still getting used to patreon. Just had to ask, now that my payments finally went through, how do I get access to the "product". Is it emailed to me or what? (Checked FAQ and all that and didn't see anything)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Sorry for this random post, but I'm still getting used to patreon. Just had to ask, now that my payments finally went through, how do I get access to the "product". Is it emailed to me or what? (Checked FAQ and all that and didn't see anything)

Hey man, sorry for the delay! I won't bore you with the specifics, but basically I need to send it all manually because I was having a major piracy problem a while back where people would pledge after an update came out, download it, and then remove their pledge. Now, rather than hosting the file publicly, after a patron's pledge goes through I send them a download link as soon as possible.

I just sent out another wave of links, so since you said yours went through, check your Patreon messages and it should be there!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

I haven't kept up with the thread, but I sometimes get a crash when I am mashing buttons to break free from a grab.

edit: The purple tentacle monster is awesome, and I like the creampie animation, but it left me wondering "what is this, an orgasm for ants?" I think that pumping motion needs some tobasco. Parasite In City's flies look like they are pumping baseballs into the heroine; that's a little too much imo, but only a little. PS. yes I realize that 100% of that was preferential and thus not really noteworthy but eh maybe recency bias will get me what I want haha
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

I haven't kept up with the thread, but I sometimes get a crash when I am mashing buttons to break free from a grab.

edit: The purple tentacle monster is awesome, and I like the creampie animation, but it left me wondering "what is this, an orgasm for ants?" I think that pumping motion needs some tobasco. Parasite In City's flies look like they are pumping baseballs into the heroine; that's a little too much imo, but only a little. PS. yes I realize that 100% of that was preferential and thus not really noteworthy but eh maybe recency bias will get me what I want haha

Can you tell me what kind of crash error you get when breaking free? If you don't get an error, are you sure you aren't just pressing escape on accident? :p

As for the tentacle, gonna have to disagree with you lol. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks, so I doubt I'm gonna change it any time soon. There are plenty of other enemy opportunities for massive orgasms, don't you worry ;D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

I'm certain it wasn't escape. It happened three times consecutively, and put me off playing for a few weeks... but of course, now I can't reproduce it, so shrug.

Finished the demo finally though. Looks like it's really shaping up. For the first time, I forgot it was a demo and had settled into PROTOCOL: ACQUIRE WAVE BEAM OR WHATEVER when I ran into the end.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

I'm certain it wasn't escape. It happened three times consecutively, and put me off playing for a few weeks... but of course, now I can't reproduce it, so shrug.

Finished the demo finally though. Looks like it's really shaping up. For the first time, I forgot it was a demo and had settled into PROTOCOL: ACQUIRE WAVE BEAM OR WHATEVER when I ran into the end.


I think the universe has it out for me. Since v.08 released on Patreon people have apparently been running into the same exact glitches repeatedly - but in the v.075 release, not even v.08. It just happened to become common right after the release where I could have fixed it came out :p Somebody else messaged me on my blog about the exact issue you're having, so yeah, it's definitely not the escape button. I'm kind of glad you can't reproduce it but at the same time that just makes it harder to track down, lol. Hopefully the other guy can provide an error log. Now that the game's getting more and more features the bugs are more difficult to test for by myself, so thanks a lot for pointing out the ones you run into. It really helps.

In other news, glad to hear it managed to trick you into forgetting it's a demo! That's always pleasant news to here, in the midst of all these bug reports lol. Glad you enjoyed it. :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Sorry if this has been answered before, but where can I download the latest demo?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Sorry if this has been answered before, but where can I download the latest demo?

RELEASE TIME, BABY! (Sorry for the semi-late post, I've been otherwise engaged in sleeping all damn day)

-Finish rest of kick animation
-Implement first boss
-Actually re-code collision engine for real this time, seriously
-Improve dialogue box graphics
-Add Warped Soldier cumming animation
-Implement various environmental hazards
-Create more content (areas)
I am (mostly) proud to announce that (mostly) every feature (mostly) made it into v.075! I pushed back the Wire Shot upgrade, due to its reliance on environmental interaction, but everything else is fully intact! Yaaaay
Hope you guys enjoy it!

If you want to stay updated you can check out Anon42's blog too at but as Anon42 pointed out, this ULMF thread is more active.

@Anon42; I like the effects you did with the crystal hallway. How did you do this with the surfaces (or shaders, I don't know which)?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

If you want to stay updated you can check out Anon42's blog too at but as Anon42 pointed out, this ULMF thread is more active.

@Anon42; I like the effects you did with the crystal hallway. How did you do this with the surfaces (or shaders, I don't know which)?

Surfaces. It's pretty simple, really - I'm sure there are multiples ways to go about it but I'll go over mine.

I start off by creating a 'lighting orb' sprite - preferably a large one that you can scale down as needed. You'll need specific lighting sprites for more unique shapes, but an orb is a good default one. It should be opaque in the center, and fade out to full transparency the further out it gets. (Note that it actually does need to be transparent, not a 'white to black' fade or anything like that)

After that's done, create a surface the size of the screen (in this case, 640x480) and then draw a pure-black rectangle on it, using the alpha value to determine how intense the darkness is (1 is complete darkness, 0 is complete light, .5 is midway, etc). After that, I go through each object in the game that needs to emit light (I do this through a global lighting object that is always present, rather than in each object's draw event, to reduce the amount of blending mode changes the engine goes through), set the drawing surface to the pitch-black surface from before, and the draw mode to subtract. Then it's just a matter of drawing the lighting orb sprite from before, and scaling it to the right size for whatever object you're drawing it on. Since the draw mode is subtract, it will essentially cut into the darkness of the surface and create holes in it, which gives off the appearance of light. If you want to go another step further, after setting the draw mode back to normal, I draw an extra, slightly smaller orb in whatever color I want the light to appear as; green for the slimes, blue for the lights in the Ruins, etc.

As for the crystal hallway in specific, it uses this exact same system, except the alpha value of the dark rectangle is being controlled by a global variable rather than being static. At the same time, the crystal is made of two sprites - the dark 'base', and the brightly colored crystals - the latter of which is drawn using the reverse of the global variable listed above. To do that it's essentially alpha=1-global.alphavar.

Hope that all helped explain how it works. If not, feel free to ask any questions. :)

@Darkshadow - What datanony said is basically 100% accurate, lol. Also, if ever in doubt, I keep the latest prototype link on the first post of the thread here!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Thanks for the very detailed writeup. I'll fire up GM:S and play around with surfaces for a bit. If I have more questions I'll shoot you a PM!

Great work the the warp soldier traversing the different height platforms to get to the player.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Dec. 25th)

...you know you're going to HAVE to add green-thumbed futanari plantgirls into the game now, right? :p

So I did a little brainstorming to give them more purpose than just "random enemy #69":
  • FPGs only exist in two rooms - one, a big garden area; the other, a not-quite-village type area.
  • There are regular FPG's in the garden. In the "village", there's also a FPG Matriarch.
  • FPG's are initially "passive". They won't chase (or attack) Alicia, but if she collides with one, it'll rape her. She can, of course, shoot them.
  • The Matriarch is an NPC. Talking with her has two possible outcomes.
  • If Alicia has killed any FPGs previously, the Matriarch (and all FPGs) becomes hostile. Treat the Matriarch as a boss version of an FPG, who drops a powerup on death.
  • If Alicia hasn't killed any FPGs (she can escape from a rape, so long as it doesn't kill the FPG), then the Matriarch becomes friendly. All FPGs become NPCs which Alicia can walk past without incident.
  • Talking with a friendly FPG gets the same sex scene as being raped, except Alicia gains health instead of losing it. She still loses clothes.
  • Talking with the friendly Matriarch gets her sex scene and the aforementioned powerup.
  • FPG ranged attack: smacks ground with hand -> vine spears up from under Alicia's feet.

If you have your own ideas, well, you don't have to use mine - just want 'em to be more complex than the slimes.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Dec. 25th)

...you know you're going to HAVE to add green-thumbed futanari plantgirls into the game now, right? :p

So I did a little brainstorming to give them more purpose than just "random enemy #69":
  • FPGs only exist in two rooms - one, a big garden area; the other, a not-quite-village type area.
  • There are regular FPG's in the garden. In the "village", there's also a FPG Matriarch.
  • FPG's are initially "passive". They won't chase (or attack) Alicia, but if she collides with one, it'll rape her. She can, of course, shoot them.
  • The Matriarch is an NPC. Talking with her has two possible outcomes.
  • If Alicia has killed any FPGs previously, the Matriarch (and all FPGs) becomes hostile. Treat the Matriarch as a boss version of an FPG, who drops a powerup on death.
  • If Alicia hasn't killed any FPGs (she can escape from a rape, so long as it doesn't kill the FPG), then the Matriarch becomes friendly. All FPGs become NPCs which Alicia can walk past without incident.
  • Talking with a friendly FPG gets the same sex scene as being raped, except Alicia gains health instead of losing it. She still loses clothes.
  • Talking with the friendly Matriarch gets her sex scene and the aforementioned powerup.
  • FPG ranged attack: smacks ground with hand -> vine spears up from under Alicia's feet.

If you have your own ideas, well, you don't have to use mine - just want 'em to be more complex than the slimes.

Futanari plantgirls, huh..? *looks back at page 16* Never would have thought of that.. :p
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Is there a save point system in the demo? I haven't found a way to save the game yet and I was hoping you could especially since I have to keep remapping the controls after every loss.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Is there a save point system in the demo? I haven't found a way to save the game yet and I was hoping you could especially since I have to keep remapping the controls after every loss.

Hey man, I'm really sorry about that! There's no save system in the game yet, and the next update unfortunately won't have one either - it was just released on Patreon a few days ago, and I didn't get the thought of a checkpoint system in my head until it was too late to implement it.

It's a strange bit of balancing, really. Being the developer, the game feels all too easy for me, since I know every enemy's behavior on an intimate level. It made it impossible for me to realize how necessary a checkpoint system of some sort is, so I apologize for that. I'll have it fixed as soon as possible!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Hey man, I'm really sorry about that! There's no save system in the game yet, and the next update unfortunately won't have one either - it was just released on Patreon a few days ago, and I didn't get the thought of a checkpoint system in my head until it was too late to implement it.

It's a strange bit of balancing, really. Being the developer, the game feels all too easy for me, since I know every enemy's behavior on an intimate level. It made it impossible for me to realize how necessary a checkpoint system of some sort is, so I apologize for that. I'll have it fixed as soon as possible!

I think the difficulty is almost perfect, but I do think that health needs to be slightly more reliably obtained. I don't know if you have it set up so that when the player has low health, health is more likely to drop or more effective when dropped, but if not you probably should.

Personally, I think there's a reason the Halo shield regen system has attained ubiquity, and that reason is that it just ends up working better in almost all scenarios. I think just about every game should give the player VERY gradual health regeneration from 0-25% HP or so. Just enough to avoid the frustration of seeing a room with a lot of projectiles and thinking "ugh this isn't threatening normally but I can't even get hit one time or I'll die".
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

Coding in a health spawn when life is low isn't too hard, it's a check and balance system to see if health is at a certain percent... a very boiled down version could be as follow but not sure if it applies for the gamemaker versions

(Non usable code but general idea)

{ If
SpawnRate "Health" = 66%

SpawnRate "Health" = 33%

my coding skills have been long forgotten in exchange for 3d environmental and particle artwork sadly...

But the general idea is there to increase health spawns for players more frustrated with the game, however having played metroid and castlevania for ungodly amounts of hours it's not too hard to know where to farm for life without worrying too much about being killed.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

It's a strange bit of balancing, really. Being the developer, the game feels all too easy for me, since I know every enemy's behavior on an intimate level. It made it impossible for me to realize how necessary a checkpoint system of some sort is, so I apologize for that. I'll have it fixed as soon as possible!

I have played your game for the first time today. I'm not an experienced Castelvania player, but not a total noob either. First attempt I managed to reach the first boss (with low health, killed me quickly), second attempt killed him but with low health and died soon after and third attempt managed to explore entire (?) Greek sector. At this point I think one savepoint near the pantless guy would be enough. If the pacing is similar further on, adding one savepoint somewhere before each boss should be fine.

I also must commend you on how well this is developing. No glaring bugs, smooth controls and nice animation. Moody locations and BGM. Perhaps you might consider reducing number of control buttons. Will definitely keep an eye up on this project.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Jan. 25th)

I think the difficulty is almost perfect, but I do think that health needs to be slightly more reliably obtained. I don't know if you have it set up so that when the player has low health, health is more likely to drop or more effective when dropped, but if not you probably should.

Personally, I think there's a reason the Halo shield regen system has attained ubiquity, and that reason is that it just ends up working better in almost all scenarios. I think just about every game should give the player VERY gradual health regeneration from 0-25% HP or so. Just enough to avoid the frustration of seeing a room with a lot of projectiles and thinking "ugh this isn't threatening normally but I can't even get hit one time or I'll die".

v.08 went through some balance changes with health spawn rate. Most importantly I fixed the slightly buggy algorithm for health rate respawning. It's always scaled off of how low your current HP is, but it was bugged when you had more than one healthbar in the past. That is no longer the case. I also tweaked the amount of health they give, as well.

I'm not a fan of the shield regen system, especially not in the context of an actual healthbar. It makes sense logically for shields to regenerate like that, but there's no real reason for a persons health to do the same - and I don't want to reward the idea of standing around for a while for your HP to come back, even if it caps at 20-25% recovery. I agree that the balance of the game could use some work right now, but that's partially what the save points will be for. Once I get them implemented, you'll restore your HP simply by interacting with one. Heck, I'll probably make the Test Dummy heal you automagically for v.09 (I would have done it for v.08, but that already came out a bit ago).

@Deathwing9000 - That's definitely pretty boiled down, lol. The system I have right now doesn't go in 'spawn tiers' or anything like that, it's in direct proportion to how much HP you have in comparison to your max HP. So, having 1 HP left would have a slightly higher spawn rate than 2 HP, and so forth. It's negligible on the minute level but there's a massive difference between almost-full and almost-dead spawn rates. I probably have a lot of tweaking to do with it to make everything perfect, but I'd say it works pretty nicely so far.

@crow_mw - Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I agree with you about the save before the boss. A lot of Metroid's don't do this, but I really don't understand why, so that's one element of their design that I don't intend on following. I also intend on having a sort of 'mark' to let you know easily when you're next to a save point room. Possibly a white glow coming from within the room? Just so you don't accidentally pass by one and go straight to a boss. In any case, I plan on having more save points than just that as the world expands, but for now simple does it. I don't think I'll be reducing the control numbers, though. I've got no clue how I'd be able to do that without reducing player control. I don't want to go slamming too many inputs on each button! If you have any suggestions though, I'd be glad to hear 'em.