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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I've found the best way to lessen the piracy impact (at least in my eyes, as I've both pirated and bought games) is to be an active user on the forum. There are developers like Azurezero and dot_slave(?) who I've bought games from specifically because they've taken their time to come here and interact with us. I appreciate the effort they make, and therefore I'm more willing to spend my money on their work.

Is that right? Still not really. Nobody is required to make a public appearance, and still deserves money for the work they do. But I'm not perfect and I can't afford all of the games that come through here, so I choose when I will spend money based on who makes the effort to reach out to me.

On the topic of Patreon/Kickstarter/Offbeatr, I personally hate it. I've seen too many games that take peoples' money and go nowhere to trust anything where I'm paying for a less than finished product. However, I do understand how that is probably the safest way for you to fund your project, and perhaps the only way for you to finance yourself while making it.

As Anon42 seems like he's committed to the project I support his efforts and would buy a finished game if it looks good, but I still cannnot bring myself to fund an unfinished project from a developer who I haven't seen finish a game. Finally, I think you can voice your distaste for a system or even a developers work without being a total dick about it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I've found the best way to lessen the piracy impact (at least in my eyes, as I've both pirated and bought games) is to be an active user on the forum. There are developers like Azurezero and dot_slave(?) who I've bought games from specifically because they've taken their time to come here and interact with us. I appreciate the effort they make, and therefore I'm more willing to spend my money on their work.

Is that right? Still not really. Nobody is required to make a public appearance, and still deserves money for the work they do. But I'm not perfect and I can't afford all of the games that come through here, so I choose when I will spend money based on who makes the effort to reach out to me.

On the topic of Patreon/Kickstarter/Offbeatr, I personally hate it. I've seen too many games that take peoples' money and go nowhere to trust anything where I'm paying for a less than finished product. However, I do understand how that is probably the safest way for you to fund your project, and perhaps the only way for you to finance yourself while making it.

As Anon42 seems like he's committed to the project I support his efforts and would buy a finished game if it looks good, but I still cannnot bring myself to fund an unfinished project from a developer who I haven't seen finish a game. Finally, I think you can voice your distaste for a system or even a developers work without being a total dick about it.

I wish youd interact a bit more, the current project only has about 3 commenters
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I've found the best way to lessen the piracy impact (at least in my eyes, as I've both pirated and bought games) is to be an active user on the forum. There are developers like Azurezero and dot_slave(?) who I've bought games from specifically because they've taken their time to come here and interact with us. I appreciate the effort they make, and therefore I'm more willing to spend my money on their work.

Is that right? Still not really. Nobody is required to make a public appearance, and still deserves money for the work they do. But I'm not perfect and I can't afford all of the games that come through here, so I choose when I will spend money based on who makes the effort to reach out to me.

On the topic of Patreon/Kickstarter/Offbeatr, I personally hate it. I've seen too many games that take peoples' money and go nowhere to trust anything where I'm paying for a less than finished product. However, I do understand how that is probably the safest way for you to fund your project, and perhaps the only way for you to finance yourself while making it.

As Anon42 seems like he's committed to the project I support his efforts and would buy a finished game if it looks good, but I still cannnot bring myself to fund an unfinished project from a developer who I haven't seen finish a game. Finally, I think you can voice your distaste for a system or even a developers work without being a total dick about it.

This is exactly how you go about stating your opinion without being rude about it. Thank you.

I completely understand the hesitation to donate, seeing as how I just entered the H-game community. Regardless of what a person's reason is - whether they don't have enough money, are not a fan of crowdfunding, or want to see whether the person comes through - I respect it, and I would never belittle someone for not sharing my opinion.

You are right, though. Patreon is the safest and easiest way for me to fund the project, and in addition, decide whether or not working on it is a financially sound decision. I want to make a living off of making games, and if the market was dead and I wasn't seeing any income, it would be unrealistic for me to continue working on it when I could pursue other avenues. That being said, Crisis Point is nowhere near dead. Losing a few patrons isn't going to make me stop working suddenly. Frankly, the biggest sources of demotivation for me are people who can't give their opinions in a respectful tone, and instead choose to bitch me out and treat me like shit. Getting comments like that ruin my day and any desire to be productive that I might have had. It serves no practical purpose. Nobody is going to see a rude comment and think "my day is now better because of reading that." It's not constructive or useful in any way, just hurtful.

With all the stress we as humans inevitably have to put up with throughout life, whether it be health or finances or work, I think we'd all benefit from having a little compassion and respect for our fellow man, regardless of how different their thoughts are from ours.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Some people do not like that I do not hide the truth behind blowing sunshine up their ass. A question was asked, and I answered it. If it was not the answer they were looking for, then that is their problem as I do not sugarcoat my opinion one way or the other. I call it like I see it.

No, I tell it how I see it. I say exactly what I think, stopping only to add what I perceive to be the absolute minimum level of tact and pragmatism required to exist in a society without getting the shit beaten out of me by people who are dumber, but larger, than me.

You tell it how you see it, but only in between reminders that you don't actually care about the issue at hand, as if cultivating that aloof Dr. House image is more important to you than thing you're preaching about.

It comes across like a woman calling you to tell you that she doesn't need you anymore; the fact that she is compelled to influence you by informing you she doesn't care, is proof that she does.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

About the game: Sprites are very well made imo, compared to western standards.
And Ulmf is the best spot to "publicize" something.
It may looks ridiculous but i even suggest to edit the OP with more screenshots like gametitle,and some ingame spritesex to let eastern people know the game easly (wel.. as Dlsite do) since when i troll forums with language i don't know the first post is the first thing that i look.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

About the game: Sprites are very well made imo, compared to western standards.
And Ulmf is the best spot to "publicize" something.
It may looks ridiculous but i even suggest to edit the OP with more screenshots like gametitle,and some ingame spritesex to let eastern people know the game easly (well as Dlsite do) since when i troll forums with language i don't know the first post is the first thing that i look.

That's a really good point, actually. Shame on me, I wasn't really thinking about non-english speakers. I'll see about editing the first post soon with some more screenshots and information, thanks for the suggestion!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Whew! Been waiting to get approved for posting for a few weeks so I could post in here.

First: This game looks fantastic. The limited tech demo that is available to the public really shows something with tons of potential; your art is really good!

Second: I'm absolutely horrified to hear about the exploitation of your Patreon setup. I can't register for it yet, but in the coming weeks and extra paychecks come in, I'd like to! I'm so sorry people used it like that.

Third: Any chance that there will be full-clothing removal at any point? I kind of have a weird thing about partial clothing, and would love to see some enemies who remove it all, or some way to be completely naked.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Whew! Been waiting to get approved for posting for a few weeks so I could post in here.

First: This game looks fantastic. The limited tech demo that is available to the public really shows something with tons of potential; your art is really good!

Second: I'm absolutely horrified to hear about the exploitation of your Patreon setup. I can't register for it yet, but in the coming weeks and extra paychecks come in, I'd like to! I'm so sorry people used it like that.

Third: Any chance that there will be full-clothing removal at any point? I kind of have a weird thing about partial clothing, and would love to see some enemies who remove it all, or some way to be completely naked.

Hey, thanks, man! I'm glad you like the art so much. It's definitely the biggest sprite resolution I've ever worked with, so it's been an interesting challenge. Thanks for your interest in the Patreon campaign, too! You're more than welcome to join or stop a pledge at any time, and you can always come here for info until you feel like joining it is a good option.

As for full-clothing removal, I'm not sure. The main reason I was sticking to the partial clothing is because I'm trying to avoid overusing 'video game magic' logic. To clarify: giving her a whole new set of animation for 'fully naked' would require a lot of time and effort, so it's much better for me to stick to the half-naked sprites she has now. I could easily have certain sex scenes (or all sex scenes for that matter) pull her clothing off completely, but because of the fact that her movement sprites only go down to half-naked, that leaves the question: how do they come back after the sex is done?

I mean.. If nobody cares how her clothes come back, I'm more than willing to have some fully naked scenes. Maybe keeping her boots on, though. Spriting feet is a pain. It's up to you guys, mostly.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I think you should finish the creampie (god I hate that word, but "internal ejaculation" isn't much better) animations.

The sex animations comprise 95% of my criterion for good h-games; I download a game, I check out a few animations, and that's pretty much my whole decision-making process. I imagine the same is true of most people.

Regardless of how many times you state that the h-content is unpolished in order to streamline development, it wouldn't surprise me if a significant portion of your audience DL'd the game, mistook the unfinished animations as shitty completed animations, then decided not to look at the game again.

Again, just a thought.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

i think magically re-appearing clothes could be done through a 'piece of technology', like a glove or ear piece or necklace that you could have a singular animation for after the clothe-less deed.

Some rather later additions could be a completely clothe-less mode, but that'd probably be saved for a game running on patreon donations only, rather than being sold as a final game.

I haven't checked on the game in a while sadly, but seeing as how it's running smoothly, i think i'll go ahead and jump in as a patron now as well!

Hope you still enjoy making the game, and thanks for sticking around us 'dwellers' when we say some rather horrible things (to developers and other users in unison.)

EDIT: not sure if it's been patched yet, but i found a bug going in the stalactite cave in v0.3 that let me walk into the slope. was shooting and jumping at the same time, so yea.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I think you should finish the creampie (god I hate that word, but "internal ejaculation" isn't much better) animations.

call it nakadashi then :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I think you should finish the creampie (god I hate that word, but "internal ejaculation" isn't much better) animations.

The sex animations comprise 95% of my criterion for good h-games; I download a game, I check out a few animations, and that's pretty much my whole decision-making process. I imagine the same is true of most people.

Regardless of how many times you state that the h-content is unpolished in order to streamline development, it wouldn't surprise me if a significant portion of your audience DL'd the game, mistook the unfinished animations as shitty completed animations, then decided not to look at the game again.

Again, just a thought.

As much as I hate to admit it you're probably right. Hopefully the sex loops would be enough to make them at least interested, but I should get at least a few cum animations in there so that people know the incomplete ones are actually unfinished. I was hoping to leave detail work like that for later but I'll see about getting to it soon, thanks for the input.

@Sythis - Hm. Strange glitch, I haven't encountered anything like that, but I'll keep an eye out for it later on, but I'm going to be re-coding the collision engine soon, so any collision glitches from old versions could very well end up being irrelevant. Still, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

As for the technology, I might be able to do something like that, I've just always found it to be a very cheap way of getting something done :p "Future tech" could very well do anything I want it to, but I don't want to use that as an explanation for everything unnatural. Still, if I can't think of any other options, that one would be good enough. Thanks.

Now that replies are taken care of, here's another snippet from development of v.04!


This here's an example of the new lighting engine. A very, very basic example. What the lighting engine allows me to do is fill an area with as much 'darkness' as I see fit, from barely-there to pitch-black. Then I can make objects glow to light up the way as I see fit. This picture is an example of a pitch-black room, where Alicia can't see anything but the things that are right around her. You'll notice that her bullets do create light, though, and there are plenty of other things that do as well.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I mean.. If nobody cares how her clothes come back, I'm more than willing to have some fully naked scenes. Maybe keeping her boots on, though. Spriting feet is a pain. It's up to you guys, mostly.

You know what's really sad? I almost said "I'd love to see fully nude stuff, but make sure you take the shoes off too". Its like a thing for H-games to never take shoes off, and I can't stand it!

But its really not my place to let my personal weirdness interfere with your game design. =D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

You know what's really sad? I almost said "I'd love to see fully nude stuff, but make sure you take the shoes off too". Its like a thing for H-games to never take shoes off, and I can't stand it!

But its really not my place to let my personal weirdness interfere with your game design. =D

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

don't know if anyone has already mentioned this, but the sex scene with the tentacles is fully nude, which is weird considering there is no fully nude clothing option, which is fine, it just looks odd, especially given that all the other scenes have partial clothing.

EDIT: wow I can't read. this has been mentioned only a few posts back and has already been addressed, should I remove it? I very well could, and would therefore avoid embarrassment on the internet! what to do! perhaps I'll leave it, yep I'm leaving it, I suck for not reading.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I have to say this game has a lot of potential, I really like how the developer gets in touch with his supporters and asks for ideas, and comments on how how improve his game, the only really gripe I have about the game is the aiming controls feels wonkey, having to hold down a button and press another on the other side of the keyboard at times feels weird, tough it could be where the key is placed or that the aiming is also the same controls as your move keys so there are times where I want to aim and i end up moving and taking damage instead, and since the only enemies are slimes which they are on the ceiling or on the floor the only way to shoot them is to get right next to them if they are on the floor.....though i have not tried sliding into them. Though the game is in very early beta/alpha I hope it evolves into a really great RoR game.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Why not just MS Paint the words "climax animations will be added in version 1.0" just floating adjacent to the heroine on the last few frames of each h-animation?

I assume there's a good reason for it, but I've never understood why devs shy away from this kind of "candid" communication with audiences. Maybe it's considered unprofessional? Seems fine here, at least.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

You know what's really sad? I almost said "I'd love to see fully nude stuff, but make sure you take the shoes off too". Its like a thing for H-games to never take shoes off, and I can't stand it!

But its really not my place to let my personal weirdness interfere with your game design. =D

Nah, it's not sad. It's mostly because of how difficult it is to make feet look like.. well, feet, in pixel art. Even with the art in Crisis Point, everything is still too low-res to really get feet looking right. Keeping her boots in is an easy way to make it look good. Who knows, though. If the cards fall into place, I might be able to have at least one boots-off animation at some point.

@Mook - Not sure how you were able to see the tentacle animation, considering that's a Patron-only update right now. If you are a patron though, please try not to discuss things here from the patreon update - at least, not until I post about them.

You're not wrong though. The fact that she's naked was an oversight. I just didn't notice that I forgot to sprite in her shirt before I released the update. I might leave it as is, though, nobody seems to have a problem with it lol.

@JOHNRKO007 - Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the project so far, I take great pride in the involvement of the community. Also, the next Patreon update will have customizable controls, so hopefully once that's there people won't have any issues with controls anymore. Sliding into an enemy doesn't hurt them, it's used as a traversal and evasion technique. So you can slide right under a slime that's jumping at you, for example. Don't worry too much about the slimes being hard to hit though, there will be some much better ways to hit them once the game gets further along. Slimes won't be nearly as much of a hassle once Alicia gets all geared up. In the early stages, though, it's a good way to teach the player about aiming.

@Textbook - Yeah, I'm honestly not sure why they don't either. Professionalism be damned, I love interacting with the people following this project. I don't see how it could be negative towards my success as a developer either.

You have a point with the MS paint text. I'll still work on getting at least one orgasm animation finished soon, but it would be easy to stick some non-intrusive text up during the unfinished ones. Thanks for the suggestion.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

@Textbook - Yeah, I'm honestly not sure why they don't either. Professionalism be damned, I love interacting with the people following this project. I don't see how it could be negative towards my success as a developer either.

You have a point with the MS paint text. I'll still work on getting at least one orgasm animation finished soon, but it would be easy to stick some non-intrusive text up during the unfinished ones. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'd just use draw text, easier to remove
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I'd just use draw text, easier to remove

Well yeah, I wasn't actually going to go into the sprite and draw it by hand. Huge waste of time.