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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina sits on a couch in the lobby looking at the door she was hoping to leave soon, at the same time she was looking for people who she thought had too much spare time, wondering if they even know a girl that resided in the hotel had gone missing, and probably becoming a breading cow for whatever master had her, Vina could only hope that it wasnt the same ones that was giving her nightmares every single night, the raptors.

((Vina is looking for people to join in on the rescue mission))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(As worn out as Claire is, it'd be night time when she fully recuperates. And I shouldn't have to tell you how dangerous walking around at night is.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Fair enough, thanks!)

Deciding that she'd had enough for today, Claire wandered on wobbly legs back to the lobby, finding a comfortable enough looking couch to curl up in. She'd found a newspaper in the meantime -- old and outdated now, of course -- to read to pass the time. While she was mostly waiting on Caitlyn's safe return (she hoped!) Claire kept an eye out and made sure to leave a space on the couch should anyone else want to sit. She was beginning to recognize faces, but hadn't put names to most of the people here.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter hums as she enters the lobby. With a purposeful stride she walks up to Claire and reaches out her hand.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Ritter. I don't believe we have met yet?" It could be, of course, but it's not like the good doctor would have memorized any of the knocked up little things that ended up on her table.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Folding the paper and setting it on her lap, Claire blinked several times at the doctor headed her way. Her eyes, blurry now that she didn't have access to her contact lenses, made out a figure that looked much like Caitlyn, though the voice and bodylanguage (and name, of course) were all wrong.


"Oh, hi," she replied, hand extending automatically to shake the other woman's. "I'm Claire -- Claire Idae. Are you one of the medics?" she asked. Then, frowning, she added, "is something the matter?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Whew, I hope changing mission was a good idea. Not sure who this Sara person is though."

She tries to make eye contact with people in an attempt to greet them but it seems to fail miserably. Yet she sees a girl (Vina) sitting alone on a couch and decides that she'll be her first new acquaintance. She drags her friend along in an attempt to make it less awkward.


"Hiya. You alright? You seem worried. I'm Meredith and this is Stacy."

She points to Stacy.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin double checked the board, and saw the words Meredith and Stacy written right below her name.
She walked out the Lobby, leaving Rin alone, tickering with her new gun.
And the moment she entered the lobby, she heard an introduction from Meredith and Stacy to Vina. She sneaked up behind them and spoke.
"So, you are the ones that signed up for the mission also huh?" Lin said, clapping them on their shoulders.
"I am Lin, I will be going with you guys, please take care of me."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hello there."

Stacy seems startled to say the least.

(Zero you forgot your picture?)

"Do you have any idea who Sara is? Well, I wouldn't know anyways seeing as I'm relatively new here. How long have you been here? This is our first mission and would you also happen to know how dangerous a mission can be? Sorry for bombarding you with questions. Anyways, I'll make sure to watch your back."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(I am too lazy to USE the picture.)

"I think I met her once, but I was kinda drunk at the time." Lin replied.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh I see..."

Meredith shifts awkwardly and decides to sit down. She feels the need to drink something.


"Wanna get a drink?"

She points at the bar but she wasn't sure if Stacy would want one. (Your call RJ)

(Also.. just open up another tab with the code for your picture in it. Copy and paste when you need to. Or just don't replace it with anything else on your invisible clipboard)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(I do that, I am just too lazy to click Ctrl+V everytime my char talks)

"Um... that depends." Lin said, hesitating because the nasty hangover she had.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredith acknowledges the other girl's unwillingness to drink with a short nod. Normally she would've tried to convince Lin to join her but the recent chain of events had sobered her up. Absentmindedly she compares her hair with Lin's own blonde hair in an obvious manneryet without touching her. She seemed to be slightly jealous.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Just to clear things up, Tomoe, RJ mentioned there was no bar -- just an employee lounge that had a fridge full of beer cans. I'm assuming the beer is probably gone by now. XD))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( I know what we need to look for on our next Looting Run ;) ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((*sigh* ...why is the rum always gone?...))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Folding the paper and setting it on her lap, Claire blinked several times at the doctor headed her way. Her eyes, blurry now that she didn't have access to her contact lenses, made out a figure that looked much like Caitlyn, though the voice and bodylanguage (and name, of course) were all wrong.

"Oh, hi," she replied, hand extending automatically to shake the other woman's. "I'm Claire -- Claire Idae. Are you one of the medics?" she asked. Then, frowning, she added, "is something the matter?"

Dr. Ritter tilts her head.

"No, nothing is the matter. I just don't get to meet many people outside of the clinic. Besides most of my patients are either knocked out or creatures about to be treated with a sledgehammer." A frown plays over her face. It seems she does not approve of the methods the people of Apple Inn use.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire's frown turned into a grimace. She'd been curious about what monsters were out there, but after her last escapade, she felt a little too close to the horror of the situation to want to get into the grimy details. The redhead would rather know the hows and whys of the monsters being here in the first place, than what the doctor'd been witnessing.


"Fun job," she replied, voice tinged with sarcasm. "I'll bet you've seen quite the rainbow of terror. Feel free to sit, if you want, doctor," she gestured to the rest of the empty couch. "Did you come to the party last night? I was a little busy to meet everyone here, so I might have missed you." Her smile was genuine enough, now -- Claire didn't mind changing the topic.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie wanders into the main lobby, apparently having gotten lost while searching for the medical portion of the Inn.


"Guh, this place is way too big," she says, arms slumped. She stretches her back, then notices Claire speaking to a blond woman. Hmmm, not Caitlyn, Christie thought, Claire must like blondes. Just then, she recognized the blonde woman as one of the doctors who had been attending to the various women who came into the Inn pregnant. Hey, maybe she can teach me first aid! She walks up the two with a smile and wave.

"Hey Claire! Who's your new friend?" she asked cheerfully. Extending a hand to the doctor, she said, "I'm Christie! If you've got a VCR on the fritz, I'm your girl!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter accepts Claire's offer and sits down on the couch.

"Oh I did. Unfortunately I don't get to. . . do research on these creatures. By the time my coworkers are done with them there is not much left. I tried to convince them to dispose of them more gentle. In vain."
As Christie approaches them Dr. Ritter reaches out a slender hand and shakes hers. "Dr. Ritter, Hannelore Ritter. Thank you for your offer, but I don't watch TV." The doctor gives the woman a polite smile - it would seem she is serious about that.