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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"More gently?" Claire asked, not wholly convinced. There was something that pleased her, knowing that there wasn't much left of the creatures that tried to use them; retribution, even second hand, was a nice feeling. However, as Christie came over, her smile brightened.


"Christie, how are you today?"

She added to Ritter, "not like you're going to have much of a chance to start, unless..." she turned her attention back to the dark-haired woman, "you're able to find some movies and the time to watch them." She paused, her gaze drifting to the floor and back again. "Decided to hide out in the building today, too, huh?" she asked of the newcomer. She wasn't entirely proud about avoiding the mission board today, especially after Caitlyn had taken off so determinedly this morning, but she felt as though she had good reason to defend her choice today -- and Christie more than anyone, Claire felt, would be on the same page.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie blushed at Claire's question, and looked at the floor, kicking her foot.


"I just figured I might be a bigger help around here if I learned some more practical skills. Like you said, electronics don't seem to be in much demand right now," she said with a slight laugh. She brightened quickly though, and turned to Hannelore. "Speaking of which, you're a doctor right? I'd like to learn how to use those first aid kits they have in the shop. I like to fix things, so maybe now would be a good time to learn how to fix people," she said with a chuckle. "If you aren't busy that is."

She shuffled her feet and looked nervously at Claire, then back at Dr. Ritter. "I don't know how I made it to the Inn twice without getting... hurt... some kinda miracle or something. Anyway, I don't want to let anymore people down if I have to go back out," she said, with a cautious look at Claire, before turning her gaze down."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter casts Christie an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I am a horrible teacher. Communication is not my strong side. Maybe one of the nurses can teach you better. Do you think they have flamethrowers?" She changes the topic without a pause as she points at the shop.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh, alright. Sorry then," Christie said with an embarrassed laugh. "Flamethrowers? I don't know about this place, but one time I whipped one up in my parents garage. Oh, they were so mad... well after the fire department told them what had happened, anyway. I was grounded for months! But really, how was I supposed to know household chemicals were THAT flammable?" She shook her head with an annoyed look. Switching gears just as suddenly as the doctor, she turned back to her and asked, "Could you point me to where the nurses hang out? I swear, I ran all over this place and just managed to wear my shoes out a little."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh? Interesting. Maybe I can build one myself. Do you remember how you constructed it? I have sworn myself to cleanse the hospital with FIRE!" Dr. Ritter shakes her head at Christie's question. "Again, I'm sorry. Again, communication is not a strength of mine, so I don't talk to them much. Maybe you could get impregnated and ask them after you wake up?"
. . . She did NOT just suggest that.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie laughs a bit nervously at the doctor's suggestion. I don't think so, lady. She then changes the subject yet again.


"Crude flamethrowers aren't tough to build. A lighter and a can of hair spray will do if you're real cheap. For a bigger one though, you'd need some quality materials. Steel pipes, insulation, pressure regulation, an ignition source, and the chemicals, of course. The design would be different whether you wanted a gas based or a liquid based 'thrower, too, but that's assuming we have everything else." Looking rather pleased with herself, the mechanic stands with her hands on her hips. She looks at the two, then backs up a little, wondering if she got a little too technical. "I mean, you know... basic stuff..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire watched the back and forth like an enthusiast at a tennis match, most of the conversation swerving over her head just enough that she didn't have two cents to put in. She wasn't sure how else to prove to Christie that she didn't find the black-haired girl at fault for their short-lived and rather gruesomely ended adventure yesterday; Claire had been just as interested in going out as had the mechanic, after all!

She did, however, think of something when the younger woman mentioned the miracle.


"Yesterday," Claire filled in the somewhat awkward silence that had creeped up as Christie trailed off, "you did... something." Her memory was addled, at that was saying something. "You managed to not only pick up one of those things, but send it flying, too. That couldn't have just been a miracle." She shook her head, still thinking on it. This wasn't the time or the place, with the doctor sitting beside her. Claire got the impression that Hannelore was a little cracked (who wasn't around here?) and it made her slightly nervous.

Still, she was willing to give the doctor a chance. She did like blondes, after all.

"Well, you two could always work up a list. I don't -- didn't -- live in this area before... you know... but I've passed through. There was a convenience store on the corner," she mentioned, eyes going a little glassy as she recalled her ride that had brought her past this inn, "and I remember seeing a grocery store a few blocks off. Household chemicals in plenty, there. There are plenty of cars in the lot," she added, remembering looking down on the parking lot from the roof, "and it's not like we're going to go driving. Does the ignition source work the same?" She didn't know much about putting things together, but she knew that cars possessed steel pipes at least... getting them off the vehicle hadn't occurred to her, yet.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie's face scrunched up as she tried to remember the events yesterday clearly.


"I don't know how I managed to just toss that thing aside. It's like everything was going bad and all of a sudden I could see in my head exactly what I needed to do to get away. Like something just clicked." She frowned, trying to find the best words to describe it. Finally she shrugged and said, "It was like a feeling, or an instinct. I can't explain it. I just knew it all of a sudden."

At Claire's suggestion of the list, Christie's face relaxed and brightened. "Yeah, all the stuff we would need to make a home-made flamethrower are available around town. Tools on the other hand, might be a problem. At the very least, I'd need something to weld with. We might be able to find what I'd need at an auto-repair shop."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Adrenaline" is the only thing the doctor contributes to the miracle discussion. As Christie details her plan though her face lights up more and more. "Well, this does sound like a plan! We could head out and find a car-repair shop. . . I just hope there are none of those slimy creatures, my knife was almost useless against them - I need a new knife as well."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire shook her head vehemently at the doctor's suggestion, safe to drop the other discussion entirely for now.


"If you're planning on making a trip of any kind, don't just waltz out there with a knife by yourself and expect not to come back like your patients." She continued, "you could probably spot exactly where you needed to go by heading up on the roof and borrowing binoculars from one of the ladies up there, and then find some people who have a knack for putting bullets into things to buddy up with to watch your back... two at least. Going outside is a serious undertaking now," she warned. "Well... you've seen how it works."

Claire glanced up at Christie, grinning. "I'm sure the inn had a maid's room and a repair room or storage or something. Upstairs or down here... or if this place has a basement, down there. We could probably scour around for some supplies first before seeing what you actually need to go outside for!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter shoots Claire a very cold glare.

"I am not planning to go out alone, my dear. I did not do my doctor's degree in stupid. Also note my use of the word 'WE', signaling a group, as opposed to 'I', signaling a single person."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Raising her brows, looking mildly affronted, Claire replied,


"Well you could have told us about that yesterday." Relaxing -- or more like forcing herself to relax -- Claire added, "talking like that is what got Christie and I into trouble yesterday. I just don't want to see the same thing happen to someone else. I wasn't trying to insult your intelligence." She grinned faintly, hoping she'd assuaged Hannelore's bruised ego.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie looks back and forth between the two, then down at the floor at the sudden change in mood. She looks up at Dr. Ritter after Claire's comment, though, and decides to pipe in.


"Yeah, those things are seriously bad news. The less time we have to spend out there the better." Christie looks over to Claire with a smile and says, "Checking the Inn out is a good idea, there should be stuff lying around we can use. With luck, we won't even HAVE to go searching for stuff."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Tell you what," Claire smiled up at Christie, setting the old newspaper aside as she climbed back to her feet. "Let's go take a look right now. Ooh..." She paused, massaging her legs. That earlier workout had left them feeling stiff! That added to the aging bruises left her feeling a lot older than she ought to have been. "Maybe we can take it a little slow. Tell us what to look for, and we can do a sweep around the rooms to look for it, unless Jesse's already got it locked up with the other supplies." The damn brunette kept a deceivingly gently tight fist on just about everything that the women needed to survive.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie moved to put an arm around Claire's waist when she saw the woman stumble, but backed off when she felt a little self conscious. She blushed a little, then returned to her perky self.


"Uhh... Right, Claire!" She brings a finger to her chin, then taps it thoughtfully as she calls out what she's going to need. "We'll need a strong steel pipe for the barrel and some heat resistant flexible tubes to run the chemicals through. We'll need some pressure valves to make sure the right amount of chemical is passing through, and something to supply pressure, like a pump, or an air tank. Some kind of heat resistant foam or cloth is going to be needed to protect us. Insulation from the walls might even work. We could use a lighter for the ignition source." She falls quiet for a second, rubbing her chin and running over everything she'd said. She quietly repeats each of the items to herself, "Pipe, tubes, valves, pressure, insulation, lighter."

Satisfied with her list, she continued, "As far as chemicals go, painting and cleaning supplies are pretty flammable, and most hair sprays are good too! If we could find propane, that'd work great!" Christie smiles and bounces up and down, happy that she might get to work on something. Eager to get started she begins to lead Claire, and Dr. Ritter if she joined them, around the maze of an Inn for whatever they could find.

*search the Inn for parts for a flamethrower*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter, not really having anything to do, follows the strange duo. Her grey eyes constantly dart around behind her glasses.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The girls appear extremely odd to everyone around them as they search around the hotel.

Unfortunately, the most interesting thing they found was water in a vase, which held an ugly dead flower.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Rin wondered up to the roof top where she see's serveral people with rifles, they seem to be sniping, and Rin observes them.
(Can she get ranks in rifles this way?)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie folds her arms and hmph's at the Inn's apparent lack of anything that could be used for a improvisational flamethrower. She then turns to Dr. Ritter and Claire and pouts.


"Sorry, girls. This place is emptier than an Ashlee Simpson concert. Looks like this project is on the backburner until we find some stuff. Pun intended."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire groaned, though more at the pun than at the lack of supplies.


"Not even cleaning supplies." She did pass the dead flower off to Christie when they found the vase, however, her voice taking a note of dramatic melancholy: "some hope may burn eternal, but others wilt away." Of course, she had no idea that Christie was feeling self-conscious around the redhead... the mechanic hadn't mentioned anything, had she?