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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie sat patiently as the woman began speaking. She was expecting the woman to explain CPR with words, and was totally taken by surprise when the woman pushed her down. After giving cry of alarm then a grunt as she landed, Christie looked up at the woman fearfully for a second, then smiled.


"Don't you think you oughta buy me dinner first?" she asked with a laugh, until the woman moved to start pounding on her.

Christie coughed at the first shove, then tried to raise her arms to ward away the nurse, but the woman simply slapped away her hands and continued. When the instruction was done, Christie sputtered and was about to say something when she felt the woman's lips come down upon hers. Her startled cry was cut short as the woman breathed into her. When the nurse pulled back, Christie lay on the couch catching her breath, a slight blush on her cheeks.

After calming down, Christie sat up and looked at the woman. "My turn?" she asked calmly. The leaning forward, she gently pushed the woman down and moved her hands over her chest. She tried not to linger too long on the areas not related to CPR, and brought both hands together before asking the woman, "Here?" Without awaiting an answer, she pushed down on the woman's chest, just as the woman had done to her, alternating between gentle pushes and sudden violent shoves. After a few repeats of the process, she quickly leaned in, pressing her lips against the nurse's, imitating what had happened earlier. After finishing, she only moved her face back a few inches, before asking the nurse, "How was that?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena grins and strokes Kitty's face, moving uncomfortably close to her again,

"Aww~, c'mon, don't be like that, you know how much I love you~" She pulls the girl in close, groping her slightly as she grins, "C'mon, since you were such a good girl, I might not harass you that much tonight when we sleep~"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure took a seat in the inn's lobby and whipped open her notepad, quietly thinking to herself as she wrote notes down.


"This whole ordeal has me out of my element. I've been taking too active of a role while hoping for a scoop. This story is already too big to need me poking around just yet. What it needs is a good impartial observer... We already know about the monsters outside, and there's nothing more to study until one of the doctors is willing to be more helpful... I wonder what I can learn from the people around here..."

With a new purpose in mind, Azure quietly began to search the Inn for anyone who seemed to be talkative, giving a friendly smile and holding her notepad to encourage them to talk.

(Charisma + Research, obtain information from population of the inn. Specifically geared towards fighting skills, defense against monsters, useful tips, and rumors circulating about the inn's staff.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That was fine, for a beginner, and... Would you mind getting off of me?" she said as she gestured towards Christie's hands holding her down.

The woman cleared her throat again after Christie released her, "But, you still need more practice. I'll tell you a little more, but then I must to return to my duties."

The doctor told her more about everything she needed to know, as well as how to properly administer a special type of medicine that slows the speed of a woman's pregnancy, upon the event of a monster impregnation.

(Christie's First Aid skill has gone up to level 1)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie's head bobbed up and down as she listened to the nurse raptly, attempting to absorb as much of the info as she could. When the woman finished, Christie thanked her.


"Thanks for the lessons, doc," she said with a smile. She looked embarrassed for a second, then said, "Y'know, I don't think I ever got your name. I'm Christie. I'm good at fixing things, y'know, electronics and gizmos and stuff." She offered a hand, then stood up from the couch. "Thanks again, see you later," she said, looking back, as she wandered out of the room and back to main room of the Inn.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Investigation check)

Azure asks around, and one of the guards was open to conversation,

When asked about monsters, the girl replied, "I can tell ya all about those little spider bastards. They can't take much pain, and their grip on ya isn't very strong, but their main strength is their webs. Fighting ya directly isn't their strong point, they're better at running away then a direct assault." The woman waves her hands around, as if making an imaginary web, "They just make these webs and wait for oblivious women to walk into them, once you're in their web, it's pretty much over for you." The woman raised a finger, "But, it helps if you carry a flashlight inside buildings, as the web will reflect off of the light a little."

When Azure asked about rumors going around, the woman scoffed at her, "I heard a rumor that some girl is walking around asking about rumors, any truth to that?"



"Love me- HEY!" she shouted as Selena's hands wandered to where they don't belong, Kitty grabbed her hands, trying to stop them from further intrusion.


As Christie told the woman her name and offered her hand, she ignored the hand, "Elizabeth, my pleasure." She also stood up, walking by Christie, and up the stairs, "Excuse me." she said with a passing glance.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Frowns as she looks at Kitty,

"I'll remember that later tonight..." She kisses Kitty as she steps back a little, crossing her arms, "So have you been making yourself useful my little pet?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Kitty recoils from Selena as she kisses her, "I'm not that kind of girl! And I'm not your pet!" she said, blushing heavily, "Just... Stop it!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena laughs and slaps Kitty on the rump,

"Oh c'mon, you know you like it... and if you don't, you eventually will!" She laughs again, "So what've you been up to? I hope me leaving you for a few hours didn't mean you did something stupid."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure merely laughs at the woman and waves her hand dismissively.


"Joke if you must. But if you really think it's such a mistake to investigate what's going on here, then don't read my paper when it comes out."

Azure suddenly had a new idea, smiling broadly.


"Although, you did just give me a very, very good idea."

She promptly ignored the woman and continued her search for further answers. Individual information on one random species of monster that would've been obvious to anyone wasn't going to be nearly enough for what she was planning.

(Continue researching until a mission comes up.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Christie wandered off, Claire turned to Dr. Ritter again. "So have you gone to talk to the 'shop' keeper, Jesse? She's got a stash of weapons that she's been supplying women with if they haven't gone out, yet."

Dr. Ritter tilts her head. The 'willing to teach' part went straight over her head.

"No, I haven't talked to her yet. I've been busy those last few days. Things have died down somewhat though." She reaches up to scratch her chin absent-mindedly. "But I guess I could go out IF I find somebody to cover my back."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The rest of Azure's search is mostly fruitless, and some women stated that because Azure was outside longer than any of them, she should know more than they do about what's going on.


Kitty squeaks as she's slapped on the rump, blushing heavily, she stutters as she speaks,


"Y-you're horrible!" she said as she tries to put more space between her and Selena, "What I've been doing is none of your business! Stop doing this to me!" she pleads.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena simply laughs at Kitty and strokes her head,


"I'll remember that little outburst tonight my Kitty..." With that, she thinks, then decides to head to the shops.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure nodded and thanked the different women as she moved her way up to the roof to check with her contact once more, it felt like forever since she last spoke to him.


"Hey there. I've got some requests for next time you go out with the girls. Since everything seems to be going to hell and I can't upload to my site, I'm going to try to run a small makeshift newspaper. Small reports on what's going on, tips for girls heading out on missions, stuff like that..."

She realized she was rambling and shook it off.


"Ehem. I need printers, paper, ink... heck, even if you could find me some old-world printing press supplies I'd be able to put something together. I'm going to see about finding some of the things myself, but ask anyone who goes out on missions with you to keep an eye out for supplies if you can."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As the pilot looks at Azure, a note of disappointment rolls over his face as he notices clothes on her.

As Azure finishes, the man regards her strangely, "A newspaper..? What the hell for?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Dr. Ritter tilts her head. The 'willing to teach' part went straight over her head.

"No, I haven't talked to her yet. I've been busy those last few days. Things have died down somewhat though." She reaches up to scratch her chin absent-mindedly. "But I guess I could go out IF I find somebody to cover my back."

As they wandered towards the shop, Claire jutted her chin at the blue-haired girl with the heterochromatic eyes -- Selena, though Claire didn't know her name.


"I'd ask her about going out, if you're looking for someone to cover your back. She and a couple of others went out this morning and I caught sight of all three of them coming back while we were still searching, a few minutes ago. Not a scratch on any of them... in fact, looked like they'd brought back a newcomer. I'll bet my socks she and the other two would be good in a fight."

Good old Claire, hooking people together. Arriving just outside of the multi-purpose room that had been converted into Jesse's shop, the redhead smiled at Hannelore and patted her shoulder. "I'm going to leave you here for now -- I think if Jesse sees me inside the shop without any supplies to drop off for her one more time, she might ban me for life." ...However short that might be.

"Good luck!" With that, she departed back to the lobby, undecided about what to do next, just yet.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure rolls her eyes at the way he looked at her, knowing right away what he was thinking.


"Eyes up soldier."

She teased him, giving him a flirty wink.


"It should be obvious. The girls here are in trouble, leadership sucks, at best. Or just plain doesn't exist at worst. For the few stray orders that are being thrown around, it's not really helping everyone as a whole. The population here is going to grow as we rescue more girls. Half of them are bitchy, the other half clueless or downright helpless. We need some way to give everyone information in a way they'll listen to.

You called me out here to have me investigate things, and now that I'm here, I can't access my website. So I'm going to do what I can while I can here. And this is the best way to do it. It's a throwback, but people have a strange respect for printed word."

She pulled some pages from her notebook and handed them to her pilot along with a couple pens.


"Oh, and while you're at it, try to write down any information you can get from the girls. It's time to document this properly. We've all been so tied up in the action that we've all been neglecting our work. If everything goes well, we should have our first paper printed up by tomorrow morning. Assuming I'm not caught out in the wild, meet me in my room tonight to work on it. And bring as much information as you can."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The pilot waved his hands back and forth, "Hey, whoa, back up a second here. I remember the agreement being that, you were the one getting the scoop, you were just paying me to fly you around. Besides, I haven't seen or heard anything more interesting other than monsters knock women up, and some chick died in an explosion."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Rin felt a need for fresh air so she walks out of the Inn, with only her gun and a sole clip of ammo.
(Rin's gonna wander around, probably to a store(you can choose RJ), so count this as a hunting or looting run.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure sighed in frustration and shoved her way past to go back into the hotel. It seemed to her like everyone in the hotel was doing their best to make life as hard as possible for the reporter.

She didn't even want to talk to her so-called contact anymore if he wasn't even going to lift a finger to help her.


"The longer I'm in this town, the bigger a mistake it seems to have been to come here. What good is it to come to a town looking for a scoop when my only contact is more interested in sitting on his ass and hoping I walk by naked than he is in getting information for my story."

Azure gives up on her idea of starting a newspaper for the girls and returns to the lobby, wondering if anyone had a deck of cards so she had something better to do to waste her time.

(Azure's Mission canceled again.)