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Ascending Sparks (theguy09)

: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Hedieh looked surprised to have such an oath demanded of her, and she hesitated for a moment before simply nodding. Grace's followup, in turn, had her even more surprised. "You... Confuse me," she countered without answering Grace's point. "I am your slave, but... Why are you doing this? Treating us like... Well, free people?" She asked, and it wouldn't be hard to notice the suspicion in her voice. However Grace might respond to that, when it came up again, Hedieh would answer; "I wanted to leave because... I hated it there, where I grew up. I didn't really have anyone there anymore, so... I was just going to leave. Maybe go North, see what the mountains are like.... I wasn't sure, I didn't ever get that far obviously."

Grace couldn't help herself and kind of perked up like she was proud of herself. "Well, you all clearly haven't heard much about The Great Astrogoth Clan. Our Patriarch, and my Grandfather is very against slavery as a system and the reason as for why I am treating you like free people... Well I plan to find the time today or tomorrow to set you free legally speaking." She drops the bomb, hoping to see an astonished face on the cat girl.

"Even if I do manage to become the Matriarch of the clan, I do not know how much Ill be able to do about slavery as a whole but if I can help even a few souls get free of it then I shall do so. I ask you these questions to make sure I'm not freeing some criminal and letting them go into my lands..." She clearly glances at Qasemi as she says that. And once again, her pride dictates that she educate these girls a little on her clan and so she adds, "which happens to include a large region of Northwest Kingdom."

"As it happens, I also suddenly find myself in need of outside help. I ask these questions to see what I can offer you all to serve me willingly and if you refuse my offers than I can simply give you a few coins before letting you go... I am decently confident that I shall win that position of Matriarch though..."
She adds as if she was trying to convince them she could follow through with any of the deals they should make. It wasn't quite so clear what Hedieh could offer her in terms of help unlike Amahle, but every bit of help could push her chances of winning higher so she still made an effort to recruit the mousy girl.

"I offer Amahle chances to win back the honor she lost and help in returning to her tribe when she has reclaim her honor. As for you... what is it that I can offer you to help me in my time of need?" She spreads her hands out in a questioning manner. "I can already promise that there shall be plenty of adventure and if it is your past you wish to leave behind, then I can help you start a new life here or perhaps help you travel around some more..."
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Errrr.... No, I haven't," Hedieh admitted. "Should.... Should I have?" The admission that she planned on setting them free drew the expected shock both from Hedieh and Amahle, though Qasemi had no visible reaction. When Grace spread her hands, the thief still looked uncertain, but now less curious and concerned. "I... I... Uhm..." She started, only to trail off again, clearly struggling to find some kind of an answer. After a moment, she would finally manage to say; "I... Don't have anywhere else to go. Not really. I don't know what living in Badaria would be like, but.... I think I'd probably learn a lot more easily with a local's help than I would on my own. So... Alright, I guess... For a little while, I'll try to help you!"
Grace managed to look only a little offended that Hedieh hadn't even heard of her clan before. "Well, best way to shortly put it would be that the Astrogoth clan is one of the few Great Houses which means that we hold more power and land than regular nobles and that we are in charge of large parts of the Kingdom and of the other nobles in that land..."

Grace waited patently and allowed herself a small smile of happiness as she waited for Hedieh to make a decision on what she wanted in exchange for her help. When she did make a decision, Grace's smile brightened and she leaned forward slightly. "Good! I promise to help you settle down in Badaria then, to make a new life here for your help."

Finally she turns to the last girl of the three and she pauses for a second before speaking. "I heard somethings from that slaver when I was purchasing you all. I honestly have no problem with you killing the bastards who... who did that to you, but I also heard that you killed a girl who was only trying to give you some water. Is that true? If so why did you do it?"
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Oh..." Hedieh would nod, and while she still looked uncertain, she would also go over to a nearby table and sit on it, appearing at least a little more relaxed. That left Grace able to turn her full attention to the last of her slaves, the only one of them who had been forced to wear a collar that suppressed her will. To Grace's question, she simply and blankly replied; "I did kill her. I did it because she was one of their workers, and anyone that works to spread and continue the practice of slavery deserves to die." It was stated in a completely matter of fact way, lacking in any emotion that Grace could glean about her feelings on the matter; it seemed that she would have to carefully word her questions if she wanted any useful forms of how or why, unless she wanted to remove the enslavement collar and give the woman back the full extent of her free will.
Grace frowns, her expression going grim as she listens to Qasemi's answer. That was not what she had hoped to hear. "The practice of slavery is horrible and need to be stopped but you can't do that by killing people who are just slightly involved like that worker. A sudden change would throw society into chaos. You have to get rid of it over time so there is still a civilization for those slaves to return to when they are freed." Grace has a little rant, her own strong feelings on the subject of slavery plain for all three of the girls to see.

She wasn't yet frustrated enough to attempt to remove the collar just to talk with Qasemi, especially when she had just admitted to cold blooded murder, and so she tried to ask a few questions from the collared girl, attempting to glean some more information about the situation and her feelings.

"Why do even the workers need to die when they are just trying to make a living?"

"If I freed you from your collar, would you follow the laws of this land and be able to refrain from killing other like you killed that worker?"

"Your hate for the system seems immense, why do you hate it so much?"
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Willpower for Qasemi: ???
Willpower 2, Electric Boogaloo: ???

Grace's chastising remark had little visual effect on the enthralled Qasemi, though that probably no longer came as a surprise at this point. She had nothing to say on that, it not being phrased as a question, so it would be after Grace's question that she spoke next, still replying in a cold, deadened voice; "Because they enable the practice of slavery. They might pretend that they don't, they might justify it to themselves that they're just surviving, but they enable it all the same. Girls like her are their tools, they are broken down and then turned upon other women, used to gain their trust so that the slavers have an easier time breaking more in an unending cycle. They make pain like a disease among their victims. I have seen it many times. Their women who approach like friends are not as bad as those that started the cycle, but a savage dog still needs to be put down with its master when the time for justice comes."

To Grace's second question, Qasemi actually hesitated, and an agitated look briefly came over her features. It seemed like she was struggling to overcome the collar's control, and was unable to reply while attempting to combat it. Eventually, that struggle would be decided, and it was in that same deadened tone that Qasemi replied; "I could not honestly promise that. If free to do as I wished, I would obey the laws only as was needed to convenience myself and allow me to more effectively kill more slavers. I would still seek to kill any and all slavers and their ilk, however and wherever I can. No law that allows slavery is just, and any unjust law need not be followed when following a righteous cause."

Her final question again caused Qasemi to pause, this time for considerably more time. She actually began to shudder, and a few times she would jerk her head to one side before going unnaturally still again. Her hands clenched, to the point that her nails were digging into her palms and rivulets of blood began to drip down onto the floor. Finally, after over a minute, the woman's deadened voice responded; "Because they took everything from me that I have ever had, everyone and everything that I have ever loved. Over, and over, and over. First they took my household, where I grew up. They came to it one day, and after the shooting had ended and my father and brothers had all been killed, my mother, my sisters, my cousins and I were taken into slavery, albeit only after they had raped us to their contentment, selling us one by one into brothels and the harems of cruel men. I was eleven at the time." Qasemi's jaw was clenched as she spoke, adding a harshness to her otherwise expressionless tone, her emotions suppressed by the collar around her neck.

"Then, after I escaped, the last of my living sisters that I know of alongside me, more came to our new home two years later, and took our daughters from us who had been born on the same day, twins in all ways that matter. My sister resisted, and she died in front of me. One of them held me under his boot and made me watch, after they had shot her through the jaw with a shotgun, while they raped her until her body cooled. Then they raped me over her corpse. They sold us all to different masters. I never found out where my daughters were taken. I was nineteen." Again, despite the collar, the intensity of the woman's emotions bled through, allowing tears to stream down her cheeks even as her tone remained forcibly devoid of emotion. Hedieh had shrunk into herself by this point, curled up into a ball and crying in the corner of the room while staring, as unblinking as Qasemi herself, at the woman doing the talking. Amahle had looked away and set her jaw, fists clenched as she listened, doing a much better job at suppressing her own horrified sympathy than Hedieh.

"The third time," Qasemi continued after taking in a quick breath, "I had escaped again after giving my rapist owner two children from my belly. I killed many men as I fled, and some who had watched this pled for the sake of their families before I killed them. I do not regret it. I do regret being unable to kill my owner, his father, or his wife. I was on the run for two years, alone, killing to survive, until I met a man.... I met.... Kindness. I healed. It lasted for two years. I thought that it was over, I thought that I could accept all that had happened to me, if only for what I had found. We settled in a small village. Slavers came, seeking easy prey, and they found us. I was carrying his child, my love's, but a bullet struck me and I miscarried. I hope that he and our child are together in Naya's Gardens, at peace. I was with them for three months before I was sold, again to a harem, this time pregnant again. My child from one of the slavers was sold before he was a year old, but I could not care any more. I found that I could no longer feel pain, not really. I pretended to be docile through my training this time, and they thought they had broken me. I killed my last owner when he tried to force himself upon me, killed some of his guards, and then I fled. I took weapons, and I killed everyone that I found who owned slaves or contributed to their bondage, whenever and wherever I could. Some followed me after they were freed, but never for very long. I was captured again, this collar was placed upon after I attempt to escape and shot the slavemaster through the eye with a shotgun, though he unfortunately survived. Then I was sold to you."

With that, she finally seemed to have finished, much to Amahle's apparent relief. Hedieh's ears had flattened against the top of her head, and she was watching Qasemi through wide eyes. How Grace might react to this prolonged tale of her new slave's many woes was, ultimately, up to her.
1611017347349.png Grace felt like Qasemi's answer to her first question still wasn't being fair as even after listening to it, Grace disagreed that they needed to die just because they tolerated and participated in that system. As for when her second questioned was answered, Grace frowned even deeper. Qasemi was not making this easy on her and she started to get conflicted on if she could afford to actual free Qasemi as well after that confession.

The rant that came with the third answer though, that spread some light on Qasemi's hate. Grace was much better at hiding sadness and anger than arousal and surprise and and even then Grace shuddered at the though of what was being described and had a grim and disgusted expression throughout the story. And when the poor girl's story ended, Grace stood from her bed and hesitantly wrapped her arms around the anti-slavery girl, pulling her close into a hug. "I'm... I'm so sorry that you went through all of that... I don't know how... how you are able to deal with that all..." Grace didn't quite know what else to say. Qasemi's life sounded like torture and yet she kept going. It made a sick kind of sense why she felt like she needed to kill till slavery was gone but even still, Grace thought that was the wrong path. She had sworn an oath to protect her people when she became a knightess of the kingdom and she wouldn't break that just to let Qasemi take out her hatred on everyone around. For that's what she might very well do by her own admission. She would kill innocents if it allowed her to kill more people related to the slave trade...

Eventually Grace would stop hugging the girl and would step back. "I... I can see where that hatred blooms from, but I still can't let you go off killing citizens without good reason, and slavery does not count as a good enough reason in the kingdom's justice..." She sighs, and seems very conflicted about what she has to say next. "I don't... I don't think Ill be able to justify freeing you like I intend to do with the other two girls, at least not until we can come to some binding agreement or other way that I know you wont kill innocents. That said though, I will still help you for helping me. Once my objective is complete I can help you search for your former master so you can take revenge on him..." She dearly hoped this former master wasn't a citizen of the kingdom but the girl needed some form of closure for her hate...

"Even then, I think you be willing to help me with my mission." She sits back down on the bed, one leg crossing the other, hiding her panties under the skirt of her battle armor. "Ive been assigned to dismantle the criminal ring that spans a few cities in my clan's domain, and there will most certainly be some illegal slave trade that shall be apart of that." She nods towards Qasemi as she says that, hoping to curb her probably hate or frustration at not being freed immediately. "Amahle and Qasemi's combat skills are already obvious, but I don't quite know what kind of help you would be able to provide Hedieh. Any and all help would be needed, but you don't need to enter any combat if you do not wish to do so." Grace tries to steer the conversation away from Qasemi's horrible past as she starts to question Hedieh again.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Qasemi, still bereft of free will, did not and could not respond to the hug, having not received an order from Grace to do so. The forced muting of her personality that was preventing her from offering meaningful reactions also made it impossible to tell if Grace's sympathy had any real effect, but unless she removed or disabled the collar there was no way to tell. She couldn't even acknowledge the promise that Grace made to help her track down one of her former masters, in her current state. That did at least mean that any questions that Grace asked would likely be answered honestly, if her earlier answers were any indication.

Turning to Hedieh would, at least, offer more of a conversation; "M-me? Well, uhhh.... I mean, I've had to fight to defend myself a couple of times, but that was just.... You know, fist fights. I've never really.... Y'know, tried to kill anyone before, and I don't think I'd want to. S-sorry... I've never had any kind of weapon training or anything like that. For what I can do, uhhh.... Well, I can sneak around pretty good! And uhhh, I can read and write, Badarian AND Anudorian! And uhhhmmm... Well, if you made me.... Work in a brothel, it wouldn't... Be the first time for that."
Grace had never had to interact with someone so utterly dependent on her commands as Qasemi was with the collar on and so she honestly kind of just forgot she needed to tell her that she could respond and so when she pulled back from the hug and sat down she tried to see if she could loosen some of the restrictions. She sat in silence for a moment, deciding on her wording. "Qasemi, you can speak your mind to me at any time. Do you currently hate me for not immediately releasing you and how do you feel about my promise?" The first part was a long shot but it would be great if it took hold and she did hope the girl didn't actually hate her but if she did they could only try and solve that over time.

"Do no worry. If you do not wish to kill, then Ill do my best to keep you out of danger when ever I need your help with something, and I most certainly wont force you to work a brothel. I have no problems with girls willingly working there but being forced into that would be as bad as slavery." She sits there for a moment thinking.. "Hmmm, would you happen to know how to cook at all? I could see you keeping where ever we stay ready for us to return while we were out and about... We can decide on your specific roll later on truthfully." The inn keeper should be back with the cots soon... She wanted that bath and to get the girls settled down before she left for her meeting with the guard captain. "Do any of you have questions for me?"
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Qasemi twitched at Grace's ensuing allowance to speak her mind at will, and didn't initially react. She twitched several more times, but after a moment she would seemingly reach some sort of equilibrium again. When she spoke, it was still in a monotone, but there was a hint of greater expression in her voice, flickers of scorn managing to briefly infiltrate her tone in places; "I am to be used to fulfill your ambitions, against my will, at risk to my own life. Your promise is as empty to me as your half assed attempt at justifying your decision to keep me as a slave morally was. You guard people who would chain you as readily as they have chained me, men and women lacking in any form of virtue, out of your duty to unjust laws. I have no choice... For now. But if I live to come free of this collar, I will have my reckoning." Whether or not Grace regretted giving Qasemi that extra bit of leeway already or not was up to her, but she certainly didn't seem happy about her situation.

Once she had turned to Hedieh and issued her reassurances, the look of relief that spread over her face was palpable. "Errr, well uhh.... I mean, I've cooked some stuff before. I wouldn't call myself an expert, especially of Badarian food, but I could learn!"

Just then, a knock would come from the door, and if answered the innkeeper would enter the room, hauling a pair of folded cots. Behind him came the stablehand, a young man with messy dark hair who was hauling another cot and some bedding, and behind him came a slightly wrinkled woman with light brown hair drawn into a ponytail and sporting a matronly build who was carrying yet more bedding. "Sorry to bother, sorry to bother! Where would you like these set up? The hot water should be ready by now, the tank holds twice as much as the bath so there should be more than enough. Would you like anything else? I can bring up some mead, ale, wine? A platter of light foodstuffs, perhaps?"

Once that was dealt with and the innkeeper and his helpers had left, and Grace opened the floor for questions, Amahle would ask; "Are you a capable warrior? You are armed, but that means little coming from a Badarian." Hedieh, in turn, would ask; "You say that you're an... Astrogoth? And were assigned to clear out criminals, or something? What does that mean? Are you working for a noble house or something?"
Although she tried to hide it, Grace still visibly shuddered at Qasemi's rebuking as if it had physically hurt her. "I... I am sorry you feel that way Qasemi, but as Amahle can agree with me, one can not simply decide that their vows no longer control them because they are problematic. I shall find a way to properly repay you for your help if my previous offer was not good enough..." Even after speaking she still seemed a little shaken by Qasemi's words. They hurt to hear but she could not and would not go back on her vows. A desire to try her best and heal this poor broken and vengeful girl was starting to arise in her. She wanted to try her best with doing that, but she was just so... shattered, it was hard to see where to start with the girl.

When she saw Hedieh's relief though, she started to feel better. She was still doing good here and was helping these girls, even if Qasemi hated her for it. Grace nods after Hedieh reply. "It would be a good place to start, learning to cook that is. It will help with you settling down in Badaria. Maybe you could even get good enough to work as a chef or start your own restaurant? I was always told that the first step is to have a goal to work forward to." She smiles brightly at the slave girl as she describes a possible future for her. It was also like she was reminding herself that she wasn't a bad person for what she had to do to Qasemi. "And like I said, Ill do my best to keep you out of danger, though prehaps me and Amahle can try and teach you a thing or two as we go."

Not wanting to press the feeling that she was treating them like slaves, Grace would be the one to stand and open the door. "Mhhh, thank you very much innkeeper." She looked around and pointed towards an empty area on the ground where the girls could get comfortable. "Right over there should do. And where would the baths actually be? Hmmm, a bottle of wine does sound good and so does the offer of food. Ill take them." Still wanting to be kind towards the slave girls, she wanted them to actually relax while in her care and the wine and food would help.

Grace would raise an eyebrow towards Amahle's question. "I am indeed a sworn Knight of the Kingdom, which means I truly do know my way around a weapon. We can spar sometime and Ill show you just how good I am with it..."

As for Hedieh's question, Grace would say "Yes, I am an Astrogoth which is the name of my noble family. The reason I have been assigned to clear out these criminals is because in order to choose the Patriarch or Matriarch of the family, potential candidate are all given roughly equally challenging tasks. The first candidate to complete their task would prove that they possess the skill necessary to be the head of our family. I happen to be one of those candidates and these criminals are to be my task."

Once they were done with the questions, Grace would stand again and declare that they should 'go and bath before relaxing'. Unless one of the girls didn't feel comfortable bathing with others, in which case Grace would let them wait in the room for their turn, Grace would lead them to the baths, making sure they had towels before they undressed and got in!
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

If Qasemi felt any sort of guilt about striking Grace's nerves, she didn't show it in her features, though it was likely that the collar around her neck wouldn't have allowed her to anyway. She kept silent regardless, allowing Grace to turn to her other new allies.

"I don't know about that, but... It'd at least be honest work," Hedieh said uncertainly after Grace suggested how high she might rise in the culinary industry. She straightened her back and let her legs down again, relaxing fully at last after having to listen to Qasemi recounting her abuse. "I mean, I suppose that's... I never really had the luxury of looking to do anything other than survive, you know?" On the subject of possibly receiving some combat training from Grace or Amahle, she briefly looked to the dark skinned human woman, who nodded eagerly and gave a toothy smile, which... Didn't necessarily make her any more enthusiastic for the idea, if her expression was anything to go by. "I... Well, it wouldn't hurt, but... I mean, if you think that's best..."

When the innkeeper showed up, the questions and requests would be met with a nod for the latter and a point for the former. "Right over there, in the bathroom. The red tap brings up the hot water. Shall I bring those up right away for you? And how many glasses?" Once that was answered, he would excuse himself again, to return in about five minutes if asked to come back with the stuff now. The platter he brought up had a collection of spiced meats in three varieties - sliced sausages, spiced strips of jerky, and sizzling strips of bacon - three varieties of cheese, pickles, sliced carrots, two types of berries, and apple slices. The wine was a decent sort, not of any impressive vintage or year but not quite bottom shelf swill, and there was enough in the bottle for at least four glasses.

Once that was dealt with, and the floor was opened for questions and follow ups, Amahle would grin again, and nod to Grace. "Ahhh, good! I look forward to seeing you try to prove it some time!" Qasemi, for some reason, twitched at that point, giving a very slight facial tick.

Her answer to Hedieh would, in turn, simply cause the girl to go quiet. She had adopted a pensive look, but it was Amahle who spoke up; "So you must be quick to win this contest and claim leadership of your tribe? Who are the others?"

When it was declared that it was bath time, the three other women would nod, Qasemi leading the way to the bathroom. The scarred woman pulled out of her sparse clothing with neither shame nor hesitance, rendering herself naked in a matter of seconds but then hesitating, clearly not sure of what to do with the taps on the spacious bath. Hedieh was more hesitant to disrobe, initially only taking off her top to let her breasts bounce freely. Amahle, nearly as shameless as Qasemi in removing her top, hesitated a moment before dropping her loincloth, leaving Grace faced with the woman's cock. She was sporting an impressive tool, bigger soft than the stablehand who had been her first while hard, in both length and girth. Hedieh, who had just been working up the nerve to start slipping her own loincloth down, stopped short and reddened at the sight of it, and she froze. After that, Amahle would stare expectantly at Grace, with that shaft twitching to life before the dragon's eyes, and after a few seconds Qasemi would motonously supply; "She is staring at you because she thinks she is going to be made to fuck you. Slave masters, especially among the Southern tribes who populate much of the Expanse like hers, are expected to enjoy their subjects sexually, either personally, or by having them perform as entertainment. If you would rather watch to examine the quality of your goods, I would rather that you choose me as subject over Hedieh."

"Well it doesn't have to be cooking. All I'm saying is look for something you enjoy while your working with me and hopefully get good enough that you can make an honest living out of it afterwards." Grace elaborates for Hedieh. "I would say its for the best if you were taught even a little self defense. There will be some level of danger involved no matter what."

"Now sounds good. And just four glasses for now."
She answers the innkeeper and thanks him for promptness when he returns with the food and drink. She would give each of the girls their own glass of wine and would tell them they could eat and drink what ever they wanted from the platter for Qasemi's sake before she started to sip at her own glass. She only sampled each of the snacks, not really digging in as she wasn't really hungry, but a good glass of wine was always welcome. She looked around at the girl's as they finished eating and drinking, only now wondering if any of them might have a light tolerance to alcohol and would get drunk from just one glass. Grace herself was barely affected by just this amount thanks to having such a large amount of alcohol available to her at a young age.

Grace grinned at Amahle's excitement. She for some reason was just able to... relax around them more than normal. The dragon in her said it was cause she owned them but that was a disturbing thought so she did her best to ignore it. "We can probably find some time to do it in the coming days. Maybe in the early day or late nights when the others are asleep so we don't bother them..." She raises an eyebrow at Qasemi's twitching. "Uhmmm, is there anything you want to say Qasemi?" She wasn't sure if she still needed to give permission to the girl for her to speak or not with her previous command.

"Correct Amahle. Some are close family and others distant relatives are my competition. Id like to think only a few of them are my enemies but life isn't always so simple. Unless something strange were to happen or they have similar goals as mine, we shouldn't necessarily see them." She hoped Bastien's goal wasn't too dangerous, though he was a growing young man now... she couldn't treat him like a kid any longer...

Following behind Qasemi, Grace enters the bath room and starts undressing as well, and although she's quick and accustomed to removing her teal and gold armor, shes still only about half way done when Amahle finishes stripping. Grace had just knelled down to undo the straps of her armored dress's boots after having removed her top, also freeing her modest bust, when she got sight of the futa cock! She hadn't thought this through! T-there was a cock right in front of her face now that her head was down to Amahle's waist height! "U-uhhhh..." She freezes just like Hedieh, though she was much, much more inexperienced than the catgirl when it came to this sort of thing and so her face turns bright red as she watches the dark cock twitch to life. I-it was so big as well... Only Qasemi's voice manages to break Grace's fascinated shock. She quickly stands up and takes a step back, her face tomato red still. "T-t-theres no need for that..." Clearly embarrassed Grace stumbles over her words. "I-I'm n-not going to m-make her do anything, e-especially to you or Hedieh." Grace says to Qasemi' her eyes darting around trying to not look at the now massive black futa cock but she couldn't stop herself from taking a few peaks at it "L-lets go-go ahead and take that bath. Uhh, here Qasemi turn the left tap, its for the hot water." She kneels back down and resumes fiddling with the remainder of her armor for a brief moment before getting it off and stripping off her lacy white underwear. Nude, Grace's skin was basically flawless with her skin being a healthy cream color, and if anyone was staring at her when she got nude, she hesitantly covered her cherry pink nipples, and if the water was ready she would step into the large bath...
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"I'd like to earn some kind of honest trade," Hedieh confirmed with a slight nod, "I'll try... Whatever you can set me up with." With that and the arrangements of food quickly decided on, it would be time to turn to Amahle's eagerness for sparring. "I shall look forward to it," she said, but when Grace turned to Qasemi, she would begin to twitch again for a few moments before answering; "I just don't want to be awakened by your grunting." Her ruminations on her family would receive simply acknowledgement from the other three, and in short order they would be on their way to the baths.

While they were eating, Grace would notice a few things about their habits. Hedieh was ginger and hesitant at first, sampling this and that before seemingly settling on what she really liked. Amahle and Qasemi, in contrast, would eat in an almost purely efficient manner, like she had seen from many career military men through the course of her training. In regards to the wine, Amahle and Hedieh would sample it carefully, with both settling into slowly finishing their portions of the stuff over the course of a few minutes. Qasemi, in contrast, would down her entire glass in one draw, swallowing it in a series of quick, practiced gulps.

Grace's reaction to the presence of the dark skinned woman's cock was enough to prompt Amahle to grin and slip a little bit closer, resting a hand on her hip. "This is good. Relaxing Hedieh or fucking the grim out of Qasemi would please me, but I would much rather mate with you!" Amahle announced blatantly, causing Hedieh to gag and Qasemi to twitch again. Grace wouldn't have the opportunity to do much of what she'd intended, as Amahle strode up to her in the moment that Grace stood to slip her lacy underwear down, hooked her thumbs into the dragonblooded's undergarments, and did it for her, pulling them down to about her mid thighs before letting going and allowing gravity to do the rest. As soon as her hands left Grace's panties, they went to her hips, grabbing and pulling the dragonborn closer.

That left the dark skinned woman's cock resting against her belly, allowing Grace to feel it pulsating towards full hardness against her bare, creamy skin. Qasemi, seemingly uncaring about this, bent over to turn on the tap, prompting steaming water to begin pouring into the tub. She then settled onto the side of it, crossing her legs and turning her head to see how Grace was going to react to Amahle's brazen forwardness. The earlier alcohol had only seemingly affected Hedieh to any significant degree, prompting her to watch the scene playing out between Amahle and Grace while chewing her lower lip, though Qasemi hadn't shown any signs of it affecting her despite having chugged it. "I owe you for freeing me, and this can be the start of my repayment! Besides, I am pent up after a long dry spell, and the way you were staring at my cock makes me think you're interested," she remarked, before her lips launched forward to try to pull Grace into a kiss, her hands moving to cup and knead the noblewoman's rear at the same time.
1612549386475.png Grace looked confused at Qasemi's concern about being woken up by grunting. They girls could practically see the question mark floating over Grace's head. "That shouldn't be a problem, we won't be doing it in the room with you two in there anyways." They would need an open space to spare and the bedroom wasn't the best place to do that!

Grace watched the girls eat and felt another pang of sympathy for Qasemi. Amahle was a warrioress of her tribe so the efficient eating of a soldier made sense but Grace was pretty confident from Qasemi's story that she hadn't ever been trained as a combat slave. It had sounded like she kept on being enslaved as a sex slave meaning this demeanor was born from her desire to kill off those related to slavery… Grace herself would drain her own glass of wine in a steady and continuous manner, savoring it but finishing shortly after Qasemi.

As the other two girls reacted to Amahle's declaration, Grace blushed fiercely and her eyes open wide, only slightly flinching at the sudden hand on her nude hip. "M-m-m-mate?!" The reason Grace had first gotten it in her head that she wanted to try sex bad enough to let a stable boy lay with her was because she had once found that one of the maids had left their book unattended. Curious and bored, Grace read a few of the pages and was shocked by how… lewd and vulgar it was! It was one of those raunchy romance books about a girl enjoying her sexual adventures! Grace may have stolen the book and finished it over the next few days before finding its original owner and paid her to bring more of these books to her… discreetly! She had first seen the word ‘mating’ from a book about a helpless elven adventurer being fucked and bred over and over again by an orc! D-did Amahle realize what she was implying!?

Grace didn't know how to respond or what to do as Amahle pulled down her panties for her, letting the lacy white panties fall to the ground and giving the futa a good view of her shaved light pink pussy lips! Before she knew it, Amahle’s hands were on her hips again, and she was being pulled closer to the futa! Immediately her mind went to the sudden strong heat that was pressing into her belly. Amahle’s dark cock was being pressed into her and Grace watched with wide eyes and a shocked and surprised expression as she saw and felt the impressive cock twitch at the touch of Grace’s soft skin, growing even harder and larger as it did so! As it finally grew to full mast against her, the latest twitch of the hot meat rod caused a sudden jolt of pleasure through Grace. S-she could feel the head of Amahle’s cock poking right above her womb! It was only then that she noticed just how wet she was getting from this! Her pussy was starting to drool a little, and if Amahle paid attention to Grace’s nethers she would be able to notice it!

“I-I-I…” Well she had been somewhat interested in maybe laying with another person while out on her mission, the condoms she brought with her proof of that, b-but this was so sudden! And the other two girls were looking at them! Grace was about to speak more when Amahle leaned forward and sealed Grace’s lips with her own, her hands reaching around and groping Grace’s soft yet firm ass cheeks! Grace froze yet again, but was soon putting her hands onto Amahle’s shoulders and nervously and in a very inexperienced manner, she leaned into the kiss, growing wetter as she let Amahle lead. Her heart was speeding up, pounding in her chest as she grew excited yet unsure of if she should actually be doing this!
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Grace's shocked reaction to the word prompted Amahle to grin widely, "Yes! Mate!" Whatever mental images that word might conjure in relation to the lurid tale of an elf maid conquered by an orc, Grace would have her own concerns in short order once Amahle's mouth was on hers. "W-wait, they're not actually going to.... Are they?" Hedieh asked, though Grace wouldn't be able to answer. Amahle was an aggressive and skilled kisser, very different from the inept stable boy that had participated in her first sexual experience. Her lips shifted artfully to keep Grace's mouth opening wider, allowing her tongue to slip between them and dance with Grace's, leading it through a swirling motion that allowed her to explore Grace's mouth. "I would guess that they are," Qasemi deadpanned dryly.

With the dragon pliant, Amahle's hands would knead and squeeze the soft meat of her muscular rump, testing how much she could toy with it. Her cock would pulse against Grace's stomach for the first few moments, steadily growing bigger and harder until it was a rock hard, pulsating slab, but once it was fully erect the enslaved warrior shifted her hips, pulling them back to let it push between Grace's thighs. That left the top side of it glancing against the dragon knight's shaved flower as she thrust it between Grace's thighs, and it was long enough to stick out between her legs. At that point, Amahle would begin to thrust slowly, rubbing her cock against Grace's folds and using the pressure of the knight's thighs to stroke herself.

That would leave Grace's arousal growing steadily as the stimulation amped up, with the other woman's cock steadily brushing across her nether lips and, as her arousal rose and it began to push free of its hood, her clitoris. Hedieh was watching them from the corner of the room, blushing furiously and keeping her hands over her breasts and sex. Qasemi, in contrast, was keeping her eyes on the tub that was steadily filling with steaming water.

After a minute or so of thrusting between Grace's legs, Amahle would evidently believe herself ready for the main event. She broke the kiss and shifted her grip, pulling Grace around like a dancer and pushing her back until her calves met a nearby table. She swept the towels occupying it aside with a foot, and then pushed Grace down onto it until the knight was on her back. Then she grasped Grace's legs and folded them back until her knees were pressed against her shoulders, putting her in a mating press that she squatted down into, aiming her cock down at the dragon's pussy... Her bare, uncovered cock that once it actually impaled her, would likely be able to deliver the dark skinned woman's seed right into her womb. If Grace wanted to insist on using a condom, or even stop this entirely, she'd best do it quickly. "You ready? I'll be gentle... At first," she said, though how much that might have assured Grace was up to her.
Grace somehow blushed even deeper as Amahle confirmed that she indeed meant to mate with the Dragon noble! She felt a sudden spike of arousal run through her as her imagination took off at the speed of light! Oh gods, oh gods! Amahle's surprisingly soft lips met her own and Grace was at the total mercy of the futa during the kiss! I-it somehow felt good and really intense! Much more arousing and skillful than the one she had shared with that inexperienced stable boy! Grace let out a muffled moan as her mouth was opened wider so Amahle could sneak her tongue into Grace's mouth. T-this type of kiss again, i-it was so lewd! She didn't know what to do with her tongue as Amahle skillfully wrestled with her own and explored her mouth. She tried to wrestle back but was easily overpowered by Amahle! Just from the kissing itself, Grace's pussy started to get wet.

Grace's body was fit and muscular but with a flattering padding of soft fat over those muscles making her ass easy and pleasant to squeeze by Amahle's hands. Grace's breathing through her nose was starting to shudder with arousal as Amahle's large dark cock twitched and grew against the noble's belly and more moans echoed out from the kiss as the thick log of a cock was inserted between Grace's soft thighs and rubbed against her bare cunny! Her hips quivered as Amahle ground her futa cock against Grace's nether lips and soon against her clit which was leaving Amahle's cock covered in sticky but lubricating love juices! The more Amahle rubbed, the weaker Grace's legs got giving Amahle even more control over her!

When the kiss would finally break, Grace was left gasping for air, her head light and fuzzy from the kiss. She raised her hands off of Amahle's shoulders and cover her face in embarrassment as she saw Hedieh watching them, and the suddenly she was being moved. The room spun and the next thing her knew she was on her back on what felt like a table, and Amahle pushed her knees up to her shoulders, completely exposing Grace's pussy to the rest of the room and the futa cock that was lining up to fuck her! She was fully flexible from all of her training which allowed Amahle to position Grace for the best breeding position! "W-w-wait! I-I have a condom back in the room, a-and the others are watching..." Grace weakly protested. "I-It would be bad if I got pregnant" Whether her argument was enough to compel the futa to hold back from breeding the noble dragon she had at her mercy was up to Amahle!
Last edited:
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Hmmm?" Amahle paused as Grace protested, her cock poised on the cusp of penetrating the dragoness. The woman quirked a confused eyebrow and smirked down at her, gyrating her hips to slide the head of her cock against Grace's vulnerable cunny, teasing her entrance but not quite piercing it yet. "Would it? You have an odd outlook, your people. Conception is thought of as a sacred thing among my people, and I am sure that we would make beautiful children," she replied casually, still nudging her cock against Grace's nether lips, doing so just that little bit more firmly with every casual wave of her hip. The athletic woman seemed to have little trouble maintaining that squatting position longer term. "Would it be so bad if, when I pour my seed into you, it should take root? We are both warriors, your lineage will be no weaker for it, I am sure!"

Qasemi, in the background, would deadpan; "It is different for the settled peoples, their ways are not even like the settled people of Anudor, much less yours. Being a warrior is not enough, they place high value on from whom a line stems, instead of on a person's deeds. A descendent of a warrior is regarded more highly than a real one, to my understanding. Besides, she is a dragonblooded, or a demon or mutant made to resemble one... I do not know what significance that carries in Badaria, but it probably matters somehow." Qasemi's reply would at least take some of Amahle's attention off of Grace, as she would turn to look over her shoulder at the catgirl, though that slab of dark cock was still poised to sink down into Grace unprotected at any given moment. "Is that how it works here? No wonder the settled folk are often so weak... Fehhh... Are you sure you wouldn't like me to just..." She looked back to Grace with a grin, her grip on the dragon's legs tightening to push them more firmly against Grace's shoulders, "Sink..." She let herself slide down that little bit more that was needed to start entering her, and the dragon knight's tightness ultimately began to give way. "Down?"

Pleasure emanating from that entrance as the fattened head of Amahle's cock pushed into her, testing her ability to stretch, and just that little bit of initial penetration opened the door to so much more. Whether it was because of her size, that it wasn't Grace's first time, some greater skill on her part, or that it had lacked the latex barrier around it, the dark skinned woman's cock had felt much better against her insides than the stableboy's had. Even so, unless Grace drastically changed her tune and demanded to be fucked then and there, after one final teasing push downwards that claimed perhaps another inch of Grace's folds, Amahle gave a hearty laugh, pulled out fully, and released her grip on Grace's legs as she stood up. "Fine, fine... We can go to the bedroom and get this.... Condo?" She said, reaching out to help Grace up and then letting her lead the way out the door, where her protection and many more options for surfaces on which to fuck awaited.
Grace's full attention was split between the giant and... strangely attractive dark meat rod, that was ready to penetrate her and Amahle's face. Her eyes switching between the two constantly as she listened to the freed futa warrior and as her completely vulnerable cunt was teased by the fat head of the futa cock. She had expected that if she had ever felt this vulnerable before that she would have hated it, and yet... she was so extremely wet right now, especially after Amahle had locked her knees up against her shoulders, giving her full reign to do what ever she wanted! It was nothing like how her books had described it, yet at the same time, they were completely right with how exciting yet taboo it felt! Her heart thundered in her chest as Amahle considered her request, poking the head of her futa cock against her sensitive pussy. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from shamelessly moaning with each poke that grew increasingly closer to having the dark meat inserted into her honey pot. After Qasemi replied for her, Grace finally replied, looking up into Amahle's eyes as she did so. "Y-yeah what Qasemi said. I-it wouldn't be proper for me to get pregnant by someone not from a noble family because of my own status... Y-you would have to prove yourself in the eyes of the nobles before they wouldn't scorn a..." She bites her lower lip again and looks away from Amahle, embarrassed about how much arousal was in her eyes right now. She had always got horny fast when she was reading her books and it seemed she was no different when doing the real thing. Hearing Amahle say a line about letting her seed take root in the Dragon's womb, which might as well have been from one of her books, instantly turned her on some more! "a baby between us..." She finished her sentence.

She could correct Qasemi later about her lineage she decided. "Y-yeah letting j-just anyone impregnate me would make others look down upon me and the babe." T-though Grace couldn't deny she had a certain attraction to Amahle and her bold attitude towards these kinds of things, and it showed with how she kept on bashfully glancing back at Amahle. She would once again bite her lower lip, captivated by Amahle's confident grin as she slowly sunk the head of her cock into Grace's cunny! It was slow enough that Grace could feel every single bit of Amahle's dick slide past the lips of her cunt and into her practically virginal tunnel. Maybe because of just how fat the head of Amahle's cock was, or that she was as tight as a virgin, but Grace couldn't hold back any longer as she felt the sudden bolt of pleasure hit her with just the tip of the cock inside and she let out a shuddering moan of delight! She had to take a moment to respond after Amahle finally stopped. "I-I shouldn't want it this badly b-but yes I want you to do, j-just wait till we are back in the room~." She tried teasing the warrioress, trying to get another cocky reaction from her.

When Amahle releases her and helps her up, Grace hangs off of the human's arm for support, her legs wobbly from arousal and from being held in t-that mating press~ She also grabs one or two of the towels Amahle had pushed off the table she had almost been bred on so they could cover themselves up on the way back to the room. "It's, uhhh, called a condom..." She corrected the girl, and before they went back to the room she turned back, still madly blushing. "I-I guess you two can use the bath first." She says before hurrying out the room with Amahle. If they encountered no problems in their very quick return to the room, Grace would drop the towels and would have Amahle sit on the bed while she went over to her own bags and bent over digging for the condoms she had hidden within. Amahle would just so happen have a perfect view of Grace's ass and pussy as she searched! Finally she would pull out the box, and would take one out before returning to Amahle. "D-do you want to put it on o-o-or have m-me try it?" She asks while she keeled down before Amahle's impressive length with a condom in her hand, ready to either show Amahle how to put it on, o-or try it herself!