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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

A pang of regret hit Priscilla when she saw Carmen, the girl's belly so swollen she could could see individual seeds in the girl's skin. "She belongs to me" she said flatly to the plant girl, afraid that Carmen might blame her for any bad that had happened to her. "You've had your fun, now leave her alone" she continued, hoping she wouldn't have to try to do anything in her current state, as she looked around to try and see Michael and Nicholas, hoping they were in better shape to help her if worse came to worst.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Oh calm down the more young girl said as she place a tentacle between Carmen´s lower lips and press it slowly, this make the human girl moan weakly and then the alure said with a smile Do you see, she is fine and some time ago, she was begging for more fun. Maybe it was soo good that i place a little more eggs of the needed, but she will be fine soon, as also yours others friends.

So, how about if we pass a time together, to meet each other, they will get better in maybe an hour?
said looking at the end to her sister I dunno, they were very exausted after our dinner, our sister should have decided to dont evolve and stays as a weak normal alarune. That or she fall on love with this common woman. Poor, she will never have healthy babies without hunt others males. The young alarune moved to Priscilla and many tentacles sprout from her back maybe if we break this girl, she will remain here and will not break our big sister' heart
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla twitched as the plant girl stimulated Carmen, causing her to moan out. She wanted to say something, but she didn't think she could say anything that wouldn't get her into trouble. The next few statements worried her, but she tried not to show it. "Do you really think you would make her happy by breaking the one she loves? If you made me mindless? That seems silly to me" she said, readying herself to fight if they came much closer. She did know a little bit of fire magic, and she reasoned that the plant girls would probably be deterred just a bit if she used it on them... Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, though.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The young plant girl frown thanks to Priscilla words, as also the other monster girl speaktrying to make her understand Sis will be mad at us for a long time, if she really love her. Lets just forget all about this and continue our lives

No, my way will solve all, all his thing about let them free is just a dumb idea. said to the plant girl before prepare herself to attack the mage girl [color="darkorange] Hear me well human. The time of your race is nearly to end, just accept your fate and sumit. Anyways, if you leave this place, another monster will break all of you and the seeds will be lost, so just stay here and be happy, as we take all your worries away. [/color]

Her tentacles rush toward Priscilla, who also send her fire spell, both attacks conect in the air [color="darkorange"]Kyaaaaa! it hurts ! Water, water! (sobs) [/color]

The trees start to tremble, as many vines tried to cover the slighty soft burned alure. Sister! resist. Stop that human, you will pay if you cause a fire in our forest [color] The middle sister push the young one toward the little lake and then both were ready to use their minions to subdue the mage, but these dont move.

This is a complete place of peace. Who dare to use magic and our minions? said a female voice that come from every side around them. Just a minute later, the big sister appear behind Priscilla and she ask for answers
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla stood stoically as the alarunes argued over what to do about her, clutching her belly and waiting for the more impulsive one to attack her. When she did the mage unleashed her fireball, hitting the plant girl's tentacles in mid air and scorching them. "That's what you get" she said quietly, waiting for them to attack her further, but the attack never came. Instead the "father" of her children appeared, asking for answers. "They attacked me and tried to rape me. The younger one said she wanted to break me until I couldn't leave. And on top of that they're trying to steal my slave from me" she explained, trying to hide the anger in her voice.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Her "husband" frown and looks very dissapointed by her family, then walk until she was in front of Priscilla and lend her the scroll that have the futa spell. Sorry, Dear. They are not usually like this, all this reproduction thing should be too much for their younger bodies. Why dont you just seat here and read the old scroll, as i take care of this familiar problem?

The plant girl caress the human hair and try to kiss her, before turn to her sisters Hi gals! It looks like both had been really busy making these bad pranks, all were really a big mistake and if i werent your sister... Anyway, lets clean all this mess...

The others just can believe that their big sister had changed for good in some hours. How..? had you really evolved, big sis? The little one interrupt and then said dissapointed Thats not fair! How do you evolve before us, if you only take a common girl?... well a mage.

Priscilla´s lover just giggle before walk to them and use some vines to lift Carmen heavy body "If you really want to know, maybe i should show you." More vines sprout from her body and wrap the two plant girls until two wolf bush appear from the trees. They looks to be loyal servants of the big plaant girl and with their vines they take the others two on their backs. Kyaaaa! let me go, im your master, why i cant control them? Sister what is happening to our powers?

The biggest plant girl just giggle once again To evolve, you must first get pregnant of your lover, but it looks like both had not found them. So, as there is not other alaure of my level, from now on im the ruler of this place and both will be unnable to do something until i end this. Said before walk away of where Priscilla was reading
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Alright, I guess" Priscilla replied, taking the scroll and returning the kiss before sitting down and reading as she noted that her lover was taking care of Carmen. She kept reading the scroll until the alarune returned, and she asked "will she be okay? My slave. She seemed like she was in really bad shape."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

When Priscilla opened the scroll, she could feel a warm aura coming from it, it certainly was an autentic magic scroll. It was really old but their letters were completely legibles for her, her reading was easy and even when the writng was really long, she could maybe end it in an half day or maybe even less, maybe she was very compatible with this kind of spells.

As she was reading, her ears could reach to heard the cries and moans of the plant girls. over all, the begs of the little pesky one, these begs soon were muffed by lusty sounds and lowdly sluty moans and after some last painfull moans all get quiet.

The big plant girl return with Cermen at her arms and let her down close her wife, behind her the two wolves bring the two plant girls on their backs to were was the lovely pair of lovers. The plant girl just take a time to decide what to say when Priscilla ask her about her slave. Carmen belly was smaler than before and at least her breathing was normal, there was a little blood around her neithers and then the mage was answered. Dont worry, Honey. This human will survive and get even better when she give birth, but maybe all this could had afecter a little her mind and libido, i dont have any way to cure that, maybe in your journey you could find a way or with the time she will get completely cured.

Her husband wait for Priscilla to calm herself before add. I know that this is hard, but we have something more to treat. After our little time together, i have decide that i will be glad to earn my name from you and also i will ofer you a temporal servant, to pay all this problem. will you accept? my dear Priscilla
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla read over the scroll, flying through the words. This one was much easier than the healing spell's scroll had been, and she began to wonder if she had a natural talent for this sort of thing... As she did she heard the plant girls who had so thoroughly fucked Carmen moaning and crying out, likely getting a bit of their own treatment. At least the slave's body looked a little bit more normal-sized, at least for a pregnant woman, and she seemed to be okay enough. "Hmm... I guess that's alright. I hope it doesn't affect her mind, but she might be a little better off if it increased her libido" Priscilla replied to the alarune, thinking the girl might at least be a little more comfortable with herself in this place if she were more interested in or open to sex. "Your name...? Hmm..." Priscilla muttered, trying to think of a good name for an alarune. "Do you like the name Aly? I think it's cute" she replied finally, nodding. "And what kind of servant are you talking about?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The plant girl giggle afte heard her new name So it will be, Aly? heh, it will be a honor to be named Aly. She then call one of the wolf with a move of her hand and this place the blonde little plant girl between them, Aly get down and blow from her mouth a strange shining breath that geet inside the little plant girl nosee, who had now have a pregnant belly a little bigger than Carmen have now. The air make effect and the girl wake up, shaking her head.

Sister, why? why you impregnate us with our own seeds? you are so mean with us, we were just trying to do the best for these women. Aly hit softly the blonde girl head and then said to Priscilla. This kind of servant, she must find a new place to live and know how the humans really are. Dont worry, from now on, she cant hurt you anymore or any other human.

Ehh? why i cant try? Said maybe chalenging her. Aly just smile as she pess playfully the little plant girl nose. Because you are now my servant, little one. And now like a way to pay your mistake, offer a sincere apologize, as you kiss and lick my wife foot.

W-what? a alure cant do that to a... her body get free and she blushed before she said I-im so sorry, i was completely wrong and made all that bad things to your servant, please forget me. With tears on her chesks and blushed, the plant girl get down and give countless kisses and licks to Priscilla right foot. Please forgive me... i beg you, human... please said without stop her order.

Dont worry about my little sister, she will only accept any of yours orders and dont hurt your friends. But she will remain her way to be
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla watched curiously as Aly called on the wolf that had taken away her youngest sister, bringing the alarune there and then seemingly impregnating her by blowing into her nose. She was a little confused at the exchange that followed, and very much so as the young plant girl began to apologize to her, kneeling to kiss her feet. "Huh. I won't forgive you, since I don't think you're genuinely sorry. But stop kissing my feet and get up. I won't be too hard on you, though. Not unless my other slave wants a piece of you after what you did to her, that is" she said, looking down at the alarune. "Thank you, I'm sure she'll be helpful to us later. So what do we do now? Shouldn't we stay here at least a little while longer, so we don't have to walk around pregnant and risk having to fight like this?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The young plant girl give a pair of kisses more before stop and stand up, her soft green hands trying to clean her face. I-i understand, Mis..tress... i will wait my punishment and serve you as best as i can... The little girl said, before wait her next order for a time and after a minute she opened completely her eyes and look around wondering what had happened.

Normally a human should stay in a safe place to give birth, but our seeds only will leave you in a fertile ground away of my pollen and presence. Only the ones in my womb are free of that problem, call it a way of the nature to make us cover the world or a style of competition to protect our childs. Aly caress her pregnant belly before add. Thats why my sisters must leave our home and why at the start i choice you, as your magic give me the chance to grow more. Thats what i through, but not was until i fall in love when i start to grow.

Dont worry, human. The farm of your friend is close here, after leave the forest. Also, we will be protected inside our home, maybe in the farm we could leave the first seeds.

So, now Priscilla was without too much to do than to wait for the others to wake up, she could pass a time reading or pass her time with her loves, maybe asking her more about what will happen with her childrens or about more magics like the one in the scroll.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"I guess it would make sense that it would be that way... I assume it's the same way for Carmen?" Priscilla asked, wondering if her slave would be able to spend more time here and recover herself just a little bit. "Hm... I guess if the farm is close it shouldn't be too bad" she said, hoping nothing would ambush them along the way. "Do you have any other magic that I might be able to learn, by the way? I'm always looking to learn a little more."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Indeed, all can rest until all get better, But like you, your slave must leave these lands to give birth, at least both can leave some seeds in the same place. Aly said, as she get close and invite Priscilla to sit in the floor at her side cuddling each other. Hmm? more spells? ... Im sorry, but i dont have any other book or scroll that cold help you, but dont worry, im sure that i should dont said this but, once you have only a seed or two, you will feel how these will get attached at your womb.

The plant girl caress her and press to her body before continue. All will be fine, in that moment you will have some of our powers and if all goes right, you will have these new spells permanently once you give birth to our daughters, who will be more powerful than a normal alarune.

Priscilla had not ended the scroll and it could take an hour to Carmen to wake up, unless the mage heal her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Hm... At least she's gotten a little bit better since you came, before I don't know that she could have walked at all" Priscilla replied, sitting next to the alarune and cuddling gently with her. As she kept rubbing her lover's back and side she listened to her words, pondering them. "Huh. So I learn magic by giving birth? That's weird, but awesome at the same time." As she sat with Aly she got out the scroll, starting to read it again as she said "I might as well read a little before the others wake up, let them sleep as long as they can while they're in a safe place."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The nightie was honestly more sexy then she would have normally chosen or preferred but it all she had at the moment; also the gothic design of it appealed to her personal tastes a good deal. She blushed a deep red at Shizunes comments, "Ah...... Y-you u-u-undressed me!?" she looke down to the floor with hot red face, blushing deeply. If they looked closer they could even see a little steam come off her from where she was so hot, I can't believe they saw me naked! How embarrassing~~~! she whined to herself before taking a few moments to recover from the revelation before she crawled into bed with the other two. Upon seeing the fluffy little bunny tail Mitzuki couldn't help bit to reach out and squeeze and play with the little fluff ball, It's......... Cute..... she thought to herself.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)


Her wife stay with Priscilla all the time, trying to make all the possible to aid the mage in her lecture, sometimes rubbing her shoulders or just remain hugging her and even resting her head on her shoulder. Meanwhile she order to the free wolf to cuddle at Carmen side and some plants grow to support Carmen`s head, The other plant little girl just move to where was her middle sister, a little sad of how she was now a slave, there the other wolf left them alone, as it goes where was Priscilla and get behind her and Aly to work as a seat for both.

The time passed and both were geeting sleepy by the relaxing time that both were passing, resting themselves over the wolf body, just then Carmen start to whine and whimper until her eyes get opened.

Uhm... Carmen just lay in the floor, maybe still tired by how she was used, her hands reach her pregnant belly and smile before try to attempt to get up, the girl lighty groan until get sit in the floor, her hands touch her swolem breasts and drenched pussy, just then she notice the green wolf and she move away protecting her belly aghh... noshe whine before the wolf yawn and make playfull soft sounds to make her feel fine, heh... hi puppy Carmen say still slighty scared of the wolf but waiting for his next move.

The creature get slowly closer to her, until he stay in a distance enough for her to pet him. Carmen just giggle and happily pet the plant creature who even lick her privates without disturbe too much the girl No... wait, it make me tickles...ahh... heh, wait doggy...

Priscilla is close to learn her futa spell and Carmen have bad funny rolls, so she have a high libido (3 fail rolls) and a little more docile mind (1 bad roll)


Yes, you were completely wet when we find you close the river and we were out of clothes that moment, but as i say you, you have nothing to be ashamed. The little blonde girl said before the blue bunny girl playfully hit her head Lets just rest, tomorrow will be a dangerous day and we will need to wake up soon to make the next guard.

Now with Mitzuki on the bed, the three were ready to sleep, but soon Mysti scream ashamed when the gothic girl playfully touch her cotton tail. Kyaaaa!

No, please. Its so sensitive and its a shamefull bug of the game. I... just, please dont touch, it feel so...good... The Bunny warrior was starting to look very aroused and docile. Meanwhile Shizune just giggle and wishper Touch her ears, she love it even more.

The time was passing and in three hours they must get up to make their guard.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Mitzuki made a sly mischievous cat face as she reached up and gently squeezed on Shizunes fuzzy bunny ears before relenting and snuggling down into the bed, cuddling up against the back of Shizune and lightly wrapping her arms around her waist and whispering into her ear, "I'll have to play with you later. We should get some rest, we only have three hours till it is our turn to stand guard again." She would then snuggle against Shizune till he would get comfy and fall asleep. She would sleep til the men came and assigned them to their guard time.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla focused herself on reading the scroll and understanding it while she could, sometimes getting a little help from Aly, allowing the wolf to act as a sort of seat for her. As Carmen woke up the mage diverted her attention enough to watch her, seeing the slave afraid of the wolf that had been cuddling with her while she slept. She watched Carmen pet the wolf as it started to gently lap at her pussy, which oddly didn't seem to disturb her that much. "Hey, Carmen, are you alright? Come over here and sit with us for a bit" she called out, patting the space beside her as she smiled at her slave.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Shizune= girl with dog ears
Misty= Blue haired bunnygirl
Tobias= first guy
Roger= chef


Misty squrm and whimper, as her soft bunny ears were squeezed by the new girl. Luckily they have to rest and the bunnygirl just shake slowly her head when Mitzuki talk about use her later. The three soon were sleeping and when Tobias awake them, Mitzuki was bellow Shizune who nearly naked body was squishing the gothic back.

...Thanks Tobias we will be ready, soon. Said Misty before try to get up without disturbe the others Dont forget to wear your armor, this night could be very dangerous. Said the young man before go out and then the blue haired girl tried her best to make the others get awake, she was still ashamed to had exposed her strange animal parts to a nearly stranger.

After a time, the three were ready to move on and they let the two guys to return to their beds.

So, how about some scary tales to make this guard more entertaining No thanks, i prefer to make some coffee and search for something to eat instead, maybe cookies., Said Misty as she goes to the kitchen and leave the blonde girl alone with Mitzuki, the blonde little girl remain with her rag clothes and she giggled before try to start a talk I loved how you made your move, Misty usually is a little shy at the start, but with the correct touch she will be happy to play with you.

Can i ask you about your preference? Maybe if we ask to Tobias, he could join us too.

As they talk, a far shadow appear outside the house, all was silent and they were not sure what could be hidden in the woods close the little house.


Carmen quickly look to where her mistress was and tried to push the wolf away before move slowly to where Priscilla invite her to sit. Of course that the changes on Priscilla make her get surprised and she tried to touch her mistress belly before sit at her side. Oh, im fine, maybe a little tired and sore. Both looks so cute together... im sorry... for all the things that i said before. The slave then notice the others two plant girls and move her head to a side before add blushed Why all of us, are pregnant? even my new...i mean, even the plant girls

Aly giggled Im so glad that you are fine, human. A little more and you would had turned into a mindless breeder. Also, i give my best to return your body as how was before, but it looks like the substances arent from one of my kind, maybe your body could change a little when you give birth, nothing so rough, maybe a increase in your breast lactation or some others little effects
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