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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

When the archer ask about how Misty could reach, Shizune just giggle and cuddle closer to her Nah, she really love it, but she is very shy with her body alteration, mine are cool and cute, right?

The jokes and laughts ended when the shadow appear, Shizune just nodded before run scared to call the others, leaving Mitzuki alone for some minutes, just then someone knock the door and from the close window Mitzuki saw a girl falling on the floor, she was drenched in fluids and dressing only skimpy useless rags a leather collar and shackles on her limbs.


The fight continued, the mage icicle was avoided in the last moment by the creature who then get attacked by the plant tentacles, they hit him and tried to wrap him, but he was very fast and soon jump over the slave and was ready to penetrate her in a dog position, but then the grass wolf bite brutally his ask making him roar in pain before Nicholas end his suffering. The other wolfman payback and hit the grasswolf as the minotaur send the farmer to fly.

Now the wolfman who was tired raping the prisioners was ready to fight, making the fight longer.

P 6
M 5
N 3
W 4
Slave 3

2 wolf 4/4
1 minotaur 8
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla could barely keep up with what was going on with the battle at this point, though the number of enemies seemed to be thinning out. She attacked another of the wolfmen, trying to get the others to help eliminate one more weaker enemy before dealing with the minotaur.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)


Not loosing any second, Priscilla manage to wound one of the wolfmen, the monster roll and hide behind a tree making Michael lost his chance and instead the minotaur get this time to tackle the archer and send him fly many feets away. Nicholas get a better luck and run behind the wolf Nobody touch my daughter, damn filthy beast his small sword wound his back and make him groan, the painfull sound make the grasswolf bite him before run after heard the scream of the plant slave. The blonde alarune send her vines toward her foe but this dont stop it and soon both end wraped in her vines, as her hands try to mantain the letal fangs away of her.


Looking how wounded the plant girl was, Priscilla send a heal spell to her, but this take too much focus of her and the slave only get recovered a little. The minotaur saw this and send his massive body to her, soon Priscilla was pinned on the floor, looking how the giant humanoid start to rip her vest. Michael get up to see his hand nearly broken after the great impact, groaning he shoot an arrow against the wounded wolfman and with the help of Nicholas the beast get killed, the grasswolf bite the last wolf human but this was in a bliss and just insert his dick on the slave Nooooo, my childrens!, stop please, i summit but please dont use that hole, i beg you, please! she cry without get answered by the monster who continued thrusthing even more deep and faster.
P 5 grappled
M 3
N 3
W 4
Slave 3 penetrated

1 wolf 2/4
1 minotaur 8
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla managed to wound one of the wolfmen, which was then killed by the rest of them. She also managed to heal her slave, though not very much, before being tackled and pinned to the ground by the giant minotaur. She couldn't quite tell what went on after that, instead focusing completely on pushing the minotaur away as he began to rip off her dress. Finally she decided to try to unleash an icicle into the beast's stomach, hoping that would get him off her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With the minotaur over her, Priscilla tried to cast her spell, as he looks busy shreding her clothes, she place her hands pointing to his chest but sudenly the bullman slap her both arms at a side sending her spell to a side. NICE TRY, BUT YOUU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH TRICKS, HUMAN! The creature said with potent loud voice and placing her hands on Priscilla chest he cast a strange dark shine and soon the young mage start to feel her body weak and heavy, turning into an even easy prey, as her clothes continue getting destroyed by the Minotaur. Meanwhile Michael tried to shoot, but his arrow was useless with her wounded arm, he decide to use his knife as he went to aid his partner, Nicholas also move to were was the minotaur but was very far away, as all pass the plant girl was getting raped even when she begs him to stop, the grass wolf tried to save her but a sudden potent kick of the wolfman send him away. The slave notice that she was the only one who could save her childrens and using all her vines wrap and cruch every limb of her foe, letting just a mass of blood and meat over her, this cause her get completely stunned and just lay on the floor caressing her belly and crying for her babies without stop.
With her weaken state Priscilla was unable to act faster to surprise the monster on her, he easily rag her clothes and press his massive member against her folders, painfully getting a little deeper as he whisper her Give up and let me turn you into one of us or i will crunch these critters and turn you into my personal mindless cowgirl slave. As he implant his throughs Michael and Nicholas stab the creature in his back, making him roar, the grass wolf reach from behind but with a potent move of his leg the minotaur send him fly really hurted toward a distant tree, the plant girl was in shock and would maybe remain in the floor.
P 2 weak/penetrated -4
M 2
N 3
W 2
Slave 3 stuned

0 wolf 0/4
1 minotaur 6/8
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla tried to cast her spell into the minotaur's chest, but the beast slapped her hands away, as he screamed at her with a booming voice. He then laid his hands on her own chest, casting some sort of spell that made her feel weak and helpless. He finished ripping her dress apart, and then quickly penetrated her with his impossibly long, thick cock, slowly pushing deeper and drawing pained groans out of her as he whispered a threat. "You bastard... You would destroy them no matter what" she said, trying to stab him with more icicles as he kicked the others away.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The bull easily avoid her spell and nearly breack her arms when he put them at her back, and before raise her with a hand and use her as a shield to stop both warriors and use her other to hit the wounded Michael who was in his last heavily breathing with maybe some libs broken. No doubt that you will be a great mage for our master, maybe i should kill this pest to make you accept my words Whisper to her, as she saw how the grass wolf stealthy move at his back and wound his legs. DAMN BEAST! shout before hit the plant creature once again.

Priscilla try to still use her magic but soon the free hand of the minotaur press her neck the enough to make her start to lost counciousness JUST SLEEP, THIS WILL END FASTER THAN YOU EXPECT shout the monster and then at the last moment [color="red"=DIE!![/color] Priscilla heard Carmen scream as the mage body fall on the floor and the minotaur turn to face a new foe.


Priscilla wake up on an old bed, she was naked and very sored at her hands and neck, she was on a dark old room and Carmen was resting on a seat at her side, she was still naked but covered in bandages at her chest, forehead and arms. Outside the room some voices can be heared and some cries and shouts were mixed.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla's attempt to defeat the minotaur were again unsuccessful, and he nearly broke her arms as he counterattacked her, pulling them behind her back. The beast began then to swing her around, using her as a shield against her group. She continued to try to fight back, but she was far too weak, and he began to choke her with a powerful hand, and just before she fell unconscious she heard Carmen let loose an angry yell.

She woke up incredibly sore, to see Carmen sitting next to her bed, covered in bandages. She could hear voices mixed with shouts outside, and she struggled to get up. "Ahhh... what happened? Is everyone okay?" she asked, clutching her belly.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The pregnant red head mumbled and yawn before notice that Priscilla had awaken, her eyes soon started to get filled with teardrops as she softly pull the mage out of the bed Mistress! im soo glad that you are fine now. We must hurry Mas... the pervert of Michael is dying, quickly follow me and heal him! Said Carmen in a hurry, really worried by the archer who had turn her into just a slave. Priscilla had not other option and soon she was taken out the bed, her belly still hurt her a little and maybe a healing spell could save her childrens if something had happened to them, but there was not any clue to inform her about their actual state.

Both naked girl walked through a low iluminated corridor by candles at the walls, the place was made of wood basically and others farm like material. In a closest room, Priscilla found Michael resting on a bed covered with bendages impregnated with healing herbs, at her side was a beautifull woman at her first 30s, she was the woman who was not transformed but still raped by the creatures, she was dressing a brown large dress and looks really sad and even she was crying, but there was not proof that it was for Michael. Thanks to the gods that you had awaken, please stay with him, i dunno if you can heal him, but we dont have another choice, as he will pass out soon. Sorry but i must check someone else said as she run out the room.

As Priscilla get close Carmen decide to answer her question. Nicholas was injured in the battle but is out of danger, the plant girl had passed all this time crying and taking care of... the grasswolf. We are the less wounded... i cant even said that we win the battle... i dont want to see him die, this cant be happening Carmen sit on the floor and start to cry softly, as she caress her belly to try to endure this.

[all have now 6 hp and Nicholas earned sword mastery 2, Carmen get polearm 2]
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"What, dying?" Priscilla asked, forgetting about her soreness almost immediately. She quickly took Carmen's hand, allowing the slave to help her out of bed and lead her through the hallway of the farm. Any other time she might have appreciated the candlelit atmosphere of the place, but now there were bigger worries on her mind. She found Michael covered in bandages, a beautiful woman at his side, though she soon left to check on others.

As she got close to Michael, Carmen explained the toll the battle had taken on all of them, and it seemed like she was the least injured. It seemed like the others were okay relatively speaking, though, besides Michael. "I don't know how much I can do, but I'll try my best" she said, trying not to show how distressed she was; she did quite like Michael, and didn't want anything bad to happen to him, even if it was just in a game. With no distractions or anything to bother her, she focused hard, placing her hands on the badly injured archer and trying to heal him with all the strength she could muster.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Dont wasting any time, Priscilla focus all her magic in her attempt to cure her partner. For her Michael was turned into someone very special for her, where she would be without his guide and help in the back line. The mage soon start to focus even more, as her spell illuminate the room with a lightblue shine, just then thanks to her spell she get a link where she was able to see the intern damage caused by the potent strengh of the minotaur, his chest was a complete disaster libs broken and passing through his internal organs, there was no way that she could cure all even with her magic she dont know where to start. But she dont decrease her attempts and praying she use all what she have of her magic. Just then when she wasclose to fall uncouncious, a strange green light escape from her and started to make the healing herbs using on Michael to shine in a beautifull lightgreen. Her magic vision could see how all was placed on their right place and healed on an instant, Michael breathing was now normal and every external wound vanished, there it was not doubt that Priscilla had succeded in something that it was imposible for her. Carmen was completely amazed and she soon get up to see the Archer with her own eyes Mistress... its a miracle! Thank you, now he will be fine, right? said crying as she moves to hug the mage.

Even when he was out of danger, Priscilla know that she must let him rest until his body solve the rest, meanwhile she should go to eat something or at least rest, after use her whole magic she was now very dizzy and tired, maybe a potion could also heal her, but she dont know where is her backpack or what were the others.

[Priscilla had increased her Healer skills to the next level ]
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

As Priscilla attempted to heal Michael, her complete focus allowed the spell to work better than it had worked before, though perhaps that wasn't a good thing in some ways. It highlighted all of the terrible damage that had been done to the archer's body, broken ribs, pierced organs and all. Even with her magic she had no idea what to do, but she still did the best she could. She wasn't normally much of the praying kind, and she wasn't quite sure why she did it now, but somehow it felt appropriate at the time, and so she prayed as she healed. It was taking all of her energy, though, and she didn't seem to be having much effect, until suddenly the blue glow of the spell turned green, and in an instant every wound on her companion was healed.

She was every bit as surprised as Carmen at what had happened, in the end. "Ahh, maybe it is a miracle..." she said, hugging the slave back. "I don't know for sure, but it looks like he'll be fine." Still, she had used up most of her energy, and now she needed to rest again. "Can you take me back to the bed? I'm tired after doing that..."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Y-yes Mistress, please follow me. Said Carmen with still some teardrops on her face, is was sure that the slave was happy that Michael had been saved from the dead, maybe she have some feelings toward the young man. Soon Priscilla was once again in her room, the noises from the outside still continue and maybe she could help more, but without any of her magic left she would be an easy target if more foes come to attack them.

After rest a time, Priscilla was awaken by some soft hands and Carmen voice. "Mistress, please wake up. Michael and the others are waiting you, we must leave now. repeat the slave until her mistress opened her eyes. Sorry for awake you my M-mistress, but Michael said that we must continue or we will turn in an easy prey for the others players". The red haired girl give to the mage some time to get up and get ready taking her backpack, Priscilla notice a pink little shine coming from inside her backpack, maybe she should check the inside after see what had happened with the others, the slave take her to the entrance of the farm house, there was the archer still wearing some bandages below his clothes, Nicholas was in a close room looking to the bed where the new cowgirl was resting, his wounds were noticed by his fracture bandaged left arm and the wounds in his head and chest. The lant girl was on the garden looking to a circle of moved earth on the floor, she looks really sad and depressed, whispers from her toward the ground were heard from Priscilla and even her hand touch the ground caressing it. Suddenly Carmen turn to the outside and Priscilla could feel something inside her calling her to move to that direction too. She even cant heard Michael words, as she focus her whole attention to her needs to walk to that far place.
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Still tired and dizzy, Priscilla quietly allowed the crying, joyful Carmen to lead her back to her bed. She quickly drifted off to sleep after laying down, though after some point in time Carmen woke her up again, telling her that Michael had said that they had to go. The mage stretched and yawned, taking a few moments before she got up and followed her slave to the farm's entrance. Michael was outside standing and waiting, while Nicholas was still inside the house, looking to what she assumed was his daughter, the one who had been turned into a cowgirl. Looking around further Priscilla found the alarune crying over a disturbed plot of earth. Her heart sank, and she got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as she realized that she didn't see the grasswolf. It was immediately taken off her mind as she suddenly got the urge to move towards the edge of the forest again, along with Carmen, and she quickly moved to do that. In the back of her mind she thought that perhaps the seeds were ready to come out.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Both naked pregnant girls walked without stop toward the direction that the eggs point them, like if they were animals in a migration. Michael touched Priscilla arm, maybe calling her for her name, but this one not even notice it, like if the whole world had been banished, soon the plant girl get up and explain to the young man what was happening, before they walk behing the light mindcontroled girls. Meanwhile Priscilla could feel as how the needs to reach that place grow with every step, her hands touch softly her round belly and her now blank eyes dont stop to look to where she must go, her steps get faster, but she never run, as they reach the forest and walk through it for some minuts more until a clear close a river. Carmen started to use her hands to dig a hole on the soft earth, as also Priscilla do it in another place with a great passion. Soon before end the hole her contraction started and she happily moan as she place in a best position to laid her seeds, her niples start to leak milk over the hole and her sex juices feed the earth were her childs will be. There are no words for the increadible pleasure and happiness that both feel when the first seed was leaving their body, they could have died there without regrets, maybe nothing could match how they feel now. Luckily their moans get muffed by Michael and the plant girl and just when the first seed fall the second start to leave their wombs. The two girls just pass out after their second seed fall on the hole. They giggled lewdy as the mindbroken girls than they looks like.

With their minds fully recovered and smaller pregnant belly they see how the plant girl end to hide the two nests, Michael was at the side of both girls cleaning them and taking care of them, maybe passing a good time, but he just look calmed taking some pauses to look around in case that a foe find them
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla vaguely felt Michael touch her arm, but didn't really pay any attention, certainly not hearing whatever it was he said to her. She walked briskly towards and through the forest, eventually coming to a river and instinctually digging a hole in the soft, wet earth with her hands. As she finished digging she felt her first contraction, and she let out a soft moan, squatting over the hole as her love juices and milk began to flow freely into it, soaking the dirt into mud. Michael quickly moved to muffle her moans as she blissfully pushed to birth the seeds. The second seed plopped out into the hole soon after the first, and while Priscilla didn't cum, the feeling was better than an orgasm, the intense pleasure and fulfillment leaving her unable to do much more than giggle until she passed out.

When she awoke, her belly was a bit smaller than it had been, and Michael was cleaning her of the milk and love juices that had gotten everywhere. "It's good to see you okay... How long was I out like that?" she asked, trying to get to a sitting position.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Soon as she talk, Michael turn to her and stop to clean her skin, maybe to avoid a missundertanding. The archer looks healty but maybe today he should avoid to overwork or risk his life in a melee fight. Maybe more of an hour, it was really creepy both just said the word "baby" and even "give birth is so good". If only i had store it in a camera. Playfully said Michael, as he help her to sit in the floor.

I could continue, but now is not time for jokes. A PK is close this town and it looks like a band of humanoid beasts are kidnaping and transform a lot of townpeople into more of these beasts. Nicholas's daughter cant even remember sometimes her name or practically she is more dumb and slutty as her body change, maybe the people turned in werewolves could attack us anytime

Meanwhile Carmen remain looking the sky and resting on the floor. The plant girl was giving the final touches to hide the nests, secreting a strange substance to hide the smells and continued filling the place with moss and grass everywhere, soon even Priscilla had problems to know where her nest was Done, i dont think that any creature saw us as we were here. Also i plant some spawn seeds around the place, they will protect them until they can defend themselves. So, what should we do now...Mistress? The plant girl said as she continued her work, maybe expecting that Priscilla say something to her, maybe a little thanks or sorry.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla gently bapped Michael's forehead as he playfully teased her, grinning a little. If ever any of what had happened to her here got out somehow she would never live it down. Thankfully the possibility seemed remote. "Alright, we had better move then. What are we going to do, though? And it might be hard to pry Nicholas away from here, especially with his family like that" she asked the archer, getting up slowly and stretching.

To the alarune, she nodded and said "thank you. And..." she trailed off, turning around and walking to the place the plantgirl had been kneeling over before. She wanted to see if it was really the grasswolf's grave, as she suspected, and to say thanks and goodbye to the little guy if it was.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

After the playfull time Michael help Priscilla to get up and then say his opinion about what to do. You are right, Nicholas will for sure try to get revenge from the leader of these beasts, maybe he will try to persuade us to follow him with the rest of the townpeople. It is a shame what happened with his family, but we cant just risk our lives to try to help a Npc.

So, we must just go to another place to where all of you can get rid of all these seeds, maybe we can also go to the town to get skills and weapons, maybe we could get some cash using our slave, but i doubt that you will accept.

Some time later Priscilla decide to check the place close Nicholas farm, where the plant girl had made maybe the tomb for the grass wolf. Of course that she had to walk for around 10 minutes to leave the forest, her feets were starting to get used to walk barefoot on any place. Michael and the plant girl had to lift Carmen before follow the mage.

Later, in front of the moved earth, Priscilla get on her kness and was close to start to dig to see what was inside, but she had fear than that was a bad idea, instead she just pray a moment until she saw how her partners leave the forest and the plant girl start to walk quickly toward where she was, maybe worried that Priscilla had made a great mistake.

Hu... i mean, Mistress... you dont tried to dig there, right? there are my seeds and... just dont touch that place, please. Said the plant girl a little sad and scared, as she check the whole place.
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla frowned. "I like Nicholas, though... And we can't just keep running away from everything forever. Still, only a few of them did mess us up pretty badly... And it'd probably be a good idea to find the rest of these seeds a good home before we start serious combat again. It would probably be good to try and get new skills too" she said, still not entirely sure what she wanted to do.

She then walked for some ten minutes towards the farmhouse, eventually getting to the place where the alarune had buried the grasswolf. She got on her knees, placing her hand on the dirt, and thanked him for his help. When the others caught up she got up, walking over to them and hugging the alarune. "I liked him. He was a cute little guy, and he helped us out a lot in just that one fight. I'm going to miss him" she said, wiping a few tears from her eyes.