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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Marianna was still a bit too ecstatic and agitated to think as clearly as she normally did, but her brain still managed to get into gear, as she stared at the newly started battle before her, slightly mesmerized by the sight of the warrior landing a powerful strike onto the creature’s belly, that would certainly stun it for a few seconds.

If her new found memories were correct, the cave was not a dead end, but a short cut through the mountain, which would certainly take her into a completely different area. Otherwise she stood her ground here…

“Get your head down!” Marianna quickly shouted, decided already on what to do. Reaching for an specific book from her back pack with somehow exceptionally practiced motions, despite this being the first time she ever reached for it, she took the tome out and opened it with haste, pushing her finger into one of the pages.

Her eyes lit up and her smile widened, as she read the words out loud, as quickly as she could, as she extended one hand toward the wriggling creature, a bunch of sharp icicles appeared from the girl’s hand, shooting themselves at blinding speed toward the reeling lizard.

“We need to take this one down quickly, it didn’t come alone!” She cried out at Cath.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With a satisfied smirk, the warrior woman struck home, leaving a sizeable wound in the creatures stomach. Hell, the blow was even strong enough to stop the beast in its tracks, just as she had planned. "Not that easy to bully someone when they got someone fighting for them!" As she said that however, the spell caster behind her called out a warning, prompting the trained woman to roll out of the way.

With the beast distracted, however, Catherine saw another opportunity to take the creature down a peg. She would recover from her roll and wheel around the creature, swinging her axe at its knees, hoping to cause it to buckle. Luck was on her side so far, a little more wouldn't hurt.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Afected by the last attack from the warrior woman, the huge beast were unable to Dodge the axe completely, but this time it manage to get the major damage as this just make a superficial wound at his scale leg when this move to a side.

Catherine was getting recovered after her attack and cant even see coming when the lizard creature's tail whip her and unfortunately put her close him to receive part of the damage from the sharp ice crystals. Her nearly unprotected body feel the direct damage of the tail and the magic making her feel a minor pain and reduction of her strenght.

Tired and sored the humanoid monster start to show signs of tireness and it start to shiver by the cold spell, as more blood Split our from his wounds.

17 12 cat hit
4 20 cat crit fail in def
12 1 Marianna hit and reduce some stats on the lizard
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Marianna was stupefied, her face locked in a smile as she started assimilating what had just happened, her breathing became erratic instead as her mind caught up with the image she was seeing. “A-are you okay?” She said, in a weak whisper completely different from the energetic shout she’d given that warrior girl just moments ago.

Her mind rebooted somewhat at that point, as she started clumsily turning the pages on her spell book, going so fast she dropped the book in the process sending her to her knees as she opened the book again. She locked into one spell, quickly jumping into action, determined to see this one beast go before others arrived. Her voice echoed through the cave as she extended her arm forward, aiming for the beast as the tip of her fingers started shinning. Releasing a couple of air blades, Marianna hoped to give the other girl time to get away from the beast.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The beasts tail was going to leave a mark, that much was certain, but she did not expect what was to come next. The creatures attack had put her in the direct path of one of the ice bolts, with the impact causing her to grunt in pain. Who knew ice could hurt so much? And why did her body feel so weak. Damnit, she was going to have to fix this later. "D...Don't worry, I'll be fine! I've felt much worse."

Seeing that the mage was winding up for another spell, the warrior knew that was her cue to duck and cover. Scrambling away from the lizard, Catherine dove into the nearby brush, hoping to get out of the way in time.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

[Catherine and Marianna]

After the heavily damage given to the swordswoman by her spell, Marianna just tried to end all as fast as she could, trying just a Little of time to Catherine to prepare for the upcoming attack, her power start to react again with the words of the book and then she prepare to shoot the wind attack. The spell fly directly to the creature and Catherine Dodge at time this time,

However, just before her power landed on the, something strange started to happen at the lizard creature, who started to blow up and even when the wind cut his flesh this dont stop it until suddenly it explode in a powerful explosión than impact suddenly in both girls.

All turned dark for both for a time until they manage to see again, with theirs senses slighty affeted by the explosión, they find themselves at the floor still at the same place, both badly hurted but dont wounded, the entrance cave has been closed in part but they could still see a narrow hole where they could detect someone going away after had being looking to them for a time.

Marianna could sense the powerful force slowly going away of them, taking the path from where she had been trying to escape from the beast a time ago. After all this happening they still could need a momento to recover themselves, they also needed tod ecide where they could go now.

Both receive a critical fail but succed in three rols so nothing bad happened to them and they get the exp for the lizar
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Marianna moaned in pain, her senses completely dulled by what had just happened… rather… “What… just happened?” She coughed while trying to understand what had she just seen right before that thing… blew up?

She tried to get up, but found out almost immediately that not only did her head and chest hurt, her legs were sore like all hells, that thing had really done a number on them. She coughed; the dust and the pain in her chest were really not leaving her with much air to work with. “Damn… it hurts…” She voiced without thinking as she tried once again, with similar results as her legs gave out from under her and left her with a sore bum on top of all the hurting in her body…

“Are you okay?” She asked as an afterthought, finally remembering she was not alone there.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

First she felt a great pain as the explosion hit and before she could do anything else, her senses were in a complete and total haze. Damnit this is not what she needed today at all. Damn lizard. Damn magic! Damn all of it! Too much nonsense.

It took her a few moments to collect herself, her aching head and limbs a reminder of what just happened. The bruises from this were going to be nasty. When the pain finally subsided, the axe woman picked herself up and dusted off her outfit, which wasn't much admittedly. But with her thoughts finally clear, the mage seemed to be curious about her condition. "I'm ok, spitfire. I'm ok. I'm more worried about you though. You magic types tend to be very delicate."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

“Nonsense, that creature pulled you into one of my attacks, like hell you are fine.” The magus girl replied as she finally got her legs working enough for her to keep upright, in no small part because of the wall she was using to keep herself from falling.

Her whole body ached, even her teeth were revolting against her gums in protest to the pain that had a hold of her body, but that warrior was closer to the blast, and as she had mentioned before, the warrior had received one of her attacks alongside the lizard thing…

“In any case… I think we’re better off moving out of this place, we’re trapped now and if that thing’s friends decide to get us on the other side we’ll be in for a rough time.”
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

[Catherine and Marianna]

After the little talk than they taken after receive the blast, Catherinne and Marianna decide to check out where this cave could make them find, unfortunately for both, they were already to wounded to walk normaly and both needed sometimes to place their weight at the walls.

As they continue, the path get darker, making their vision range get reduced, but even then they could still see than they were walking in what could be an old handmade path, the altered stone on their feet looks to had been slowly eroded by the time and old torches could be noticed at their path, however these had been turned off a long time ago and only the remain of them just make them notice than the small bases where the torches had been placed, looks to have human faces, but the humid place had placed moss on them to look them completely. They had a long hard time continue walking, what could give them time to know each other better, until suddenly they find what could be a huge hole at the ceilling, than let get inside the strange purple light from the sky, small draindrops fall from the huge dark clouds, than dont stop of cause a lot of powerful thunders, the sound as they fall could even make then shiver by the potence, just then they notice a human figure at the other side close what could be the continuation of the same tunnel. They could heard wings sound moving far at the distance and a ssmall pink hole could be noticed at their right, looks like they could go inside with difficulty, but the hole looks to be really dank, maybe pointing to a river or lake.


Once starting playing, the young atletic player find herself in a world so realist, beyond what she had thinking than could offer the egg game, eacch of her senses could notice the many feelings than she could find in a place like this. She was standing over a large rock in the middle of what could be called a beautiflu mountain, birds could be noticed flying to find food for their small egged childs, potents winds could be noticed many fits above her at the peak of the mountain and she could notice how the point of this is lost at beautiful couds over her, the sun lights were altered as these pass through a long clear white cloud, making a view fantastic for her, the ligh and water falling at a closer forest make all just look amazing.

She can feel a backpack behind her, not so heavy making her suppose than only it have just a few of items, her weapon at her hand is now used to have an extra support over the rock and her armor feels heavy yet she looks to be used to the weight. She can still go above or down to explore more of this place before meet something than she could fight.

However something scary happened as she look the view and decide what to do. Just as if someone ressed a switch, the sky started to change, covering the Sun, and fill the place completely with dark creepy clouds, filled with a huge quantity of energy, she could notice at the small opening of these static, as the one than you see at a tv, but this only for a moment. The earth started to quake and she had an impossible task to remain over her feet and soon she fall from the huge rock who fortunately start to move to the opossite side wher she had fallen, she then tried to get recovered as she heard the strange low sounds from many distant places, the once peaceful forest start to grow and close it the earth get opened, sounds like moans are mixed with the storm sounds and the others things happening in maybe the whole world.

Amets try to get up and decide what to do, but then something weirds happen to her, it was like a fog inside her mind as she reach to smell a wonderful scent everywhere, her mind erode and also her thoughts, her whole body started to move alone and the armor at her body start to press against her...

Amets suddenly opened her eyes thanks to the powerful thunder falling from the sky, but she found it hard to do, she can heard someone walking close where she is, but she is not more where she was, she can still see the sky over her and the raindrops fall over her nude white body, her green long hair is used by her like a blanked and only her weapon remain at her side, she dont remember what she had been doing the last hours, but she can see blood at the blade of her weapon and her body stink a little but the few raindrops looks to be cleaning her a little as the time pass. However her body looks to be slighty aroused and it is increasing with each second in a slow rate. She have a vage idea of her surroundings, but looks like she is close an underground area, feral sounds can be heard at her back, far away of her. At the moment, she dont have too much time to find out where are her others items.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Uugh, where the hell am I," Amets said as she tried to take bearings of the surrounding area. Dark with poor lighting, cold stone pressing against her skin, had to be underground, wait back up why was her skin pressing against anything.

Looking down she let out an "Eeep" and blushed, how the hell had she gotten naked? For that matter where the hell was all her stuff? And why did she smell like she had just finished a game in the middle of summer? And why did she feel really really warm?

Her face flushed deep red when she managed to piece together the implications. She hadn't even gotten a chance to fight back! or maybe she had, her spear seemed to be coated in blood.

Standing up she looked around at the dark area again and thought 'Now what the hell do I do?' Though she heard someone walking nearby, turning to the source of the sound she loudly said "Who's there?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

In the end, the warrior decided to fake she was okay, so Marianna just shut up and continued, trying to keep her wobbly legs from giving up from under her.

The cave was now dark, almost frighteningly so, and while it was true she could simply try to cast some fire, she preferred to keep her magic for moments where she needed to put some hurt into her enemies.

"... If you won't admit you're wounded, at least tell me your name, I'm feeling sick of calling to you by just... well, ' hey, you'. I'm Marianna." Marianna attempted some small talk, to keep her mind from worrying too much about the lack of light. Although that quickly stopped being an issue as they came across the scenery, the lightning and the deafening roars of the thunders.

"Alright, I'm admitting it now, I'm somewhat worried about this climate..." The mage said, the calmness of her voice constrasting with what she just declared. There seemed to be a nasty storm just right above them and by the looks of it, it wouldn't let up for a while.

Then, a voice came in from the other side of the cave they were traversing, another girl, or at least that's what the voice sounded like. Marianna started thinking, trying to decide whether or not it was a trap of some sort or the real deal.

A trap or an ally... Marianna nodded to herself as she looked at the dimly lit cave. "Come on out, it's safe." She hoped she was right. How embarrassing would it be if it ended up being a trap after all.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Catherine had said very little in an effort to put up a strong face, knowing that was kinda her job now. Even though her injuries hurt like hell, she couldn't show it in any way, only keeping a confident smirk as the pair walked and talked. "You gotta believe me when I say I'm made of sterner stuff. That lizard was practically tickling me for heavens sake, it was nothing. But if you need to call me anything, call me Catherine, axe fighter at your service." She continued playing up the confident act, her mask remaining as strong as she could make it, despite her body screaming at her.

But she couldn't worry about that as her thoughts were distracted by the sounds of the thunder and the flashes of lightning. Seems like the powers that be were not in a good mood today and they were looking to show it in a big way, leaving the warrior a little on edge, gripping her axe handle tightly "Seems someone or something upstairs ain't too happy."

A voice crossed her ears however and she jumped to attention, the storm not even bothering her anymore. Seems it was another girl and from the sounds of it, a very confused one. "What my friend said. You're safe and sound with us."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Well they seemed friendly enough, Amets thought to herself, of course they could just be fucking with her and were actually a trap, but judging by what banter she managed to catch she didn't think that was the case. She had to admit though she wasn't all that looking forward to walking out their naked, even if this was just some avatar body.

Still though knowing she was pretty much doomed to be seen this way anyways, she stepped toward them and said "Well thats good to know, any chance either of you know where we are?"

She would have asked if they could lend her some clothes but she wasn't sure if that was a taboo in this game or not seeing as if she lost all her items that quickly, it must be rather difficult to hang onto your gear in this game.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

[Catherine, Amets and Marianna]

Aside from the mencioned items than Catherine and Marianna had from the start, they also could find out two strange boxes with the word "clothes"in each of theirs bags what makes a total of four of these items, however they looks to be a little glitch, there also could find 250 coins at a bag at each backpack. Finally they also have a strange book with the image of the owner of the backpack.

However Amets items looks to dont be there and as she look around, she could see many footprints at the muddy floor at the cave than goes toward the north, just that place looks to have many wing sounds comming from there from time to time. The rain slowly start to increase and some strange gas sound come from theirs clothes with each teardrop than fall on them, both Catherine and Marianna could notice some strange little marks on theirs equipments as they pass bellow the ceiling hole over them.

The group dont need to go to the north, as there is also the strange pink hole at the right wall and they could use the left wall to try to climb, as there are some rocks than they could use, yet it could be a little risky and hard to go up.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Whoa" Amets said as she grabbed the other two girls shoulders and pulled them out of the rain. Almost as soon as she made sure the other girls were out of the gear destroying rain she started apologizing, "Sorry about that, uhh the rain was burning your stuff," Then she paused for a moment and an exasperated look came to her face, accompanied by a sigh and her saying "Though now I think I know where my armour went."

"So which way are we going to go?" She asked, looking at the other two women.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla’s spell found its target easily, piercing into the scaly woman deeply. It was a bad wound, though the addled dog-girl didn’t really understand the extent of the damage she had caused. Her master gave her an order then, to get out of the cell, and she quickly turned to do so. The ones who had been fucking him couldn’t follow after them, either because they were chained down or because they were wounded, so it was a clear and easy path until the two of them found relative safety. They ended up in some sort of basement armory, perhaps where the various weapons and items taken from captives were stored, and Michael began to arm himself as the redhead nuzzled his legs, first one and then the other, and then trying to squeeze her head between them. She whimpered and whined, wanting attention from him, and that seemed to be annoying him quite a bit. Still, she needed her master to pet her. There was no two ways about it, it was just something that had to happen for her. She got up on two legs for the first time in a long time, draping herself over his shoulders and trying to lick his face.

That finally got Michael’s attention, and he reached back and scratched behind the dog-girl’s ears and all down her back. She shuddered and let out happy noises, slowly laying down and spreading her legs, her big, pregnant belly exposed for her master. He began to rub it without much delay, and Priscilla was in heaven. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she began to pant as her love juices flowed freely from her needy pussy. She was still in heat despite being so very pregnant, and she almost wondered where her mate was, if he would fill her with even more puppies. She was happy now, and even when the man got up and began to move she stayed there on the ground in a daze, smiling and panting. When she noticed that he wanted to get going, though, she quickly got up onto all fours and walked along after him. They eventually got to the point where the catgirl from before was being tortured by some monsters, pounded fast and hard in every hole while bound to the limits her body could stand. The redheaded mage was ready to fight if her master was, just nodded and getting ready to do the thing she had done before against the scaly woman.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Not really questioning the newly received goodies and money, Catherine was more then pleased with the situation. The only really odd thing about the whole collection of items was the book with her picture on it. Just what the hell was this and what good did it exactly serve? Stats? A personal memoir that wrote itself? Some other magic bull? Either way, she'd figure it out eventually or one of the others would too. Except the new girl. Seems luck was not on her side. Not only did they find her naked, but now she had no items to claim for herself and it looked liked someone took them. What power in this world would want to torment this poor girl even more? Well, there was nothing they could do about that now. All they could do was help the kid out and hope that they find something. Plus, they were getting a free show all the while. Not bad at all. But things changed as she noticed something strange. A strange sound and marks on their clothing. What in the hell was that about? And just what were these marks for? Before she could get a proper answer, the teams new arrival took it upon herself to stop them and explain what was going on. "The rain's doing what? God damnit. And I barely have any to begin with in this getup. I'll be in my birthday suit in 5 minutes at this rate. Well, we just gotta keep out of the rain as much as possible and try to shield ourselves from it. I vote we climb. It might lead to somewhere safer. Anywhere is safer then this damn cave."
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Marianna could only frown at the sight, a naked girl. Didn’t that mean something of a liability?

It wasn’t like she really cared about that, though, there was a pressing matter that needed fixing, their only means of covering themselves were quickly dissolving and so was their chances of surviving in the strange land. “Whatever we’re going to do, let’s better do it fast, I don’t want to have my body being exposed if there’s no need to it.”

The mage said somewhat defeated, as the situation required of quick thinking instead of her careful plans, she only hopped they were fast enough, she would abhor becoming a naked witch without having a say in the matter…

“Wait… I think I might have…” the witch exclaimed, in a last ditch effort to slow, stall or stop their objects from being lost. She tried to remember the spell from memory, something of a gust of wind that was going to hopefully push the droplets away from them. If not… well, they only wasted a couple of seconds…
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Except if we climb up aren't we just going to end up outside in this rain?" Amets said as she looked at the damp way up, to be completely honest she didn't really trust it, but going farther into the caves was unlikely to be any better really, though at the very least its likely to get them out of the rain for longer.

Though I will admit going into the cave is unlikely to be any better in the end judging by all the noise coming down the tunnels.