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Atlanta, Georgia, United States


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena began to climb up, taking her time rather than rush and fall.

While she was doing that, Regina had moved about another foot or so from Roger, looking at the webbing. Suddenly he might sense her stiffen and her breath sucked in sharply.

A thumping noise was heard, even as she breathed one word.


Normally Roger probably wouldn't have given two rats asses if she'd seen a spider, but if he looked around briefly, he'd note that behind the webbing was a spider the size of a small CAR, and it had it's eyes set dead on Regina.

Even if he hadn't turned around, the sight of that thing coming for her was enough to move Regina into gear, and she lifted her rifle, blasting it in what one assumed was it's ugly face.

The spider appeared to have possibly once been a typical black ordinary spider, but now it was huge and bloated, and seemed very, very hungry. As far as it was concerned, the three humans in front of it were it's next meal.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

When Regina whispered, Roger turned around enough to see what the big deal was, and when he saw the many black eyes of the spider shining off of the light, he quickly, and in one motion, had his tesla in his left hand, pointed at the beast. He waited for it to make it's move, so that it couldn't get out of the way. He largely hoped it would leap, as it would be just a sitting duck in the air, waiting for his bolt to hit, but he was also ready for it to come scrambling towards it's prey, his weapon not setting on the spider, but where he expected it to go.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Two things happened at once.

Regina's round literally BOUNCED off the thing's face, causing Regina to mutter some kind of curse.

Then the spider made it's move, pouncing almost like a lion, aiming right for Regina, apparently either not seeing Roger, or simply deciding the female next to him was a tastier target.

Whatever the reason, it was now airborne, and Roger had, thanks to it's weight, about five full seconds to pull the trigger on a shot that couldn't miss....

Except there was more than one of the bastards, as another one poked it's head in to see what was going on, which meant there were two targets, the one currently in the air being the more immediate threat.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger did as he planned to do, firing his round at the spider, and as the other spider came around, he muttered his own curse, "Ah, shit..." as the another threat came about the corner. "I think this means I'm out of Tesla ammo... So what the fuck am I gonna use if I can't use bullets?" he wondered.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

He didn't have to worry much about it as a charge of Tesla energy came flying from behind him, blasting the spider full on right as it was rearing back to pounce.

A half second later there was a, "FUCK!"

Leena had gotten close enough to fire, and now was teetering over the edge.

Regina, being closer shouted to Roger.

"Roger, anchor my legs!"

Then she lunged forward, grabbing hold of Leena's hand and wrist, preventing her from falling, but unless RJ pulled them both up, Regina didn't have enough leverage from her position to pull up the other woman, plus the floor was coated in dust, and she was starting to slide.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger growled, irritated over the distraction given the circumstances, and instead of running to grab Regina's legs, he quickly ran over to the edge, and grabbed whatever part of whoever(compensational term used for lack of detail on what had already slid off) and used all his strength to try and pull them up.

Unfortunately, Roger started to slip as well, "Shiiit!" he exclaimed, as first Regina slid off, and then Roger. As a last ditch attempt to avoid being smashed on the concrete, Roger reached out, and grabbed onto the rope nearby. It wasn't enough to stop their decent, and as he gripped it with all his might, it started to burn his right hand painfully. However, he did manage to make the fall anything but lethal, as Leena hit the floor with a minor thud, following Regina, and then Roger right on top of them.

Roger rolled off of the human pile, and gripped his right hand in pain, tensing up while trying to cope with the dreadful burning sensation on his palm and fingers.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((Heh, I actually had a laugh over this post. Nice.))

Leena groaned when she hit the floor, flat on her backside. Since she'd been the closest to the ground, it seemed likely she hadn't gotten the worst of the fall, and just was slightly stunned.

Regina on the other hand landed flat on her stomach, at an awkward angle, the wind getting knocked out of her, and she didn't move for several moments. Finally, when she was able to move and speak, she groaned slightly.

"Well ... that didn't exactly go well. Still at least we're in one piece."

A wince as she stood up, still a little sore.

"I think," she added.

That was when she noticed the hand.

"Ah shit, hang on, let me see if I can find something to wrap that with."

She checked, but of course any medical supplies were long gone, so eventually she sighed, walked around the corner for a moment and vanished. the sound of some kind of fabric being torn was audible, and a moment later she came back with a large chunk of what appeared to be t-shirt in her hands.

Unless he completely forbid her to do so, she'd carefully wrap the rope burnt hand in the cloth, tying it as tight as she dared in an attempt to keep it as clean as possible.

By now, Leena was standing, and digging around in her small bag, unfortunately the only thing she had left was a few tissues and purel, other than a small amount of water and a handful of MRE's.

((MRE's: Meals Ready to Eat. Basically tear it open, it instantly heats to perfect temperature, or is already good to eat. Staple of every soldiers diet lol.))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((And most taste about the same as your average high school cafeteria food.))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

All the while they spoke, Roger continued to try and cope with the pain, most of the outer flesh being torn off from the rope, what was left was tinted dark red, and was searing with pain.

He said nothing as the two women recovered from the fall, only panting and gasping from the excruciating pain throbbing on his palm. When Regina came back with what Roger assumed was her own shirt that was torn to suit the purpose of a bandage, Roger held out his shaking hand, looking elsewhere, trying to take his mind off the pain while she patched it up. And once she was done, he took his right hand within his left, and looked at it blankly for a time, still breathing a little heavy from stressing out over the sensation.

He stood up, and grimaced when he tried to test his injured hand. "Damn it... I've only got one hand to use now..." he realized when he tried to move his hand even just a little, and it stung painfully. Roger swallowed a lump in his throat, and took steps back until he was resting against the wall, still trying to cope with the pain coming from his hand. It felt like it was on fire, and he had no way of putting it out. His only option was to try and put the pain out of his mind...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina grimaced slightly. There would be no way he could possibly climb again with one working hand, and they had no idea how many of those spiders might be left, plus there was still the T.A.L.O.S and that mysterious armored man to worry about.

She felt bad for the injury, and was a bit rattled at how close they'd come to becoming spider food. Unfortunately, they still needed to get back up there to get the parts, and it was unlikely RJ could climb with one hand. Regina also knew she wouldn't be able to carry him on her back and use her hands to climb, not without risking a major unbroken fall.

That on her mind, she turned back to Leena and Roger, and spoke.

"OK, we still need to get those damn devices. Roger, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think your going to be able to climb one handed, and to be honest, I'm not sure I can carry you up there without risking a major fall. So ... I've only got one idea right now. Will you both be alright here while I head up there, get the devices and get back?"

Leena looked up surprised. She had to give the red head credit. She'd nearly become spider munchies, and she was about to go back up there alone? She didn't like the idea one bit, but she was right that Roger probably wasn't going to be able to climb, and she didn't want to leave him completely alone with only one hand to fight with.

And so, she resignedly looked over to Roger to see what he said or did, completely at a loss for words.

((Wolf what's the deal with you and the T.A.L.O.S right now? Last I checked it was still alive and moving away from the armored person.))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

( No description of a character = I'll do it myself. Regina )

Roger shook his head, "I think I can do it..." he said hesitantly. He lifted his wrapped right hand, and felt at his arm with his left hand. It'd be hard, but perhaps he could manage to use his armpit to hold the rope, while using his left arm to climb. "I won't be moving fast though... So maybe I should go first." he suggested, "My right hand won't be doing anything anytime soon, but that doesn't mean I can't defend myself." he clenched his fist as if making a 'strongman' pose, before looking over to the rope, and giving it a shot.

He slowly gripped the length of rope, and held it for a moment, as if giving more thought, before pulling on it, and lifting himself off the floor. He reached over with his teeth, and pulled his sleeve up, so as to expose his skin, and trapped the rope in his armpit. He pulled himself up as much as he could with his left hand, holding the length of rope with his right arm, before making a quick motion, and grabbing a little higher on the rope.

He seemed to be getting a little winded around the first floor, and around the second, he suddenly started to swing himself, before letting the rope go, and landing on the second floor above them. He was panting with exhaustion. "Damn... This is a lot harder than I thought it'd be..." he thought.
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((Well shit, I forgot to do that? Thanks.))

Regina was below, preparing to spot if he lost his grip. He could hear her audibly exhale when he made it safely. Then she began making her way up, followed by Leena.

Once the three were safely on the ledge, Regina moved carefully down the hall.

"I just hope there aren't more of the damn spiders here. Let's check inventory, we've got the assault rifle, which bounced off of them, and uh ... how many shots left in those Teslas?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

( I think you missed a detail, Roger only went up two floors, and the floor they had to get to was four floors up, ya dummy. )

Roger barely made it up the next two floors, and as soon as he made the fourth, he collapsed on the ground, and laid there, resting as the other two made their way up. Once Regina and Leena had their footing on the fourth floor up, Roger braced his left hand along the wall, and got on his feet. His arm felt worn, and he doubted he could fire a gun accurately.

However, as he thought about taking a rest for a moment, he took a little anger at Regina suddenly wanted to take the lead. The woman obviously didn't know as much as he did about managing your squad, which in Roger's mind, made her a pathetic excuse for a soldier.

He rushed up, and grabbed her by the shoulder, pulling her back out of the dangerous room rather forcibly. "Hold it, Rambo." he mocked her, "Don't go running in there like an idiot when you don't even know if we can take this things on." he shook his head, "Jesus fucking Christ, do me a favor, and stop thinking. First you wanted to go by yourself, and now you're waltzing in without even considering that spiders are predators that like to ambush their prey with traps. Think, before you leap." he lectured her.

He then pulled out his Tesla, and handed it to her, "Another thing you should have thought about, was just how tired my left arm was. I'm not going to be a handy shot, so you taking the front means only Leena can have a good chance at helping you. The person that should go in front, in other words, bait, should be the person that's least combat worthy. Don't they teach you this shit?"

He still held the Tesla, offered in his hand, if Regina didn't take it at that time, "I'll go ahead, and all I want you to do when I either start backing up, or end up in a trap, is use that little device, and fire by pulling on the lever in front of the grip. It has a knock back like a magnum, so brace yourself." he finished lecturing her. And then he turned, towards the hall, and started walking slowly, keeping his left hand directly in front of him, feeling around for any webs that might have been made to hide from his eyes in an effort to capture him. "Surrounded by idiots..." he whispered under his breath, in small hopes that if he said it out of his mouth, and not his mind, that Leena wouldn't pick up on it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((Yeah I did, oops.))

Regina chuckled slightly.

"Oh they taught us that, and normally you'd be right. However ... do you know exactly where to go? Oh hell with it, go down the hall, turn left, then right, then left again and we should be there, simple enough?"

She took the offered Tesla, frowning when she saw the energy readout on it, but saying nothing.

Assuming that RJ began moving, they'd reach said spot in less than 5 minutes, and surprisingly encounter nothing except a few webs that needed to be torn.

Once there, RJ would spot a semi-transparent glass container built into the wall, housing two cylindrical objects, one silver, one blue. The wall was covered in what appeared to be blood, however, there was no body anywhere near.

Further examination revealed what appeared to be smears of blood on the floor, as if a body had been dragged, though the blood appeared to have been stained there for some time, crusty and dried as it was.

The glass panel was closed with some kind of electronic lock, which Regina would begin looking over immediately.

Leena remained silent watching both of them the entire time, a feeling of apprehension surrounding her, and the thought that this seemed too easy.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger gestured at the container, looking at Regina, "Open it." he told her, "And be ready for those spiders to pay us another visit. Something tells me they haven't given up." he said, sharing the worry that Leena had at the moment.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina nodded, her face crinkling slightly.

"I'd be amazed if they had given up. They have the advantage of being able to crawl in spots we can't avoid."

After a few minutes, Regina managed to open the case, most likely having had to enter some kind of code and failing the first time or two. A slight hissing noise was heard as the case opened, and extended the two items outward. She gracefully took them, then spun around, almost as if expecting some beast to leap out at them instantly.

None did, to her surprise, and she was left with a slightly embarrassed look.

"Hmm ... this seems too easy."

Elsewhere in the facility, a hidden door slowly opened, and out stepped a shadowy figure. With no light or camera in the area, it would have been impossible to determine what the figure was, or if it even was there. Yet it spoke.

"Well ... T.A.L.O.S is dead, how inconvienent. I guess I'll just have to deal with any survivors myself then."

With that, it began to move, sticking to the shadows for now.

((Foreshadowing, purposely leaving the description vague since atm, said figure is NOWHERE near them, and not an immediate threat.))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger put his left hand to his chin, "I'm wondering where those spiders went," he voiced his thoughts, "they were right up our ass on the staircase... Hmm..." he hand fell to his side, and he looked back at the way they came, "If this floor is their turf, then they might have a trap set up to block our exit... That's the last thing they can do now, if they hope on turning us into lunch."

Roger started to proceed down the hall from which they came, "Cover me," he told Leena and Regina, cautiously proceeding back the way they came.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina nodded, not liking things one bit.

The three of them proceeded along, and sure enough, a massive wall of webbing was blocking the exit way in front of Roger, a single large spider there.

Leena raised the Tesla calmly to fire, and then suddenly both Regina and her were tackled to the floor by a single GARGANTUAN spider, from behind, though how they'd missed it was anyone's guess.

Said spider was easily three times the size of the previous one's they'd encountered. This one was clearly of the Black Tiger species, a particularly nasty one at that.

Leena managed to get a shot off as she was tackled, blasting the one in front of RJ, but then her Tesla was knocked from her hand, across the floor.

Regina was less fortunate, the mandible of the spider clamping down on her left arm so tight that it drew blood. She grunted loudly in barely suppressed pain, drawing back with her free arm and punching it in the eye.

This prompted the spider to thump her with it's body, knocking the wind out of her as she gasped for air. Then, it rapidly produced webbing, effectively taking the redhead out of the fight by pinning her, before moving forward to the now standing Leena.

Leena had taken the opening to go for the Tesla as soon as the spider had focused more on Regina. Unfortunately, she'd misjudged how long she had, and got rammed from behind by the thing once more.


About the only reason she wasn't webbed down already was due to the fact she was thrashing around, making it hard for the spider to hit her, largely due to it's mass.

((Best pic I could get, smaller one is normal spider, larger one is the Black Tiger. ))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger felt useless for a majority of the event, until Leena lost her Tesla, and Roger took his opportunity to try and save them from this otherwise bleak situation. He quickly ran over to the Tesla, and grabbed it in all of a single second, and in the same motion, pointed it at the spider on top of Leena, and discharged a blast from the weapon, intent on giving the large spider a large bolt of electricity into it's body.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

The massive spider flipped over as the energy blast smashed into it, luckily away from Leena otherwise she might have received a fatal jolt.

Roger probably hadn't realized until after he'd fired the weapon that Leena had reset it to setting ten just before getting it knocked out of her hand, figuring a lower setting wouldn't hurt the beast.

She'd been correct, the Spider was still alive, but only just barely. It hissed, spitting out some kind of liquid, which Leena dodged, and watched as it literally ate a hole in the wall.

The electrical blast had opened a hole in it's armor that Leena now took advantage of, drawing her 9mm and with precision aim, fired three rounds into it's exposed 'chest cavity'. The overgrown arachnid soon ceased to be amongst the viral living.

After a moment, Leena turned to Roger.

"Thanks, that was a little too close."

About then both heard a muffled complaint from Regina.

"Someone want to get this fucking webbing off of me? I'm starting to lose feeling in my arms and legs."

Her knife was laying on the floor, just outside of the webbing if RJ felt he could cut her out with Leena's help.