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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

It took a moment before Aya looked at her, and a few more moments before Sho's words registered. Finally, she took a deep breath and nodded.

"Good ... I saw what she did with technology left behind by us when we left Soltarus and that galaxy all those years ago. I also saw what she was planning. You have no idea Sho ... I wouldn't have been able to stop her."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"But we would have tried to stop her," Sho replies with a quiet conviction. "Not something that we need to worry about any longer. Can you stand? We should probably get back to the control room. There's even more things afoot."

She'll help the other girl to her feet when she feels she's ready for it. She'll also see to it that introductions are made around the group, though she simply introduces Aya as a 'resident of the city,' rather than tacking on any of the other bits they've managed to discover. Better to save that for downtime.

"Let's get back to Siphon and make certain he hasn't blown anything up yet."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Accepting the help with a nod, Aya gave Sho a look that seemed to reply 'what else is new in this place?'

As introductions were made, the group of Alverans and Vorhan in general made their own, refocusing on the possibility there might be a couple more Re'tu loose somewhere.

((Gonna give Shrike the chance to reply here now first.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

(Posting from the family's comp, just seeing what I can do to keep up with the events, heh. will prolly be short form, just to describe what Ari is up to (love the nickname, by the way. thanks Copp!))

When Niirti spoke, Aya's eyes glowing, shortly before Sho knocked the woman out, Ariana seemed to have reached a breaking point. She started to shake as she stood nearby, dropping her concentration the instant Sho knocked Aya out and finding a corner to puke in. She waved off any offer of help, a short 'M'fine.' escaping her when she had her breath back. "Bad memories, is all."

She didn't do much better later, standing back with a view as Niirti was removed from the woman. She trembled a little, face twisted into a mask of horror and disgust as she saw Niirti herself removed, wanting nothing more than to walk over there and squish the creature under her boot herself.

Her face softened a bit as Aya came to again, still managing to look pained as she nodded in turn when introductions rounded the group. "Hello again." she replied, offering her own calming words for the woman. "Sorry you had to go through that, but it's over now."

She took the lead again when they went back towards the gate room again, not wanting to have Aya in her vision, much as she was worried about her. bad memories, indeed...


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"We all have 'em about something," Sho remarks softly. She doesn't push to get Ariana to talk about it, since it's obviously something that troubles the other woman. Instead, her main focus remains on Aya, not worried about a relapse, but wanting to make certain that she could handle being up and about. True, she could likely recover quickly, but there was no point in pushing their luck in getting back to the control room, especially with nasties still possibly running around.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded to Ariana, not pushing the issue as she almost seemed to sense the woman's discomfort. Perhaps on some level she thought she understood it, perhaps thinking the woman had been forcibly taken over herself, either way though, she let it go.

Taking a few test steps, Aya nodded to Sho.

"I'm good to go, just won't be frying anything more today unless you have an actual flame launcher. Actually, having to use it on those invisible creatures earlier would have put me out cold for days normally. I think the only reason I'm up and about with mild stiffness is because of that bitch. Suppose I ought to be grateful for that at least. Now, please fill me in on what is going on and how hopefully I might be able to help?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Well, you know what happened with Nirrti. And apparently there's one more of those things you fried running around. Thankfully, we've got an early warning system in Vorhan, not that I like the idea of that happening, but at least it won't sneak up on us. There was another anomaly that opened up before this one, I guess, and there were some pretty nasty critters that came through, but they're taken care of. Our friend Ian came and got Vanessa, the girl Nirrti was in before you and took her to get help. And other than that, Siphon's been loose in the control room unsupervised for as long as it's taken me to reach you guys so it's a bloody miracle we're not at the bottom of the ocean again." The last part is delivered with a grin and she manages to get that all out seemingly in one breath, possibly two. "Did I miss anything?"
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Jacobs shook his head.

"Nope, pretty sure that got everything."

Vorhan took the opportunity to speak adding in, "two actually, at least likely. You killed two of them, and they usually operate in four to six. Given there were only two in that room, it's probably safe to say there are only four as they split their numbers in half for one squad, half for the other. As for the early warning ... they are near."

He seemed to stiffen in pain as they neared the control room, the same way he had before, though this time he either had braced himself better for it, or something was different, since he didn't seem quite as bad off as he had before.

And that was when they heard energy blasts from two distinctly different types of weapon fire. One Sho wouldn't recognize off hand, but the other was impossible to mistake for anything else. Whatever initially fired the first shots, Siphon was now returning fire with his pistol.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

As Siphon started shooting back at his attacker, a crimson-colored rift would open off to one side, and Sarnael stepped through. Two claw-like spikes extended from the left bracer of his armor to rest on top of the back of his hand. Without even looking at the Re'tu, he raised his arm so the claws were level with its neck, and a thin arc of energy, the same crimson shade as the now closed rift save for a black core arced along the claws before launching off as a crescent-shaped bolt. A barely muttered "Ass." was lost under the report of the bolt firing.

Sarnael looked straight at Siphon and sighed while shaking his head. "Can't I leave you kids alone for even one century without you getting into trouble?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho covers her eyes with her hand for a very brief moment when she hears the blaster fire. "I was right," she mutters. "Can't leave that man alone for a second. You stay here," she tells Jacobs, heading with the others toward the doors of the control room, fully expecting to bust through in the middle of a firefight.

What she finds is not what she expects. A body, sprawled on the floor, being loomed over by a figure in black armor. A quick glance told her that it wasn't Siphon, who was, in fact, approaching the individual, albeit with weapon still drawn. Partly to not get shot by Siphon and partly to possibly try and surprise the newcomer, especially if he and Siphon were engaged, she lets her voice carry with a "Who did you piss off this time?" though she makes certain she's away from the group when she does and she is, of course, ready to dodge energy blasts. Mostly by going up. They never expect up.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon had blasted the creature after the newcomer entered, turning to him, words forming on his lips, but he was cut off by Sho and Aya entering.

Aya for her part gave the dead creature a look, making sure it wasn't moving before starting to take a defensive stance with the unknown person, before suddenly realizing she knew the man. Jaw half dropping, she did something that clearly shocked the hell out of Siphon, and probably made Sho do a double take.

Face lighting up, she quite literally ran at the man, giving him a hug even as she half yelled, "Sarnael it's good to see you! Where the hell have you been the last ten million years mister grumpy?"

Siphon just stood there for a moment, shock on his face, opening his mouth a few times, closing it and then finally finding words.

"Um ... OK? You know this guy Aya? Just who the hell is he?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

While his helmet would have hidden it, Sarnael was about to respond to Aya when Siphon asked about him.

When he did reply, there was obviously an amused tone to his voice. "Okay, so apparently, he got knocked across the room by his head at some point.. Again. As for me, I've been where I've always been."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho's brows go up, definitely surprised by Aya's reaction. Obviously not hostile, then, at least to them, because anyone that would accept a hug like that had to be on good terms with the recipient. Although if Aya knew him...

Great, another ancient Ancient.

Though she was starting to put a few things together. The guy, because that was a male voice, knew Siphon and Aya, but Siphon didn't remember him. Not a shock there, since he didn't remember Aya until the embrace. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, as amusing as that would be. Obviously, there were stories there, but from the sound of things, they wouldn't be getting anything from the Masked Avenger any time soon.

Her attention shifts over to Jacobs, to see how he's doing and if he's still looking ready to double-over. There was, if she wasn't mistaken, one more baddie to deal with. Maybe. If he hadn't been vaporized already.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

This time Siphon's eyes lit up, glowing steadily for a moment before he addressed 'Sarnael'.

"Neither of us knows who you are. Perhaps we could rectify this? And Sho, don't worry, the other one is dead, we took care of it prior to his arrival."

For Sho, it was obvious who was speaking, for Sarnael it was clear this was NOT Siphon speaking, but rather some other life form.

Aya though just about fell over, eyes widening as she half backed into Sho, uncertain of what was going on. It seemed for all she could remember from Nirrti possessing her, the existence of Talvesh clearly wasn't one of those things.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Whatever Sarnael's immediate reaction to Talvesh speaking was, his helmet concealed it.

"Some kind of symbiote. That's new. And yeah, must've gotten knocked up side the head. We met some time back."

Either Sarnael's just an asshole, or there's a chance that the "some time back" involved enough millenia that he's just stopped caring about whether he's acting appropriately or not.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

There's a soft grunt as Aya stumbles into Sho and she reaches up, laying gentle hands on the blonde's shoulders. "It's okay. Talvesh is one of the good guys. He helps keep Siphon out of trouble. Most days." She flashes a grin over at the pair. Realizing Aya, and likely Ari, need an explanation, she jumps into a cliff note version of things. "Basically, there's two types, Tokra and Goa'uld. Tokra are the good guys, and goa'uld, well, for a long time, they were the bad guys. Then they got their asses kicked by the Ori and a lot of 'em realized the error of their ways. There's still a few black sheep, like Nirrti, but for the most part, they're pretty benign now." Again with the 'on one breath' thing. "It's freaky, I know, but it's who they are." 'They' being Siphon and Talvesh in this instance, not symbiotes. "And you don't have to be afraid of 'em. They've been my friends since I was young and stupid. So if you at least trust me...trust me."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya took a long moment, almost seeming to drift off for a moment before shaking her head.

"I think I saw part of that when I was trying to rip information off Nirrti. I know you beat them, but I don't really know how, only that you did which will be good enough for now. Siphon trusts you from all indications, and I trust his judgement, I always have, so I suppose you could say that extends to you now."

Letting loose a sigh, she turned to Sarnael.

"I suppose I ought to explain things to you. Simple version Sarnael, I think Siphon ascended at some point and returned. Until a little while ago, he had no idea who I was even. For whatever reason, it seems like many of his memories were intentionally blocked from him. Of course, this is assuming I am right on that."

Talvesh nodded, breaking in.

"I believe she is correct. Normally any memory the host has is immediately available to a symbiote, regardless of species. In his case, they simply were not there until his brief contact with you Aya. More of these flashes have happened since then, and I believe parts of his physiology are beginning to wake up."

As he finished that sentence, it suddenly dawned on Aya that he looked different. About the time she did and moved just to the side, Sho would get a good look at Siphon.

In the short time she'd been away from him, he seemed to have reversed age, looking as young as he had when she first met him, maybe a little younger. Gone was the hint of silver and grey, replaced with his older brown hair. His body had also healed all of the injuries it had sustained earlier, which in and by itself wouldn't have been remarkable if it weren't for the fact he'd reversed age in no more than half an hour.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sarnael nodded slightly at Aya's explanation. "So yeah, short version, he got smacked hard upside the head."

Finally, he turned to address Sho. "And I think there's a bit of a question to those adjectives still applying to you if this is the company you keep." As he said 'this', he gestured to Siphon, rather clearly indicating which adjective was in question. As he hadn't seen Siphon's older appearance, he seems to not really be caring about the changes.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho snorts at Sarnael's words, though there's amusement in the sound. "You're really hung up on that head smacking thing, aren't you? Where I come from, we call that a fixation. Or a fetish. Take your pick. As for the company, someone's gotta keep him out of trouble when Talvesh is busy." She lets the rib go for the time being, her attention slowly drifting over Siphon and taking in the changes to his appearance. The first clue he might get that something's amiss is the cant of her head and the way that she's actually studying him rather than giving him her attention. She knew regeneration could help slow down aging, but this was something else entirely.

"Hey, Merlin, what have you been up to since I saw you last?" Though she knows the implications that come with that name, she's clearly more referencing the Earth legend rather than the actual man himself.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon's eye twitched slightly at the mention of Merlin, immediately getting the hint something didn't look right with him. Moving a few meters, he looked at his reflection, and his eyes widened.

"What .. the hell?"

Aya took a long moment before it suddenly dawned upon her what had to be happening. There was no other explanation she could think of off the top of her head that would explain it. Situating herself so she could speak to both Siphon and Sho at the same time, she hesitantly spoke.

"Talvesh as you called him ... I think he was right about things waking up inside of him. As Sarnael knows already, I still appear as young as I did the day I reached full adulthood because of a somewhat unique 'mutation' if you will in my body's mitochondrial cells. That same mutation allows for my abilities to work, and allows me to heal faster than even the others of our kind with simply their own natural abilities. Essentially Sho, I don't age at all, I can't die from aging. Before events separated us ... Siphon shared a similar, but not completely identical mutation in his own mitochondria. At first he only displayed the same non-aging ways that I did, but as we grew closer and learned more about ourselves, other abilities came to him."

She turned to Siphon, completely unaware what she was about to say was going to completely alter everything both he and Sho knew about his current abilities.

"At one point, you were gifted with the ability to send a sort of sub-sonic blast wave out of your hands just by thinking about it. You were also the first amongst us to be able to use your healing ability to extend to others. Sarnael, when they first arrived Siphon was ... much older looking than he is now. I think the memories coming back to him, everything that has happened today ... I think it's starting to awaken those dormant things again, he's starting to return physically to who and what he was before ..."

Now she stopped, backing up slowly, biting on her lip as if she'd remembered something that hurt her somehow, waiting for them to digest what she had said.

Siphon for his part had stopped to consider what she said, though his eyes had widened as she rattled off two of the abilities he possessed even now. It completely explained why he was the ONLY Alveran capable of that type of thing naturally and without a technological aid. Quietly he sat down on one of the control room chairs, clearly thinking the whole thing over.
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