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Re: Atlantis

"I can certainly distract her at the very least, so long as she doesn't make me spontaneously combust." She said with a chuckle. "I'm passing good at getting in people's faces, though I'm somewhat reluctant to, as a general rule. Too many guns around make it rather risky."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, I'm patching the city sensors into this pad, and once I do we can track her in real time. Let me just ..."

He pushed a few buttons, all of their life readings popping up in the one room.

"OK, that works, now to expand it."

A moment later, a single life reading appeared, heading for a room that seemed to be directly above them. Siphon frowned, wondering why she'd do that, and that was when another flash took him by surprise, making him stiffen.

Siphon stood in the control room, the gate having been set to accept commands from the jumpers. This was the first test, to see if it actually worked. The retractable roof opened, the jumper lowering itself into the gate room, Aya dialing it from inside the jumper. The gate took it, and soon the wormhole established, setting off a round of celebration. They'd created a 'portable' DHD, and now had the blueprints to create even smaller ones in the forseeable future. The jumper went back up into the hangar above them, and Siphon watched the gate shut down before heading off to be with his wife.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana twitched and stiffened as well, Siphon's vision strong enough for the woman to pick up on it as well. She staggered a bit after it ended, putting a hand to her temple and looking over to Siphon. "Uh, wow. That's never happened before..." She said slowly, frowning.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon snapped back to reality, Ariana's words taking a moment to register.

"Wait ... you saw that too? Must be a .... wait, let me try something."

For a moment he focused, and then suddenly she would feel a small brush against her mind, followed by his voice.

"Can you hear me? I can't tell for sure, my ability to do this is weak after ... never mind, can you hear this?"
Re: Atlantis

The woman nodded slowly, answering back. Yeah. Can everyone around here do this? I, uhh... Haven't really met anyone else before, then one of the wraith attacked me, and now you...
Re: Atlantis

"No, only my own mind is advanced enough amongst my own people to do this, and only then towards those who naturally possess the ability to receive such mental projections. The wraith are capable of far more powerful projections than I am, however their mental capacity for enduring attacks is in fact weaker than my own. I only possess this ability for two reasons. One, I was ... I shared my mind with another being, my last wife who had the ability to communicate in this way, and two it is left over from my time as an ascended being, apparently. After ... after her death it became increasingly harder for me to communicate in this way. I had given up on it until now, which is why it may be ... fuzzy? Anyway ... how much of it did you see, and could you understand any of it?"
Re: Atlantis

Well, that isn't great news. Tried to fight the wraith back, felt like I was banging my head against a wall, didn't amount to much of anything. Ariana responded, glancing around at the others in the room, realizing she had just been staring at Siphon without appearing to do anything for the past few minutes. She gave a shrug, and moved to slide down a wall, sitting on the floor.

I dunno, really. I think it was from your point of view, some sort of tech test. Seemed like it worked, everyone was happy, and you wandered off. Then i was back here.
Re: Atlantis

"Yeah, that's it. Unfortunately, this also means we have a major problem. Directly above us is a hangar with those same ships in it. I believe Nirrti plans to override the lockout on the gate by using the jumper's DHD. We can't let her get to that jumper bay. I can block her off I think, but I'm going to need you folks to hunt her down."
Re: Atlantis

No real idea what i saw, but if you say so, then so be it. Ariana answered, standing again. "No rest for the wicked. Where are we going?"
Re: Atlantis

"I'll try to explain later as best as I can. For now, let's stop that psychopathic bitch before she hurts anyone else."

Siphon blinked once, then spoke.

"She's heading for a hangar directly above us which I believe may have at least one space worthy 'shuttle' so to speak. Virtually identical to our jumpers, except it can dial the Stargate itself. I can block her by collapsing part of the city shield on the doorways, blocking her from getting through but ... eventually she'll find a way, or she'll start blasting her way here to kill us all. Try to get to her first?"

Jacobs snapped his head, eyes widening.

"I don't even want to know how the hell you suddenly know that Siphon, just ... block that bitch and we'll take care of the rest. Ariana, come with us please, could use some extra stun power."

Siphon turned to Sho and added, "If you would, stick around here. If she comes back this way and does manage to get past them I'd like to have someone here who can help even the odds a bit, that's your forte."

Getting the nod from her, Siphon hit a few buttons, then handed the pad to Ariana.

"Go get her, shield is up for now. Just ... try to take her alive please."
Re: Atlantis

Ariana nodded, glancing at the pad before turning for the door. "I'll do what I can." She promised, heading off in the lead, with the Alverans in tow.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana had both all the Alverans plus their Tokra companion in tow, the Tokra definitely seeming on edge at the idea Nirrti was so close to getting away.

The reading that had to be her had now run into the barriers Siphon had put up, and now was circling about, probably looking for an opening. They were probably no more than five minutes from her position, soon enough they would be faced with a great challenge.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana saw their target halt, circling around in pretty much the same location. "We're close. The faster we hit her, the less chance she has to pull something on us. If we don't get that chance, take the shot if anyone starts feeling hot. She can down the lot of us with that, we need to stop her before she gets it going." She said, repeating the plan to set it in everyone's minds. She held her own pistol lightly in her left hand, not expecting to use it, but keeping it ready anyways.
Re: Atlantis

They hadn't gone far when suddenly energy blasts started flying down the hall at them. Jacobs had just enough time to duck behind cover, pulling Ariana with him as an energy bolt flew past her head.

"Son of a bitch, she's armed still. Figures."

As the Alverans returned fire, missing, the pad in Ariana's hand suddenly went on the fritz, streaks of interference visible on it's screen for a good fifteen seconds, and then when it came back, there was an unknown energy reading not far from them, in fact, it was behind Nirrti. As she tried to assess it, suddenly another life reading appeared, heading right for their intended target. Then two more appeared. She watched on the scanner as they converged in a group formation, then split out in a flanking position, as if they were aware of the gou'ald already.
Re: Atlantis

Something flashed in Ariana's head again, and she half ducked the bolt, just as Jacobs pulled her into cover. A few more bolts went off over their heads, and the woman was just getting ready to charge in regardless when the scanner flickered. She stopped to watch it, surprised at the new symbols. "Looks like we have backup, I think. Spread out." She informed them, poking her head up a second to look at the area, before ducking down again and running for the next closest cover.
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs shot her a worried look.

"Unless Siphon called in more people from Peltas and didn't tell us, plus beamed them in, chances are those aren't friendly."

As Ariana made her move, she heard a strange trumpeting sound, followed by what had to be the gou'ald cursing, and blaster shots going off. This was followed by what sounded like something running on the WALLS, followed by a surprised sound from their target, and the sound of doors sliding open and shut. This was then followed by the sounds of something slamming into said doors.

Vorhan had also made a move, his Zat drawn as he made his way a bit up the hall when the opening presented itself. Ariana watched him duck behind cover, move outward to look, and then she saw the Tokra stiffen in surprise, barely ducking behind cover as something solid flew past his position, nearly ripping his head off. When it landed, Ariana could see the newcomer in all it's ugly detail.

It moved on four clawed legs, powerfully built and suited for both running and being used as skewering arms. It's skin was a strange greyish color, and it seemed to have one sole eye in the center of it's head, more of a black indent than an actual eye. It was larger than any of them, almost as large as a great ape, and had dozens of sharp teeth lining it's mouth. It let loose constant low growls, already in the process of turning back to face the Tokra. If the way it had come at him were any indication, not only was this thing likely to be incredibly strong, but it was stupidly fast too. A gut instinct might tell Ariana that whatever this thing was, it clearly was an unfriendly evolved predator with lots of killing power. The dots on her scanner placed one of them exactly where this beast was, which meant there might be three of them.
Re: Atlantis

Once they were alone and once Siphon had done what he needed to in order to stall Nirrti, Sho gave him a look. "You had another vision again, didn't you?" It's not an accusation, just a question, but his sudden knowledge of Atlantis, not to mention his behavior just prior were pretty good clues.

Of course, if they can hear any of what's going on above them, it might cut the conversation short, but for the time being, she seems to want to know if he's running on all cylinders at the moment.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana hit the next cover without incident, but she wasnt there long before the strange creature appeared, almost taking Vorhan out before he had a chance to react.

The thing just seemed to ooze danger from it's pores, every motion that of a ready predator. The shimmering blade appeared in Her hand again, holding it at her side, pointed at the ground as she stood from cover, her other hand up to fire a shot at the thing, not expecting much more than she got from the last creature, but hoping to get it's attention.

"Hey ugly! Pick on someone your own size!" She called out, her tone loud and threatening, in case it didn't understand her. She stalked forward a few steps then held her ground, trusting her instincts to warn her if the others on her radar decided to come this way as well, or id the woman they were after started shooting. Right now, she needed the room to react, more than the cover to hide behind.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Yeah, this one seemed to be about some experiment using jumpers similar to what we've been working on recently, with an added DHD inside them that can control the gates. Honestly, if not for that vision, Nirrti might well be on her way to another planet and we'd be powerless to stop her."

The creature's head snapped over to her instantly as soon as she made her first movement and sound, and she could tell it already had a dead fix on her before she even finished setting up. It let loose several ticking sounds, seeming to size her up and look her over. Now it opened it's mouth some, and she could see spittle hanging from it's teeth. It sidestepped now, flitting back and forth in a zigzag along the hall, seeming to test her patience and her speed as it darted from one side to the other, seemingly in no rush to charge her just yet.
Re: Atlantis

Sho lets out a bit of a sound at that, something sort of non-committal that leaves her feelings on the matter rather vague at the moment. "Probably a good thing, then. Although you did space out a little. Let's hope you don't have one during a firefight or I'll have to tackle your ass."
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