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Re: Atlantis

Alana smiled.

"Yes, that is true, we would not want to take one of them alive, not after everything they have done. Unfortunately, they seem to like taking female prisoners alive, so they've developed means to accomplish that. In honesty, if it hadn't been for the anomaly that led to my meeting you, they likely would have taken me as well. That anomaly you could say saved me from potentially a fate worse than death."

A noise might draw Sho and Ariana's attention, and should they look up they would see Siphon and Aya slowly coming into the same area as them, not quite in earshot range yet, but closing in.

((I will be gone starting tomorrow afternoon for a while, I MIGHT be back on Friday briefly to post, but chances are I won't be around til Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.))
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Re: Atlantis

((No worries. We'll be here when you get back. Maybe. If we haven't burned the forum down to get rid of the bots.))

"So Ah've heard. Definitely good ta heah." His smile coveys a lot more emotion, and possibly relief, than his words do. "Well, maybe try and take one of them alive, not theah pets. Then maybe we can see about shuttin' down theah happy little operation one portal at a time."

Sho glances over as the door opens. "Well, they haven't immolated each other. I'll take that as a good sign. Or, if they did, they're better already." She looks a little relieved. "And they're talking. To each other, which I will also take as a good sign."
Re: Atlantis

Ari chuckled, tapping her own forehead. "Yeah, not used to having anyone else around like me. The first school would have trained me to deal with it, but I never got to the place." She said wryly, seeing the arrival of the pair as well. "One can only hope, that was some serious stuff." She replied, then spoke up. "How are you two feeling?"
Re: Atlantis

Alana nodded slightly.

"I wish you luck then with that. We never tried it because the risk was too high of them potentially being able to open an anomaly into this city if we allowed one of them into it even as a prisoner."

Aya nodded that she was alright, leaning against Siphon as he spoke.

"Things are alright. It helps having a plan of action too, something to focus on when the shit hits the fan. Thank you both as well, the time we had was quite helpful. I suppose you could say that sometimes even a brief amount of time alone with someone can lead to many answers being unlocked. I've had a few more of those flash backs since we split, but I've found they are less ... intense now that I've opened my mind to accepting them instead of dreading them. I believe I may be able to ... if not completely prevent you from being blindsided by my own, at least dampen the effect considerably now. I do apologize for all of that."

As he spoke, they might take note he didn't shy away from the contact with Aya, if anything it almost seemed to be energizing him. The look in his eyes almost suggested that he remembered enough at least to realize something was still there, and he was willing to explore that and defy the odds.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana chuckled at the apology, shrugging. "I just have to get used to not being the only psychic around, and figure out how to defend myself, I think. I'm sure the extra on your end will help a fair bit too, of course."

Glancing between the pair, she noticed how much more comfortable they seemed to be feeling with each other. "Glad to see you two have sorted most of it out, at least. What's our next step?"
Re: Atlantis

"There is that, isn't there?" He frowns a little. "Maybe if we keep 'em sedated. Or just unconscious from multiple blows ta th' head." He shoots her a grin. "Ultimately, not m'call. Have ta see what th' othahs think on it."

"Yeah, no fair giving other people your headaches," Sho teases Siphon. How she feels about him and Aya isn't exactly readable on her face, though that relief is there regardless. "Seconded. We going to wait for the gate to calibrate and radio home or what? We did just sort of kind of abscond with a huge Ancient relic. Might want to let them know that."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"As soon as we're back on the grid, which should be any moment now, we'll try to re-establish a link and contact with Peltas. We'll fill them in on things, and take it from there mostly. There's a lot of other things that need to be done, and that I want to see taken care of but this is one time where I think, from what I've been able to remember, that we're going to need every bit of help we can get. Ariana, you may want to ask Thor for some tips when we get back. While the Asgard don't normally project their minds, I don't know of another race with better mental defenses than them. I'm sure he'd be willing to help you out if you partially explain the reasoning."

Alana nodded.

"I wish you the best with it."
Re: Atlantis

"Just might need it," Ian says with a slight smile and cant of his head. "Think Ah'm goin' ta wander beck ta the main room. See where things stand theah. Don't feel things shakin', so Ah'd guess we're set'lin' in. Catch ya 'round, darlin'?"

"Well, the more folks we have here, the sooner we can get this place up, running, and maybe even turn it back into a city. I'm just glad we're not underwater any more."
Re: Atlantis

Ari gave a nod. "Didn't he have somewhere else to be when we left, though? Or do you think he'll have returned already?"
Re: Atlantis

Siphon half shrugged.

"With Thor, anything is possible. If he isn't available, there's plenty of Asgard who would be willing to help you with that. It isn't technological, so they wouldn't have any issues with helping you out. The Asgard don't like interfering in the technological development of species who aren't close to their level, they learned long ago that was a mistake. Even I don't know the whole story of that one, but I do know it was really bad."

He turned to Sho and added, "yeah, that would be good. We probably want to change the plants too, they've been dead for about the last ten thousand years. at least."

To this Aya chuckled slightly, knowing full well he was right.

"It would be nice to have the city occupied with people again. It's ... it's eerie how empty and silent it is with only the small number of us."

Alana nodded to him.

"I will be in and out then, I shall see you if we're both around at the same time again, otherwise perhaps if things are settled enough I can come find you."
Re: Atlantis

"Probably caused the Great Chicago fire or something," Sho will remark when Siphon speaks of the "really bad" situation with the Asgard. "And we'll probably have plenty of volunteers to come help. This place has a lot of nooks and crannies, you can just tell. And yeah, some new plants and curtains would probably be good." She slings a leg over the arm of her chair, just reclining that way again. "I want my own room, though," she states, holding up a finger to emphasize her 'demand.'

Ian will give the Ancient woman a nod in parting. "Ah'd like that. Catch ya 'round, then, dahlin'." If Jacobs is ready to go, he'll leave with him. Otherwise, he'll wait and possibly work with the other man, given the 'stay in pairs' decree for the time being.
Re: Atlantis

Ari nodded. “I‘ll try and get a hold of him when we get back, then.“ she said, giving a questioning look when Sho demanded her own room. “...If we‘re going back? If not, then I need to get my ship here at least.“
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"I think we'll be traveling back and forth for a while, at least until the Stardrive can be patched up. Then maybe we can take the city back to Earth. I do think a room can be made available for you Sho, although I don't recommend anything on the East end for now since it was under water not too long ago."

"I'll see if I can get the Stargate back on the grid a bit quicker for you folks, give me a few minutes."

Aya walked off, beginning to work on one of the consoles.

With one final smile, Alana flickered out of existence, and after she did, Jacobs looked back up with a smile.

"Always nice to see an old friend again hmm? You ready to get back to the control tower?"
Re: Atlantis

"Whole bloody city was underwater not all that long ago, but I get your drift. Just saying, that if we are going to be back-and-forthing it, might be nice to have a place to retreat to here as well as back on Peltas." She keeps her leg slung over the arm of the chair while she sits. "Anything we ought to work on while we're waiting? Or we pretty much going to lounge until the gate gets back up?"

"Lil bit," Ian replies with a soft chuckle. "And we prob'ly ought ta, before they think we got et by somethin'" If Jacobs is ready to go, he'll head out as well.
Re: Atlantis

“back and forth works as well. Gives me a chance to find an Asgard. What little I saw of Peltas seemed pretty metropolitan in terms of humanity, but I didn‘t see manh other alien races. At least, not many recognizable as such, given the symbiotes running around.“ Ariana commented with a chuckle.

“So, these gates are on some kind of intelligent network? I‘m mildly surprised they could move at all, the ones I knew of couldn‘t, though that‘s to be expected i suppose, having taken advantage of anomalies that were stationary themselves.“ The psychic commented, wandering over to the gate itself. She remembered the warning about the connection splash, and stayed off to the side as a result. “It seems of incredibly simple construction, for what it is.“
Re: Atlantis

"Metropolitan. That's a good word for it. Then again, for us, it's been 'home' for a while now, but kind of interesting seeing it through the eyes of a newcomer. And there's others around, but you're right. Some of them tend to blend in. But then, when you think about it, we're all aliens if you get down to the heart of it all." Sho chuckles.

The gates themselves don't move very often. And when they do, they have to synch up with the rest of the...network, I guess you could call it. As for making them work, it's kind of like...dialing a phone." She seems fairly certain the analogy will work, though she's attentive enough to realize if it's lost on the other woman. "You have to have the right sequence to reach out to another gate. Once you do, then it opens the wormhole and you step through to your target destination. That's just the basics, though. I'm sure we can find a way to give you a crash course on Stargates one-oh-one when we have access to a little more information. Although there might be something in the archives about them, maybe, if you'd rather not wait."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"There ought to be a section in the city database as well. I vaguely recall designing these particular gates here. Well, I shouldn't say me, eh, you get what I mean. There ought to be something here if you want to look."

A few moments later, Aya spoke up.

"Heads up, gate should be back on line. One of you may want to dial wherever, since I have no idea where this Peltas you're talking about is."

Jacobs nodded.

"Let's get going then, Siphon's probably about to start calling us and asking us what's taking so long."
Re: Atlantis

"Another one of the things I'm certain is already waiting for me when I get back." Ariana answered with a chuckle. "I guess, I have somewhere to poke around here as well, keeps me busy at least."

A few moments later, Aya informed them that the gate was ready to go once more. "He does seem to have a sixth sense for timing." She commented after Jacobs, smirking. "Shall we be off, then?"
Re: Atlantis

"Good ideah. But then, if he stahts givin' me hell about my reunion, from the sound of it, Ah can turn around and do the same ta him."

Eventually, the two of them would likely wander back into the gate room, probably in time for the announcement that the thing is back online. Ian looks a bit relieved at that fact, especially as they're discussing getting in touch with Petlas once again.

"You helped," Sho offers, by way of getting him past his stumbling. "For now, best to stick around, especially if you're going to be dialing out. Last thing we need is the party separated if we have any issues with the gate." She'll leave the dialing to Siphon, obviously being too comfortable where she is to move.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon just chuckled slightly at Ariana's comment, and then proceeded to dial the gate.

As fast as he input the symbols, they lit up on the appropriate chevron locking system, and by the time he finished and hit the engage button, the gate activated almost instantly, the vortex whooshing out before collapsing back into itself. After a moment, Siphon hit another series of buttons on his console, then spoke gently.

"Peltas Five, this is Atlantis base, Siphon speaking, do we have audio confirmation that we are back on the grid?"

A few moments later a female voice that most might recognize as Julia's came back.

"This is Peltas Five, we read you loud and clear. Welcome back to the grid Siphon."

Nodding once, he began to fill her in lightly on the situation there, for the moment leaving out the part about Aya possibly being his wife. After some talking back and forth, some of which seemed to be in Alveran, Julia made mention of sending some more people there, and Siphon nodded, closing the channel out, but keeping the gate open.

"I'm staying here until we get more people into the city. I don't want it unoccupied now that we've mostly got it up and running again. Anyone who's looking to head back to Peltas, now is the first chance you'll get until we get more personnel here."
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