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Re: Atlantis

"That'd be me," Ian states. "Ah can come back through with the clean-up crew, at least fer the time bein'. Wanna see how Nessa's doin'. Course, knowin' her, she's goin' ta be the first one through the gate," he chuckles.

Sho will swing herself up out of the chair, having chimed in with a "Hi, Julia!" at some point in Siphon's conversation. "Me, I'm for staying here. But I want to get some stuff if this is going to be an extended stay. Call me shallow, but I like wearing new shirts on occasion."
Re: Atlantis

“I‘m out too. Gots lots of answers on the other side, no sense waiting on them.“ Ari said as well, once Ian had finished. “I don‘t suppose i‘ll be going very far off the other end, so you‘ll know where to find me if i‘m needed.“
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"I'm sure she will Ian. Good luck finding what you are looking for Ariana, and if you need anything on that end don't hesitate to ask anyone. Sho, you can head back now if you'd like, but I won't be staying here past the secondary teams arrival. I think it may be a good idea to touch base with the Nox about this whole anomaly thing, see if they've encountered anything themselves."

Aya chimed in at Siphon's last part with, "I'd like to go with you. For obvious reasons, as well as I'd like to see the Nox again, see how much has changed since the last time I saw them."

"I thought you might. Ian, in the event Vanessa doesn't come through immediately, tell her I hope she's doing better please."
Re: Atlantis

Ian gives the other man a two-fingered salute. "Will do, chief." As long as he's got the okay and so long as Vanessa doesn't prove him right, he'll head through the gate and back to the station.

Sho, herself, looks a little torn. "Personally, I'd rather help with that. Plenty of time to run around this place once it's livable again. Guess I'll see what the plans are before I start packing up for an extended stay." As Aya makes her declaration, there's a bit of a chuckle from the dark-haired girl. "Anticipate getting swarmed," she warns her. "Granted, we'll keep the one thing to ourselves, but you're going to be a freaking celebrity on the station. Living, breathing Ancient? Yeah." There's a faint chuckle that escapes her lips.
Re: Atlantis

Aya shrugged.

"It's to be expected after all this time. At least it will be into friendly parts and not somewhere that would react with hostility to our kind."

As those who had decided to leave went through the gate, Siphon watched and remained silent, already thinking ahead to what he was going to ask the Nox and how. He wondered if any of them had known about his past, and had chosen not to say anything at all. He frowned slightly, the idea not sitting well with him at all.

The gate snapped shut as the last of the departing people went through, only to dial back in a few minutes later. By the time the large Alveran contingent was through and the gate had shut down again, Siphon was dialing out once more.

"Heads up, we leave in a moment."
Re: Atlantis

As Siphon and his group departed, Sarnael finally stirred. Although it was mostly just shifting position from standing by the window to sitting in an open chair near the gate controls.
Re: Atlantis

It wasn't long before a large number of Alverans moved in to secure the area. The city was humming once again, full of life, and full of mysteries to explore.

One of the young men approached Sarnael, and quietly spoke.

"Is there anything you need or want sir?"
Re: Atlantis

While there was no outward reaction, Sarnael snorted inwardly. Verbally, however, he responded with an almost bored, "Not at the moment. Although, if that young fool gets in over his head again, that may change."
Re: Atlantis

The young man paused, not sure of how to respond to that, and finally shrugged his shoulders.

"Very well. If you do need anything, Captain Barnes over there can assist you. I'm being called away to run some tests on a body they found in one of the halls. Apparently it came though some kind of anomaly and they think it's a future beast."

He indicated another person, then turned to leave and would be gone unless Sarnael stopped him for any reason.
Re: Atlantis

After a while, Sarnael seemed to be looking over the main display, showing the city's layout. Should there be any one near enough, it would sound suspiciously like there was chuckling coming from the suit.
Re: Atlantis

After a while another one of the Alverans came over to Sarnael.

"I was told you might want to have a look at this, we lifted these readings off one of the bodies in the corridor."

He handed him a data pad, which would show trace readings of the same signal he'd gotten when he'd detected his anomaly, however it was slightly different. The real kicker was when he saw the patterned DNA structure they had lifted. It had Wraith, Bat, Human and DNA that looked a little too much like DNA from several predatory animals from the Karsin homeworld.
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Re: Atlantis

Sarnael studied information briefly, then muttered something in his own language. If whatever that was had been based off of those...

After a second, a response of sorts came, as a group of armored and robed figures beamed in, the effect crimson. Each carried a long, hunting rifle-like weapon that had a blade attached in a scythe-like fashion. The one that seemed to be the leader, however, carried a second one which was held out towards Sarnael.

He took the weapon, and muttered something to the group, who then swept out of the room, almost ghost-like. Turning towards the Alveran, he finally spoke again. "Alright, show me where it is. I don't want any surprises."
Re: Atlantis

As the new team came in, about a dozen Alveran weapons swung in their direction before slowly lowering as they realized these were friendlies. THe one who had spoken to Sarnel for his credit didn't seem to be rattled, and just simply nodded.

"This way then, it's only a little ways down the hall."

He'd lead him out through another set of doors, and they'd walked for maybe two minutes before the first of the bodies was visible.

It was big, and with no eyes, with sharp teeth. Fortunately, it was clearly dead. It was a little bigger than a human would be, and seemed to have walked on all fours, but it was built for speed and power.
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael's response might just shock some of those present. "Overkill? Really?"
Re: Atlantis

It was Jacobs who answered him, the man seeming to have come from nowhere.

"Not really, it took everything we had to bring those things down. I've never seen anything, not even a wraith that could withstand dozens of shots hitting it every second for as long as it did and not go down. They move fast too, probably faster than we saw because of the layout of the halls. I'd bet they could outrun a Cheetah from Earth. Combined weapons fire and we still needed Ariana to hold them up with her psi-field to kill them. Even then I wasn't sure it'd stay down. I can see why the Ancients were afraid to deal with them."
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael openly snorted. "Yeah, I was right. Thought these things might have had their basis in one of the predators from Karsis."

As he was saying that, he seemed to be tracing out something on the creature's head. Without another word, he swung the weapon he was carrying around and buried the blade in a particular spot on the creature's head. "Next time, focus on this spot right here. Should go quicker, although you might need to cripple it slightly with shots to the main joints. Also, they're less likely to be just playing dead if they get nailed in that spot."
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs watched and nodded slowly.

"I'll keep that in mind if I ever get a clean shot at one. Bastards move like canned lightning, they're so fast."
Re: Atlantis

Stepping through the gate, Ian once more found himself in the halls of Atlantis. It was a good deal more crowded than the last time he'd been here, but that was to be expected. The find of the century, after all, and folks wanted to be a part of it. Here was hoping he could lend a hand, even if it was just with heavy lifting.

Turning around, he gave a slight bow as the girls came through the gate not shortly after him. "Welcome ta Atlantis." Technically, it was Vanessa's first time in the city, too, but he didn't want to let on to that. "Can't say as Ah can give ya the nickel tour, but archives are that way." He jerks a thumb in said direction. "Prob'ly best we touch base with the highah ups and go from there, though."
Re: Atlantis

Cassie stepped through, and her eyes lit up, and her jaw dropped some.

"My god, it's even more incredible than in the archived systems I've looked at it in. I ... yeah let's do that."

Vanessa only smiled, nodding.

"Yeah we'd best check in, then we can take a grand tour and explore."

Ian would spot several Alverans near one of the consoles, including one that bore a high ranking symbol on his uniform. He probably was either base commander, or the one left here in charge while the base commander was off doing something that required him to be out of the command center.
Re: Atlantis

"Oh, wait... You didn't gro..."

Sarnael paused suddenly, then seemed to switch verbal tracks. "Someone just dialed in."
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