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Re: Atlantis

"Now don't go dashin' off," Ian warns Cassie. "There's lots ta this place that we haven't seen yet. Stick with someone if ya want ta go check somethin' out, alright, dahlin'?"

That said, he'll head over to the ranking official, willing to wait until business is mostly concluded before interrupting. "Three in from Peltas. Ah'd say reportin' fer duty, but good luck getting Cassie ta do anythin' right out the gate."

Hopefully Ian's reputation aboard the station precedes him. He won't get in the way, won't let the girls get in the way, and should extra help be needed, he can be called on. For the time being, though, it looks like he's intending on showing Cassie around so that bug can get out of her system.
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs didn't even flinch at that.

"I suppose we'd best go see who then."

Back in the control room, the man turned to Ian nodding.

"Welcome aboard then. If you're looking to explore about just stick as a group for now and don't enter any of the rooms that the crystals show a red color on, they'd be rooms we can't scan from here due to damage from flooding, so we don't know what's in them yet."

Cassie just waited there with Vanessa, though she was clearly excited.
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael headed towards the Control Room. "Might as well send the word out... Those predatory creatures have a mix of DNA in them. Including some that resembles DNA from certain predators from Karsis."

When he got back to the Control Room, Sarnael would carefully set his rifle on the ground, laying it down, instead of trying to prop it up.
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs just shot back a "oh wonderful. Well that explains the unknown DNA then."

When they arrived at the control room, Sarnael probably would over hear some of the conversation that went on when Cassie saw Jacobs.

"Vartani, it's good to see you again."

Jacobs smiled at her.

"You too, how have things been?"

Most of what went back and forth wouldn't interest Sarnael, but that suddenly changed when he heard Cassie make mention "unfortunately, I have some bad news. These Klarnell, they attacked the Asgard. It seems the Klarnell managed to wipe them all out."

Jacob's seemed stunned, looking over at Ian with a 'seriously?' look.
Re: Atlantis

Ian nods at the man's instructions. "Noted." He'll move over to join the girls, especially as he sees Jacobs amid the group. Sarnael gets a bit of a look, though Ian doesn't seem to be bothered by his presence.

"Guess news didn't reach ya heah." He sighs. "That's the rumor, anyway. Full on attack on their home world." He shakes his head. "And rather than let the bastahds get their hands on their stuff." He makes a 'popping' or 'shattering' motion with his hands. "Either that, or they're keepin' it undah wraps. Not exactly the thing ya want ta hear on the tail end of a celebration, eh?" He inclines his head toward the folks busying themselves around the room of the city.
Re: Atlantis

Whatever Sarnael's reaction to the news was, nothing showed. Not even any muttering to indicate any irritation.
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs nodded.

"Agreed. That means the backbone of alliance is down another advanced race. If this is the opening prong of a Klarnell attack then it will only get worse from here. Perhaps we should hit the archives again and see what else the Ancients had on them, or if there's anything further Alana can tell us, if she's still here."

Cassie looked up with a blink at Sarnael, but said nothing at all, at least until the mention of Alana.

"Wait, there's a living ancient here? Another besides Aya?"
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael shrugged at Cassie's comment. "Well, depends on how you define living, I suppose. I know of at least one more... Well, sort of. But from the sounds of it, there was an Ascended one hanging around, apparently."
Re: Atlantis

Cassie looked back at him, seeming excited.

"Seriously? That's .. wow, what is she doing ...."

At that point the room flooded with white light, and Alana was suddenly just there. She smiled at the gathering of people before she spoke.

"Keeping the Klarnell from opening their anomalies into this galaxy and city as per my orders. Sarnael, it's been quite some time hasn't it? You must have questions, though I know you'll never admit it to me. So I'll just be blunt. Seek out the database on what we have stored on the Klarnell. You shall find your answers there old man."

The last was said with a smile, the woman seeming to tease him ever so slightly.

She turned to Vanessa and nodded.

"You have questions about events that transpired not long ago. Seek your answers in the place they began, and you will find what you are searching for."

Finally she turned to Ian.

"I'm afraid I must leave now, there is much to be done. You should stick with Vanessa when she goes on her search, it will answer many things for the both of you. If you can manage it, take Siphon with you as well. Of course, that is assuming you can hog tie him down and beat him into joining you now. Good luck to you all, and it is good to see life within this city again. I leave it in your hands now, we shall meet again."

Just like that, she was gone, vanishing in a glowing white orb that traveled through the gate, which had dialed at some point and formed a wormhole without the whoosh. A moment later, it shut down without so much as a flicker.
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael muttered after Alana left. "Damn kids. The least they could do is get their tenses right."
Re: Atlantis

He gives the Ancient a nod in parting, already mulling over her words by the time that she's vanished.

"And that," Ian states as Alana makes her exit, "is why Ah didn't say anythin'. Didn't know if she was still gonna be around, so didn't want ta get ya hopes up." He seems to be speaking more to Cassie than anyone else.

It seems that Sarnael was tasked with the archive searching, though she seemed to be speaking of more than, perhaps, what was here. He'd bring it up if the other man hit a wall, though it didn't seem like he was going to. Might go through the wall if he ever hit one.

More of interest to him was her message to Vanessa. Rather than speak in front of the others, he'll give her a little nudge and take the conversation somewhere a little more private. "Questions about a recent event, huh? If Ah'm thinkin' what she was thinkin', Ah'm thinkin' we need ta go pokin' around somewhere we didn't have much time to on account of someone passing out in mah arms and a T-Rex showin' up."
Re: Atlantis

Cassie nodded, clearly excited as she started looking over some of the controls while Vanessa and Ian had their talk out in the corridor.

Vanessa shook her head.

"I don't think that's what she meant Ian, although that would be some place to check too. I think she more meant what you and I talked about earlier with Cassie's planet. I think she was hinting we should go there. And notice how she said to try and bring Siphon? Whatever she thinks we'll be able to find there, she seemed to think it'd be beneficial to have him with us, or to him. Probably should check both just to be sure. I ... don't want to bring Cassie to her planet again if it can be avoided. I don't feel right making her relive that."
Re: Atlantis

"Yeah, no," is the reply that Vanessa gets when the subject of bringing Cassie home comes up. "But, Ah'll admit tah thinkin' the stories sounded a little familiar, more we started hearin' about the Klahnell. Well, what say we leave her heah. Maybe she can help pick through the a'chives. We can take off under premise of needin' Siphon f'something." He pauses and shakes his head. "Wheah's he at, anyway? Last Ah knew, they were headin' ta touch base with Talok, aye?"

He'll head back into the archive room to see how Cassie feels about "playing nice" while he and Vanessa went to go get Siphon. If she's fine with staying in the city, he'll steer the other woman back to the gate room. It's back to Petlas, given they'd need to head there to get steered in the right direction to finding their wayward compatriots.

((And really, if that's them in the jumper, since you already had it showing up on Nox, can just say something about them hearing they were here rather than doing up a Petlas post, too.))
Re: Atlantis

((You know what, we could put Ian and Vanessa in the jumper actually, just kind of time stretch it. That works. I'll get a post for them up later today, only have time for this one here.))

Vanessa nodded.

"Yeah, some planet of Janus', but I have no idea where. We should find out."

Ian found Cassie pouring through things, and she nodded to him.

"I'll be fine, go ahead. There's a lot here, including some references to the outpost back on Earth. This is going to take several hours at least to translate everything and make sure it's done right. I'll be keeping busy."

She smiled, and once he was on the way out she'd start working again.

Meanwhile Vanessa had handled letting Jacob's know they'd be off again, so by the time Ian returned, they were good to go. The gate was dialed up, and off they went.
Re: Atlantis

"All right, dahlin'. Try and stay out of trouble." He gives her a two-fingered salute and heads off to touch base with Vanessa again and head out.
Re: Atlantis

A long while later, Sarnael's thoughts were once more cut off as Jacobs entered the area, calling out to him.

"Sarnael, I just got a message a little bit ago from Siphon, he had some information he wanted us to pass along to you. It seems the Asgard aren't the only ones the Klarnell attacked, Siphon says they attacked the Nox as well, inflicted heavy casualties, and he suspects the Klarnell may have some Nox DNA as well. On top of that, the Ingrali have discovered at least one Klarnell warship adrift in the Milky Way galaxy. As best as they could determine, nothing alive was on board that ship. One of the Ingrali is set to board the ship, actually may have done so by now to investigate. Siphon thought you might want to know, or might want to take a look around, maybe speak with one of the few Nox still conscious. From the sounds of it, most of them are in some kind of coma."
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael snorted. "Really trying a blitz, aren't they?"
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs nodded.

"It would seem that way. First the Asgard, now the Nox, systematically trying to wipe out the backbones of our alliance. Julia seems to think they will target either the Wraith next, or one of the older races like the Ingrali, Draque or possibly even the Ori."
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael snorted again. "Well, we've possibly got a bit of an ace in the hole on things. And trust me, explaining myself at the moment will just cause issues."

After a pause, he added. "Of course, the way things have gone in the past... There's probably going to be more than one cataclysm to deal with soon."
Re: Atlantis

To that Jacob's snorted.

"That's a given, it's always multiple things going on at once, especially if Siphon is involved in any of it."
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