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Avarras -Old Version

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Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head, then responded calmly. "The choices that others make are not yours to claim responsibility for. Only your own choices are your responsibility. Even someone like me can only guess what others may do, and it is hardly a failure to guess wrong when one does not know all of the variables to a problem. Anthony has always been one to try to protect others, even when at his worst."

He paused again, then added, "If you feel you must do something, there are bandages and the like in the cabinet against the wall. I must speak with Jack briefly, now."

With that, he leaves.
Re: Avarras

Bell gave Shiraishi a nod and a half a smile as he walked out. She mumbled to herself after the door closed, standing up to go for the bandages.

"Not just him..."

She didn't know too much about first aid, so she settled with carefully wrapping a bandage around his head, sticking a pad thing over the bump itself, geltly setting his head back down afterwards and sitting down again.
Re: Avarras

Jack paced around outside, burning mad with himself and the situation. After several minutes it reached a boiling point and he lashed out with a roundhouse kick at one of the test dummies in the yard.
Re: Avarras

The kick landed, and the upper half of the post simply shattered.

That was when Shiraishi walked out.
Re: Avarras

Jack froze where he was, staring dumboundedly at the now splintered dummy. "Holy shit... that wasn't supposed to happen was it?"

He was more asking himself this since he had his back turned to Shirashi, and hadn't seen him yet.
Re: Avarras

"It is a simple enough matter to fix. There is something I must ask you, though."
Re: Avarras

Jack whips around, a tad startled. "I uh... sorry about the dummy there. I didn't think it was that fragile that I could break it like that."

He nods, then adds, "alright, I'll try to answer you as best as I can. What's up?"
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi waves the apology aside. "Those dummies were meant to be damaged. That's why many of them are just simple wooden poles. As for the other matter...I need to ask if you would be willing to help me keep tabs on matters in Orchrios. Normally, Anthony would be my eyes and ears there, but he is currently unable to do so."
Re: Avarras

Jack nods and answers without hesitation. "Of course. I'll admit though... it should have been me that bastard hit, not Anthony."
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head. "You could not have moved fast enough. Anthony barely made it. I may not have even been able to have gotten entirely out of the way."
Re: Avarras

Jack shrugged. "Still, I had a feeling it was a trap. I should have seen that coming and then maybe..."

He stops for a few moments before he finally turns to look at Shirashi again. "If I tell you something, I need your word that it won't go past the four of us."
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi nodded. "I would have no reason to speak of it. However, know this: As your abilities stand right now, there was nothing you could have done. That foe was beyond the combined abilities of the three of you, and even my presence might not have made much difference."

He paused for a moment, then added, "In fact, it could have made matters worse."
Re: Avarras

Jack was silent for a few minutes, absorbing that in. "Perhaps, but it still doesn't help my mind set, I appreciate you being honest though."

He cracks his neck then finishes out. "Six years ago, just prior to my moving out this way to resettle, I was married to a young woman by the name of Alyssa Aberthson. We had a five year old daughter who we named Crystal. We had stopped somewhere on our way back home, I was fresh out of training camp and a rookie cop at the time. I'd gotten out of the vehicle we were in to get something to drink for all of us, and while I was inside the store, a gunman, the brother of a notorious gang member we'd just put in jail came up to them and pulled out a revolver. I saw him coming and bolted outside, coming up behind him where he couldn't see me, weapon drawn, no time to identify myself. I was a hair too late. He pulled the trigger twice and killed them both before I shot him."

"Two shots was all he needed, one each to the heads. Mine struck him in the back just below the brain, kill shot instantly. I quit the force a week later after the details were wrapped up, and I've been living with the fact that I SHOULD have been able to hit him before he pulled the trigger. He got those shots off because I took a second too long to try and avoid killing him, when I should have just pulled the trigger and taken his head off. After he shot them both, I admit, I shot him where I did out of revenge and anger for what he'd done. Tonight.... watching how close Bell came to getting hurt when I KNEW that son of a bitch was setting us up... It's a bit much to handle right now."
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head. "I understand the source of the problem you have. However, there is one assumption that you are making. That the man who attacked you on that roof had intended for you three to encounter him. If I am right about my guess as to who that might be...He didn't even know he was going to attack until the second he did."
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi replied, "I have reason to suspect that man was a former student of mine who ended up going completely insane, to the point where it seemed that he was completely incapable of hold a single rational, coherent thought for more than a few seconds."
Re: Avarras

Jack nodded, then spoke. "And you think that there's the possibility that he may be hiding out in Orchrios? Makes sense, he attacked us there. Former student you say? Like Anthony is? Hmm, I don't suppose you have a name to go by do you?"
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi paused before responding. "It does seem the most likely that he is hiding out in Orchrios. And yes, he was a student of mine, like Anthony is. Unfortunately, I had no clue as to what name he might have claimed for himself at this point."
Re: Avarras

"Fair enough. Probably unlikely he'd be going by whatever name you knew him by back then, otherwise I suspect you'd have found him by now. Anything else we need to talk about before going back inside?"
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head, then headed back inside, eventually making his way back into Anthony's room.

When he walked in, Bell might notice that the bowl he'd walked in and placed on a table near Anthony's head was steaming somewhat.
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