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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I won't take long to respond though. There just might be intervals in which I disappear. Also, I like how you created the game mechanics so that even though I have an abnormal amount of strength, my orgasm, speed and other things are similar to that of other players.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

... Strength of ten is a MetaPhysical spell...

It doesn't make you super strong 'all' the time. >.>

I'd place your stamina at about 17

I'll go over it with you as soon as I can.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Lemme change my character then haha.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Before I go to bed, I'm gonna tie up the loose ends.

@ScrewDriver: I need a background of your char, else my attempt to create one out of my fatigued head will result in another "fun in the street" scenario

@TheWeirdOne: Yer two points over the quality limit on yer character, yer claimin' to have 4, I keep calculating 2, over and over again, because I thought I was going crazy with sleepiness the first time.

@Tomoe: I... I have no idea, me and you are gonna have to have a chat about this.

Nighties, *Hugs everyone*

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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Sorry about the confusion hope that clears it up and if I'm wrong again you can just kill me.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Because nobody said I couldn't, I'm going to make a new character.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I'll see what I can do about the background.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Sera "Seraph" Bretherick


Strength = 3
Dexterity = 4
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 1

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = 23(+15=38) ((CON + STR + WILL) X 3) + 5

Orgasm = 22 ((CON + WILL) X 4) + 10

Speed = 12 (CON + DEX) X 2

Essence = 14 All primary stats added together

Qualities: 25 Points

*Iron Woman(4)
+12 Stamina +4 Survival
*Fast Reaction Time(2)
*Nerves of Steel(3)
*Situational Awareness(2)
5 = Your contact is your best friend, if you're in trouble, give her a call and she'll be there to help you in a heart beat.
Situational Awareness: 2 points
Photographic Memory: 2 points
Situational Awareness: 2 points
Nerves of Steel: 3 points

Drawbacks:10 Points

Impaired Sight(2)
When making a perception check, if one of the senses apply to the perception check, then the roll gets a deduction of -3
Refuses to harm an Animal. At ALL.
Obsession (Sex) - 3 points
She has a unquenchable thirst for sex, and will often attempt to have it, as much as possible. Will also automatically give in to a monster, should it penetrate her.

Skills:35 Points

Sword Level 5(15 points)
Shotgun Level 5(15 points)
Stealth Level 1(1 Point)
Haggling Level 1(1 Point)
Singing Level 2(3 Point)
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


Name:Rini(Rin) Edelia

BiO: Rin lost her memories, what she did know, was that a reporter had saved her from a monster summoning cult group and bought her to an inn.
She didn't know anything from the inn so far as she had just woke up from what doctors assumed to be Shock... She is trying very hard to remember her life. Some people said they had seen someone that resembles her on TV. She's 18 and at the height of 5'3.

Strength = base
Dexterity = base+2+3
Constitution = base
Intelligence = base+2+3
Perception = base+2+3
Willpower = base+2+3

Level: 20

Stamina = [(1+1+3)x3]+5= 20 (Wow, hella low)

Orgasm = [(1+3)x4]+10= 26

Speed = (1+3)x2= 8

Essence = 14+50= 64

Acute Sense(hearing)- 2
Charisma- 3
Fast reaction time- 2
Photographic Memory- 2
Situational Awareness- 2

Nightmares- 1


Gift- 5
Increased Essence pool-10(?)
Blessing (1st)
Touch of healing(2nd)

Alright RJ, tell me if I screwed up again this time!
And I tied it to a story so she ends up in the Inn, hope it makes this easier for you.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Okay, I seem to be acutally able to check back on this place more than once a day, and since I'm not going blind under schoolwork I thought I would take a shot at this one. No pressure or hurry since I know you've got plenty of other people already going. :)

I wasn't entirely sure if I did the Iron Woman bonus to Stamina correctly (And I was especially unclear on whether it should be applied to essence).


Caitlyn Lyons


Bio: Caitlyn is a hardworking and extremely dedicated grad student. She works as an aide in the local office of her district's Congressional Representative. She is smart, determined and very politically active, with a piecing intellect and a disarming nature. Though normally known for being calm, her love of her country and her general skeptical bent can combine to provoke angry arguments.

In her free time, she volunteers with a youth outreach program through her church, when she's not spending time in libraries working on her thesis or doing research for the Congressman's office. Living alone in the city, her father insisted that she take some self-defense classes, especially since she often takes early morning runs or bike rides.

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 2
Willpower: 3

Level: 19

Stamina: 35
Orgasm: 34
Speed: 11
Essence: 94

Charisma 5
Contact 2 (United States Congressman)
Iron Woman 5
Nerves of Steel 3
Situational Awareness 2
Resistance 1 (Exhaustion)
Resistance 1 (Metaphysics)


Honroable 2
Obsession 2 (American Democracy)

Brawling 1 (Akido)
Guns 1 (Handguns)
First Aid 2
Intimidate 1
Notice 3
Questioning 3
Research 4
Running 1
Smooth Talking 3

EDITED: Corrected various things :p
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Hehehe, I occasionally saw you lurking around.

I thought you just came for the show, but that just goes to show how much I know. :D

I'll get to work on you character as soon as I'm able.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Hehehe, I occasionally saw you lurking around.

I thought you just came for the show, but that just goes to show how much I know. :D

I'll get to work on you character as soon as I'm able.
Nah, I just felt really bad and like I had disappointed a bunch of people before. So I wanted to make sure I was going to have time to do this before I tried.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Terry Kohler (Survivor)


Strength = 4
Dexterity = 2
Constitution =2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 1
Willpower = 3

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = 32 + 15 = 47

Orgasm = 30

Speed = 8

Essence = 14


Nerves of Steel: 3 points
Your gal has seen it all, and a bunch of freaky, pervert monsters isn't gonna make her soak her boots.
+4 to rolls resisting fear

Iron woman: 5
You just can't take this girl down, no matter how many times you smack her, she should have gone down a while ago, but no, SHE HAS BALLS OF STEEL!
Each level adds +3 points to stamina and +1 to survival tests.

Acute Sense: costs 2 points (Hearing)
Upon purchasing this Quality, tell which sense is enhanced.
Example; Sight, smell, hearing...
When making a perception check, if one of the senses apply to the perception check, then the roll gets a bonus of +3

Situational Awareness: 2 points
Your character doesn't miss a trick, people have always found it hard to sneak up on her.
Grants a +2 bonus to every single perception based roll, and nullifys any bonus to stealth when making the check.

Photographic Memory: 2 points
You're character always made A's in school, it's her memory, she remembers everything!
(In parts of the story that require you to remember something, no intelligence check is needed, you automatically win!)


Honorable: Level 2: Your character would never lie, or betray anyone, ever. Her word is gold, once she has accepted your trust, she'll never let you down.

Cruel: 1 point
Won't hurt friends or loved ones, but might hurt a stranger, for fun. She will take extreme delight in hurting people who she believes, "Deserve what they get." However, she will not go out of her way to hurt people, only if it's convenient.


Brawling - 5
Brawling + DEX when making an unarmed attack
Her own style it’s not very fancy but once you are about to get hit cover and pray…

Acrobatics - 5
+2 per skill point to rolls made involving, dodging, or just being a showoff....

Intimidate - 2
WILL + Skill level
Is useful when asking nicely just doesn't make the cut.

Climbing - 1
You didn't think your char could climb without a little training, did you?
Each skill level allows you to climb a more difficult obstacle

Swimming - 1
CON + Skill level
This is your ability to stay afloat in water. Keep in mind that with heavy gear on, you'll need a higher skill level to stay afloat. Should things look bad, you'll have to shed ALL your gear to resurface.

Bio: Born ungifted in any academic field, rash and downright short tempered Terry was a very troublesome person from the very moment she entered life through the womb, always wild believe everyone was wrong in the world and only she through force was right. It was a somewhat twisted logic but it was equally enforced with her fists she went with it up until her last years in junior high school where her life took a drastic change when her mother remarried.

The man was a former priest who forsaken the righteous path of the lord to be in love with the woman of his dreams in so he inherited her problematic child Terry. Terry often fought with her step-dad both physically and mentally unfortunately for her the man was skilled in many material arts and quickly defeated the inexperienced Terry whom only had brute force to guide her though he claimed she lost because the ideal she had embraced was one that would only lead to her weakness. So she asked which ideal would make her stronger. He replied “None but the right one has hardships that will test your very soul. If you wish it daughter I will teach you of it.” Of course at first she wasn’t interested in the right path only the one she could kick his ass with!

Yet over time under his guidance she learned of honorable way and embraced them heartily but even so that did not make her commit to a life of compassion. The way she saw it is in her own way such as beating up the bullies bulling them she always believed that words were always weak unless they could go with your body and soul! One day however her step-dad mysteriously vanished from their home days before he had nightmares and dreams of destruction his reasons for leaving seemed unnatural. Yet even though it’s her last year of high school she began to notice the strange things happening around town it unusual sightings of strange creatures in the sewer and disappearances of young maidens but the earthquake was the thing that changed Terries world.

A sudden quake shook the whole floor she tried to move out toward the hallway but then the building began to tilt and a whole desk rush forward hitting Terry in the back knocking her out then the she would awaken to the a school nearly destroyed the building looked as if ready to collapse and not a soul was seen around her “Ugh damn piece of trash” She shouted upper cutting the desk that had rendered her out as it was flung out the now broken school window. She scratched her head trying to get a visual but knowing she had to explore the school yard hoping to find some way out of this place and find out what had transpired here.

Crap…Sorry this came out so long probable alot of punctuation mistakes oh well.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Is there still room for players to join if so id like to enter this character

Name Vina

your abilities.

Strength – 4 (9 points)

Dexterity – 1

Constitution - 2 (2points)

Intelligence – 2 (2 points)

Perception – 2 (2 points)

Willpower 3 (5 points)
Level 20 Survivor
Stamina = ((2 + 4 + 3 = 9)*3=27) +5=32 (+15 for iron woman = 47)
Orgasm = ((2 + 3=5)*4=20) +10=30
Speed = (2 + 1)*2 =6 (+5for running skill = 11)
Essence =14


Iron woman: 5 points
Resistance: Fear 1 point
Resistance: KO 1 point
Nerves of Steel: 3 points
Situational Awareness: 2 points
Photographic Memory: 2 points
Charisma: 3 points
Acute Sense Sight: 2 points


Cruel: 1 point
Showoff: 2 points
Nightmares: 1 point

35 points for skills
Running 5 (15 points)
Melee Club 5 (15 points)
Acrobatics 2 (3 points)
First Aid 1 (1 point)
Lock picking 1 (1point)


Vina is physically athletic and strong. She always had a profound distaste for guns, she always thought it was unfair and wrong, especially if the person they was shooting at had no idea they was shooting at them, at least in a fist fight or unarmed fight things would be fairer and they’d know they was being attacked, so as she grew up she never held a gun and prided herself on that.

Her favourite sports included softball and baseball, as well as track and field events, her determination and persistence meant while she might not be the fastest she would keep up with the fastest and stay with them until the finish, she always preffered being the designated hitter, and kept a keen sense focusing on where the pitcher was going to throw and how he was going to throw, after years it came naturally to her.

She always felt she was the best in the team and took pride in being better than those who weren’t as good as her. Anyone who she didn’t like or insulted her would usually be on the wrong end of the bat or a tackle, whatever she could get away with in the rules.

Vina had spent the evening in the hitting range taking shots practicing her swing, for the better part of an hour or so, as the floodlights came on she continued for a few more minutes before returning to the showers and gym, while getting changed at night she noticed it was eerily quiet there was normally one person to walk past the corridor once or twice while she was getting changed but nothing, wearing athletic soft comfortable clothing such as a tracksuit she headed out of the changing room looking around to find out what happened.


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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Hannelore Ritter (Hanners/Dr. Dread)



Strength = 1
Dexterity = 2
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 4
Perception = 3
Willpower = 2

Level: 20

Stamina = ((2 + 1 + 2) X 3) + 5 = 20

Orgasm = ((2 + 2) X 4) + 10 = 26

Speed = (2 + 2) X 2 = 8

Essence = 13

Situational awareness
Nerves Of Steel
Resistance to Toxin

Bad Charisma (2)
Obsessed with SCIENCE!

Computer Hacking: 2
Craft: 2
Demolition: 3
First Aid: 2
Melee Weapons (knife): 4
Intimidate: 3
Swimming: 1
Research: 2
- - -
Did you ever have a science teacher that loved his job just a LITTLE too much?
Multiply him by 4 and put him into a slender female, and you have Hannelore Ritter. Hanners for her friends, Dr. Dread for her enemies - which includes most of her students, since she is not a very good teacher. What with all the manic laughter every time she describes a chemical reaction. Some of them are just plain creeped out by her - and she knows that.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Selena Ellens


Strength = 2
Dexterity = 4
Constitution = 1
Intelligence = 3
Perception = 2
Willpower = 2

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = ((1 +2 + 2) X 3) + 5 = 20 + 25

Orgasm = ((1 + 2) X 4) + 10 = 22

Speed = (1 + 4) X 2 = 10

Essence = All primary stats added together = 14

Fast Reaction Time(2)
Photographic Memory(2)
Situational Awareness(2)
Iron Woman(5)
Situational Awareness(2)
Acute Sense(sight)(2)

Addiction(Heavy Smoking) (-2)

Cheating 2
Craft(Guns) 4
Gambling 2
Guns(Rifles) 4
Lock Picking 2
Stealth 2
Guns(Pistols) 2

Selena spent far too much time in her life obsessed with learning how firearms worked. She was cruel and oppressive to her fellow students, partially out of her nature and partially due to her upbringing. Spending much of her time in highschool stealing from the others, lock picking, setting up illegal gambling games, and on one occasion threatening to "Shoot you in your sleep", what friends she did have moved away from her. Unhappy, she decided to learn to be a little more likeable, although her attempts at humor seem... misplaced... at times. Having not studied much in highschool, she starting working right after, lucking out when she got an apprenticeship at a gunsmith. Still, she picked up a nasty smoking habit and had to revert to her old gambling methods quite often in order to make money to support her habit.



9mm handgun 10 / 10
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


Bio: Sekai grew up in a small town outside of a big city. Her parents loved her and raised her right, teaching her right from wrong and keeping her safe from things like drugs. A lot of people say Sekai is a lot like her parents, if her parents were one person. Sekai is talented with fighting a swords like her father and she is really good with people, like her mother. As of now Sekai is still a virgin and is still waiting to meet that special person.

Strength = 3
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 2

Level: 18

Stamina = (2 + 3 + 2) X 3) + 5 + 12 = 38

Orgasm = (2 + 2) X 4) + 10 = 26

Speed = (2 + 5) X 2 = 17

Essence = 14


Charisma: 4
Contact: 5
Fast reaction time: 2
Iron Woman: 2
Nerves of steel: 3

Honorable: -2

Melee weapons, swords = 4
Running= 3
Smooth talking = 4
Brawling = 3
Escapism = 2

I may make bio edits later.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Hrm... this seems relevant to my interests. Yes, I signed up and in just to post this, sorry for being a complete lurker previously. In fact, I had been lurking for, um... since the first set of forums, on and off.

Anyway, I had some questions:
1.) Are you still able to accept players? You said so previously and I haven't seen anything to the effect that you're closing since, but you do have quite a few people now and I won't be terribly hurt if you're not.

2.) Under "skills: mechanic" it says to understand a mechanical device the check was "skill in this rank + perception" while to repair/mod a mechanical device the check is "skill in this rank + dexterity". Do you in fact have to first understand the device before you can repair/mod it? Or would this skill still be useful with a much lower perception then dexterity?

3.) Melee weapons. In the shop thread they're selling short swords, but if my character were to go melee I'd prefer if they were to have skill with a rapier, as that's something it wouldn't be terribly unreasonable to be able to use with a background in - for example - fencing. Since both "swords" and "rapier" are listed as suggestions for melee weapon focus, my question would have to be:
"Would there be a source of rapiers as handy as short swords, or would skill in "swords" or "rapiers" allow one to use the other with skill... or indeed do you truly mean for there to be a difference?"​

Question three may be irrelevant as I'm considering if perhaps guns might be the weapon I choose after all, but I'd like the answer in any case.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(1): Yup, you may join whenever you like.

(2): The perception roll is needed to comprehend the device you're attempting to fondle with, without that, your character won't understand what it is, and therefor won't be able to fix it. Should the perception roll be successful, then the dexterity roll determines your success with whatever you were trying to do with the device.

(3): Foils/Rapiers are quite different weapons compared to their cousins, and therefor they can't be put in the same category. But a lot of knowledge in how to use them would suggest that you own one of these antique weapons, such as a skill of 4 would definitely suggest that you have one nearby that you play with a lot. But, a skill of 1 or 2 would suggest that your character is a fan of the Renaissance Fair, and her experience lies solely on the rapiers they provide.

Rapiers would not be as easy a find as short swords, but if your character's skill background warranted for it, you could start with a Rapier, eliminating the need to find it.