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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Didn't Claire train herself to be more effective with guns?

I thought she had gun skill of level 2 or maybe that was someone else....

If she did she is more effective in combat then Emily =P
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Talking to an NPC about a mission does not activate the mission, only signing up for it does.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey BG, not bad, and im really liking my Vina character, :D it works, i just hope im typing enough i remember earlier people was complaining of like one sentence answers :( i put extra effort in the rape writing and willing to try harder.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

* Twiddles thumbs *

Kitty is soooo about to get raped.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I wonder what Kitty's actual name is. Maybe Meredith should get to know her before Selena breaks her completely.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hrm... there's nobody else in the inn who's looking to go out, is there? Na, nobody else is going to want to go the places I'll end up. >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Caliber chuckled, "Well, me and that pansy pilot are the only men around here, and a woman like you is way out of his league, so that kinda narrows it down."

With how pathetic that pilot is, I think every girl in the city is out of his league.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*twiddles thumbs and glares at pansy people not willing to go out*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ, ilu. X3

I just wanted to pitch in that I don't mind David's icon, just because everyone else was bitching about it. Is it from a Silent Hill character? Looks familiar, though I'm not completely acquainted with the games. :x
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I didn't care about his icon... I just jumped on the hate train because I have no soul...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*Pounces TheWeirdOne and pins 'im, shoving a soul in one way or the other* FEEL THE COMPASSION~! MOO HOO HA HA HAHA!