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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

All I can say is that from what I've gathered a while after making that post...

It won't end well ;X.
Hm. Now that I think about it, that is true... the succubi would decide the agreement was invalidated, fuck everybody silly, and take their pick of what was left over. That was really not Luna's kind of fight.

Too bad... it's a really good posting. I assume you've talked it over with RaptorJesus?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Allow me to state the following:

Succubi in AWMBI apparently have the ability to convey rage/violent intentions/etc into lust.

Barring the rage/lust conversion, there's also the fact that Luna isn't even aiming anymore at this point. Firing wildly at a direction where Joseph is at (ok, granted the succubi are there too...), think about it for a second.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ah. I thought that this time Luna could of just gone so crazy that they wouldn't of had any control over her mind. Well if Raptor himself told you this wouldn't end well then I guess you should change Luna's actions.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Or I might not. Depends on my preference. I'll decide after I finish eating. >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, looks like we're going to find out the result of Keylo's great post. Lets hope the results are in our favor.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Nah, the results were anticlimactic and boring and in favor of the succubi. I actually had a feeling that something like that would happen. Doesn't really matter how enraged and crazy you role play your character becoming, if something has mind controlling ability's then you're sorta screwed.

I was almost expecting something to simply happen and save Luna's group like Mellisa's party had been saved those two times but I was wrong, I guess.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Nah, the results were anticlimactic and boring and in favor of the succubi. I actually had a feeling that something like that would happen. Doesn't really matter how enraged and crazy you role play your character becoming, if something has mind controlling ability's then you're sorta screwed.

I was almost expecting something to simply happen and save Luna's group like Mellisa's party had been saved those two times but I was wrong, I guess.
It is a bit disappointing, but I think the "save" was already in progress - Joseph's sacrifice play.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Moral of story? Miracles don't always happen. game set and match~, fufufufufu... Although it would have been amusing if the stray bullet scenario had happened instead, writing Luna's complete mental breakdown afterwards would have been entertaining.

Well, there may still be one way out of this. although it'd be semi OOC. .
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If I could say something about the succubi themselves. I, in all honesty, think they are ridiculously over powered and simply too hard to beat. Think about this for a moment.

They are all strong. They likely have a strength stat around three or four, maybe even five. They all are likely fast. Unlike every other enemy that every player character has faced before you can't kill them using weapons because they have an impossible to resist mind control. So yeah, we've got an incredibly strong enemy with mind control. The only known ways to beat them are through A:sex, and unless your character is some kind of sex addict who knows all the tricks, most characters aren't, you can't beat them at their own game. The other method of defeating them is through ignoring them, which still doesn't make sense. I don't get how Luna's party was expected to ignore the succubi and run away while thinking this would stop them.

Really, I don't get how anyone would think that Melissa's or Luna's party ever stood a chance against powerful mind controllers. They only had a vague description of how to beat them for help anyways.

Really, if they didn't have the ability to control minds then they would of made great enemy's.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If I could say something about the succubi themselves. I, in all honesty, think they are ridiculously over powered and simply too hard to beat. Think about this for a moment.
I helped Icelus write up enemies for Unnamed Nightmares and there were succubi in there. The way we ended up handling them was that they did have a Mind Control attack but it only worked when the target was close to orgasm (Probably Orgasm status: Red in AWMBI terms). Also there was a chance to escape from the control each round (until you ended up being drained or rendered helpless some other way).

They also had an aura that would slowly raise arousal though and (from my test fight with one) did insane amounts of arousal damage, so they weren't easy by any stretch of the imagination either.

(Since RJ is helping me with my thread, I thought I'd chime in with my .02 of suggestions here.)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I helped Icelus write up enemies for Unnamed Nightmares and there were succubi in there. The way we ended up handling them was that they did have a Mind Control attack but it only worked when the target was close to orgasm (Probably Orgasm status: Red in AWMBI terms). Also there was a chance to escape from the control each round (until you ended up being drained or rendered helpless some other way).

They also had an aura that would slowly raise arousal though and (from my test fight with one) did insane amounts of arousal damage, so they weren't easy by any stretch of the imagination either.

(Since RJ is helping me with my thread, I thought I'd chime in with my .02 of suggestions here.)

You see, that is so much more fair then having an enemy that can instantly take over your character's mind. Looking at Luna's team it never stood a chance against Raptor's succubi. Emily was the only person on that team that could fight with sex, we all know that's true. If Luna's team had fought against the succubi from Unnamed Nightmares, where they could actually use their weapons, they would of stood a chance.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You see, that is so much more fair then having an enemy that can instantly take over your character's mind. Looking at Luna's team it never stood a chance against Raptor's succubi. Emily was the only person on that team that could fight with sex, we all know that's true. If Luna's team had fought against the succubi from Unnamed Nightmares, where they could actually use their weapons, they would of stood a chance.
The thing is though, each game is seperate. RJ's succubi might work totally differently or have some other weakness that isn't obvious just yet; I think this was the first time I saw a succubus in AWMBI so mabye they fulfill a different role than the usual monsters.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, Luna herself was largely useless in the fight. Granted, some enemies should be able to work around some characters advantages, but having enemies with the of power to completely ignore combat based characters is a bit..... extreme. And what about Emily, what's she going to do while the succubi drain poor little Joe?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The thing is though, each game is seperate. RJ's succubi might work totally differently or have some other weakness that isn't obvious just yet; I think this was the first time I saw a succubus in AWMBI so mabye they fulfill a different role than the usual monsters.

I don't actually think they have a weakness. I'm sure the only way to beat them is through sex or ignoring them, which still doesn't make sense. Reguardless of any weakness they might have I still think that whatever it was, was made to vauge to catch in time. I think that Luna's team was put in a somewhat unfair situation as far as keeping that young man safe.

Really, they should get some help now. Like something coming in and saving Joseph and Luna's party from the woman. Like how David rolled in with the maid and took out the futa's with his sniper rifle.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, Luna herself was largely useless in the fight. Granted, some enemies should be able to work around some characters advantages, but having enemies with the of power to completely ignore combat based characters is a bit..... extreme. And what about Emily, what's she going to do while the succubi drain poor little Joe?

Putting my two cents in, honestly, I agree with you. Iris and Luna are combat type characters. As far as fighting sex demons that can't be harmed physically because of mind control which is impossible to resist, Luna is useless and Iris is just about as useless. Did you see how fast both characters got taken down?

Honestly, the second I found out that Iris's company would have to fight the succubi, I had a feeling that they were doomed and something bad would happen. If Joesph gets captured or killed my character is going to feel like shit and I really don't want to role play a depressed Iris.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't think they have any weakness either, as Luna was unable to put up even the slightest bit of resistance. Whether or not RJ decides to pull a rescue is up to him, but I think maybe their mind-affecting ability should be weakened a bit so they aren't so retardedly powerful, maybe allowing a Willpower check to ignore it or something.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whatever happens I just hope it doesn't result in Joesph being captured. This again, is mainly because I don't want Iris to become depressed. In the one week that this has all been happening in Iris has been raped by an egg monster, killed Shiva and 100 woman by setting a bomb off, caused her and Emily to get raped and impregnated, and has had some other things happen to her to make her feel weak and worthless. This would be the thing that finally smashed her spirits and sent her into a depression that only one of her close friends could pull her out of.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ehem. Well anyways, I hope what I said didn't offend RJ or anything. I was just giving my oppinion on the matter. I wasn't trying to sound insulting.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The Succubus in this game was designed around the concept that the most I've seen anyone do during a boss fight, is attack. And when everyone tried different solutions, it all revolved around them trying to kill the Succubi, going crazy, or just trying to think about books while you aim your gun.

The Succubi's weakness, is to not fight it. They're timid, and they're easily frightened, due to how easily they can be killed. Given how I made the Succubus, any character could, with a willpower test, just walk right by the Succubi.

If you allow your thoughts to occupy itself with one of them, they will use a supernatural power to take advantage of that, and dominate your mind. Should you see another one of you being afflicted by this ailment, assist them immediately to break the trance.

I gave the answer out, don't think about them, don't look at them, even if you acknowledge them in the corner of your eye, in some attempt to attack them anyway. And in order to help someone under the Succubi's influence, just get them to focus on you, and not them.

"Just fucking run! Don't acknowledge they even exist!" he cursed himself when he saw Iris fall under the spell, "You fucking idiots! Listen to me! Don't fight them!"

Joseph was screaming the answer to you all. The way to fight the Succubi, is to not fight at all.

Now, the Succubi weren't just some enemies you fight, they were their boss(es), and you can even view what I said in character creation, every boss battle isn't as simple as, "I shoot the boss, and do enough damage to kill it," as to me, that makes for a boring boss battle. And since Iris and Luna were more than ready to do exactly that, I wanted to see if they could adapt, and use a new method to take down a foe they couldn't fight normally. And now everyone is saying how OP they are, and that it should just be a willpower test, so that they can do the same old routine;

Phase 1: Shoot da enemies

Phase 2: ???

Phase 3: Profit!!!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You also gave our group a boss that was invincible unless you attacked the roots. Of course, we were still supposed to fight it in the end, but at least there was another step. :p