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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I just offered RJ to possibly host a mission for a group to help take the stress off of him a bit for today.

Planning a few out now in case he accepts. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

XD Oh, that's a relief. I'm eager to see what kind of missions you two come up with!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Remember guys, my origonal plan was a erotic survival horror, so(given what Dematt said, I actually work on the story, which is undeniably a good idea. >.>) every setting has to be scary somehow.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hence the disclaimer that you could twist any of those around, if you felt like using them... I was just trying to drop some more ideas since you sounded dried up!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Can practice with weapons up it to anymore than 5? Cuz my knife skills are already at 4 and I'd like to be very effective with either that or an axe (3). If it can't go any higher than 5, how would we up our strength instead?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Though five is considered the limit, obviously, as far as things like strength go, it can go higher. But the experience needed shoots through the roof once you reach 5, so it's not recommended you aspire to go any higher.

Strength can be practiced anywhere, you can drop down right where your character is right now and start working out.

It drains the crap out of your stamina, but when you're hurtin' for strength, it's one of the only methods available to you.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Coolio, now I just need an axe and a knife to practice with a bit, then work out like a beast. She's used to it anyway.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yes, rarer weapons can be gained in three ways.

1: It becomes available in the shop

2: You find it, should I find it appropriate that you should find it.

Or, if someone else has it.

3: Steal/loot it off someone else.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I can trade with other players too right? I mean, considering my high levels, I might be willing to pay for a gun, then hand that off to somebody for a knife.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Points are directly controlled by the Director, so you can't trade those as compensation. But survivors may trade at any time, and even give stuff away should they be generous enough.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm curious on how stamina works now... Is orange bad or good... although I'm assuming good <.<
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Five levels of how good of a state your status is in.

100% = Green

75% = Yellow

50% = Orange

25% = Red

0% and lower = Danger
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

By the way, this is similar to what the .32 cals look like, they're smaller than they appear, as shrike as stated, but the bullets they fire are nowhere near, 'pellets' They're just small bullets.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

This is going to sound dumb, but I'm such a gun-noob. Do .32 handguns pack more punch than .22 rifles? I know the bullets that a .22 fires are measely little suckers, but the rifles themselves are bigger so I can't help but think they have more power. XD Or do the gages of rifle and pistol bullets not line up the same, so the numbers don't mean anything?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

This is going to sound dumb, but I'm such a gun-noob. Do .32 handguns pack more punch than .22 rifles? I know the bullets that a .22 fires are measely little suckers, but the rifles themselves are bigger so I can't help but think they have more power. XD Or do the gages of rifle and pistol bullets not line up the same, so the numbers don't mean anything?

Oh don't worry about being a gun noob. I had no idea what a .32 was before he posted that picture.

EDIT: I meant what it looked like >.> I knew it was gun.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

According to my charts, indeed a .22 rifle does a little more damage than a .32.

I'm not going to say this is gold, or that it's a fact, as shrike would likely just lecture me again.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That depends on the gun's power, as in the velocity of the launched bullets, so if the rifle shoots the bullet at a higher velocity it's gonna do more damage.
Like a .44 mag is a bullet for revolvers. or a desert eagle which does insane damage (Shooting one hurts you a bit).
So the gun and the bullets/cartridge affects a gun's damage a lot.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Firing a revolver such as that requires high strength, or else it'll just fly out of your hand.

Firing it successively can wear you out, but it doesn't cause injury.