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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If you disagree with me in any way, just say it.

If you agree with me, just say it.

The only person that I don't directly blame for giving poor descriptions is RJ, because he's overwhelmed by the numbers. (This is also why when I remember to, I put my actions in parenthesis at the bottom of my post.)

Pre-emptively, I admit I gave a few "smaller" posts from time to time, so I'm not immune to scrutiny, but by the same token I do try to make good posts most of the time, and go out of my way to avoid truly shitty posts.

It's not that I think anyone is illiterate or unable to post better, which is really the reason that gives me cause to say this. I think the players can do better.

As for questing... Azure is currently stuck in the basement with a slime baby in stage 3 of pregnancy (stage 4 being birth), so she's not exactly ready to run out on missions just yet.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll try to throw some more detail in then.


RJ, you're the MAIN person that I was NOT trying to point out for this!

You make great posts all the time, you're in charge of many players, and you're just plain awesome.

I was saying this because I've been reading everyone else's threads in between waiting for my replies.

Edit just because it has to be said again: RJ, you're awesome. Don't ever question that you're doing a great job with this, especially for so many players.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey I will for another hunting let Lin get some clothes tho.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think I could have done better.

Don't feel bad Raptor, everyone could do better, including myself. I'm going to start putting more effort in my posts.

Oh and Zero if you feel like going hunting right now then sure, I've got nothing else to do at the moment.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lazy player posts breeds lazy GM posts.

I always try to be as descriptive as I can think of while I make my post.

I don't see the fun in saying:
"Okay, Azure fucks the slime."
"Now Azure gives it a blowjob."
"Azure takes it doggystyle."
"Azure passes out."

It's bland to write as a player, it's bland to read as the GM (not to mention observers), and it's bland to write a reply to.

These kinds of replies are what RJ said about the, "Press A use the shop" comment.

It's not actually roleplaying, it's sitting in front of a generic RPG and mashing the "attack" command until the battle is over.

The whole point of roleplaying is that we don't NEED to mash the button for hours as we grind up. We can dive in, play as we are, and really enjoy the act of playing without it ever being bogged down to this kind of non-fun.

oh well, just my two cents.
I could be way off my mark though.

I agree with this but... I'm a noob at RPing and do wish to become better <.<. So don't be afraid to give me pointers.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

sadly to say raptor i think i'm gonna go to bed earlier tonight so if ya feel like starting the mission eventually let Iris go if she is free.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright I am ready to roll for our hunting mission gold, I will be 'at' the inn.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

To RJ:
As a GM for this many players, your goal isn't to always have huge descriptions and make the story whole for everyone. Your goal is more to guide the story and give the players what they need to make their story whole.

And you do a good job giving that little extra most of the time on top of that.

To TheWeirdOne:
Welcome to roleplaying!

It's a great amount of fun and if you find good partners you'll never be bored.

Here's a few tips:
Always try to use full, descriptive sentences.
Try to keep pace with your partners if you can.
Be descriptive. Describe how you look, how you feel, how you act.
Don't oversimplify. Missing descriptions makes for dull actions.
Don't use first person or second person perspective for describing actions.
(character speech and thought obviously can be in whatever they're thinking (first person usually))

And the biggest tip...
Read other good posts and take ideas from them.
Learn how to describe things and run with it!
And eventually you'll develop your own style.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's alright, Dreana, I'll probably take DeMatt's advice again and iron out more of this scenario in the meantime, as plot line missions are very important.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's alright, Dreana, I'll probably take DeMatt's advice again and iron out more of this scenario in the meantime, as plot line missions are very important.
Heh. I feel proud. Right up until I remember that the last time I was GM'ing, I kept everyone to a 1-update-per-72-hours schedule. Well-written posts, true, but oh God were they slow in coming.

I think the concepts behind the missions are fine; I just think you needed to have spent more time thinking through and describing the areas and the items within. :p Progressive learning experience - learn from the mistakes of the older missions, and the newer ones will be the better for it.
(Okay, seriously, this place is an Inn and it's totally fucking empty in the basement? None of the summer decorations boxes? No water heaters and pipes? It's just a big square empty room of nothing? x-x

If this is the case, then Azure can't fight off the slime without hurting it, and as long as the slime is there she can't escape. And with nowhere to hide she's kinda laying in the middle of an empty room with her pussy shown off as she waits to give birth... x-x )
Idea: think of this more as a single room within the basement, rather than the entirety of the basement. And once Azure gives birth, there'll be TWO slimes in the room. Maybe "papa" slime will let Azure have a breather while she educates the baby...
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright, I'm gonna shoot for another good story this time.

Gimme some free time guys, I'm gonna think about Janna's story.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So we've got "kill the monsters" side mission we can do at any time.

What about "collect supplies" side missions?

This kind of a side mission could be given with a list of different types of places to check, difficulty ratings for each, and a random reward system comparable.

The bigger the place and more stuff we can find, the more threats will appear on the way for us to clear before getting things.

You can roll to see what kinds of goods we get before large clusters of monsters approach and we're forced to flee back to the Inn.

Really good rolls could be unique items, or weapons and armor.
Crappier rolls could be emergency rations or just a few bullets.
Difficulty of the mission will adjust the rolls, of course.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Collecting supplies, the way I've implemented it, is a non-plot scenario, with it's own boss.

Once you complete the mission, more goods are added to the shop.

Besides, everyone would just do the supplies side mission, and then there'd be a load of useless items floating around. :rolleyes:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But that works well, it forces players to trade too.

What supplies one player finds useless, another may find very valuable.

(easy example, a character with a 9mm handgun finding .22 rifle rounds)

That also prevents everyone from being able to rush into the store and all buy a bunch of the same item if something really good shows up. It'd make certain items "unique" in that regard.

But your non-plot-essential side missions are also a good idea for expanding the store.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Eh, I'd prefer it if one girl could be just as threatening as the next, without having to worry if they found, 'the Ultima armor'.

Anyways, sleep's a callin'
