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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Azure's actions are a result of the so-called "unity" working against her. All of her ideas to bring the group closer together or improve the group's survivability have been stonewalled.

What's come to bother me about my plans, as a player and a character, is that even my (former) contact, who is supposed to support Azure in her plans, shunned and rejected her ideas. He should be the first one to leap up and offer to help.

So if you can come up with a legitimate IC reason why this has happened, then maybe Azure is overreacting.

If not, then I actually think Azure is under-reacting, because I'm going out of my way to drop every mission that gets rejected and just move on to something else.

Thoughts? Opinions? Theories on why someone who should be supporting Azure is suddenly against her? Because right now, I've got nothing.

She didn't start developing these "conspiracy theories" until people around her showed her that they were well founded.
- The director is hiding things and seems to know everything that's going on before anyone else.
- The director called her in for a special conference and somehow learned her name without having ever met her before.
- The director's lackeys are all tight lipped and mindlessly obedient.
- The doctor that she went out and helped rescue is just as tight lipped and unhelpful as the director's lackeys.
- The doctor that she went out and saved also refuses any offers to get real medical supplies, seeming content to simply watch the girls birthing monsters.
- Azure's Contact (the pilot), who was THE FIRST PERSON TO WARN AZURE ABOUT THE DIRECTOR...

Yes, I need to say that again: THE PILOT was the FIRST PERSON to speak out against the director. Azure was only trying to be kind and helpful, even after this outburst from the pilot. Now to continue...

... who was the first person to warn Azure about the director, is suddenly mindlessly on her side and rejects helping Azure on her missions, in favor of waiting around for missions from the Director.

- No one seems particularly talkative or forward with information they do find out.
- Even when Azure tells people clear facts, they look at her funny and doubt it.

These reasons are adding up in Azure's mind. She didn't start out as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. The director and the people of the Inn have made her into one.

if anyone can find some way to explain away these issues, I would LOVE to return to playing Azure as a kind reporter that's only out for a scoop. I honestly don't like her as a conspiracy nut either, but she's got no choice anymore unless someone were to beat her in the skull until she forgets everything that's happened.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, it depends on the NPC you're talking to. Some, like Jesse, don't hide very much from people, as they disagree with lying. Others, like David, are so wrapped up in their own solitude, that the most they're willing to say is, "Yes, no" answers. It really depends on how your character acts towards the person they're talking to.

Although this is a game, I did have the desire for this to be a role playing game as well. Yes, that means cheesy drama. :p

It helps build character involvement, rather than just saying, my character is all like, 'tell meh where teh goods R.' which kinda kills the mood for me, and has often made me pass up the post entirely, as I cannot possibly think of a response to such a bland, emotionless action.

I will try to keep this in mind next time. :D *instead of letting David be, for example* Mua ha ha ha ha. XDDD THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT SO THE HEALING CAN BEGIN, MR. ANGRY SHOOTY PANTS~! WE ALL NEED TO CRY FOR THE THINGS WE LOVE~! *brings out a ukelale and plays various girl guide/boy scout songs on the roof* XD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, Kayi, I think I'll take a swing at some of that last post. A lot of it sounds like an attack; please try to keep your temper down - this is how I see things, which isn't necessarily the majority view.

- The director is hiding things and seems to know everything that's going on before anyone else.
Does she? She knows before Azure, okay. She knows before the player characters, sure. Does she know before absolutely everybody?
David: "I just saw Kali getting dragged off by a centipede!"
Director: "I know - I've already put a rescue mission up."​
I don't think so. What we're not seeing is all the communication that the Director gets - guards changing shifts, PCs reporting back, all the minutiae of leadership.
- The director called her in for a special conference and somehow learned her name without having ever met her before.
How about this:
Shiva: *is lugging Azure and Kali in from the hospital*
Pilot: Oh my God! Azure!?
Shiva: You know this woman?
Pilot: Yeah, that's my hire - Azure Watson!
etc. etc.​
- The director's lackeys are all tight lipped and mindlessly obedient.
...and what has Azure bothered to ask them about?
- The doctor that she went out and helped rescue is just as tight lipped and unhelpful as the director's lackeys.
I missed this. Didn't she answer every question that Azure asked?
- The doctor that she went out and saved also refuses any offers to get real medical supplies, seeming content to simply watch the girls birthing monsters.
And what does Azure think (as opposed to Kayi thinks) she can do? Drugs? We'll just declare that the monster babies are too strong for the usual run of abortifacients; I suppose she could experiment, but things lethal to unborn babies are also dangerous to the mother. Surgery? And put the victim out of action for days while she heals?
- Azure's Contact (the pilot), who was THE FIRST PERSON TO WARN AZURE ABOUT THE DIRECTOR...

Yes, I need to say that again: THE PILOT was the FIRST PERSON to speak out against the director. Azure was only trying to be kind and helpful, even after this outburst from the pilot. Now to continue...

... who was the first person to warn Azure about the director, is suddenly mindlessly on her side and rejects helping Azure on her missions, in favor of waiting around for missions from the Director.
And this change in behavior occurred over how much time? Two, three days? Isn't it possible that the Pilot spent some time talking with the Director? He isn't in the air 24 hours a day, after all. He isn't even tinkering with the helicopter 24 hours a day.

- No one seems particularly talkative or forward with information they do find out.
Azure has a real problem with asking individual questions. Or, in turn, asking individuals questions. How many times has Azure said hello to another PC?
- Even when Azure tells people clear facts, they look at her funny and doubt it.
Azure has a habit of either rambling on for two or three paragraphs, or declaring the listener is an idiot.


To be honest, I think a lot of the problems you're having is that you tend to type up way too much dialog in a single post. In general, everybody else goes a sentence at a time:
(BurningGold posts) Iris: Hello, Emily!
(TheWeirdOne posts) Emily: Oh, hey Iris. What are you up to?
(BurningGold posts) Iris: I was thinking of going out for supplies. And you?
(TheWeirdOne posts) Emily: I kinda want to practice with my pistol... but Jesse won't let me have any more bullets. Maybe I could go with you?​
Whereas Azure tends to spit out eight or ten sentences in a row without anyone interrupting. Great... if she's ranting. Not so great, if she's actually trying to hold a conversation. Is it any wonder people hear Azure's block of verbiage, then tune it out?

It's tempting to rattle on and on, getting your say out. But remember, you need to let people react. And then you can react to their reaction - forming the interaction known as a conversation. Try limiting yourself to a single sentence of dialog in each post. Two, if you think I'm being cruel.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And what does Azure think (as opposed to Kayi thinks) she can do? Drugs? We'll just declare that the monster babies are too strong for the usual run of abortifacients; I suppose she could experiment, but things lethal to unborn babies are also dangerous to the mother. Surgery? And put the victim out of action for days while she heals?

They can throw Emily in that room to cure the plague!

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

First of all, before I get into anything, I'm not angry about this and I'm actually rather mellow. I'd really like it if I could play Azure as kind again. So let's get into it.

1) I don't doubt how she learns a lot of this, but the fact she hides it from everyone and never tells anyone but those closest to her of vital information. Then she shuns ideas of sharing information.

2) Azure never told her pilot her last name. And seeing as he contacted her for the story, she never saw the need to. But sure, I can pass that off as acceptable.

3) Azure's been trying to ask everyone about lots of things whenever the chance has come up. Her dealings with the director's lesser lackeys have always been that of mindless adoration. (See Jesse.)

4) No she didn't. Azure was offering to go back to the hospital to get medical supplies and asked what kind of things were needed, and instead of answering, she refused to say anything and demanded Azure not talk with any other doctors about it either.

5) See 4. Azure was planning on going back to the hospital again for supplies to help study the monster spawn, in hopes that SOMEONE could figure SOMETHING out about them. But again, this was shunned.

6) Two days? Three days? And he turns from suspicious of the director and on Azure's side, to the director's loyal lackey and stonewalling Azure? I'm surprised she doesn't outright think he's hypnotized by her.

7) She's been trying to talk to NPCs for mission info and background info. From a purely IC standpoint, she's more likely to run into an NPC than a PC. And from a purely OOC standpoint, the NPCs know more than the PCs do. Two good reasons why she's attempted to question the NPCs about things, depending on which way you approach it.

8) Point taken, so I need to shorten my posts to one sentence each. Which means conversations are going to take place like the one with David on the roof. 3 pages of one line posts to try to hold a one minute conversation.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey BG if you don't understand what Luna just said she's basically saying that she only is the body of her sister and that's the only thing that they have in common...

Kinda like she switched souls or something.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

8) Point taken, so I need to shorten my posts to one sentence each. Which means conversations are going to take place like the one with David on the roof. 3 pages of one line posts to try to hold a one minute conversation.

(Sorry BG, I wanted to stay out but I can't help myself. X3)

Yes. Shorten your posts to EXACTLY one sentence each, Kayi. Obviously that's the only thing you can do.</sarcasm>

Just shorten your questions down so that there's more chance for people to react to what Azure has to say -- in an interview, it works exactly like that. The interviewer doesn't dump all of her questions on the interviewee all at once, even if she has them all listed down beforehand... so why is Azure trying to approach questioning NPC's that way?

If it's bothering you, write your questions out on a text pad and keep 'em in order to use them on different NPC's, if you're not getting what you want from the first. Write different ways of asking that question. Figure out how to chop that question into getting smaller pieces of information, since RJ is obviously more about dropping breadcrumbs than the whole loaf.

And ffs, try acting as mellow as you say you are. You try one method for getting things done with your character and if they don't work, you throw a hissy fit here about it. :\ It never ends -- once one thing is settled you move right into the next set of griping and indicate that you never really got over the initial gripe to begin with. Why are you still here if you're obviously so disgruntled with the system -- or is it that you're more entertained with bringing up old gripes over and over than actually having fun playing a game -- a hobby -- with other people who are trying to have fun?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Addressing number 8...

The main problem with the extended dialogue is that AWMBI is ultimately a PbP, and a laid back one at that. Now normally I would be one of the first to raging at one liner posts, but here it seems... "appropriate" at times. Naturally I'd still rage if a part called for a speech and got a single sentence instead, but "casual" conversation... well, there are ways of roleplaying it to make it stretch out, but blocks of text in every single situation ups the game's ante from a "laid-back" play by post game into an elitist semi-lit/lit roleplay where people take forever to interact with each other or are forced to collaborate OCC to finish a single post. Now believe me, those are entertaining in their own right, but I believe most of the people who joined AWMBI didn't want to have to be subject to that.

@TheWeirdOne: Err... more of, she's referring to that she's "dead inside". Meaning that she's a killer who's lost all purpose for her life.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey BG if you don't understand what Luna just said she's basically saying that she only is the body of her sister and that's the only thing that they have in common...

Kinda like she switched souls or something.

What should Iris say?
I can't think of anything...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Addressing number 8...

The main problem with the extended dialogue is that AWMBI is ultimately a PbP, and a laid back one at that. Now normally I would be one of the first to raging at one liner posts, but here it seems... "appropriate" at times. Naturally I'd still rage if a part called for a speech and got a single sentence instead, but "casual" conversation... well, there are ways of roleplaying it to make it stretch out, but blocks of text in every single situation ups the game's ante from a "laid-back" play by post game into an elitist semi-lit/lit roleplay where people take forever to interact with each other or are forced to collaborate OCC to finish a single post. Now believe me, those are entertaining in their own right, but I believe most of the people who joined AWMBI didn't want to have to be subject to that.

Actually, I wouldn't mind it. XD That's what Janna and I have been doing, sort of, and a little bit with Xivvix as well (though he hasn't been on as often!) I've probably had more fun tossing PM's to Janna to say "hay, what about doing this? Or this? How about we plan this for the next day!" and then playing it out when we get a chance, than in the grinding for levels in skills that Claire's got so far. I'm up for getting hit up with PM's from other players that want to do something aside from "HAY LET'S GO ON A MISSION OKAY" if they want it. I heart character interaction!

Also, DeMatt, I knew you'd have a fun character. XDD Too bad your earlier plan didn't follow through... if I could make a second character to replace futa-mina as a toy, I so would.

Oh man, I want to make a character just for that now... RJ's getting all the fun with playing Kitty!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

@TheWeirdOne: Err... more of, she's referring to that she's "dead inside". Meaning that she's a killer who's lost all purpose for her life.

Yeah I thought of it like that as well but with stuff like this there are a lot of ways to interpret it... I just thought that might be the best way to generalize it -_-
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm still not sure what to have Iris say.Maybe something like-

" Luna... Ill always care about you..."

Then have her start to cry whilst hugging her.
Buuuut that isn't all that great.
Ok I guess.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What should Iris say?
I can't think of anything...

Eh... let me give an "outline" of the overused cliche the conversation is currently starting to adapt:

Person A: I'm not who you think I am, I'm *insert bunch of self-pity crap*.
Person B: Even if you're/you've *insert bunch of self-pity crap*, you're still my *insert lover/friend/family*.
Person A: Even if I'm *insert related self-pity crap*.
Person B: Even if you're *insert related self-pity crap*.

This is generally followed by alot of emotion, with tears of happiness, promises to stay together forever, or other good stuff like that.

Up to you if you want to follow through with this though.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'd rather have Iris say something less... Over used.
I can't think of anything though.
I could just have Iris reply to Luna with a " Yes..." But that's not really good itself.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, you guys were saying that Iris may as well be the Director's biggest pawn... why not try to seal Luna in to something like that as well?

Iris: "You're not a corpse, so long as you've got me here, and the other women here -- they might not all fit your bill of non-sinners, but everyone in this hotel [barring slimes~!] is all that's left... if you're looking for a purpose, then defending this place is as good as any." blah blah blah, maybe something about Apple Inn being God's last bastion against the monstrous corruptions of the world (though it's sounding like the other way around at the moment, shhh. XD)

Give Luna her purpose of defending the inn and the gals in it, and maybe that will kick her back into gear? It'll also spread out her protective tendencies from just one woman (Iris) so perhaps she'll seem less the stalker and more the gung-ho warrior for good that she sounds like she wants to be.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Keylo was going to make Lunas purpose protecting Iris or something.

By the way i thought of something for Iris to say that doesn't totally suck.

" You're not just some blood stained corpse. You're my sister..."
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That's the problem, she doesn't have enough attachment to the Inn itself (yet) to want to defend everyone in the Inn. (Not to mention the fact there's a few people she has some form of disdain for.) Likely Luna has become more attached to Iris is that she's spent "more time" interacting with her/was the first one to greet her with "kindness" (which she hasn't received in a while). The rest?... (Well, this is likely her fault) Asides from Jess, I can't think of anyone she actually cares about enough to dedicate her life to protecting them at the moment. Although given time and with more interactions...

@BG: That sounds good, just toss a "and that will always be the case" at the end and I'd say it'd be perfect.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well... is there a way to convince her that even if she doesn't like everyone here, those people still help keep the place functioning and are indirectly linked to providing a safe space for Luna and Iris to have their heart-to-hearts to begin with? XD I'd think that'd count for something!

Who knows, maybe others will warm to her over time. ;P
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ should put up a "Rehabilitating the Insane Killer" mission

Then we should get like some insane god like power if we do it and succeed.