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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Point. And Luna will most likely state that it wasn't her place to be "weak"/etc.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Iris is more then likly going to make Luna promise her not to lie to her about being hurt again, lol.

So how was your trip?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Pretty good, got to see some interesting stuff, meet some people, yeah.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You better wake up Emily... I'm too lazy to make wake up posts rawr
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Keylo, Weird, here is my plan. I'm going to have Iris go and wake Emily up then check on Keylo, that way our characters can get together for a mission or something. We can do this as soon as Jesse is done using Iris as a fuck toy. Sound good?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You mean the chick with the baseball bat? Hmm... Maybe. I'm just worried about going on a mission like that...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Personally, I'm more inclined toward the zoo missions... I'm not a big fan of rescue missions, as they are generally wave after waves of monsters.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think it might be full... if it isn't then ZOO MISSION IT ISSSSS
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

We could make the rescue mission really short if our character's take Iris's car.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If you dont feel like a rescue mission Raptor opted for the auto rescue i was thinking about making a fleeing coward character but with the dip of interest it might be important keeping Vina since she is more combat orientated.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Weird seems to be fine with it and I havn't gotten to do a rescue mission yet so if Keylo is cool with it I'd like to go on a rescue mission to save Vina. Good thing Iris and Jesse are on such good terms at the moment, Iris can get some armor and bullets easily now.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

someone know, which characters are now baby machines in this moment?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lin and Vina...

I shall never rescue Lin though...

To piss off Zero
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I do feel like there ought to be a change to rescues... sure, it's not terribly realistic to have all the PC's auto-rescued. On the other hand, if you have to wait several in-game days doing nothing for a rescue, there's probably a good chance you'll leave the game.

My vote goes for "you get an option when you get captured"

1.) Get auto-rescued. You return to the inn at 0 stamina after a few real-life days and you lose favor with the inn because they had to send out employees to save your ass.

2.) Wait for rescue. The people who rescue you get more favor with the inn, and are given the opportunity to search the building you were found in while they're out there anyway. You return to the inn at 0 stamina as soon as you are rescued.

Either way, the GM picks a stat that improves slightly during your 'stay'. If you got rescued by a player, you have a small amount of energy left to pick an additional stat to raise by a small amount as long as it isn't physically intensive. (Or you can put that work into the stat the GM picked).

That way there's an incentive to rescue you and for you to await player action to get rescued, but you also don't have to keep waiting if you don't want to.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Either way, the GM picks a stat that improves slightly during your 'stay'.

I dont really like the whole levelling your stats up, i think you should get experience form the action in the field, and slowly level up the stat that way.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So, looking for a little input. My initial inclination for a speech delimiter is thus:


"This is Jenn speaking, and for some reason I feel the need to end a paragraph.

I'm still here, and talking out loud."

Now, Jenn is done talking and I'll continue. That first one was "Courier New" which gives me one lower sizes if I decide to whisper and of course plenty of larger or bolder ones for being loud in.

I'd considered bold or one of the bolded fonts for regular speech, but it felt too loud. And since I already use Italics for thought, that leaves me two real options: indentation and color. Indentation... well it would be fairly obvious since I don't indent regular paragraphs on the internet, but it looks kinda silly for multi-line speeches since nothing else is indented. I could do center but that fails for multi-line as well.


"So this is Jenn again, trying a dark green font. Green is a good color for Jenn, and I've seen others use color for speech. On the other hand, I personally don't like the really light colors - my background is white and my eye's hate me when I get tired (like, for example, late at night when people are active here >.>).

But I don't think the dark green should be too bad, right?"

On consideration, the changed font is clear, but only if you look closely. And if you're looking closely you saw the end quote in the first place (assuming I remember it, but then I could forget to close the font/color tag as easily). The green is much clearer at a casual glance, but I'm still unsure about posting in non-black font. Well, looking for opinions. Also I apologize for the first sentence of this post. Had to get it out of my system.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

My opinion is, black text is you describing the character:
Melissa stands and thinks for a moment.​
Quoted coloured text is the character speaking:
"I wouldn't say that talking is really my forte, but if you want me to give a speech, I can."
Italicized coloured text is the character thinking:
Do I really have to give MY opinion on this?
And I added a font change in my latest post to emphasize that Melissa is using the radio rather than talking normally.

I use bold and underline mainly for shifts in emphasis - think a character's voice getting louder as they move from speaking to yelling. And indents are useful for segregating out blocks of text from others, as above. Left-justification, centering, and right-justification are really tools for large blocks of text - like several paragraphs' worth. I don't think those'd have any real place in AWMBI posts.

As to dark versus light - well, yeah, the default background for the forum is light, so use a dark-coloured font. I use Navy, but it's not like I have a trademark on it or anything - somebody else could use Navy for their character, too - so if you prefer DarkGreen, that's entirely your choice.